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Identify the following terms that is being describe in each item.

_____________1. Comes from the latin word scientia meaning knowledge.

_____________2. It is a latin word for science.

_____________3. It is a system of acquiring knowledge.

_____________4. It is everything around and is anything that occupies space and has mass.

_____________5. Matter is made up of tiny particles called _________

_____________6. It is a state of matter that does not flow and has a definite size and shape.

_____________7. A state of matter wherein it has volume but no definite size and shape and only occupies the shape of the container.

_____________8. It cannot be seen, touched nor tasted but you can feel and smell it.

_____________9. A property of matter that lets material to absorb water and other liquids.

_____________10. These are the materials that absorb water.

_____________11. These are the materials that cannot absorb water.

_____________12. It refers to the amount of water in a given space.

_____________13. The material will ________ if it has a density that is greater than water.

_____________14. The material will ________ if it has less density than water.

_____________15. It is a tendency of an object to float or rise when put in a liquid.

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