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ENGLISH WRITING Test 1 Version A Name:

Mark: ___/45

Text Messages Abbreviations:

TASK 1: Write the textese A in the proper English (B). /5pts
1. l8r later
2. c see
3. 2 two
4. xx kisses
5. u you

TASK 2: Write the following messages out in grammatically correct English. Use full stops, question marks, capital
letters and good spelling. /5pts
1 call me ASAP Call me as soon as possible?
2 you forgot ur coat You forgot your coat.
3 LOL. C U tmrw Laugh out loud. See you tomorrow.
4 RU coming to the party Are you coming to the party?
5 im w8ing 4U otside I’m waiting for you outside.

American vs British English:

TASK 3:The following should be written in British English, underline and correct any use of the words written in
American English (spelling or use of words). There are 10 mistakes with an example included ___/ 9pts

Last year, I decided to invite my neighbor for vacation in Italy. neighbor-neighbour

He had always been my best buddy, so he agreed. Vacation-holiday
cab- taxi
One evening we wanted to take a cab to the restaurant, buddy-mate
which was in the city center, but we couldn’t find one. Center-centre
What was more, they didn’t have subway there subway-underground

and we had to walk all the way to the square. Unfortunately, we came late and our table had been taken by
someone else.
Because my friend has a great sense of humor,
he thought it was funny and suggested that we had some French fries humor- humour
French fries- chips
on the sidewalk which he knew I would never accept. _pavement______________
However, hunger paralyzed my brain meal- dinner
and I had the worst best meal in my life that evening.

TASK 4: Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct word from the list below: /6pts
play miss left fair glasses match

1. And now, please, raise your _glasses ! 4. Did you miss me while I was away?
She has been wearing glasses since her childhood. Miss Smith won’t come today. She’s ill.
2. I think her hair is __fair . 5.He left without saying goodbye.
Daddy! It isn’t fair. Sam’s broken the window and you Standing to my left is my brother John.
blame me!! 6. You have to strike a match to lit the fire.
3. Shall we play cards or chess? Were you watching the football match yesterday?
Let’s go to the theatre tonight to see the new play
TASK 5: Look at the following sentences and decide whether they are written in American English (AE) or British
English (BE). /6pts

1 The school headmaster promised to look into the matter. BE

2 I’ve always lived in a flat. BE
3 I like different colors and flavors. AE
4 You’re the center of my universe. AE
5 And then I couldn’t hail a taxi so I had to travel by the tube. BE
6 A three-piece suit consists of trousers, jacket and waistcoat. BE

TASK 6:Choose the right word: /5pts

1.The clouds came out and the WEATHER turned sour.

a/weather b/ whether

2.I would love a PIECE of pizza.

a/ peace b/ piece

3.The plants will DIE without water.

a/ die b/ dye

4.We took HOUR time getting it right.

a/our b/hour

5. My sandwich was stuffed with MEAT

a/meet b/meat

TASK 7: Underline the homophones in these sentences: /9pts

1. It is not allowed to talk aloud in this room.

2. My brother ate eight apples.
3. Once I´ll live in a nice and quiet isle where nobody will disturb me.
4. A bear usually does not live in a bare place.
5. I have a problem with my left eye.
6. It´s not fair that they keep raising the bus fare.
7. I was fined for driving too fast but I could not find any money in my pocket.
8. I usually eat cereals when I watch serials.
9. Have you seen that neighbour´s new dog? It´s really cute and its eyes are so big.
10. Mark doesn´t know how to say no. He always does everything for others.

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