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Instruction: What actions, attitudes, or practices can you commit yourself to promote
respect and reverence for the dignity of those you deal with daily? (3-5 paragraphs)

Humans living above the ground are diverse in nature. Considering the
multidimensional factors that might affect the person’s distinct characteristics compared
to others such as culture, upbringing by their families or parents, influences from their
peers, their religion, socioeconomic. Sometimes, chaos and misunderstandings occur
since their differences in ideology would emerge. However, despite of this diversity,
most people give importance to the value of goodness – they show and offer respect to
the dignity of others.

In line with this, conflict is an everyday part of life in the planet we currently
inhabit. There are as many different points of view, worldviews, and preferences among
humans as there are atoms in the universe. The vast majority of us prefer to believe that
we are open-minded and willing to see things from others' perspectives when necessary.
We understand the significance of treating others with dignity, and we make every effort
to do so.

The change we so desperately long for in this world is possible, but we have to
stop waiting for everybody else to show respect for one another, and start leading by
example. To begin with, here are some of the specific actions on how to do it. First, we
must begin with an open mind. Be willing to hear opposing opinions—even outrageous
ones—and learn about the worldview of people you don’t agree with. A sure way to shut
down a conversation before it ever gets started is to express judgment or condescension.
But if you are willing to listen, to genuinely hear the other person, conversations take
place. Relationships grow. If your goal is to genuinely show respect to others — even
those with whom you disagree — treat each person you encounter with the love and
dignity they deserve. Listen to them—not to change their mind, but to learn more about
who they are. This will make them feel respected and open more doors to peace than you
can imagine.

The second step is to pay attentive attention. Listening has almost become a lost
skill with the development of social media. It's simple to read a post on Twitter,
Facebook, or Instagram, send a comment in all caps, and then exit the conversation.
Listening in person is far more difficult. We hear people talking, but are we actually
paying attention? Or are we simply planning what we will say next? Stop worrying about
your argument or whether you agree or disagree, and instead concentrate on what the
other person is saying. Pay close attention to their emotions and tone. Try to figure out
where they're coming from.

Finally, seek understanding while keeping your emotions in check. Make an

honest effort to comprehend their stance. Even if you never completely agree, you will
have learned something new and made them feel appreciated. And understanding each
other is the foundation of a relationship. A connection is not formed by agreement.
Respecting the other and understanding who they are, on the other hand, fosters
connection and trust. Furthermore, to properly empathize with others, you must check
your emotions - regulate how you react, such as being aware with the pitch of your voice,
the intonation of how you speak, and the choice of words must be courteous enough to
make them feel appreciated and respected.

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