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Hi friend,

Thanks for your email – it was great to hear from you! I’m glad to hear that you got in the uni you wanted the most –

Believe me I know how you feel, if it’s any consolation, you aren’t the only one who’s dreading. I also got excepted by uni
I wanted to study at. What’s more they said they have dorm rooms for studants and there are three people living in one,
imagine how petrified would I be, what if I won’t get along with them at all? But I guess there is no point in worrying
about that now, right? I mean we shouldn’t judge situation beforehead.

I see where you coming from with your question about leaving home – nearly all my friends are in the same situation at
the moment. I don’t know about you but leaving my family is what makes me anxious the most. I’ve never been so far
from my family for more than two weeks so that troubles me. Talking about fam how are yours doing? You told me your
sis is year younger than you, meaning she must be finishing school this year. Did she choose the uni yet? If she’ll need
help tell her I’m here to assist! Anyway, try not to worry about future too much.

Well, it’s time for me to go. Enjoy there last few weeks before moving out, and stay cool! I’m sure everything will turn out
all right in the end.

Best wishes,


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