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Dear Jason,

Thanks for your letter – I always like to hear you. And thanks for inviting me to the school reunion. I was
very glad, because you didn`t forget about me!

But I`m terribly sorry, I can`t come. I`ll be great to meet you after such long time, but I live in another
country and because of my new work I can`t arrive to Ukraine in this month.

Do you communicate with our ex classmates? How are them? Because I only know about Mary, who
was my deskmate and best friend. Can you ask everyone about their lives? How are Michel and Jenna?
Are they still a couple? I'm very interested!

Also I have a small wish. Can you take some photos with our classmates and send it to me on Viber or
other social networks? Because I very miss you and hope that we will have one more school reunion and
I'll join you!

Say “hello” and “sorry” to everyone on my behalf!

I`m looking forward to hearing from you

Best wishes


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