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Analysis Of Book “This Is How You Heal” by Brianna Wiest

Lecturer: Dr. Muhammad Fajri,MA

Create by:

Name : Melly Adelia Arisanti

Class : 4E

NIM : E1D021095




1. What is it about?
This Is How You Heal is a book written by Brianna Wiest in 2022. Themes of this book are mental
health, psychology, and self help. The book explores the mind-body connection and how it can be
harnessed for healing. Wiest indicates the importance of identifying the root causes that cause pain and
suffering, which can range from childhood trauma to social conditioning, and offers readers a step-by-
step method for identifying and removing these barriers.

This book was written against the background of the author's personal experience with chronic
illness and anxiety. Therefore, the context of health is important in discussing this book, both physically
and mentally. Wiest also includes a variety of psychological ideas into his book to aid readers in
understanding and putting these ideas to use in their daily life. Such as cognitive behavioral therapy and
neuroplasticity. In order to encourage readers to find inner peace and understand how these practices
might speed up the healing process, Wiest also discusses spiritual topics in her book, such as health and

The author, Brianna Wiest, wrote "This Is How You Heal" to share her personal experiences with
chronic illness and emotional trauma and to provide readers with practical tools and techniques to heal
themselves from the inside out. The book is also a product of Wiest's own journey towards wellness, as
she sought to find answers and solutions to her own health challenges. By sharing her own story and
offering a roadmap for healing, Wiest hopes to inspire others to take charge of their own health and well-
being and to embrace a proactive and self-compassionate approach to healing.

2. What makes this book interesting?

This book takes a holistic approach to health and healing, emphasizing the importance of balancing
body, mind, and spirit. With this method, readers are given a more thorough understanding of health and
well-being. This book offers helpful guidance on how to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional
well-being. The advice is easy to understand and can be easily implemented in daily life.

In This Is How You Heal, spiritual practices and perspectives are incorporated into the healing
process, providing readers with a new perspective on healing that is sometimes ignored in conventional
medical treatments that readers are drawn to. Readers will find this book more interesting and
approachable because the author shares personal tales and experiences.
The combination of a holistic approach, practical advice, spiritual perspective, and personal
anecdotes makes "This Is How You Heal" an engaging and inspiring book for anyone looking to improve
their health and well-being.


1. Mental Health
 Anxiety
Anxiety is a major issue that Brianna Wiest discusses in "This Is How You Heal". Wiest recognizes
the negative effects that anxiety may have on mental health and offers advice on how to control and get
rid of it. The necessity of understanding anxiety triggers and establishing healthy coping skills to manage
stress and negative feelings is emphasized throughout the book. Wiest offers a variety of breathing
techniques and mindfulness techniques that might assist people in managing their anxiety in the moment.
Wiest also encourages readers to practice self-compassion and to avoid self-judgment when
experiencing anxiety. She emphasizes the importance of self-care in managing anxiety, such as getting
enough rest, exercise, and healthy nutrition. Furthermore, the book explores the underlying causes of
anxiety, such as childhood experiences, environmental factors, and negative thought patterns. Wiest
provides guidance on how to identify and address these underlying issues to better manage anxiety in the
long term.
"This Is How You Heal" offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to managing anxiety,
providing practical advice on both the immediate and underlying causes of anxiety. The book encourages
readers to take an active role in their own mental health and well-being, and provides practical tools and
strategies to help them achieve this.

 Depression
Another significant mental health condition covered in depth in "This Is How You Heal" by Brianna
Wiest is depression. The book addresses the negative effects that depression may have on a person's
mental health and offers helpful advice on how to cope with and get through it.

The book emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help when dealing with depression, such
as seeing a therapist or psychiatrist. Wiest also suggests various self-care practices that can help
alleviate depressive symptoms, such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough rest. The book
explores the underlying causes of depression, such as negative thought patterns, traumatic
experiences, and genetics. Wiest provides guidance on how to identify and address these underlying
issues to better manage depression in the long term.

Wiest also encourages readers to practice self-compassion and to avoid self-judgment when
experiencing depression. She emphasizes the importance of setting small goals and taking small steps
to improve mental health and well-being. This book offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to
managing depression, providing practical advice on both the immediate and underlying causes of
depression. The book encourages readers to take an active role in their own mental health and well-
being, and provides practical tools and strategies to help them achieve this.

 Trauma
Trauma is a significant topic that is discussed in detail. The book emphasizes the importance of
seeking professional help when dealing with trauma, such as seeing a therapist or counselor. Wiest
also suggests various self-care practices that can help individuals cope with the emotional and
physical effects of trauma, such as mindfulness, journaling, and spending time in nature.

"This Is How You Heal" explores the various types of trauma, including childhood trauma,
interpersonal trauma, and complex trauma. Wiest provides guidance on how to identify and address
the specific effects of these different types of trauma. Wiest also emphasizes the importance of
working through the trauma in a safe and supportive environment. This may involve confronting
difficult emotions and memories, but Wiest provides practical strategies for coping with these
challenges and overcoming the impact of trauma on one's life.

2. Self Healing
 Spirituality
The book emphasizes the importance of spirituality as a tool for healing and personal growth,
regardless of one's religious beliefs. Wiest explains that spirituality involves a sense of connection to
something greater than oneself, and encourages readers to explore their own spiritual beliefs and
practices. The book provides practical guidance on various spiritual practices that can aid in healing
and personal growth, such as meditation, prayer, and gratitude. The book emphasizes the importance
of developing a sense of purpose and meaning in life, which can be achieved through spiritual
practices. Wiest encourages readers to explore their values and passions, and to align their actions
with these principles.

Wiest also explores the connection between spirituality and mental health, explaining how spiritual
practices can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. She emphasizes the importance of self-
reflection and self-awareness in developing a deeper sense of spirituality.

Overall, "This Is How You Heal" offers a holistic approach to spirituality, providing practical
guidance on various spiritual practices that can aid in personal growth and healing. The book
encourages readers to explore their own spiritual beliefs and practices, and provides tools and
strategies to help them achieve a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.

 Mindfulness
Mindfulness is discussed as an essential tool for promoting mental and emotional well-being. The
book emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment, and cultivating a non-judgmental
awareness of one's thoughts and feelings.

Wiest explains that mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment,
and encourages readers to develop a regular mindfulness practice. The book provides practical
guidance on various mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and body scanning.
The book explores the connection between mindfulness and mental health, explaining how
mindfulness practices can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Wiest emphasizes the
importance of self-compassion and self-care in developing a regular mindfulness practice, and
encourages readers to prioritize their own well-being.

The book also acknowledges that developing a regular mindfulness practice can be challenging, and
provides practical strategies for overcoming obstacles and maintaining a consistent practice. Wiest
emphasizes the importance of patience, persistence, and self-reflection in developing a regular
mindfulness practice.

Overall, "This Is How You Heal" emphasizes the importance of mindfulness as a tool for promoting
mental and emotional well-being. The book provides practical guidance on various mindfulness
techniques, and encourages readers to prioritize their own self-care and well-being.

3. Personal Development
 Self Reflection
Wiest discusses various strategies and techniques for personal development, including self-reflection.
The book encourages readers to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and to work on developing
skills and qualities that will help them achieve their goals.

Furthermore, the book emphasizes the importance of self-care in personal development. Wiest
explains that taking care of oneself, both physically and emotionally, is essential for achieving
personal growth and healing. The book provides practical guidance on various self-care techniques,
such as exercise, meditation, and spending time in nature.

Additionally, the book acknowledges that personal development is a journey that requires patience
and persistence. Wiest encourages readers to embrace the ups and downs of the journey, and to view
challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Overall, "This Is How You Heal" emphasizes the importance of personal development as a tool for
achieving a fulfilling life. The book provides practical guidance on various strategies and techniques
for personal development, and encourages readers to prioritize their own self-care and well-being.

 Positive Habits
Positive habits are behaviors or routines that promote mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
Wiest explains that developing positive habits can help individuals cultivate a sense of discipline and
control, which can improve self-esteem and confidence. The book provides practical guidance on
various positive habits, such as exercise, meditation, healthy eating, and self-care practices.

"This Is How You Heal" emphasizes the importance of consistency and persistence when developing
positive habits. Wiest explains that it can take time to develop new habits, and encourages readers to
approach this process with patience and self-compassion.

Furthermore, the book acknowledges that everyone's journey towards developing positive habits is
unique, and encourages readers to experiment with different habits to find what works best for them.
It also emphasizes the importance of setting realistic and achievable goals when developing positive

Overall, "This Is How You Heal" emphasizes the importance of developing positive habits as a tool
for personal growth and healing. The book provides practical guidance on various positive habits, and
encourages readers to approach this process with patience, self-compassion, and experimentation.

4.Message from the book

The message of "This Is How You Heal" by Brianna Wiest is that healing is a journey that requires
self-reflection, positive habits, and a willingness to face and process past traumas and emotional
wounds. The book emphasizes that healing is not a linear process, and that it requires patience, self-
compassion, and persistence.

Wiest emphasizes that healing is not just about fixing the past, but also about cultivating a positive
present and future. She encourages readers to focus on developing positive habits and routines that
promote mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and to approach this process with a sense of
curiosity and experimentation.

The book emphasizes the importance of self-reflection as a tool for personal growth and healing.
Wiest encourages readers to take the time to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and to
use this self-awareness to make intentional decisions and actions that align with their personal goals
and values.

Overall, the message of "This Is How You Heal" is that healing is a multifaceted journey that requires
self-reflection, positive habits, and a commitment to personal growth and development. The book
encourages readers to approach this process with patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to
embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with it.

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