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Mix Pronouns Exercise

Complete the sentences with the right pronoun (subject pronoun, possessive pronoun, possessive adjective,
object pronoun, reflexive pronoun)

1. I´ve got her.. sweater. (she)

2. Is it your….... suitcase or ..his..…? (you/he)
3. Is this …his.... car? (he)
4. It isn´t his….. car, it is hers… (He/she)
5. She gave the letter to her secretary. (she)
6. The decision is theirs (they)
7. The police officer asked me for my address. (I)
8. These are my cousins. (I)
9. They are not my keys. (I)
10. They aasked us to invite them (they/we)
11. This is Bea : we have known her for years. (We/she)
12. We watch him for hours.(he)
13. Who´s got my money? (I)
14. Whose jacket is this? Is it yours…? (you)
15. You know it´s not your… money. It is yours(you/I)
16. Who can tell us the truth. (we)
17. His .house is near hers. (he/she)
18. Where is the post office? I think it is on Grey Street.
19. John went to the cinema with Sara and me . (I)
20. Louis asked her to marry him (she/he)
21. Sophie and her brother are going to Miami.
22. She bought it for them(it/they)

23. I must watch how you (you) speak with others.

24. Don't tell me (I) what I (I) should do.

25. I passed my B1 test and Damian congratulated me.(I/ I)

26. Don't talk to me (I) go and rest for an hour.

27. The teacher answered my (I) question in a very nice way.

28. This song has been written for her (she)

29. Can you lend me (I) a dictionary?

30. Don't hurt yourself while cutting it. (you)

31. Show me around the house and we can start dinner.

32. Remind her to water the flowers when we're away.(she)

33. Can you tell me where the toilet is? hate teacher is going to retire next week. (we)

34. These biscuits are for them and those sweets are for us (they/we)

35. We saw James in the supermarket yesterday but he didn't see us

36. I didn't mend the lamp myself, my husband helped me (I/I)

37. My little son hurt himself while he was playing with his friends. (he/they)

38. You're impossible. I will not tolerate your behaviour any longer.

39. George and Susi hate ........ .(cats)

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