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Discovering the whole YOU
By Gael Riverz, ND, Ir, CS

Inner Visions – Iridology

Copyright © 2009 by Gael Riverz, ND. All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system without
the permission in writing from the publisher

Published by:

Gael Riverz, ND

ISBN: 978-1-60458-4431-1
Printed in the United States of America Distributed by Gael Riverz, ND

Original Cover Design by Morgan Pfaff

All photography by Gael Riverz unless otherwise mentioned Business
management and technical support services by Peter Klein Graphic Art
Services by Steve Staal
This book is dedicated to John Andrews who has been my mentor and
inspiration in the field of iridology. He shines!
….Gael Riverz, ND

Thank you to my children, Morgan, Aaron, Adam, and Lauren who inspire
me with their beautiful individual essences, and whom I love with all my
heart. Special thanks to Morgan for the idea. To Jim, for understanding and
support. Thank you to all the Board members of IIPA and ICI for their
encouragement. Heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Jane Smolnik, ND who is a
beloved friend and co-creator in our dreams. And my appreciation for the
role played by the fascinating, wonderful people I have encountered in my
studies of iridology, from both the USA and abroad.


Introduction 1 Looking At Your Own Eyes 4 Brown Eye 6 Blue Eye 12

Mixed Color Eye 17 Diagrams 22 Definitions Of Major Iris Markers 23
Accumulations As Seen in the Iris 27 Notable Signs As Seen By Your
Iridologist 33 Charts Of The Iris 40 Miosis– Small Pupil 46 Mydriasis–
Large Pupil 48 The Pupil in Iridology 51 Important Aspects of the Collarette
and IPB 54 A Case History– Father and Daughter 59 A Case History of One
Young Man 62 The Heart of the Matter 66 Some History of Iridology 69
Gallery of Iris Photos 78 Debunking the Myths 90 Iridology in the 21st
Century– Research 94

Contents, continued: Emotional Iridology 107

Sclerology Signs in the Eye 113
Charts of the Sclera 122
Spiritual Iridology 125
Serious Signs– Research 131
A Final Note from the Author 138
Acknowledgements 139
References and Resources 141
Sources 143
“The eyes, like sentinels, hold the highest place in the body”
……..Marcus Tullius Cicero

Imagine having the choice to either close your eyes to what the future holds
for you, or to know in advance what probabilities could occur long before
the actuality. How would you react? Would you want to know that you had a
particular predisposition to diabetes or arthritis, so that you could take the
necessary steps toward prevention? Iridology holds this key.

All people should have choices. Genetic tendencies for chronic and
degenerative diseases can be determined well in advance of symptoms
through study of the eyes. It is imperative for people to know that they can
benefit from a non-invasive science that might inform them of the potentials
that lie ahead, further enabling choices to take preventive measures.

The intent of this book is to introduce and validate the science of iridology to
the general public. Iridology has been in existence for over 3,000 years, but
is just gaining respect in the United States in the past several decades. It is of
great benefit that the average person understands the valuable tool for
analysis available to them in iridology.

In addition, the many scientists, medical doctors, naturopaths, and

researchers who have dedicated themselves to various areas of iridology and
sclerology deserve the honor and notoriety that I will endeavor to credit
them in this book. It will serve the public to know the lengths that are being
taken all around the world to promote and prove the reliability of this
wonderful science.

While certified iridologists may vary in their focus, they all attempt to
present this noble science with integrity and attention to a certain „standard‟
of accepted and proven factual evidence.

Research in all areas of iridology is on a rapid rise, particularly due to the

advancement in technology which allows clarity through magnification and
digital imaging. It should be noted that the bulk of research is being
performed largely in countries other than the USA. This is due to the
unprecedented respect and acceptance of Iridology by the traditional medical
field in Europe and other countries.

Iridology is the science and practice of analyzing the iris, the most complex
external structure of the human anatomy. The practice of iridology is
expanding rapidly as it is becoming known as a valuable tool for preventive
healthcare. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by
way of the brain and nervous system. It is in direct contact with the
bioenergetic, bio-chemical, structural, hormonal, and metabolic processes of
the body via the nerves, blood vessels, muscle fibers, and lymph.
Holistically it is used to accurately assess the physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual patterns for valuable health analysis. It is completely painless,
non-invasive, and economically viable while providing constructive
information for restorative and preventive health care.

Several years ago, during an advanced iridology class with Dr. David J.
Pesek, PhD, I met a classmate who was a surgeon from Russia. This doctor
told me that in his country iridology was treated with respect and was widely
used. He went on to explain that when a patient went to a clinic or hospital,
the first practitioner they were sent to was the iridologist. The iridologist was
meant to determine the root cause of the patient‟s difficulties. From that
point the patient was directed to a specialist that could further help them.
This is just one country abroad. There are many more countries where the
medical community does not look upon iridology with a jaundiced eye (pun
intended). It is definitely time that iridology receives the respect it deserves
in our medical community. It is also past time that the public learns of the
value of iridology and how it can serve them as a non-menacing means of
preventive medicine.

What misbegotten occurrences have created this impression that iridology is

„hocus pocus‟? In the chapter of this book entitled “Debunking the Myths”
you will read some of the unfortunate misconceptions that have circulated.
Certainly you will see that there are many respected medical doctors who are
using iridology in their practices.

I will not attempt to get into such great detail that one could pick up this
book and do a complete self analysis. This is not possible, nor safe without
the extensive training and experience of a certified iridologist. This book
will give you a general understanding of iridology and prompt you to
explore further. My hope is that you will enjoy finding a glimpse of yourself
through your eyes.
The suggestions for diet changes and herbal supplementation are merely
generalized proposals and not „prescriptions for certain iris colors‟.
Iridologists in the United States do not attempt to diagnose disease, and the
information in this book most certainly is no more than a guide for
understanding the generalities of the three major iris colors, as well as
providing some understanding of the markers that iridologists use for
interpretation. The science of iridology is very exacting, and by no means
does this book attempt to do any more than begin that intriguing journey into
comprehension of how iridology can encourage individuals to know their
unique body, mind, and spirit.

The iris will alert us to the early signs of approaching serious conditions. As
assessments are made, and the stressors understood, proper corrective
measures can be applied. Thus the eye is the very aware „informant‟ about
the cause of body stresses and weaknesses. Iridologists trained in
interpreting the indications portrayed in the eye have the advantage of
occupying „command central‟ rather than a peripheral monitor such as
blood, hair, tongue, or urine analysis, which does not have full access to all
of the body‟s information, although each of these diagnostic systems
provide specific valuable knowledge. Practically speaking, the right hand
may not know what the left hand is doing, but the brain center knows what
both hands are doing simultaneously and the eye is privy to that information.

Iridology and sclerology, combined with sound nutritional advice and wise
application, can provide people with the ability to consciously take charge of
their health and longevity, overcome and alleviate excess stress, and live a
happier and healthier life.

Gael Riverz, ND
Disclaimer: The information in the book has not been evaluated by the FDA. This book contents, author, or statements therein, do not in any way attempt to diagnose or treat disease.

Looking At Your Own Eyes

“The greatest magnifying glasses In the world are a man‟s own eyes When
they look upon his own person.” ……..Alexander Pope
Using a magnifying glass and light is a simple way to examine your eyes. In
this manner you can get a general idea of color, additional pigments and
position of furrows, lacunae, and the presence of accumulations.

A 4 power lens is frequently used by iridologists who do not have digital

imaging and microscopic equipment. These are generally quite reasonable
and can be found at a variety of stores. The light used is simply an
inexpensive penlight and is easily obtainable at most pharmacies or office

Position yourself in front of a mirror, holding the lens approximately 2

inches from your eye. Move it back and forth until it is comes into focus.
Shine the light to illuminate your iris from all angles; from the sides,
laterally and medially, and from both top and bottom, superior and anterior.
This allows you to view the eye from all four quadrants to get a more
complete representation of your iris.

Remember that this viewing is for general knowledge in keeping with the
information in this book and how it may relate to you personally. It is not
appropriate for self assessment of a detailed and refined analysis, as this
should be performed and interpreted by a skilled and highly trained

It can be fun to find out that the green eyes you thought you had are really
mixed color irises consisting of color combinations that include blue and

Or you may find that the brown eye you were so sure of really has some blue
in it. These discoveries open up new potentials for understanding the real
you and your ancestral origins.

Most highly qualified iridologists today use very high tech equipment
consisting of a microscope and digital camera combination which can image
the iris in great detail. While looking at the iris with a lens and light is truly
not sufficient to make a thorough assessment, you will find that looking
closely at your irises is just good fun and can lead to a desire to discover

Brown Eyes (Hematogenic)


“Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye…it

also includes the inner pictures of the soul.”
……..Edvard Munch

Brown eyes are the most common iris type found in the world. Brown eyes
may appear as light brown, medium, dark, or black brown. They are an even
color when viewed with a magnifier or microscope, without areas of
differing color pigmentation.

Mixed color (Biliary) eyes are often mistaken for brown eyes, but close
examination will reveal areas of various genetic color other than brown.
Common Physical Tendencies

If your ancestors have passed on the genes for brown eyes, they have also
passed on a certain likelihood for physical conditions. As previously stated,
this does not mean that those with blue or mixed color irises cannot
experience these same conditions, nor does it carry a certainty that you will.
The evidence through historical study is that people with brown eyes are
predisposed most typically to conditions of the blood. These include
difficulty with iron metabolism, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis, liver and
gall bladder congestion, digestive disturbance, blood serum and glandular
disorders, and plaque or fatty build-up in veins and arteries. Often liver
malfunction and toxicity can lead to skin conditions.

Heart and circulation symptoms are not uncommon, particularly due to a

tendency for inorganic salt or plaque build-up. The blood of the person with
a hematogenic eye is good, warm blood that tends to be viscous due to
nitrogenous wastes and uric acids. In some, the liver/gallbladder connection
can lead to stomach and bowel discomfort. Thyroid function is quite often a

The liver is the largest gland in the body and is in charge of at least 500
duties that have scientifically been named. It produces an alkaline digestive
juice called bile which is stored in the gallbladder. Approximately one fourth
of the body‟s blood supply is in the liver when a person is at rest. This gives
you a glimpse of the association of the liver and your blood. Being the
“chemical plant” of the body, the liver receives blood from the portal system
and converts nutrients into useable products for your health. It is in charge of
protein production and storage, as well as the control of byproducts of
protein metabolism. The liver also forms glucose from noncarbohydrates and
converts glucose to glycogen. It oxidizes fatty acids and synthesizes
lipoproteins, phospholipids and cholesterol. The list of your liver‟s weighty
jobs goes on and on.

The good news is that, knowing your potential predispositions, you can take
preventive measures. This means changes in diet, proper supplementation,
and awareness of emotional stressors.

Thought and Emotional Tendencies

In Chinese medicine, liver and gallbladder difficulties are associated with

the emotion of anger. All people feel anger, but from a standpoint of genetic
predisposition, brown eyed people are more likely to have issues with anger
being either buried or out of control.

It is interest ing to think of the common phrases such as: “I was so angry it
made my blood boil” or “I saw red”. Once again we see connections to
Understanding these sources of anger can be the first step in letting go of this
emotion that can be so damaging when held within. Every person has
something that works best for them. There are a number of helpful ways to
deal with emotional issues. Meditation, prayer, therapy, yoga, flower
essences, energy work, or simple confirmations. The mind is extremely
powerful and it will believe whatever we tell it.

Dr. Imoto in his book, “The Secret Life of Water”, has conducted tests which
prove the power that simple words can have on water. A simple word or
phrase spoken, or a thought, such as „love‟, „anger‟, „I am thankful‟, will
change the crystalline structure of a water molecule. Just imagine the
ramifications of this. The body is 89% water, the earth is 71 % water, and the
EYES are 98% water!

Avoid negative expressions and words that feed the anger within. When you
find yourself ready to spout statements similar to: “I hate that!”, “I‟ll get
even”, or “You can‟t make me”; stop and re-word those statements. Look
into the mirror and say aloud such affirmations as: “I love”, “I forgive”, and
“I choose to create joy and understanding”. Or simply repeating the
appropriate affirmations to yourself throughout the day could help to release
long held emotions that do not serve you.

It is no secret among natural health practitioners as well as western, or

allopathic, medical doctors, that stress and strong emotions impact physical
health. Here again we see the strong connection between „Body, Mind, and
Spirit‟. There is, quite simply, no physical illness that does not have some
emotional component.

In my office I often see people with definitive signs in the iris that represent
emotional issues that they have not dealt with. There are a number of ways
to see this evidence of emotion, thought, and spiritual needs. One of them is
noticing furrows in the brain flair area. This is the area most highly
developed and researched by psychologist and iridology teacher, Dr. David
J. Pesek, PhD.

When I bring forth these emotional issues, often people respond with some
perplexity, not quite recognizing what I am referring to. Invariably, I will
receive a call from them later, saying that they finally came to a realization
of the issue. This inability to grasp what I have given them to think about
happens because the furrows are most frequently dark in color, which
indicates a„hypo‟ situation. Therefore, the emotions can be stuffed down
deep in the psyche. Bringing an issue forward into awareness may be the
first step toward release.

One incident in particular touched me deeply. A 35 year old man came to my

office seeking an alternative approach to his condition of high blood
pressure. This was a highly successful man with his own thriving business.
He carried himself with self-confidence and his strength was apparent both
physically and in a seeming display of control. In relaying to him the various
things seen in his irises, I said, “I have a hunch that a primary female figure
in your life (left eye) had a very strong impact on you. She created in you a
concern for your ability to survive. While moments before, this man had
resembled an immovable rock, now tears sprang to his eyes. His hands
cupped his face and he said, “How do you know this about me?” I replied, “I
know nothing but what your eyes tell me, I do not know details, and you
needn‟t tell me. But it‟s important for you to hear this.”

When he‟d taken some time to collect himself, he chose to tell me that he
had grown up in a small South American village. His father had left long
ago, and he never knew him. His mother spent the day in their tiny, barren
hut. She remained intoxicated for the most part, unable to face life and care
for her sons. Though a small boy himself, each day he took his younger
brother by the hand and they went from villager to villager begging for food.
In this manner he and his sibling were able to survive, but not without
emotional, and much later, physical consequences.

An important implication from an experience such as this is that the

connection, once again, returns to the liver. This gentleman was carrying a
great deal of unresolved anger toward his mother, as well as the unfairness
associated with what he had to endure as a child. We hold anger in the liver,
and the liver processes and detoxifies blood. Whenever a client presents with
a history of hypertension, I generally address the liver. However, if the
emotions are hanging onto a great deal of anger, then herbal supplements or
medications alone will not solve the problem. The issues of anger must be
dealt with in order to thoroughly correct the situation from a natural

Nutrition and Supplements

Considering the chief role that the liver plays in the hematogenic brown iris,
the most important health consideration is detoxification. There are many
forms of detoxification. Some people like to do regular colonics under the
direction of a good colon hydrotherapist. For others, a regular herbal colon
cleanse will help to keep the liver and blood clean, and help to eliminate
build up of plaque on the colon walls.

Reduction of saturated fats is important for all of us, no matter what our
heritage, but brown eyed people frequently have a particular problem with
digestion of fats. Their system can only handle a ratio of 1 good to 1 bad fat.
Avoid cooked fats of all types, any hydrogenated fats, and anything that
comes in a box will probably have some hydrogenated fat. Look for cold
pressed or expeller pressed fats. Olive oil that is first cold pressed is great.
Remember that most of your hormones are made of protein and carried by
fat. So please don‟t try to eliminate beneficial fats from your diet.

The use of bad fats cannot be underestimated. They are standard in the
American diet and are directly correlated with an increase in heart disease,
cancer and ADD/ADHD, as well as many other illnesses too numerous to
mention. I have actually had clients who felt they were getting a source of
vegetables by using polyunsaturated fats that are labeled as „vegetable oil‟.
This fat is not only unstable when heated, but it destroys the myelin sheath
of nerves and further will slow down thyroid function. One way to know
your oil choice is wrong is if it stays in liquid form even if it is refrigerated
or frozen. These types of fats should only be used when they are expeller
pressed and then should always be added only when the cooking is
complete, so they are not exposed to heat.

Coconut oil is wonderful, good for the thyroid as well, and it is heat stable,
so you can use it in your stir fry. One to two teaspoons of coconut oil daily is
a good formula. Your omega 3 oils, such as fish oil are another source of
necessary fat. It‟s important to know that your immune system is completely
hormone driven. People tend to think of hormones just in terms of sexual
hormones, but our bodies are dependent on a variety of hormones.

Your diet should be rich in blood building foods, such as dark leafy green
vegetables, and red vegetables such as beets (iron). Make sure you have
good sources of fiber daily, such as psyllium hulls, freshly ground flax seeds,
etc. Very importantly, it is necessary that you are able to digest your food
and supplements. Without proper digestion, all your good efforts are going
to waste. A good dietary food enzyme supplement should be taken with each
meal. This should contain amylase, protease, cellulase, and lipase. For
anyone over 25 or 30, this should also contain hydrochloric acid, since the
parietal cells in our stomachs produce less hydrochloric acid to break down
proteins as we age.

Herbals and Supplementation

Milk Thistle - is classified as a hepatic (liver), antioxidant, and alterative

herb. It was used in Europe as a well known remedy for liver problems and
as a digestive aid. Milk thistle has a complex of compounds known as
solitarian which are actually known to protect the liver against some toxins
and help increase the function of this busy organ. Researchers have found
that solitarian works almost exclusively on the kidneys and liver. It
apparently moves in a cycle from blood plasma to the liver bile and
concentrates in the liver cells, counteracting the destructive activity of
poisons or toxins that enter the body. The properties of milk thistle have
been confirmed in animal studies to be a protection in liver disorders. Other
studies indicate that milk thistle is beneficial for severe liver disorders such
as hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as general liver restoration and
strengthening. Milk thistle also stimulates protein synthesis.

Devils Claw - is anti-inflammatory and a blood purifier among other things.

It has been used in Africa for centuries to treat various ailments without any
harmful side effects. Besides liver problems, devil‟s claw has been used for
arthritis and gout, rheumatism, kidney, and bladder disorders. One study
showed that, taken as a tea, it was beneficial in lowering cholesterol and fat

Dandelion - is a hepatic, alterative, and blood purifier. This herb has a long
history of use. Effective for fevers, diarrhea, fluid retention, liver congestion,
and skin ailments, dandelion has been used by Europeans for at least 50

Red Clover - is a wonderful antibiotic and blood purifier. Herbalists have

used red clover to rid the body of toxins, bronchitis, and spasmodic
conditions. Research is ongoing regarding the benefits of red clover as a
cancer treatment, but has not been validated as yet. The list of ailments that
red clover has been traditionally used for is long and impressive.These are
but a few of the herbals that have a strengthening and cleansing effect on the
liver. See your health practitioner to find which supplements, homeopathics,
and diet changes are most effective for you.
Blue Eyes (Lymphatic Iris)
“Where did you get your eyes so blue? Out of the
sky as I came through.”
……..George MacDonald

Blue eyes are called „lymphatic‟ by iridologists because a main physical

characteristic of blue eyed people is a genetic tendency for lymphatic

Blue irises can appear primarily blue with shadings of blue-white, whiteblue,
blue-gray, or blue-black.
Physical Tendencies
If you were born with blue eyes you most likely came into this world
carrying an ancestral predisposition to kidney and lymph congestion, an
over- acid body chemistry is common, arthritis and rheumatic conditions,
skin eruptions, and irritation of the mucosal tissues. Tonsils, appendix,
peyers patches, spleen, and all immune tissue are included and one or more
may be affected.

Lymph congestion would result in frequent colds, or a possible immune

system dysfunction. Infections may be common, such as ear infections, sinus
infections, and swelling of the lymph nodes. The lymph fluid which flows
throughout the body is a clear liquid derived from blood plasma and is rich
in cells. As the blood plasma circulates throughout the body, some of it
passes out of the circulatory system and becomes interstitial fluid (or
lymph). Lymph is returned to the venous system through two large
lymphatic ducts, the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct. The lymph
system transports absorbed fats away from the digestive tract and into the
circulatory system. Since our hormones are carried by fats, you can see the
vital importance of this system.

The lymph system provides immunological defense against disease causing

agents. This fluid filters through nodes which contain phagocytic cells and
germinal centers which produce lymphocytes. The strength of our immune
system is reliant on the lymphatic system.

Blood tends to dump excess toxins into the lymph fluid. Lymph has no exit
from the body, so it relies on the detoxification body systems of the colon,
kidney, respiratory, and skin to provide the passage for cleansing.

In this manner, while the lymphatic system is the primary area of weakness
for blue eyed people, the major elimination systems of kidney, colon, and
respiratory are still as important for blue eyed people as they are for other
color eyes.

While one bodily system may need extra nurturing, we must treat the body
as a whole systematic working entity, and not deny awareness of full body

Emotional Tendencies
The lymphatic system most closely relates to the emotion of apathy. Often a
person who has a strong genetic code for the lymphatic emotional
predisposition will have difficulty receiving. Examples of how this issue can
manifest are feeling inadequate to receive gifts, to receive love from others
or even oneself, or an inability to receive compliments. Have you ever had
someone say, “That‟s a nice outfit on you.” and your reply may be “Oh, this
old thing, I‟ve had this forever.” Rather than saying a simple, “Thank you, I
appreciate that!” we tend to undermine ourselves by not accepting a

Self-esteem may be an issue. Negative thought patterns are likely to be on

the order of: “I‟m not good enough”, “I don‟t feel like it.”, “I just can‟t do
it, so why even try.” ,or “What‟s the use?” These issues of self limitation
can most certainly be overcome. They may vary dramatically with each

Spoken affirmations could include: “I am worthy”, “I deserve to be happy, I

deserve to achieve success and recognition.”, “I can do anything I decide to
do, and I can succeed at it.”, “I love myself and I am worthy of love from
others.” These people could work on feelings of personal empowerment to
negate the sense of vulnerability.

Nutritional Supplementation and Diet Changes

A mother came to my office with her five year old daughter. She was at her
wit‟s end, as is so often the case before someone seeks alternative
modalities. For two years the child had had chronic ear infections of such
severity that she went once or twice weekly to a major hospital to have her
ears flushed out. The consequence of these constant infections and scar
tissue was, sadly, that the child was beginning to go deaf. The young mother
looked as though her heart would break when she said, “She‟s so brave, the
flushing is terribly painful, but she bears it as quietly as she can.” The family
was beginning to learn sign language.

A look in the child‟s eyes showed a lovely blue iris with very much
congestion in the lymphatic system. It also revealed a colon that was
sluggish and toxic. How could a colon become toxic at so young an age?
Quite easily really, if the genetics prove that the colon is sluggish from birth.
The toxins will accumulate, causing mucous congestion and re-entry of toxic
substances through the permeable barrier of the intestinal walls. A diet
change which eliminated all dairy (which is mucus forming) and herbal and
vitamin supplements to encourage elimination and decongestion of the
lymph system were in order. The mother was also instructed to gently
massage the eustachian area from the ear down the neck with a combination
of herbal extracts to encourage drainage.
At the next visit the mother announced that they had cancelled the ear
flushing for that week because the pain and inflammation were gone from
the child‟s ears. They continued flushing, but on a much more bearable
basis, as the little girl‟s situation had improved.

Since lymph is circulated mainly by exercise, rather than the pumping action
of the heart which circulates blood, it can become stagnated in an under
active body. All people benefit from exercise. People with a lymphatic eye
will achieve benefits which help that genetically weaker area by exercising
daily. Incompletely digested food and poor bowel management compound
the problem of congested lymph fluid. Ensuring an adequate balance of
digestive enzymes is of utmost importance. Keeping the bowel moving
regularly is also extremely critical. When partially digested food particles re-
enter the blood stream and extracellular fluid, the body recognizes them as
foreign invaders and the immune system creates mucous to encapsulate and
destroy them. This process weakens the immune system and congests the
lymphatic fluid even further. If the bowel is plugged, the irritated bowel wall
becomes weakened and allows even more food and poisons through the
leaky gut. The poisons further congest lymph fluid and create illness due to
weakened lymphatic response. This also contributes to food allergies
because the immune system reacts each time you eat the food that was

If you eat three meals a day, then you should have 3 bowel movements a
day, or at least two. The bowel transit time (time food enters the mouth until
it exits the body) should be twelve to eighteen hours. Any more than this
will create a situation of putrefaction in the colon and re-entry of poisons
into the body.

Bowel cleanses can be achieved with a variety of herbs in a combination.

Laxatives alone do not cleanse the plaque build-up of fecal matter in the
colon. Adequate fiber is important for everyone on a daily basis. Colonics is
an option for some people.

Plenty of water will aid the kidneys and bowels in flushing out debris. The
general rule of thumb is to drink one half of your body weight in ounces
daily. So a 100 lb person would drink 50 ounces of pure filtered water
throughout the day. Do not try to drink the water in great amounts at a time,
or you will find yourself eliminating beneficial nutrients. The body can only
absorb two ounces every half hour. So in order to keep the body hydrated it
is essential to maintain a steadily spaced drinking regime. When beginning
to dramatically increase your water intake you will find a need to go to the
rest room frequently. Do not let this stop your commitment to drink more
water, because within a general period of three days, your bladder will
happily accustom itself to more water and will adjust.

Oregon Grape - one of the best lymphatic cleansers available. Oregon Grape
is a bitter herb with detergent and antibiotic qualities for cleansing and
clearing infections. In addition, Oregon grape can tackle problems of the
liver, joints, and imbalances of both female and male reproductive organs.

Cleavers - another terrific herb with many actions. It is especially good for
the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and spleen (the spleen is the largest lymphatic
organ in the body).

Blue Flag – is an herb which influences all bodily fluids, digestive juices,
blood stream, urinary flow, alimentary canal, glandular secretions, and
especially the lymphatic. This herb has great energy to detoxify and is often
combined with other herbs to slow its role of cleaning bodily fluid, so as not
to elicit an uncomfortable response of detoxifying too quickly.
Mixed Color Eyes (Biliary)
“Spread love everywhere you go: First of all in your own
house…let no one ever come to you without leaving better and
happier. Be the living expression of God‟s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes,
kindness in your smile, kindness”

……..Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Mixed color eyes are merely a genetic combination of ancestral traits that
provide an eye which carries colors from both blue eyed family and brown
eyed family members. This type of eye may appear a light brown and
greenish, light brown and amber with a brown or orange central area, or
various combinations of the above. In the eye pictured you can see that,
while it would appear basically brown to the naked eye, there are areas
where a light blue or grayish pigment shows through.

Common Physical Tendencies

Once again, if you have a mixed color iris, it does not necessitate that the
following predispositions are inevitable. It just suggests that these areas may
require more nourishment to maintain balance, and should you become ill,
the weakest link will likely be the first to be affected.

The biliary iris tends to carry some of the predispositions that one would see
in both blue and brown eyes. Most common are digestive disturbances, liver
and gallbladder congestion, pancreatic insufficiencies, and intestinal immune
deficiency. Hypoglycemia and irritable bowel syndrome are not uncommon.

Digestive disturbances can include acid reflux, intestinal gas, bloating, and
feelings of discomfort upon eating certain foods. Also, cavities and pyorrhea
can be exacerbated by poor digestion. See the brown (hematogenic) iris
section for information on the functions of liver and gallbladder.

Since orange pigment is frequently found in the biliary iris, it is necessary to

elaborate some on the pancreas and digestive system. Orange is not a color
that is acquired in the iris, but appears from birth. This is an indication that
the pancreas is inherently a weaker organ and without extra nurturing can
lead to future problems.

More than a million small clusters of cells known as the Islets of Langerhans
are scattered throughout the pancreas. Seventy percent of the islet cells are
beta cells and produce a hormone called insulin which influences the storage
of glucose and controls blood sugar. Alpha cells secrete glucagons which
work antagonistically to insulin and raise the blood glucose level. The delta
cells produce somatostatin, which is the same hormone produced by the

Clearly the pancreas is an important organ because it not only controls blood
sugar but it produces enzymes for digestion. If you suffer from tiredness,
particularly in the afternoon, shakiness, or light headedness until you
consume food, then you should check with your health practitioner.

Thought and Emotional Tendencies:

While many of these emotional reactions have been experienced by all of us

to some degree, the studies, particularly by Dr. David J.Pesek, PhD,
demonstrate that certain iris colors exhibit a marked degree of facing
„issues‟ of thought and emotional concerns.

The person with a biliary (mixed color) iris will be more likely to have a
deeper sense of vulnerability in this world. This person also, similar to
lymphatic (blue) iris will tend to have problems receiving gifts, love,
compliments, etc. There is a more likely chance to have issues with buried
anger and resentment, and grief and sadness can become a predominant
matter in the person‟s life. Take responsibility for your own joy; don‟t wait
to have it delivered to you from others. Learn to appreciate the sweetness of

I had the opportunity to consult with four women at a health exposition.

These women, who were obvious friends, were having a wildly fun time,
laughing and teasing one another. As the first friend sat in front of my
microscope/digital imaging equipment, the rest gathered around in
anticipation. As I analyzed each woman‟s eyes, I was intrigued to see that
each of their irises had one particular similarity that was prominent:
pancreatic dysfunction. Now, an iridologist can tell if this pancreas issue
most closely involves blood sugar fluctuations, digestion, or both. In the case
of this hearty friendship, they all admitted to having a „sweet tooth‟. Surely,
just a penchant for chocolate wouldn‟t be enough to bring together four
women as a means of similar lifestyle. Actually it runs quite deeper than
that; the pancreas insufficiency signifies the lack of a „sweet spot‟ in one‟s
life. On some level these women had found one another. What they had
found missing emotionally in their lives, they had found that their friendship
could fulfill. What a lovely way to find companions! I have often seen
similarities in iris markings in mother/daughter, or other familial
relationships. It is even more interesting to find it among friends. Truly here
again is another concurrence with the statement: The eyes are the windows
to the soul.

Herbal Supplements and Nutrition

It is imperative that you chew your food well before swallowing. It should
consist of a paste-like quality, rather than just biting your chunk of steak in
half before swallowing it. Enzymes for digestion are a must. Our foods
todaydo not contain the natural enzymes they once did in our ancestors‟ day.
Foods are allowed too long on the shelf, or are tampered with by destroying
enzymes so that they might have a longer shelf life. We also cook the
enzymes out of our food and have become less prone to eating just-picked
foods. In their raw state, foods are packed with the very enzymes that help
digest them, or break them down. Therefore, the pancreas has additional
work to bear simply due to our life style. So we must help out the stomach
and pancreas by supplementing enzymes, pepsin, and sometimes
hydrochloric acid.

Juniper Berries - a terrific herb to help rejuvenate the pancreas. These berries
contain a natural insulin that helps to restore the pancreas when no
permanent damage has occurred.

Golden Seal - helps to lower blood sugar and so it should be used cautiously
if fluctuating blood sugar is a problem.
Burdock - is a cleansing agent for both the blood and bowels; but it also has
many healing properties including carbohydrate metabolism.

Red Beets - Eat beets and greens frequently, or take in supplement form.
Beets supply needed sulfur and iron for the weakened liver. The sulfur also
encourages better protein absorption, which will in turn carry needed
minerals to the liver and pancreas. This creates a valuable dietary loop of

Dandelion - A terrific herb for the biliary type because it provides sodium
which is necessary to create bile and is cleansing to the liver. Bile is needed
to degrease fat for the pancreatic enzyme, lipase; enabling good fat
digestion. Since dandelion is also high in organic iron it is perfect for
supporting the liver and fat digestion.

The time has arrived that people can no longer rely on enzyme production
from the pancreas as its primary source to digest foods. All natural foods
contain enzymes to facilitate the process of breaking the food down into a
digestible product. An example of this would be a high protein food which
also contains protease, the enzyme needed to digest protein. Unfortunately,
most foods in the American diet no longer have sufficient enzymes in them,
or the enzymes have been systematically destroyed. Heat and processing of
foods destroys natural enzymes.
What we have left are foods which enter our systems with little help to
digest the proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fibers. Enzymes are necessary to
digest and assimilate nourishment and they also have a detoxifying effect on
the body.

All people should include enzymes in their diet as routinely as they would
take multiple vitamins and minerals. The following enzymes should be
included in their supplementation: protease which digests proteins, amylase
which digests carbohydrates, lipase which digests fats, and cellulase which
digests fiber.

The pancreas is responsible for the production of enzymes as well as the

production of insulin. Imagine the stress placed on the pancreas if it is
continually called upon to produce enzymes for most of the food we eat
daily. The result of a stressed pancreas could be diminished ability to
produce insulin when needed.
Diagrams of Iris Markings
Definitions of Major Iris Markings
The Collarette:

The collarette, as indicated on the diagram will appear as a jagged or sinuous

line encircling the pupil approximately 1/3 distance from the pupil to the
edge of the iris. It is also known as the autonomic nerve wreath to some
iridologists. The zone from the pupil to the collarette is known as the
nutritive zone and represents a number of things such as: small and large
intestines, lymphatic area, stomach, digestion, and immune.

The iridologist will look at the shape of the collarette itself to determine
bowel spasticity, peristalsis, strictures, irritation, lymphatic insufficiency,
problems with nutrient absorption and more.

Much research work is being done across the world concerning the collarette
and the area within it that reaches to the pupil. With the incidence of colon
cancer on the rise, particularly in the United States, this work is of utmost
importance in finding the potential for colorectal and gastrointestinal
problems in very early stages. Iridology is a tool for the professional to help
people in the most non-invasive and gentle manner.

If the collarette is difficult to see even with magnification, it can indicate

spasms, neurological disturbances and epileptic symptoms. A thick and
raised collarette indicates gastro-intestinal problems, food intolerance,
congestion in the lymphatic system, and environmental sensitivity. A
collarette that is misshapen and thick with indentations will indicate possible
strictures of the colon as well a deformed colon and possible motor
disturbances. Absence of a collarette will indicate colon spasms, appetite
disorders and difficulty in absorbing minerals. A very jagged collarette
indicates irritation to the gastro intestinal system.

In relationship to the personality, a distended collarette, or more than 1/3

distance from the pupil, will be a person who is outgoing, more sensitive, but
can get scattered or overwhelmed easily. When the collarette is restricted, or
close to the pupil, the individual will tend to be reserved, using caution, have
issues with control, and outside stresses may cause retreat or introversion.
Research has found that signs for endocrine pathologies are attached to the
collarette with a frequency of 93%.
Dr. Daniele Lo Rito of Italy is the pioneer of Space Risk which, among other
things, can determine an individual‟s biographic history and will be
explored further in following chapters.

Furrows are also known as „radial furrows‟ and they appear as though they
were spokes on a wheel, extending outward from the pupil or the collarette.

Furrows are genetic markings, although they can become either lighter or
darker depending on the person‟s physical condition. The furrow generally
indicates an area in which toxins have been absorbed through the small
intestine and colon. The fact that the furrow was present as a genetic
conditions means that the particular area in which the furrow occurs is an
underactive area and so the likelihood of toxic encumbrance is strong.

The presence of furrows has a bearing on feelings of being limited in what

one can accomplish. They also show that often one‟s positive qualities are
suppressed, and one‟s belief system can diminish life force or vitality.


Lacunae are also genetic markings in much the same manner as furrows. The
difference is that lacunae in their various shapes and forms generally appear
over organs or glands to indicate a weakness in the corresponding body
system. The lacunae are embryonic static formations and will not alter in
shape, density, or disappear in our lifetime. These markers are very
important in the realm of preventive medicine. For instance, if a lacunae is
present in the heart area of both irises, we will undoubtedly find that cardiac
disease is present in family history. Seeing this before symptoms occur can
mean that if lifestyle and nutrition changes are employed, cardiac disease
may be arrested.

The magnified appearance of the lacuna, as to depth, structure, shape, size ,

and topographical location has significant meaning for your iridologist. Do
not attempt to analyze any of these lacunae or furrows yourself. It takes a
qualified iridologist to determine tissue strength or weakness in the area.
Lacuna will most frequently be observed in the following topographies:
large intestine, heart, endocrine glands, lungs, ear, cerebellum, and pancreas.
Stress/Nerve Rings or Contraction Furrows:

These lines in the iris that look something like ripples spreading out from a
pebble thrown in the water indicate differing levels of internalized tension
on tissue structures, peripheral circulatory restriction, tissue mineral
depletion, as well as levels of reduced nerve impulses according to the
amount, shape and breaks in the rings.

In any case, the rings will give an indication of someone with an active or, in
some cases, over-active mind. These people often have a tendency to overdo,
and difficulty with balancing stress in their lives. Often people with an
abundance of contraction furrows are highly motivated.

It is of particular interest to the iridologist as to the topographical location of

a break in the contraction furrow.
Inner Pupillary Border (IPB):

The Inner Pupillary Border consists of posterior epithelial cells which wrap
around the pupil. See the picture following to get a clear idea of how these
cells appear under magnification. They resemble a row of corn on the cob.
Opthalmologists will refer to this area of the eye as Pigmented Retinal

Much research has been conducted exclusively on the IPB. To a qualified

iridologist it will represent both digestive disturbances, skeletal impairments,
and glucose metabolism, among other things. Each cell is observed for a
particular shape that may be identified as an omega sign, a pearl sign, a
comma shape, globular, and many more. These individual sign will provide
specific information for the iridologist.

The IPB is also noted for its diameter or atrophies, all of which define the
border specifically.

John Andrews of England has researched the IPB as a visible extension of

the uveal tract and the central nervous system (CNS) – where in connection
with the lateral geniculate body in the brain and thus the spinal cord, we
have nerve innervations with tissues, glands and organs throughout the body.
Therefore, CNS and other factors driven by neurotransmitters are reflected
in the structure of the IPB. In addition, researchers study individual cell
structure and shape for very precise information. The IPB will be further
explored in later chapters.

Photo by John Andrews Arrow points to a section

of IPB
Accumulations as Seen in the Iris
“Could a greater miracle occur than for us to look through each others‟
eyes for an instant?” ……..Henry David Thoreau
The pictured iris is a brown, hematogenic eye with a white ring around the
outer rim of the iris border (limbus). The eye pictured is an example of
cholesterol plaque or inorganic salts, such as calcium, accumulating in the
veins or arteries. Another thought is that it represents an indicator of high
triglycerides. While this marker appears to be on the iris, it is actually an
extension of the sclera. It is frequently seen in the elderly population.
Optometrists refer to this sign as „corneal arcus‟ and generally recognize it
as cholesterol plaque.

Most signs, or structural formations, seen in the iris are genetic blueprints of
who you are, and they have been visible on the iris since birth. An
accumulation is a change that has occurred in the iris due to lifestyle, habits,
or environmental effects.
If changes are made in the diet and through cleansing and supplementation,
then it is possible for these markers to minimally change or diminish in
intensity. The actual structural markers in the iris remain static. Any changes
which might occur cannot be categorized with a time limit. The nerve
messages to the eye may be rapid, but actual changes in accumulation are
slow, or do not become visible. All depends on the length of time that a
condition has prevailed, as well as the intensity and effectiveness of lifestyle
changes made. Most Iridologists will not look for any significant changes in
the iris. Of course, a person may feel better long before any slight changes
might occur.

With a situation of plaque build-up, such as evidenced in the iris pictured

here, it is possible to flush out accumulation by using herbs that have the
effect of breaking down and slowly dissolving hard calcifications such as
calcium and cholesterol plaque through emulsifying and cleansing the walls
of the veins and arteries. Nevertheless, this particular sclera sign will not

Physical Tendencies:

Other than the obvious consideration of the dangers of plaque build-up in

veins and arteries leading to heart conditions, this situation can lead to
arteriosclerosis, metabolic disorders of the liver, difficulty with digestion and
an inability to reabsorb fats into the intestines. An elevated insulin level can
Nutritional Supplementation:

Butcher‟s Broom - has been used traditionally for hemorrhoids, varicose

veins, phlebitis, and thrombosis. It is a natural diuretic. A study in France in
the 1950‟s found vasoconstriction attributes in butcher‟s broom. It
strengthens walls of blood vessels. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It
increases circulation to the brain, arms and legs. Primary applications are to
prevent stroke, lower cholesterol, treat thrombosis or blood clots, and help
peripheral circulation problems.

Stone Root - Breaks up and dissolves stones in kidneys and bladder, as well
as waste mineral accumulations of circulatory system and heart valves.

Flax Seed - Hippocrates recommended flaxseed oil for inflammation of

mucous membranes. Flaxseed oil is thought to aid in reducing the clotting
tendency of blood. It contains both linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid
(omega 3 oil or essential fatty acid). Flax seed is beneficial for preventing
heart disease and lowering excess cholesterol. Studies found that flax seed
added to the diet may reduce the incidence of heart disease.

Hydrangea - Is an herb that softens mineral wastes, such as calcifications, by

converting it to a gelatinous material.

EDTA - Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid removes toxic, heavy metals

from the body, as well as mineral deposits. This is a form of chelating used
both orally and intravenously.

L‟Arginine - Is an amino acid which converts to nitric oxide in the body.

Nitric oxide (NO) has been studied by scientists who recognized its part in
keeping the arterial system healthy.

Thought and Emotional Tendencies

When an accumulation has reached this stage there are often increased levels
of anger and resentment leading to the perception of victimization. This type
of person often tends to put up walls and, by closing out others, feels a false
sense of protection.
“The eye altering, alters
all.”……..William Blake

The accumulations in this blue, lymphatic iris are visible as almost solid
masses of white. This represents acid or mucous plaque build-up in the
tissues and lymphatic system. An over-acid pH is commonly seen in blue
eyes, but is certainly not restricted to this color iris. Due to the lymphatic
system being a genetically weaker area, this is where accumulations will
likely settle. The lymph fluid becomes congested and is unable to keep
abreast of dumping the toxins from the system.

Also apparent in this iris are brown pigments called „metabolic‟ pigments.
Some of these brown areas, which resemble freckles or larger patches of
color, may have been on the iris at a very young age or at birth. However,
pigments may darken or broaden as an accumulation sign. Metabolic
pigments are most frequently associated with the liver. The darker pigments
have a greater significance to liver involvement. In this right eye you can see
that the brown pigment is located directly on the liver/gallbladder area.

Physical Tendencies:
This type of iris will often prevail with rheumatic situations. The normal and
required lymphatic drainage is inadequate, thus causing build-up and
congestion in the lymph. Often there is acute inflammation in the connective
tissue system. It is not uncommon to find this acid condition in the eyes of
people with auto-immune disorders.

Thought and Emotional Tendencies:

Feelings of inadequacy are prevalent, often leading to rigid thought patterns.
Frequently this type of person can have sub-conscious needs or actions
toward self-destruction due to feelings of unworthiness.

“What we learn only through the ears makes less impression upon our minds
than what is presentedto the trustworthy eye.” ……….Horace

This iris is an example of an extremely hyperacidic eye. This person‟s iris

would have appeared much more blue than white as a youth. Therefore we
can call the white fibers a depiction of an accumulation of acid plaque in the
system. Acid pH can come from a number of factors. The most prominent is
a poor diet consisting of a higher ratio of proteins and carbohydrates to
vegetables and fruits. After food is digested, the only foods which leave an
alkaline ash are most fruits and vegetables.

When this situation of excessive white is seen in the eye it is a sign of

irritation and inflammation. This person is more prone to stone formation or
arthritis as a result of the acidity in the body causing inflammation in tissues,
and loss of mineral reserves.

Another contributor to acidity, which is much harder to control, is stress.

There are a number of things which contribute to stress other than the
obvious pressure and worry we carry in this world. Being stressed does not
just mean that you may exhibit nervousness or have difficulty sleeping.
There are mechanical stressors to be considered. A broken arm causes stress
to the body. Hard and persistent exercise causes muscular and skeletal stress.
Illness creates stress. A stressor we often do not consider is the daily
pollution we inhale, consume in our foods, and absorb through our skin just
by being a member of this planet that we have so altered.
All three of these stressors: emotional, mechanical, and chemical, have daily
and long lasting effects on our bodies. A serious effect is that they alter the
acid/alkaline balance in our bodily fluids and cell structure. The internal pH
must remain at 7.35 to 7.45. Body pH is absolutely crucial to life. However,
don‟t underestimate the awesome power of the body to compensate. This
compensation may not create a positive long term condition for us, but most
importantly, it saves our lives on a consistent basis of which we are generally
incognizant. When we are stressed, when we eat poorly, and body pH drops
into an acid state, thebody‟s defense system immediately kicks into gear to
create alkalinity. One method is for the body to use various minerals to
neutralize acidity. If our mineral stores are low, then the body will pull
calcium from bones to do the job. If acidity becomes too dangerous in the
kidneys, the body will create ammonia to protect the kidney lining from
being burned by acid accumulation.

The effect of this bodily defense will not only lower resistance to disease,
but can create arthritis, osteoporosis, and other degenerative diseases.
Notable Signs as seen by your Iridologist
“No one can lie, no one can hide, when he looks directly into someone‟s
eyes.”…Paul Coelho

The brown, hematogenic left iris pictured here gives a clear indication to a
qualified iridologist that this person has a genetic heart disadvantage. A
double lacunae can be seen at 3:00 pushing into the collarette.

This is definitely not a sign that can be determined by the untrained eye.
Most importantly, a qualified iridologist will take many things into
consideration before judging the seriousness of this sign and whether the
person should be directed to his/her medical doctor for further evaluation.
Some signs in the heart area can indicate an inherent weakness that may not
become a problem until the person is quite old; or never, if the person takes
very good care of himself. If corresponding signs are seen in the right eye as
well, or other signs in organs that affect the heart, then the situation can be
evaluated as potentially serious.

The superlative quality of iridology shows itself in these warning signs that
an iridologist can recognize, and then direct a person in the path of

“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the
life you‟re living?”
----------Bob Marley
This mixed color, biliary iris shows a white film at the top of the iris. This is
a display of hypo cerebral circulation, which would suggest poor circulation
to the head, possibly resulting in foggy thinking and unclear memory. The
long term effects of reduced circulation to the brain can become serious, and
consequently result in a lack of nutrients available to brain cells.

The predominant orange pigment in this right iris indicates pancreas

involvement and indeed, this woman did have a diabetic condition. The
arrow pointing at approximately 9:00 indicates genetic heart weakness. She
had a heart attack at age 54 and then later was diagnosed with diabetes. The
arrow pointing to the edge of the iris shows a white film in that circulatory
zone which indicates cholesterol plaque, inorganic salt buildup, or high
triglycerides. This lady‟s heart attack was due to blockage. Perhaps if she
had taken steps earlier in her life to change lifestyle, and included
supplementation, a heart attack and diabetes may have been averted. Indeed
these signs in the iris are genetic and would have been present long before
the crises occurred in her life.

Beyond the obvious over-acidic condition of this left iris and the condition
of lymphatic congestion, a good iridologist would take note of the dark area
at 6:00 to 6:30 in the kidney zone. Looking at the iris at approximately 4:30,
the dark lacunae pressing into the collarette at the pancreas area could
indicate a digestive disorder or blood sugar imbalance. In addition, the
manner of the radial furrows as they extend from the pupil would suggest
potential „leaky gut syndrome‟. The quality of pink/mauve color in the
stomach area (around the pupil within the collarette) also points to digestive
issues in the processing of carbohydrates and sugars.
Looking at the whole of these few issues, one can see that the weakened
pancreas, which produces enzymes for digestion, in conjunction with poor
assimilation of nutrients, could lead to a myriad of symptoms which would
perhaps be perplexing to the individual.

The client whose eye is pictured above suffered from severe inabilities to
cope with most all environmental, chemical, and food substances. In this
case, there was not a drug that would do other than create intolerable side
effects. Her irides told the story. With a program that helped her digest her
foods, she became able to allow more and more food into her diet that she
had loved, and were healthy choices. With herbals to strengthen the kidneys
she was able to aid her body in eliminating the toxins from her system that
had caused her such fatigue. She once again began to enjoy daily walks.
L‟glutamine, an amino acid, which occurs naturally in some foods, helped
to correct a weakened intestinal system. Change in diet, which started with
juicing of fruits and vegetables for easy digestion began to change her pH to
become more alkaline. This was not enough, however, to correct the pH. She
benefited from some calming herbs such as hops, passion flower,
chamomile, and ginseng for her adrenals to alter the stressors in her body.
Along with incorrect eating habits, stress to the body will cause acidity.
Stress can be emotional, physical, or environmental, but the results are the
same: an over-acid body chemistry.
Radial furrows are genetic and would have been present in the eye from
birth. However, with dietary changes and cleansing, the furrows may slightly
lighten in appearance. They will never disappear, since the iris is an
indicator of genetic predispositions, and as such, rarely shows any
significant changes. The pictured iris shows radial furrows extending from
the pupil to and beyond the collarette. Furrows indicate a channel whereby
the fiber structure has less resilience, and so the possibility of toxin
accumulation is more likely. More frequently the furrows are present in the
intestinal and nutritive topography. The degree of darkness and depth of the
furrow suggests the potential seriousness of toxic accumulation. When the
furrows appear just within the collarette, it is an indication that the digestive
and intestinal systems are quite probably in need of nurturing and cleansing.
When the furrows extend beyond the collarette, a qualified iridologist will
consider the corresponding organs and body tissue.
The pictured biliary iris shows a number of leaf shaped lacunae in varying

Each lacuna is an indicator of genetic predisposition to energetic

insufficiency in the corresponding area. It is also accountable that the
darkness of the lacuna indicates a lowered emotional resistance to stress.
There is also a tendency to disease or psycho-emotional dysfunction in the
topographical area.
At approximately 7:30 you can see a large lacuna with smaller lacunae
within at the gallbladder area, indicating a sensitivity that could result in
gallbladder stones or attacks of organ inflammation. Liver dysfunction in
Chinese medicine is associated with repressed anger. Markers in the
gallbladder topography represent an even deeper emotion of anger and

The picture below shows a clear example of a collarette that is somewhat

jagged and uneven with a white appearance indicating hyper-activity of the
intestinal system. This person is likely to have loose stools alternating with
This sample also shows a thickened, or hypertrophic, and raised collarette,
which suggests congestion of intestinal lymph nodes and compromise of the
immune system.

These examples are but a minimum sampling of signs in the iris and how
they correspond to potential symptomology in the body.
Charts of the Iris
Bernard Jensen was considered the „Father of Iridology‟ in the United
States. His chart is still used today.

Dr. Toni Miller of Australia is the creator of Integrated Iridology®. Dr.

Miller‟s colorful iris chart is a cohesive blend of American, Australian, and
European models based on many leading authorities.

Dr. David Pesek, PhD, is the creator of Holistic Iridology® and his iris chart
is used worldwide. The addition of Brain Flair® (part of iris chart) gives
new meaning to emotional iridology, and shows how iris analysis has
progressed to deeper levels of understanding the individual and his or her
soul journey.

Dr. Ellen-Tart Jensen has created an Iridology Nutrition Chart® which

observes nutritional needs according to iris information.
Note: The following charts are copyrighted and cannot be used or copied
without express permission of the authors.
Miosis–Small Pupil
“He speaketh not; and yet there lies a conversation in his eyes.”
……..Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Miosis is not a disease, but rather a simple condition of pupil size. This is a
smaller than average pupil. This condition does not appear merely as a result
of light shined on the pupil causing it to contract; but rather it is a condition
of the pupil being small at all times. Miosis is considered normal in the
elderly and in the newborn infant.

This type of pupil signifies a parasympathetic constitution; in other words,

the parasympathetic nervous system is predominant. In this condition we
find that nerve and muscle tone is often tense. However, it should be noted
that a small pupil could be a reaction to medications or street drugs, and then
is a function of the sympathetic nervous system. Simply put, the sympathetic
nervous system is when the nervous system is in an active condition, and the
parasympathetic is the „brakes‟ of your nervous system.
Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system is part of what is
commonly called the autonomic nervous system. Here, autonomic signifies
that these nerve functions cannot be controlled by the mind. You might say
that these systems work in balance with each other and directly or indirectly
affect almost every structure of the body, such as, heart frequencies, heart
capacity, lumbar function, kidneys, blood vessels, stomach, and intestines.

As a general overview, one might say that a person with a miotic eye would
most likely have an over-emphasis on the domains of food and sex, with a
very developed sexual drive. Usually a miotic pupil will indicate that this
person is subject to bradycardia, a condition which is marked by a slow heart
and pulse rate. The peripheral blood vessel feeding system is contracted. The
urine and feces are often heavy.

This constricted pupil can also indicate an inflammation of the iris. It is not
uncommon to find Rheumatoid Arthritis present, as well as sub-fertility with
autoimmune factors. Oxidative stress is common causing aging factors such
as Alzheimer‟s Disease and autoimmune situations.

People with this type of pupil will often display a marked changeability in
mood; often swinging quickly between nonchalance and even brutality,
egotism and insecurity, praise and sarcasm, or atheism and religious

On an emotional basis one finds this person makes a choice not to receive.
This can vary from difficulty receiving compliments or gifts, to even
choosing not to receive what is due them. A mental and emotional rigidity is

In addition, miosis can emotionally represent a defensiveness and insecurity,

as well as untrusting of one‟s self and self-denial. Emotional experiences
will often be held within and not allowed to be released. Apathy can result in
the individual whose pupils portray the miosis syndrome.

This type of person has tremendous stores of energy. It is possible to use a

great deal of energy over a long period of time with little demand upon the
body. This person has a rapid metabolism, storing energy and metabolizing
food quickly. It would be unusual to find an obese person with the condition
of a small pupil, particularly when accompanied by a collarette that is close
to the pupil.
Mydriasis– Large Pupil
“The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the
secrets of the heart.”
……..Saint Jerome

This iris photo shows the pupil enlarged as a normal condition. Mydriasis or
miosis does react to light, but the normal state of the pupil is what places it
in either category.

Many things must be taken into consideration before labeling a pupil as

mydriasis or miosis. Certain factors such as lighting, eye surgeries, some
pharmaceuticals, emotions, and some neurological concerns can influence
the size of the pupil. A mydriasis pupil can occur from a reaction to a
vaccination, compromised psychoneuroendocrinoimmunological factors,
encephalitis, etc. Mononeucleosis, or glandular fever, can have a direct
bearing on pupil size; as can chronic fatique syndrome. Stress on adrenal
glands, hypothalamus, and immune system can all be situations to consider
with mydriasis.

In this enlarged pupil condition, the sympathetic nervous system

predominates. The heart rate and force is often increased, bladder sphincter
is closed with decreased urine secretion, intestinal motility or action is
reduced, and the pupils are dilated.

Broadly speaking, these people are generally soft and sensitive. Many suffer
from phobias, psychosis and manias. Erratic mood swings are common with
the mydriasis eye, swinging quickly from joy to pain, for instance.

They are often weak eaters with poor appetites, bad stomachs and poor
peristalsis (natural squeezing function) of the bowel. Some tend towards
tachycardia, which is a condition when the heart speeds up for short periods
of time. Tachycardia is not life threatening, but can cause a feeling of
breathlessness and anxiety.

The individuals with a normally large pupil often have a sensitive bronchial
and respiratory system. In addition, they will often have secondary anemia‟s
(difficult to diagnose with traditional testing). This may be due to the poor
assimilation of nutrients caused by the insufficiency in intestinal action. As a
result this can lead to fatigue and daytime sleepiness. A high metabolic rate
is common in which the minerals needed by the body are used up quickly,
leading to a deficit.

Other reactions included in a mydriasis pupil can be adrenal exhaustion. The

adrenals are two small almond shaped glands located above the kidneys.
These glands have a myriad of functions, but the most commonly known is
the „fight or flight‟syndrome, in which the hormone adrenaline is signaled
to be released when a person feels threatened or stressed. Considering the
nature of our society‟s commonly stressful lifestyle, a large majority of
people have over-taxed adrenals.

Mydriasis with no reaction, or very slow reaction to light can indicate an

inflammatory condition of the eyes or chronic (long term) adrenal stress.

While these people often have difficulty with trust, they are receptive to
external influences, emotionally, physically, and environmentally. This easy
reception will result in a struggle setting boundaries. We will see the person
with this large pupil syndrome to be very giving of time and energy.

This group of people are approachable, compliant, generous, love family

relationships, enthusiastic, and very sensitive. They have a strong intuitive
sense and many can be found among scientists, artists, and religious
professionals of our society.

If you find yourself among the small population of people with either
consistently small or large pupils, and you can see yourself in these
characteristics, you can see how such a minimal feature as pupil size is
indicative of who you are. Pupil dynamics are a whole field of study for
iridologists. There are other pupil shapes, flattened areas, and more that are
all significant and used as determinants in evaluation.

The Pupil in Iridology

“When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes.” ……..Oprah

The pupil is an aperture in the eye formed by muscles that regulate the
entrance of light. It is rare to observe perfectly circular pupils and various
shapes and size of pupils will be an informant to the iridologist. Throughout
Europe many iridologists are medical doctors and also employ such
therapies as chiropractic, osteopathy, physiotherapy, and cranio-sacral
therapy. These doctors find the pupil to be an excellent barometer of
additional and important information.

Pupils that show a horizontal ellipse as above will be an indicator of under

activity of the hypothalamus. The oval shape is thought to be caused by the
central nervous system and changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. With the
horizontal ellipse we can often observe poor immune function. Persons with
emotional depression can also have this pupil type.

Pupillary oddities have been studied extensively in the German tradition by

such pioneers as Schnabel, Angerer, Kriege, Deck, Markgraf and
Lindemann; and in France by Fragnay, Bourdiol, Roux and Jausaus; and in
Italy by Rizzi, Di Spazio, Ratti, Gazzola, and many others.

The vertical ellipse of the pupil relates to over activity of the hypothalamus.
Remember that the thyroid function is controlled by the hypothalamus.

Flattening of a pupil area can be noticed in a small region or cover an

exaggerated section. The above frontal flattening can be an indicator for
headaches, migraines, insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression, or difficulties
in the upper cervical vertebrae.

The above flattening would be called ventral and can indicate spinal
problems from the third lumbar vertebrae through to the sacrum and coccyx,
resulting in poor circulation to the legs. Osteoarthritis, particularly of the
hips and knees are frequent with this sign, as are pelvic problems, varicose
veins, edema (water retention) and headaches. Dr. Dailakis of Greece has
found a tendency to osteoporosis and hip problems. Dr. Daniele Lo Rito of
Italy has recorded uterine prolapse . Psycho-emotionally it is necessary to be
aware of the patient‟s worries regarding finances, low self-esteem, and a
profound disappointment in partnerships. Nutritionally, a person exhibiting
this type of pupil structure would have a greater need for potassium,
magnesium, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids.

Another pupil indicator is when the pupil is displaced in the iris. Normally
the pupil is closely centralized, with a slight nasal leaning. Pupils that are
located as in the above example are called temporally displaced. Researcher,
Magnano suggests that a patient with this dynamic is experiencing
„Depersonalization‟. John Andrews concurs that he has witnessed this
display with people who feel they are alone and in complete isolation.
Several people who have clinically diagnosed Bipolar Depression and are
taking prescribed Lithium medication will have this type of pupil.

In the above example, the pupil is ventrally located, or displaced. Research

has indicated that a person with this type of pupil displacement often have a
low libido due to adrenal gland exhaustion. The adrenals are small glands
located just above the kidneys and are responsible for a number of hormonal
activities, such as the „fight/flight‟ release of adrenaline.

Zinc deficiency is common, as is impotence. Patients with this ventral pupil

sometimes experience psychosexual problems. Occasionally sexual violence
is an occurrence. Skilled professional counseling is required.

The aforementioned pupil types are but a sampling of many of the possible
pupillary types and displacements that can offer valuable information to the
qualified iridologist.

Understanding some of these pupil anomalies helps an iridologist to ask the

right questions when interviewing a client. The above pupil variances are
just a small sampling of the many pupillary types that can have great impact
on the final iris analysis.

Important Aspects of the Collarette

and Inner Pupillary Border
“The eyes have one language everywhere.” ……..George Herbert

Modern Iridologists are focusing more specifically on the collarette and the
inner pupillary border for a more thorough analysis of the whole person, and
today‟s research centers predominantly in these areas.

The collarette, which is a structure present in all iris types and colors, is
found approximately one third of the surface distance from the pupil to the
outer edge of the iris. The collarette has also been called the autonomic
nerve wreath and is formed in utero, although it can still be in development
up to the age of three according to German iridologists.
The collarette can be shaped as round, oblong, distended, or restricted, and
all of this is relevant to the final analysis. The diameter of the biliary
collarette pictured above is somewhat thickened and raised with a swollen
appearance called hypertrophic. This often suggests nervous irritability,
sluggish colon, compromise of the immune system, congestion of intestinal
lymph nodes, and difficulty with calcium metabolism. There is a general
hyperactivity of the immune and nervous system, which is often noted
within autoimmune conditions. In addition, the partial zig zag shape can
indicate motor disturbances of the gastro-intestinal tract, inflammatory and
allergic conditions. Where the zig zag occurs topographically is of
consideration. Personalities with this type of collarette are passive
aggressive, present with hidden vulnerability, and poor self-esteem.

This iris is a lovely rainbow of colors. In contrast to the thickened collarette

this structure has a delicate web-like appearance. Here is an example of one
aspect of the profundity of this single iris structure. These people are
generally very vulnerable both emotionally and physically. They are affected
more than the norm by others‟ moods, environmental ambience,
electromagnetic fields, and are often hypersensitive to noise and lighting
conditions. This personality tends toward a great deal of intuition and
spiritual awareness. A thin collarette points to a sensitive nervous system,
and so we find that frequent replenishment of B vitamins and magnesium is

On a physical level, the adrenal glands are often stressed and can reach an
exhaustive level. Asthma, food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome, and
dysbiosis (presence of parasites, bacteria, and/or candida albicans) can be

The inner pupillary border, IPB, consists of posterior epithelial cells that
wrap around the pupil. The cells resemble a row of corn that generally
continues all around the pupil. Research has given us very precise
information regarding the significance of each cell shape, as well as the
thickness, color, and presence of cells. In the above picture we see that some
of the cells are not visible. This is called a mixed border. The IPB is the only
visible structure of the central nervous system and is an extension of the
Chart of new iris topography research by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito of Italy, and John Andrews of the UK .
Organ pathologies identified by markings inside the collarette.

Much of today‟s research centers on both the inner pupilla ry border and the
collarette. The area contained within the collarette to the pupil will have
markers such as lacunae, pigments, transversals, or furrows which have
dominant interest to the iridologist. These markers have a higher
significance toward possible organ pathologies. Each numbered circle in the
above chart represents an area in the body such as: breast, heart, thyroid,
hypothalamus, kidneys, frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, stomach, and even the
potential for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Displaying this chart confirms the intensity of ongoing research being

performed worldwide to integrate modern iridology with natural and
conventional health care.
In this particular iris we can see tendencies for pancreatic insufficiency
within the collarette .

The pancreas is part of our endocrine system and has a number of functions.
Most prominently, the pancreas produces enzymes for digestion and the
hormone, insulin, to regulate blood sugar. Iridology can be a valuable tool in
recognizing the genetic possibility of poor pancreatic function. General
orange pigment in the iris is one sign that would cause an iridologist to ask
proper questions about digestion and blood sugar. The darkened lacunae
present in the above iris carry priority for the likelihood of blood sugar
problems, either hyperactive or hypoactive.

A Case History – Father and Daughter

“Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a
child.”........Ron Wild
Father– collarette
Daughter– collarette
While these iris pictures of a 35 year old man and his 12 year old daughter
are far from identical, a modern iridologist will certainly be able to see
similarities. The resemblance in iris color is a minor factor in comparison to
the analysis of collarette dimension, radial furrows, and lacunae.

At birth the little girl did not pass meconium for four to five days. This
black, tarry substance is a baby‟s first stool and most typically is passed
within hours. This began a history of poor bowel peristalsis and sluggish
large intestine. She also had a severe and persistent case of thrush at birth.
Thrush is a result of excessive yeast (candida albicans) in the system and
presents as soreness of the mouth and tongue with patches of whiteish scum.
While thrush is not uncommon in babies, we can put together a scenario
here. If the mother or father has candida due to poor bowel function, low
probiotic/friendly flora count, or inadequate immune response, then it is
more likely that the newborn will present withthrush. It‟s important to note
that all babies generally are born with an intestinal balance of about 75%
lactobacillus and 25% unfriendly bacteria. This high ratio of friendly
bacteria assists the body to control foreign bacteria and to digest foods.
When the ratio is out of balance, yeast will proliferate.

The child‟s iris shows us that she has inherited from her father a sluggish
colon that can eventuate in a myriad of problems. This quite probably
originated from past generations. The father recalls having difficulties with
constipation from a very young age, and his daughter has suffered from
constipation throughout her young life.

Often people become accustomed to infrequent bowel movements and do

not realize the consequences. We all should have an easy bowel evacuation
for every meal we eat, every day. Food that is allowed to remain in the
intestines for too long will putrefy and create gas or bloating, sometimes
becoming hardened and causing inflexibility of intestinal movement. In
addition, waste products can eventually re-enter the blood stream through
the permeable walls of the intestinal system. This toxic waste must then
circulate through the body in another attempt to exit. This is when the
system becomes overburdened with toxins and puts an additional load on
liver function in an attempt to detoxify.
In this case, the father had suffered from frequent headaches for many years
due to toxicity from long term constipation. Eventually his headaches
worsened into migraines. A good herbal colon and liver cleanse finally
corrected the problem and his migraines did not return. After this, the family
changed their diet to include more fiber, whole grains, and increased fruits
and vegetables. They also stopped drinking cow‟s milk and soda. The
beverage of choice, even for the little girl, became simply water!

In keeping with genetic similarities between father and daughter, the inner
pupillary border structures are both considered „partial atrophy‟. Both the
father and his child exhibit generalized anxiety and occasional panic attacks.
They also both have idealistic personality traits and tend toward a need to
have a very structured environment. These characteristics are revealed in
both collarette and IPB resemblances.

A Case History of one Young Man

The irises pictured above are first of the left and secondly of the right iris.
There are a number of things that stand out in these eyes. First of all the fiber
structure (light colored fibers radiating out like spokes on a wheel) is fine,
silky, and close. This is evidence that the young man had inherited a strong
resilient nature from his ancestors. This, of course, does not mean he could
not become ill, but that he possessed a genetically hardy constitution that
enabled him to resist disease and recover quickly.

Secondly, the amount of orange in the iris is indicative of a problematic

pancreas. Signs within the space from collarette to pupil also verify the
importance of inherited pancreas insufficiency. In addition, the loosely
squared shape of the collarette in the right eye points again to the pancreas.
Since the pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin, blood sugar
fluctuations can be evident. This 23 year old man admitted to craving sugar,
chocolate, burgers, fries, and alcoholic beverages. Such cravings are often
seen when blood sugar drops suddenly and the individual desperately seeks
food or drink that will give a quick sugar or carbohydrate „fix‟ to offset the
fatigue from low blood sugar.

Note the heavy pigmentation in the upper part of the irises. This is a
tendency to heavy mucous production with poor lymphatic clearing which
can result in sinus difficulties.

This type of collarette is also found in people who tend toward a sluggish
intestinal system. It also typifies congestion of lymph, immune compromise,
certain food intolerances, and allergic response.

The encircled area in the second iris is a white fiber, or transversal, that goes
„off course‟. Transversals are very important signs that should be noted by
the iridologist. Research has shown that transversals are genetic markings
for the most part, but they can also be acquired throughout a lifetime. This
particular transversal is called a „tent transversal‟ and signifies someone
who tends to live their life for others. When questioned, he admitted to
feeling the weight of this tendency. He had difficulty with saying „no‟ and
tried desperately to please others and make them happy, sometimes over his
own needs.
In this detail of the pupil and IPB one can see a slight flattening of the
superior nasal pupil. As a clock face this would be between 10:00 and 12:00.
This is seen frequently in people with chronic sinusitis. There can also be
difficulties in concentration. This personality is one with a need for
independence, emotional hypersensitivity, and difficulties resolving
childhood conflicts.

As the iridological analysis demonstrates, this young man presented with

chronic sinus infections since he was very young. He was a very sensitive
and tender-hearted individual.

Research recognizes individual cells that make up the inner pupillary border.
There is an omega sign (named after the Greek symbol) which is present on
the IPB of the above pictured iris. One of the distinctive possibilities with
the Omega sign is a personal and family history of tonsillitis. When this
individual first came to see me professionally he had been suffering from
infected tonsils and recurrent strep throat for several years. Another
association with the Omega sign is „unexpressed anger‟, erratic emotional
energy or mood swings, and also a great ability to change and transcend
problems. Interestingly, this man said that he tended to suppress his anger
and as a result his emotions could vary excessively. He also felt that one of
his particular strengths was to make the best out of situations with the ability
to transmute problems into new thoughts and energies.

So, how can the use of iridology help someone who may already be aware of
conditions such as recurring sinusitis for example? It is much more
productive to understand the whole body and personality tendencies thereby
leading to conclusions in a holistic treatment protocol. Knowing that the
intestinal system is sluggish and that the lymphatic system tends toward
congestion will direct the health practitioner to define the root cause of the
problem and make suggestions accordingly.

The Heart of the Matter

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who
looks outside, dreams.Who looks inside, awakens.”…….Carl Gustav Jung
This iris shows a lacunae pressing into the collarette at approximately 3:00
in the left eye. Iridologists observe a structure such as this as a genetic
pattern of heart problems within the family history. This structure is one of
many that can give an iridologist valuable information regarding preventive
measures. In the same way that a medical doctor will take into consideration
a patient‟s family history, an iridologist will view iris topographical heart
markers as essential to the final analysis.
The lines in the left lateral quadrant of this sclera show
considerable stress in the arterial heart, as well as a probable blood pressure

With cardiovascular disease as the #1 health risk in America today, early

detection is invaluable. While markers in the iris itself will point to genetic
likelihoods, we can see present stressors in the sclera. Further medical
testing may be in order.

Cardi ovascular disease is known as the „silent killer‟ because most often
people do not experience obvious symptoms before tragedy strikes. This is
one way iridology can serve as an observance directing one to take measures
that could prevent a cardiac event.

I think we need to consider emotional factors when looking at the high

incidence of heart disease. Perhaps this condition is „silent‟ because we
have learned to smother those deep emotions originating from the heart. We
don‟t talk about what truly is heartfelt. In our society we value the intellect
greatly, and so frequently we speak from our minds without input from the
heart. It is no mistake that our throat is placed between our heart and head…
we need to use both to express ourselves.
In this right iris there are both
lacunae and transversal signs that point to potential cardiovascular

When we place a great deal of stress upon ourselves, deny our emotions and
deep needs, then we might create small stress tears in the endothelium of
veins and arteries. In the perfect manner of protection, our body responds by
putting a „band aid‟ over the wound. This can be calcification or plaque. It
is literally putting up walls, trying to protect ourselves from pain that we
have experienced in our lives or genetically from our ancestors.

We need to honor our hearts. Our true selves do not reside in the mind, but in
the heart.
Some History of Iridology
“Iridology is the science of putting light into dark places.”
--------Dr. Bernard Jensen

Dr. Ignaz Péczely

Iridology has been in known existence for over 3,000 years. Centuries of
health practitioners who have discovered that the eyes hold important
information regarding health are not to be shoved aside. There is far too
much information, far too many studies, and far too many years of coming
back repeatedly to the same conclusions to be invalidated. Like all scientific
research, iridology has had its setbacks and flaws, but today‟s modern
iridologists and researchers have adopted modern protocols to dignify the
efficacy of this ancient science. We have the pioneers of early iridology to

One of the earliest doctors to record iris markers and their meanings was the
Hungarian doctor Ignaz Péczely. Péczely qualified in medicine in 1867 at the
Vienna Medical College, where he studied the irides of patients before and
after surgery or death. He also performed innumerable autopsies and was
able to systematically research and correlate his findings. In this manner, he
recorded what hefound in a patient‟s eyes with what he found to be the root
cause of the patient‟s death, and how the information made itself known in
the iris.

Nils Liljequist

In the 1860‟s, a Swedish boy, Nils Liljequist, noted the various color spots
appearing in his eyes after he became ill from a vaccination and was heavily
drugged with quinine and iodine. These changes occurred over the age of 14
to 20. Nils changed his career path from allopathic to become a homeopath.
In 1903 he published “Om Ogendiagnosen” in which he included his iris

It is of interest to note that Péczely and Liljequist developed iris charts that
were closely similar, but were unaware of each other‟s work in this field.

Much of the American medical research was performed by an Austrian

emigrant, Dr. Henry Edward Lane, who accomplished most of his surgical
and autopsy associations with iris markings in mind. He published his book,
“ The Diagnosis from the Eye – A Scientific Essay for the Public and
Medical Profession” in 1904 . In it Lane establishes and substantiates his
records with the fact that thousands were examined while he was at the
Kosmos sanitarium in Evanston, Illinois. His student, Henry Lindlahr, MD
became a surgeon and among his many works were included “Iridiagnosis
and other Diagnostic Methods”.

In 1965 Heilpraktiker Josef Deck of Germany published “Principles of Iris

Diagnosis”. Earlier, Deck was a prisoner in Stalingrad, and while working in
the Soviet hospitals he began looking into the eyes of the wounded and
charting comparisons. At the time the Soviet doctors were not interested in
Deck‟s work, but times have changed and Russian doctors show great
interest in Iridology as a science to be employed in their country.

Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., PhD

March 25, 1908 – February 22, 2001 Photo Courtesy of Bernard Jensen Foundation

Perhaps most well known for his advancement of iridology is Dr. Bernard
Jensen. Dr. Jensen studied under Henry Lindlahr. He also worked at the
International School of Professional Arts and Sciences in San Francisco with
the chiropractor, R.M. McLain, on an intensive study and investigation into
using iridology as a means of analyzing patient problems.

As America‟s leading holistic nutritionist, and pioneer of Iridolog y, Dr.

Jensen worked with over 350,000 patients around the world. He believed
that nutrition is the greatest single therapy to be applied in the holistic
healing arts and that we must treat the whole patient, not just the disease. Dr.
Jensen has published many works, such as “Iridology Simplified”,
“Iridology Volume II”, “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management”, “A
New Lifestyle for Health and Happiness”, and many more. In addition,
“Iridologists International” , a magazine established by Dr. Bernard Jensen,
sought to further the research and development of the science of iridology on
an international basis, and exchange information with practitioners
throughout the world. The first issue was published in early 1978.
Dr. Jensen had surely contributed expansively to Iridology and the world
owes him a debt of gratitude.
-Bernard Jensen Foundation
Today’s Iridologists

Ellen Tart-Jensen, PhD, D.Sc

Photo Courtesy of Bernard Jensen International

Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen was President of the International Iridology

Practitioners Association (IIPA) for many years. As Vice-President of
Bernard Jensen International she teaches classes in Iridology, Nutrition, and
Herbology throughout the world. Dr. Tart-Jensen is the author of“Through
the Eyes of the Masters: A History of Iridology” and “Health IsYour
Birthright: How to Create the Health Your Deserve”.

Dr. Jensen has created the Iridology Nutrition Chart® in which she observes
nutritional needs according to information received from the eye.

Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen has carried on the tradition and passion of her fatherin-
law, Dr. Bernard Jensen, as she continues to bring forward the science of
iridology on a global level. Along with her husband and Dr. Bernard
Jensen‟s son, Art, Ellen Tart-Jensen maintains „Bernard Jensen
Toni Miller, ND, MH,
Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Integrated Iridologist
Author “Integrated Iridology”®

Toni Miller is a full member of ATMS, NHAA, IIPA, and GNI. She is an
advanced iridology instructor and founder and senior lecturer of the College
of IRIS. Dr. Miller was the organizer of both the 1st and 2nd International
Iridology Conference in Sydney in 2001 and 2008. She is the author of “The
Integrated Iridology Textbook” “Integrated Iridology”® is a cohesive blend
of American, Australian and European models based on many leading
authorities. It embodies the physical, emotional and mental aspects of signs
in the eye. Toni is well known in her field. She has lectured nationally and
internationally as a keynote speaker at many major Iridology Conferences.
David J. Pesek,
Photo courtesy of International Institute of Iridology®

Dr. David J. Pesek has undoubtedly taken iridology further into the realms of
body/mind/spirit by developing the Brain Reflex Areas in the irides by
decoding the genetic influences on belief and behavioral patterns. He has
also developed the Chart of Holistic Iridology®. Dr. Pesek studied
extensively with Dr. Bernard Jensen as well as the works of the
aforementioned pioneer. He has created Holistic Iridology®, which includes
his contribution of interpreting conscious and subconscious thought and
emotional patterns as seen through the eyes. This system is now used in 34
countries reaching 6 continents around the world.

Dr. Pesek established the International Institute of Iridology® and the

International College of Iridology™. Dr. Pesek teaches several levels of
iridology courses culminating in a Diplomate of Holistic Iridology through
the International Institute of Iridology®. He is an international professor on
the art, science and practice of iridology. Dr. Pesek is the founding producer
of the Annual International Iridology and Integrative Healthcare Congress.

Today’s Researchers

John Andrews, MH, Ir MGNI

John Andrews is the foremost researcher of present day iridology in the

world. He resides in the UK and is the author of several books: „Emotional
Approaches in Iridology‟, „Immunology & Iridology‟, „Iris & Pupillary
Signs‟, „Endocrinology & Iridology‟, and contributor/editor of „Advanced
Iridology Research Journals‟. In 2004 John was presented in Brazil with the
Ignatz Von Peczely Award for his international and scientific contribution to
advancing iridology. John Andrews travels worldwide presenting lectures on
advancements in iridological research. He also maintains a practice in the

Dr. Gino Bellinfante

Dr. Bellinfante is a Naturopath and Iridologist from Quebec, Canada. He is

the co-author of „Spiritual Iridology‟ with Dr. Daniele Lo Rito. Dr.
Bellinfante has lectured in Venice,Italy, England and California, and is a
frequent contributor to the „Advanced Iridology Research Journal‟.

Dr. Daniele Lo Rito

Dr. Lo Rito is highly regarded in Italian iridological research. Most notable

are his works on Time Risk, Rheumatoid Arthritis, ENT disorders, IPB
morphologies, and through his work on the „New Embryological

Dr. Lo Rito is co-author of „Spiritual Iridology‟with Gino Bellinfante. The


Stuart ‘Doc’Wheelwright

The father of modern Sclerology is Dr. Stuart Wheelwright who read the
eyes of more than 80,000 people, from the late 1950‟s until his death in
1990. Wheelwright was a master at herbology; and was able to understand
that the beginning of a sclera line was the „cause‟ and the end of it was the
„effect‟, and could therefore put together a plan to correct the cause of a
stress in the body and not just the symptom.

Said Dr. Wheelwright, “Love is the only state of being that truly promotes
health and longevity”
Dr. Jack Tips, PhD
Photo courtesy of International Sclerology Institute

Dr. Jack Tips, PhD, studied diligently under the direction of Dr. Wheelwright
and has gone on to develop the International Sclerology Institute. Dr. Tips
has developed an accredited program for sclerology and has written several
books. He has also created the widely used chart of Sclerology based on the
work of Stuart Wheelwright.
--Courtesy International Sclerology Institute
Dr. Leonard Mehlmauer, ND Photo courtesy of Grand Medicine

Dr. Mehlmauer is Eyology professor and researcher at Grand Medicine in

clinical practice since 1972. A trained Naturopath and Holistic Practitioner,
he is author of acclaimed Iridology and Sclerology books and materials His
sclerology manual, “Sclerology – A New View of anAncientArt” has been
praised by Bernard Jensen and other top practitioners, as well as translated
into other languages. He edits the quarterly Eyology Journal and has
authored official documents proposing Iridology and Sclerology standards
for the Philippine government and as a worldwide model.

Gallery of Iris Photos

This collection of iris photos will offer an impression of the uniqueness of

each individual‟s iris. Every iris holds an immense file of information. In
this gallery I will attempt to point out just one or two characteristics of each
eye that gains first notice.

The above iris would be classified as blue, or lymphatic. The white ring
surrounding the pupil is called a stomach ring It is the sphincter muscle
surrounding the pupil and can suggest over acidity often resulting in
This iris is mixed, or biliary, and has an orange pigmented central
heterochromia, which suggests a number of situations, including: tendency
for inner analysis and to be self-contained, tendency for constipation and
bowel irregularity, eating disorders such as bulimia (90% incidence),
betrayal felt within the family structure, difficulty with digestion, and
holding onto fears due to suppressed emotions. However, this person is
inherently creative.
This brown iris shows two breaks in the collarette at thyroid and heart area
which creates a particular need to care for these areas with proper diet and
supplementation to prevent problematic situations.
This blue iris has a great deal of white masking the blue. This usually
indicates over-acid body pH which creates pain and inflammation in the
body. The flattening in the pupil can point to neck and shoulder tension as
result of an injury, such as whiplash. It can also point to impaired hormonal
function through the liver pathways in women.

The distended collarette in this iris shows a person who is open, honest, and
loves social interaction. This also suggests speedy transit of food through the
digestive system, often resulting in poor absorption of nutrients.
The iris on the previous page has a partially restricted collarette (closer to
the pupil), and there is a tendency toward constipation and sluggish colon.
Tendency to ear, nose, and throat problems, with an underactive
hypothalamus. The Time Risk associations (according to Lo Rito) suggest
traumas of a physical or emotional nature at age 15 and age 38. This was
verified by the client.
This is a predominantly blue iris, but the light orange, or ochre colorations
qualify it as a mixed color. The amount of lacunae hugging the collarette put
this iris in the category of hormonal. There is likely to be challenges of the
endocrine system.
There is a horizontal ellipse of the iris shape itself. This suggests a lowered
resistance of the immune system, hormonal interactions, cellular processes,
and nervous system. The dark lacunae at approximately 6:00 when viewing
as a clock face, suggests both diminished adrenal and kidney function.
The quite noticeable pigment patch at the top portion of this blue iris will
give us the information of both pancreas involvement as well as Peyer‟s
patch insufficiency. Peyer‟s patch is lymphoid tissue in the small intestine
that has a great deal to do with the immune system.
The above iris is categorized as lymphatic (blue), but appears very grayish
in color. The stomach ring suggests excess acidity in the stomach, and
throughout the body. This can lead to arthritic conditions or stone formation,
such as kidney stones.
The pictured iris again shows a central heterochromia. In addition the
cloud-like formations around the outer edge of the iris are called
Brushfield‟s Spots, or tophi.

These spots are a genetic formation of the lymphatic system. With the
addition of ochre color in the spots, rather than white, we can highly suspect
congestion of the lymph system.
This blue/lymphatic iris is an example of a very strong constitution, or
resiliency. The white fibers that extend outward from the pupil to the iris
border are fine, straight, and close together. In the encircled area within the
collarette we can see a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular problems.
This iris shows a web-like structure that signifies lowered metabolism and
elimination of waste products. There is generally a reduced mental and
emotional stamina and intermittent motivation. This person would tend to be
sensitive to imbalances in his/her life.

The iris on the previous page has a very restricted collarette all the way
around the iris. There is often stagnation of lymph fluid around the
intestines. Regular lymphatic drainage would be the challenge. These
individuals oftentimes have chronic self-doubt with generalfear of „letting
go‟. There are often strong issues of needing to maintain control or fear of
losing control.

The very dark brown pigment at about 8:00 on the iris is considered
„topostabile‟ which means that it is covering the corresponding liver area
that the color refers to. The heavy rusty orange pigment at the top of the iris
would suggest possible lymph congestion. There are transversals, white
fibers that go „off course‟ in the kidney area. This suggests trauma in that

Debunking the Myths about Iridology

“We cannot attempt to cure one part of the body without treating the others.
We cannot attempt to cure the body if we forgot the Soul.”

There have been several erroneous ideas about iridology. Some of these
beliefs have come from the medical field, as well as some uninformed
natural health practitioners themselves. One can never be sure how these
beliefs came about; however, it is one goal of this book to correct some of
these known fictions.

Iridology has frequently been seen by some individuals as a sort of astrology

or fortune telling technique. Hopefully, you have already seen this as an
absurdity after discovering the scientific basis of iridology and its
remarkable benefits for health.

Some of the professional terms or idioms used in iridology have been

changed to reflect more correct usage. For example, radials, or radial
furrows were often referred to as „parasite lines‟ in the past. This
description was not precisely incorrect, but it most assuredly caused the
wrong impression. The radials can be indicative of a weak area in the
intestinal lining leaving it vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, toxins, or parasites.
These radials most frequently are visible in the upper quadrant of the iris, or
head area. Unfortunately, many people became obsessed with the fear that
there were parasites in their brains, which is an entirely false assumption.
This regrettable misuse of the term „parasite lines‟ caused undue alarm and
only served to denigrate the science of iridology.

Another false claim which brought about raised eyebrows and dismissal of
iridology by the mainstream medical community was the idea that a brown
eye could completely change color to become blue. Congruent with the
teachings of competent iridologists, iris colors remain constant. The iris
constitution is genetic tissue and cannot change unless iris transplants
become a possibility in the future. Pigmentation can appear lighter or darker
to a minimal degree as we age, or as some changes occur, but if your eyes
are brown, they will remain so. The bizarre claim that a person could
„cleanse‟ himself until his iris changed color is an unreasonable assertion.
Cleansing and de-toxification are wonderful healing modalities with
absolutely no intent or ability to completely change eye color. The only
exception to this rule would be that certain pharmaceuticals ( for example,
Latanoprost for glaucoma treatment) can alter entire iris color in certain
individuals, as can brain stem injuries. In fact there are certain chemical
agents with potential toxicity that can lighten the color of the iris, and in this
case, it would not be a positive change.
The two eye photos above are of the left and right eye of the same woman.
The rust brown pigmentation covering more than half of the left iris is not
due to toxins in the body. Rather, this iris incorporates more than one
pigment from past generations. This is an example of an iris in which color
can be mistaken for toxic accumulations when analyzed by a less qualified

While presenting a lecture at a college of nursing, I was told this story by

one of the students. She said that her friend had seen an iridologist who
informed her that her green eyes meant that her entire body was toxic. The
friend was understandably appalled and decided that iridology was quack
science. It is unfortunate that some iridologists, especially with outdated
schooling in the field, have limited knowledge and incorrect information. I
assured the student that the seemingly green color of her friend‟s eyes
merely indicated the mixed eye color she was born with. It could indeed
suggest genetically poor enervation to the kidney area, or any area common
to mixed (biliary) colored eyes, but to say that the girl‟s whole body was
toxic is a misfortune in choice of practitioners.
As in any science, there are a number of things that an iridology exam will
not be able to reveal for certain. An iridologist in America will not diagnose
any disease by name, but rather work with„body systems‟ and look for
energetically fragile areas that are vulnerable to disease, as well as levels of
congestion and toxicity.

Surgeries, such as an appendectomy, are not visible in the iris. During

anesthesia, the nervous system is quelled to the point of inability to send
strong signals to the iris.

An additional theory still being used by some practitioners is that „healing

signs‟ (in the shape of small cross-hatched lines filling in a lacuna) will
appear in the iris and determine that healing has taken place. This simply
does not happen. As heretofore mentioned, certain markings in the iris can
appear to lighten somewhat as the body begins to repair, thus sending nerve
impulses to an impaired area which can result in improvement. This is due to
the actual fiber structure in the iris lifting so that less of the underlying dark
pigmentation is revealed. In fact, current research suggests that sclera signs
are a more reliable method of determining changes in the body in a timely

One ca nnot look in the iris and know a person‟s blood pressure, specific
blood serum cholesterol levels, or see the absolute presence of a tumor and
know the size of it. Nor can one look in the eyes and tell the gender of a
person, or know if a woman is pregnant. One cannot see the presence of
gallstones or kidney stones. Parasites or candida is not a condition that is
visible in the iris. One cannot see the presence of broken bones, sexually
transmitted diseases, or psoriasis. The iris does not give information about

Another common mistake is for patients to confuse iridology with the actual
study of eye diseases. Oftentimes clients will ask me, “Do you see glaucoma
in my eyes?” or “Can you tell if I need glasses?” The study of eyes and eye
diseases is a practice related to ophthalmology and optometry.

Iridology is a precise science, and all sciences have some limitations.

However, the astounding ability of this science to determine the overall
health of the whole person, and their genetic influences, is so valuable as to
not be denied.
Iridology In The 21st Century
“From empirical evidence and experience we know that iridology works and
has clinical validity.” …….John Andrews

Practitioners of iridology today rarely use just a simple magnifying lens and
penlight as in the past. High resolution images are of utmost importance to
evaluate the iris and will give an iridologist superior insight. Modern
equipment allows today‟s iridologist to clearly view the inner pupillary
border, the collarette, and transversals. Here I am using a tri-iriscope from
Australia to photograph the client‟s irises and sclera quadrants.

The photographs in this book will not provide the high imaging quality of
modern iridology equipment, as the purpose is to give the reader a sense of
what to expect when visiting an iridologist, rather than to train in the science
of iridology.


John Andrews has been a pioneer in the advancement of iridology research.

He is the foremost authority to turn to for information on the subject of not
only advancement in Iridology, but in the authentication of this worthy
In Andrews‟ 3rdedition of “Iris and Pupillary Signs” we can find a full,
comprehensive listing of all research, both positive and negative, that has
been conducted around the world. It is entitled “Modern Medical Iridology
Research” and is a listing of all published papers in all languages worldwide.

John Andrews states, “ In the English speaking world, we have had a paucity
of iridology-based research. Studies gone before have not really involved
iridologists with a medical or scientific perspective, and further scrutiny has
revealed these studies to have been improperly designed or even flawed from
the outset. Because of this and continued propagations in Iridology about
specific phenomena, we have a great deal of ignorance and
misunderstanding about the practice.” Andrews began his publication,
“Advanced Iridology Research Journal” in 1999. With this journal Andrews
has continued his own research and has followed research ideas throughout
the UK, and other countries such as Italy, Greece, Belgium, Ireland and

Andrews believes that Iridology has the potential for tremendous use in a
clinical and also a specialist setting, in relation to providing greater
diagnostic clarity and accuracy on numerous and varying levels. His passion
is for iridologists to practice in a correct way and by repeatable methods to
cultivate greater acceptance and a spectrum of application.

It is of intere st to note that the medical journal, “The Lancet” published a

favorable editorial in relation to the study of the iris and potential for health
in this field.

There are several facets of iridology that are being researched with great care
and emphasis on certain areas of the eye. From the study of embryology
(how the fetus develops in the womb) and development of the iris, the inner
pupillary border, as well as pupil shape and size, we can see how the deeper
issues, challenges and physical disease are encoded within our blood,
tissues, glands, organs, mesenchyme, and embryonic iris structures. Dr.
Daniele Lo Rito states, “We are at the beginning of these (embryological)
studies…..but since other researchers have begun to study this aspect of
embryonic development, we have decided to unify our efforts and research
with the purpose of creating a common blueprint that is already in use.”
The research, conducted primarily by John Andrews , regarding logical
structures of analysis into the widely overlooked immune and endocrine
systems, through iridology, have helped to further our understanding of the
iris, pupil and the inner pupillary border. Mr. Andrews goes on to suggest,
“In regards to research into the immune and endocrine systems, we have
discovered the vital importance of the collarette and it‟s myriad of
structures. Looking at 1,122 medically diagnosed endocrine patients; it was
found that the signs for the endocrine pathologies were actually attached to
the external border of the collarette in 93% of cases. In the embryological
research spanning from 1999 to 2003 it was found that the mean accuracy
on all endocrine diseases was 85.69% in 555 patients across the board of
males and females. These signs can be located on the internal border of the

It is critical for the iridologist to become acquainted with this research and
know the importance of looking closely at the collarette. Particular to the
collarette are signs in immune analysis, such as auto-immune disease where
a misshapen collarette is extremely prevalent.

One of the most important proven advances in Iridology is Time Risk

Assessment, identified by Dr. Lo Rito. The identification of time in the iris
looks at the border of the collarette from 0 degrees to 360 degrees
anticlockwise. An individual‟s life is recorded from ages 0 (birth) to 60
years at 360 degrees. After the age of 60 is reached, the journey continues in
the same direction; so that the age of 10 can also be the age 70. Stressors or
traumas appear at certain chronological moments. These stressors can be
identified by various iris signs such as: indentations of the collarette, lacuna,
absence of collarette, radial furrows, pigments, and crypts.

A great deal of research is centering around the inner pupillary border. This
area encircling the pupil is made up of posterior epithelial cells which wrap
around the pupil. Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, John Andrews, and Gino Bellifante
are leaders in this research which encompasses the entire body, mind, spirit
in the formational image of the inner pupillary border.
Brazil is a paradise for the iridological researcher. There are two Iridology
associations in Brazil which serve the medical community and naturopathic
practitioners. It is a wonderful thing to see this integration between healing
disciplines in which iridology holds the crowning role.
Immune axis-photo by
John Andrews
This pictured iris photo demonstrates the immune axis and is made clear in
the chart. Much research combines a grouping of markers or prevalent signs
such as lacunaes, crypts, radial furrows, indentations of the collarette, and/or
pigmentation as they occur on the collarette. This example of the immune
axis includes the topography of pineal, thymus, and adrenal and represents a
linking of body systems that can govern a greater tendency for an individual
to have compromise in certain neurological and endocrine pathways. The
immune axis is just one of several axis studies, such as Depression Axis,
Tonsil-Spleen-Ovary Axis, or Thyroid Axis that give the advanced
iridologist very important information.
The immune axis example shown here highlights compromise to the immune
system which can result in autoimmune conditions.

Accurate analysis of the Inner Pupillary Border will be the primary feature
of iridology in the future. Dr. John Andrews has found during lectures to
groups of medical professionals in the UK and Europe that they do
understand that this facet of iridology can be integrated into medical
thinking and practice, above and beyond the rest of iridology‟s features. The
IPB is made from cellular endocrine pigments and connects to the retina,
hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland. This transmits a relationship and
connection with Neuroendocrinology, melatonin and serotonin balance,
inner environmental balance of lymphokines and the subsequent
psychoimmunological dynamics.
John Andrews feels that much of the future of iridology is in the analysis of
the Inner Pupillary Border (IPB). It can convey a depth of information on a
physical, genetic and psychological level.

Iridology and Allergies

“The iris is the Universe, so as much as you know about the Universe is
even more applicable to the study of the iris.”
--------------------Dr. Celso Batello

Dr. Celso Fernandes Batello is the author of “Iridologia e Irisdiagnose” and

co-author of “Iridolgia Total”. Dr. Batello is a medical doctor and the
President of the World Association of Irisdiagnose (AMI) and the Medical
Association of Iridology in Brazil or (AMBI). He hails from Santa Andre in
Sao Paulo, Brazil, and has lectured on Iridology throughout Brazil, South
America, Italy, and Greece. Dr. Batello combines general medicine with
homeopathy, acupuncture, iridology, orthomolecular medicine, and nutrition.

Brazil is one of the leading countries of iridology research. In the Brazilian

state of Sao Paulo an epidemiological profile was researched in relation to
contraction furrows (see chapter on Diagram Definitions).

346 individuals between the ages of 6 and 80 years old were part of this
observation study. Most of the people surveyed exhibited contraction
furrows, with the frequency between males and females being practically the
same. Interestingly, the contraction furrows (also called stress rings) were
more prevalent in younger people rather than the older sample population.

The signs and symptoms which carried a higher incidence in individuals

with contraction furrows, compared to those without furrows were: allergies,
anguish, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, muscular pain, stress, paresthesia
(nerve sensation such as prickling or numbness), insomnia, constipation,
irritability, arterial hypertension and hypotension, hair loss, and sadness.

Relative to diagnosed diseases, the individuals with contraction furrows in

the iris demonstrated greater incidence of hypertension, fibromyalgia,
vascular problems, and thyroid dysfunction when in the 41 to 60 age group.
Diagnosed high cholesterol, vascular problems, hypertension, and diabetes
mellitus were evident in the 61 to 80 age group.
In 1996 and 1997 doctors in South Korea did a great deal of iridology
research with the BEXEL-Irina Iridology computer system. This was based
on Korean and Russian research over the decades and is even now being
trialed in hospitals and clinics for reliability of diagnostics and analysis from
the iris. One interesting finding was that the computer had extremely high
percentages of reliability in all areas, except for the immune system. This
was the impetus for John Andrews, MH, Ir, and MGNI of Yorkshire, UK to
begin his own intensive research on the immune system as it related to
findings in the iris.

You will have noted, in several chapters in this book, references to both
thought and emotional tendencies. Many pioneers in the emotional approach
have had to walk a lonely path fraught with ridicule. There are those both in
the general medical field and in the field of integrative medicine who
suggest that reference to psycho-emotional dynamics denigrates the science
and practice of iridology. Recall again that not one of us is a mere physical
shell, but are composed holistically of mind, body, and spirit. To look at one
part, and ignore the rest, is folly. When one considers the tremendous
amount of research by conventional scientists and doctors into the
exploration of Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology and the subsequent
growth of mind-body medicine approaches, the argument that the
psychoemotional approaches in Iridology are invalid no longer holds sway.
Dr. Mikhail Dailakis of Greece has this to say about what iridology has to

“The iris is a „window‟, where nature offers us the opportunity to see the
internal aspect of our body. The iris corresponds to every condition that
affects the body, despite the cause being nutritional, mechanical, toxic or
nervous in origin…..The iridological signs chronically precede the clinical
symptoms. Consequently, via iridology, we can practice preventative
medicine…..Iridology is the most effective method, nowadays, in order to
have a complete pictureof the body‟s health. According to statistic studies,
the percentage of successful diagnoses is over the 85% mark and it is
believed that this will be increased.”

Past, Present, and Future Research Projects

· Intestinal tumors– Embryological topography research examining the

possibility of a more reliable method of screening for identification of
various types of intestinal carcinoma. This research is a combined effort
between John Andrews and Dr. Lo Rito in Italy.

· Pituitary– Ongoing research looking at the iris, embryology and IPB (inner
pupillary border – posterior epithelial cells) signs in relation to pituitary and
hypothalamic out-patients from endocrinology departments in UK hospitals.
· IPB signs– Documentation and correlation on „new phenomena‟ located
on the inner pupillary border and only recently observed due to
advancements in technology through Iris Supplies of Australia.
· Longitudinal Iris Development Study– Twenty five years duration mapping
the development of the iris, pupil and IPB from birth through to the age 20 to
categorize the stages of development exerting change on the iris and
identifying, if possible, what has influenced this. This project could be
instrumental in helping to demystify many of the points of controversy
maintained in iridology in the English speaking world.
· Alzheimer‟s Disease and Iridology – Dr. Mikhail Dailakis of Greece has
been conducting research of neurological patients at Thessaloniki Hospital
using iris signs to determine early indicators.
· Iridology and Breast Cancer – Professor Serge Jurasunas of Portugal has
observed iris signs as early warning markers for breast cancer. Dr. Jurasunas
has completed many case studies and continues to study the correlation
between iridology signs and cancer.

The following by Dr. Vincenzo Di Spazio illustrates the substantiation of

iridology and clear respect given to this science in European countries.
Is the Iris a Receptor?
by Vincenzo Di Spazio*

Up until now, we have considered the iris substantially as a somatotopic

model, a representative map of various organs, of endocrine and exocrine
glands, of the osteoarticular apparatus, and of central and peripheral
nervous structures. However, as opposed to other representative models such
as the foot or the ear, up until now the iris has allowed the limited possibility
to be read, but the dream of a precise interaction with it has been precluded.

What is meant by interaction? This refers to the direct intervention on a

mass or surface of the body with the ability to provoke a response, a reflex
which can be codified. We can intervene on the surface of the foot by means
of directed pressure and on the ear by means of the insertion of needles, thus
forcing a reaction from the body (pain, heat, activation of a local or remote
nervous reflex). But how can we interact with the iris, in other words, how
can we carry on a dialog with it?

The only form of stimulation known, at a level that will not damage this most
sensitive of structures, is light. Efforts in this direction have already been
carried out in the recent past by Russian researchers, without, however,
producing results that are scientifically reliable. At the end of the 1980s, an
evocative hypothesis was advanced on the part of iridologist and
chronobiologist Dr. Dan Waniek, who postulated a non-visual function of the
eye which he referred to as “Functio ocularis sistemica” (PHOS). In this
new model, importance is given to structures that are normally only
marginally considered, such as the iris, the ciliary bodies, the lens, and the
peripheral retina, which play an active homeostatic role in collaboration
with precise cerebral areas. A reliable demonstration is derived from the
variations in the graph of the electroretinogram (ERG) corresponding to
evening hours (the socalled “blind” portion of the retina) following
photostimulation through the iris and not through the pupil. The findings
lead us to conclude that the iris responds to light in a sufficiently clear
manner, but at the same time it is necessary to develop a new interactive

My most recent studies have emphasized the concrete possibility of

constructing a chronobiological pattern applicable to the complexity of the
iris. This model calls for a radial subdivision in 60 sections of 6º each, with
abeginning and an end at the 12 o‟clock position. The range of each
division covers the distance between the pupillary margin and the iridic

For now, let us abandon the idea of a possible somatotopic assessment in

order to not excessively confuse our topographical notions, and let us move
into the dimension of time. If every iridic section corresponds to a
chronological value equal to 12 months of life, we obtain a complete cycle of
60 years with the beginning at the 12 o‟clock position and proceeding in a
counterclockwise direction. From the morphochromatic point of view, the
section, reflecting a codified portion of the iridic stroma, is characterized by
an extreme variety of ridges, depressions, and pigments. These variables
complicate our chronobiological model exponentially. Their virtual
elimination allow us to concentrate our attention on the muscular
component of the iris.

The sphincter muscle of the pupil has an annular structure with a thickness
of from 0.1 to 0.3 millimeters and is innervated by the parasympathetic
system. It is located around the pupillary circumference and is visible in the
form of a whitish ring in hypopigmented (blue) irises. In my opinion, its
visibility renders it exceptionally unique among all the muscles of the body.
Its incredible characteristics are further revealed by its peculiar
embryological derivation. Together with its antagonist the pupillary dilator,
and the hair erectors (erectorpili muscles), it originates from the
neuroectodermic layer and not from the mesoderm, from which all the other
muscles are formed. This suggests its special affinity for the central and
peripheral neurostructures. other muscles in the body with an
(gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts), it is distinguished by the
mechanism of contraction, rather than of dilation.

The antagonism of the dilator muscle of the pupil is carried out instead
through its typically radial morphology and its dependence on the
sympathetic nervous system. It is located in the iridic stroma, proximally
bordering on the peripupillary sphincter. The reciprocal and continual
interaction between these two involuntary muscles determines not only the
evident pupillary activity (miosis, mydriasis, hippus), but also translates into
a visible manner the dynamic relationships between the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems.

At this point, we can define the iridic section as a muscular segment

composed of 2 sub-units: the short one (the sphincter muscle) and the long
one (the dilator muscle of the pupil). As a convention, we will indicate the
short subunit as the “blue fragment” and the long sub-unit as the “red
fragment”. The precise position of the muscular segments on the iridic
surface according to the aforementioned sexagesimal subdivision by time
reproduces the possible status of the neurovegetative system at different

What practical use can a new mapping have if the morphochromatic

variables have been eliminated from this chronobiological model? If we
hypothesize the possible photoreceptor ability of the various iridic muscular
segments, a new, unexplored work of research and applications opens up.
My most recent studies have documented 2 different types of responses in
subjects who were subjected to iridial photomiostimulation. The
photostimulation of the socalled “red fragment” tends to produce
tachycardia, mild dyspnea, paresthesia of the fingertips, sensations of heat,
and increased anxiety. On the contrary, the photoexcitation of the so-called

In addition, with respect to the analogous sphincteral activity “blue

fragment” induces muscular relaxation of the trapezius, a decrease in
anxiety, and drowsiness.

In the future, it will be necessary to standardize in a homogenous manner the

intensity and the duration of the photostimulation to obtain effects that are
certain and repeatable. In addition, the evocative possibility is raised of
intervening with this methodology according to the age of the appearance of
a determined disturbance. This would signify not only that the muscular
segment of the iris performs a complex function such as having a
photoreceptor ability, but that it even possesses a sort of “neurovegetative
memory” that is specific according to age.
* Vincenzo Di Spazio, iridological physician and naturopath, has been
Professor of Iridology at the University of Urbino, Italy since 1994. He
works in the field of chronoiridology and published “Agegate” on this topic
in 1997. He lives and works in Bolzano, Italy.

Here are but a few countries represented in holistic iridology as it takes on a

global view of the human being. To pay proper tribute to the massive amount
of research that has taken place around the world, and to the Iridologists
themselves would take volumes.

In the 1980‟s Dr. Maurice Rubin conducted studies on patients in a Paris
hospital. These patients had various conditions that Rubin associated with
iris signs.

Boris De Bardo left an enormous legacy to the study of iridology and energy
medicine. De Bardo authored numerous seminal texts on iris analysis,
including „Irido-Neuraxologie‟, „L‟Iridonevraxologie dans las Physiologie
de L‟Acupunture er du Yoga‟, and „L‟oeil, messagerdes 3 corps‟.

Dr. Evgeeny Velchover from Moscow, along with co-researchers,
contributed an enormous amount of state funded research over several
decades. Dr. Velchover is an important example of iridology research within
the medical field.

Dr. Josep Llius Berdonces conducted the „Estudio iridologico sobre
enfermos hospitalizados con patalogia digestiva‟ and later released research
in the Iridology Review regarding hospitalized respiratory patients. Dr.
Javier Salome of Tarragona, Spain has taken iridology to great reaches of
possibilities with publications and Salome incorporates biophysics
biochemistry and applies it to iridology. computer-based
researches.Professor and quantitative and qualitative

Dr. Liane Beringhs, Dr. Gisele Labate, and Prof. Horley Lusardo studied
patients with cardio-circulatory pathologies in the ambulatory from Sao
Francisco Hospital Brasilia.

Rodriguez Lagos, Dr MJ, and Sanches Curbelo Dr JR of Havana observed
iridological signs with gastro duodenal peptic ulcers.

General pathology was studied in correlation with iris signs and concluded
that iris examination can be very useful for diagnosis of a certain general
pathology in a holistic approach.

Mikhail Dailakis, MD studied multiple sclerosis through the use of iridology,
discovering that certain areas of the iris are indicative of the disease much
prior to the appearance of symptoms. Dr. Dailakis has also incorporated iris
research signs in his studies of Alzheimer‟s and heart disease. Dr. Mikhail
Dailakis, MD and colleagues are with the Hellenic Iridology Association,
Thessaloniki Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Dr. Dailakis is a regular contributor to the Advanced Iridology Research

Journal. He is a specialist in the field of cardiology and neurology.

Dr. Daniele Lo Rito and Rheumatologist colleagues were involved in
conducting research with iris and inner pupillary border signs in rheumatoid
arthritis patients at the University of Siena in 1996.

Bronchial and asthma patients with differentiation of eye pigmentation were
studied at Pulmonology Institude, Saint-Petersburg Pavlov Medical State

United Kingdom:
John Andrews, MH has headed numerous medical iridological studies
throughout the world.
Professor Serge Jurasunas has studied breast cancer and iridology markers.
He has developed protocols for breast cancer and authored several books.

Gino Bellinfante B.Sc, ND has worked with Daniele Lo Rito to develop
spiritual and emotional sectors of the iris.

Emotional Iridology

“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”
…………Mark Twain

You have seen throughout this book that our emotions directly affect our
physical well being. There are several thoughts regarding exactly how this
occurs. Nevertheless, it is now fully accepted by physicians practicing
traditional Western, or allopathic, medicine that stress has profound impact
on our state of health. The notion of the connection of Body/Mind/Soul is no
longer a lone „alternative‟ concept, but is well adopted by most all
directional thoughts of health care.

One thought is that the genetic implications seen in the iris can be issues that
we „brought into‟ our present life as unresolved emotional issues. For some
people, this concept takes an openness of imagination. Much research has
been performed, and is currently ongoing, to prove the strength of
indications of emotions revealed in our eyes. There can be no separation
between the emotional and the physical in both the reality and the eyes…the
integration is irrefutable. The scientific theories of epigenetics reveal that
emotional tendencies can be passed on through the ancestral DNA without
altering its structure.

Dr. David J. Pesek, PhD, has used his training in clinical psychology to
research topographical brain areas of the iris unmasking specific emotional
tendencies, resulting in his iris chart, brain flair chart, and the development
of Holistic Iridology.

In Dr. Leonard Mehlmauer, PhD‟s sclerology chart we see topographical

areas that refer to the emotional features of liver, stomach, pancreas, heart,
sexual, skin and more. These are differing locations from the physical
aspect, giving clear indication that stressors will often affect one or both
physical and emotional body systems and organs.

Dr. Jane Smolnik, ND, has this to say regarding her extensive work in
holistic and emotional iridology:

“Through the science of Iridology we can see many signs in the iris and
sclera relating to the physical health of an individual as well as the thought
and emotional patterns, and even deeper „Soul-level‟ issues that each
individual is here working on to heal and evolve their awareness to a higher
level of being. The holistic model of health is starting to advance and be
understood by many in the holistic health care field. The eyes are the perfect
window into the health of the body, mind, and Soul.

A deeper understanding of the relationships to our physical ailments to our

spiritual bodies is required to compassionately assist others as they strive
for optimal health. Our„spiritual health‟ reflects how well we, as
individuals, relate to and love ourselves, our family, the natural world, our
talents and gifts we have to offer others, as well as our sense of unity and
connection to our global community and to a Divine Higher Power. All
healing, as well as illness starts on the spiritual level first, manifests in our
thoughts and emotions, then will manifest in the physical body. True healing
requires supporting all aspects of self on all levels, such as supporting
ourselves with proper nutrition, cleansing any negative effects, and
processing our emotions to a greater level of understanding in a healthy
manner. These are our life lessons and considered the „virtues‟ in life, such
as learning to develop real trust, compassion for self and others, creativity
and self-expression, empowerment, a sense of unity, inner vision, listening to
our inner guidance, and working in service to the greater good– our global

As an example, if we see in the eyes that the liver and gallbladder are
challenged, our greatest need is not only to cleanse the body, but to release
the anger and resentments which are toxic emotions. We have to look even
further out to see the bigger picture. This may involve learning a deeper
lesson oftruly learning to „trust‟ ourselves and others and releasing
judgments which bind us to our negativity. Trust is often a very core aspect
of our healing, often difficult to see the lack of as the root of our ills.
Trusting that everything happens for a reason, which we don‟t often
understand at first. We may have to shift our viewpoint to see that there is
good and bad in everything, a polarity of yin and yang. Our most difficult
challenges in life are usually our greatest lessons with the most rewarding
gifts, waiting for us to dis-cover! When we can let go of seeing something as
„bad‟, we can be open to the possibility of seeing the good that comes from

Let‟s look at the heart. It is the center of your being, where your „Heart and
Soul‟ resides. It is the fourth and central chakra, or energy center, in the
body, relating to all others. In a holistic model, the heart is about loving
yourself first and foremost, then extending your love out to others through
your close personal relationships, and further to an altruistic love for
humanity. We may have been hurt in the past, or carrying the genetic
vibration from our ancestry of feelings of deep hurt or grief, and feelings of
betrayal that never were resolved. We may have „walled off‟ the heart as a
way to protect ourselves from feeling emotional pain, such as seen by a
lacunae. When I see it as a genetic influence, it tells me that this is a very
important „Soul level‟ issue that you have chosen to bring into this lifetime
to work through and heal, both for yourself and future generations.

Arterial hardening, plaquing and narrowing can be related to feelings of

rigidity and limitations in your ability to open your heart fully to others
close to you. Fatty build up can be related to a build up of emotional issues
that have been stuffed inside and never fully processed and handled well
enough for resolution and healing. Dark pigmentation can be deep anger, or
even buried hatred, that needs to be resolved.

Pinguiculas seen in the sclera can indicate emotional blockages in the throat
area. These are unexpressed communications, a difficulty expressing our
heart-felt emotions such as what you are feeling (not just thinking), what you
really need, what is truly important to you, and what makes you happy. I
often tell my clients that it is no mistake that your voice is in between your
mind and your heart. We are meant to express our ideas, thoughts, and
viewpoints from our mind, using it as a tool. For some of us, our minds are
very active andsharp and can dominate our expressions. This „thinking‟ self
can be a resistance to „feeling‟ our emotions as we try to analyze, figure
and think our way through our life circumstances without feeling.

Trained holistic therapists using Iridology can see the more meaningful
aspects of our health challenges and understand the wonderful, deeper
issues each of us are learning about just by looking at the eyes. Through the
patterns, markings, pigmentations, lacunaes, and more, we can see what
aspects of the Soul are most important for you to understand as you work
through your healing process. We all have strengths and virtues, as well as
weaknesses and challenges in life. These are our gifts. We can see the
genetic influences which you are working on healing in this lifetime. As part
of the healing therapy, we not only talk about nutrition, diet, exercise and
supplements to support the body systems, but we help people understand the
bigger picture of what they are trying to achieve, and give them a few tools
to accomplish that. It may be that they really need to love and honor
themselves more, or open their intuition to listen to their inner guidance,
letting go of the past but extrapolating the good we have gotten from our
challenges and life lessons.
We can see that some people are natural healers or teachers. They are very
compassionate people who work well with others. Some eyes show us a
strong determined leader or business person. Others have such strong spirits
who have chosen many life lessons to work through and heal. We can see in
the eyes of a child the aspects of self that need to be nurtured and supported
so they can thrive in their development. Calling on our strengths can often
help us with our challenges. We are all here truly to gain more happiness
and less suffering in our lives and in our bodies.

So when we see these signs in the eye, we can start by asking questions to
see if they are having any of these challenges. I am often surprised at some
of the responses and relief people can feel when they are finally being seen,
heard, or understood. I find that people really respond when you talk to them
about the health of the Soul because our medical community doesn‟t
acknowledge it at all. As we all say “The eyes are the windows to the Soul!”

In a study done of 200 patients in Northern England, John Andrews studied

the dynamics of identifying „betrayal‟ from iris analysis. Other studies were
performed in Italy, South Africa, and the USA with comparative results. All
200 patients of the first study answered positively to holding on to feelings
of betrayal of differing types which had remained emotionally unresolved.
This corroborates Andrews‟ findings from analysis of the iris. There are
several signs in the iris which will identify „betrayal‟, and as such, can
magnify the importance of the emotion to our overall wellbeing. These
feelings of betrayal will often progress to further feelings of resentment,
bitterness, indecision, or lack of self-esteem. Through the
psychoneuroendocrine pathways, this then leads to energetic and physical
imbalances which often end in physical disease. When iridologists identify
this emotional tendency, and gently explain it to the client, they have taken
the first step toward releasing negative emotions.

The international perspective on emotional approaches in iridology is ever

progressing. Germany, which has been known to take a solid scientific
approach to iridology, has produced several doctors (Heilpraktikers) who
have pioneered research in emotional iridology. Among them, Josef Angerer,
Rudolf Schnabel, Josef Deck, and Willy Hauser have taken iridology several
steps further to understand that physical complaints have an emotional
component. While iridologists have agreed upon the physical propensities
seen in the iris, many have been slow to accept the notion of emotional signs
visible in the iris.

“The human iris is both a communicator and a receptor. It is populated by

nerve tissue from the autonomic and central nervous system‟s reflexes and
studies from Russia have shown to us that the iris emits it‟s own,
scientifically measurable, individual energy field and that when light enters
the iris it is absorbed and through the neural pathways in connection to the
lateral geniculate bodies is absorbed into the system and circulated to the
organs, glands and mesenchyma.
Not only do we have physical projections within the iris and pupillary fibre
and tissue structure, but in addition to this I assert we carry our own
databank of emotional issues, conflicts, and experience within the structure
of the iris and pupil. These psycho-emotional dynamics are expressed within
the iris, even though we remain verbally silent when trying to process our
emotions the iris prevails and maintains our truly holistic nature by carrying
and communicating not only our own emotional experience, moreover, those
of our family and genetic inheritance.”
………John Andrews, Researcher, UK

Portion of Emotional Iridology chart by John Andrews

John Andrews has found that certain iris and IPB signs can carry emotional
interpretation. All organs, glands and cells carry an emotional memory,
dynamic or energetic, and all can interact with emotional anatomy. We know,
without a doubt, that emotional experiences will influence our physical
health and that poor health will obviously affect our emotions. The science
of epigenetics shows that emotions can be carried forward generationally
without changing structural DNA. There is a scientific basis linking
emotional approaches in iridology and other theories, such as Quantum
physics or Psychoneuroimmunology.

Sclerology Signs in the Eye

“An animal will always look for a person‟s intentions by looking them right
in the eyes.” ……..H. Powers

Sclerology, as defined by Dr. Jack Tips, PhD, is…. “The art and science of
interpreting the red lines in the whites of the eyes for their constitutional
health implications.”

Doctor Stuart Wheelwright was the modern day founder of sclerology. He

discovered it while studying Native American herbology in Utah and Idaho.
A practitioner/healer named Dr. Sundance was gaining national reputation
for helping people with arthritis and cancer in the 1940‟s and 1950‟s. Dr.
Wheelwright learned from Sundance how to use a small flashlight and look
at the patterns in the white of the eyes to determine areas of stress in the
body. After 35 years of research and development, Dr. Wheelwright
advanced sclerology to charting and recognizing over 400 conditions. Dr.
Jack Tips, PhD studied diligently with Dr. Wheelwright and went on to form
the International Sclerology Institute.
There are a number of reasons to include sclerology in the overall study of
the eye as it relates to holistic body function. The red lines are easily
discernible. The lines and patterns may register an abnormal stress long
before any serious effects are experienced. This, of course, applies to iris
study as well. However, signs of change appear and /or alter quite rapidly in
the sclera. One line is not to be considered alone. The entire eye is a
reflection of the entire body. In Naturopathic philosophy there is a law that
states, “The human being is a wholeness comprised of many interdependent
parts. One part cannot be affected without affecting the whole person. And
the whole person cannot be affected without affecting the various parts.”

“Sclerology provides causative insights about the constitutional stress

patterns and bio-energetic disturbances that alter the balanced free-flowing
expression of the body‟s innate vitality. To the Sclerologist versed in the
laws of natural cure, this portrait quickly reveals the key elements that lead
to the restoration of optimal health at its most fundamental level.”

……..Dr. Jack Tips, PhD

The study of the sclera reaches deep into antiquity. The Chinese view of the
sclera was based on the twelve meridians and the yin and yang aspect of
each meridian. The Chinese saw the lines in the sclera as a reflection of the
principles of acupuncture; therefore, interpreting imbalances in the meridian
energy would necessitate a register in the sclera.

Anatomically, the sclera is continuous with the dura mater of the brain. This
is the physical or structural channel through which the signals from all over
the body enter the eyes at the level of the sclera.

In the sclera present above, the lateral quadrant of the left eye is in view; this
is the area of the left eye most visible when the person is looking toward his
nose. This is one of the areas where one can see stressors to the heart.
Cardiovascular stress such as elevated cholesterol and hardening of the
arteries can be represented by the sclera lines as indicated by arrows. Please
note again that a highly trained iridologist/sclerologist would not look alone
at these lines and register alarm. Other veins and arteries in the eye must be
considered, as well as patterns in the iris.
There are three energies registered in the sclera: the nerves, the lymph, and
the condition of the blood.
Quite simply, lines will move from the outermost part of the eye toward the
iris, and in doing so, will interpret stress in that area.

The coloration in this sclera is in the lower area of the eye. It is a signal to
look for degeneration/stressors in the entire zone of colon, kidneys and small
intestine. When one sees yellow in the iris it always has to do with toxicity
of the liver. Blue will indicate a lack of oxygenation to tissues in the
corresponding area, as well as congestion.
The two sclera photos represent first the left lateral area of the eye and the
second photo represents the right lateral area. These scleras are from the
same person.

He is a 55 year old man who presented with a history of addiction, including

drug abuse, alcoholism and smoking. Just knowing this portion of this
man‟s history would be sufficient for the average person to realize that his
liver would have had undue stress upon it for many years.

Looking at photo #1 the yellow deposit at approximately 4:30 outside the

iris, in the white of the eye, is an indication of severe liver distress. The
location indicates that the pancreas (digestion or blood sugar levels) has
been involved. Now regard photo #2 in the right eye. The yellow coloration
in the sclera is exactly in the liver area. This signifies probable hardening of
the liver and definitely liver stress. You will notice that both liver indicators
are close to the iris. When this occurs, the situation is considered more
serious than colorations occurring further from the iris border.

A competent sclerologist would carefully consider all the lines and

pigmentations in the sclera before making recommendations. For instance,
also note that in the right eye (photo #2) there is a dark red line running
parallel to the iris border. This signifies compromise to the immune system.
Taking this into consideration, the health practitioner would look at all
signals in the iris and sclera and potentially decide that the immune system
must need assistance in order for the liver to get well.

Although this man presented with no symptoms but occasional digestive

distress, you can be sure that down the road his liver would begin to call for
help by producing symptoms. Some of these symptoms could include
fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, easy bruising, and weakness; however,
quite often liver problems tend to be quite silent in nature. But knowing,
through iridology and sclerology, that his body was in a stage of distress, he
could begin to change his lifestyle essentially promoting healing. Beyond the
obvious need to address this person‟s addictions, the nurturing and cleansing
help of herbs and supplementation could work to regenerate damage done to
the liver and other systems of his body.
As one of the world‟s foremost authorities on Sclerology, Dr. Jack Tips sees
both iridology and sclerology as important and integrative modalities:
“Sclerology and Iridology are two separate views of the individual‟s stress
patterns. Both sciences are windows to understanding health. However, each
presents a unique view and thus they work well together to give the
interpreter a broad view of insights.” One advantage to sclerology is the
ease in viewing the person‟s eye. The red patterns against the white of the
eye are easy to discern with a simple magnifying lens and natural light. It is
also advantageous that the lines in the sclera change quite rapidly. Therefore,
if the chosen health plan is working, this will be revealed in the eyes
oftentimes before the situation is fully corrected.

Dr. Tips gives us an example of what might show in the sclera if a person
has headaches: “The sclera‟s information is causative, and not a
confirmation of symptoms. If a person has headaches, the sclera would
reveal where the body is struggling to maintain balance. Thus the sclera
might show a gall bladder stress– and the headache would be a result of a
gall bladder complaint. Or the sclera might show that the cervical spine is
stressed, and that would be thecause of the headaches.”

Similarly, if a woman suffered from PMS, a sclera line might not always
show in the reproductive area. Dr. Tips suggests that the sclera could reveal
that the pituitary gland or thyroid could be under stress. These are glands
that have to do with production of hormones, and if they are out of balance,
so are the necessary hormones. In addition, the liver could be out of balance
in its job of processing hormones, xenoestrogens, or other toxic and
imbalanced substances.

In this example, Dr. Tips shows how sclerology can advantageously steer us
in the right direction and make better decisions when helping people:

“A man with a chronic cough had been taking massive herbal antibiotics
such as goldenseal, Echinacea, astragalus, lomatium, as well as formulas
for the lungs and respiratory system before he saw me for a sclera analysis.
His sclera showed there was no infection in the lungs, but he still had the
cough. The sclera revealed that it was the phrenic nerve by portraying a line
from the head nerve region into the lungs. Thus, the appropriate therapy was
nerve support, not lung support; and a short course of nerve
herbal/nutritional support helped his body turn off the cough.”

We can see the importance of combining both sclerology and iridology in

understanding where congestion may have settled in the body, and in so
doing, can prepare a program to remove the congestion and allow the
vibratory energy of the body to return to homeostasis.

According to Dr. Leonard Mehlmauer, ND and leading Sclerologist, “Only

one line (primary line) does not directly indicate pathology. That is the
Primary Line which is visible shortly after birth and shows only tendency to
difficulty, tendency to congestion, dysfunction, or other pathology in
whatever organ or area it appears….Every other shape or line in the sclera
has a direct pathological meaning.” The primary line is relatively straight
with a slight curve at the end. When a line begins curving in a serpentine
manner, this indicates basic congestion in the corresponding area. Generally,
wherever there may be an inherited tendency for weakness, such as the
kidney area (as in the photo below), this will be where illness will first
Examples of basic congestion lines

Dr. Mehlmauer shows with his photo below how disease is evidenced in
both the iris and the sclera. This person was medically diagnosed with high
blood pressure, heart disease, and low thyroid. A malignant tumor was found
in the lung area. Dr. Mehlmauer feels confident that he can confirm the
neoplasm by the sclera line in the first picture that thickens as it nears the
iris. The reference arrow points to the dark spot in the lung area of the iris,
which also suggests the tendency for neoplasm. In the lower image the
heavy congestion sclera line involves the arterial macro-vascular. There is a
red wash visible in the corner of the sclera area. This is a sign of potential
heart disease. The arrow points to the corresponding iris signs of the heart
and lung.
Courtesy of Grand Medicine. Taken from free newsletter publications.

Says Dr. Mehlmauer, “As any health practitioner knows, the scleras reflect
the general state of health. Doctors have been looking at the whites of the
eyes since time immemorial to determine the patient‟s basic state of health.
When the eyes are a bright white, crisp, and clear, the person is usually

There are three basic markings that sclerologists look for: Gels, colorations,
and lines.

Gels appear as a raised blob that seems to sit upon the sclera. Gels signify
difficulty in digestion of fats, and so will involve the gall bladder, liver,
and/or the pancreas. They will most frequently be seen in the sclera at about
3:00 or 9:00 when looking at the eye as a clock face. A clear gel will suggest
that the gall bladder is under more stress. When the gel appears yellowish
then the liver is more significant, and a whitish appearance can be a problem
with processing vitamin A.

Colors in the sclera can present as dots, spots, splotches, patches, washes, or
general color tints. In general, a nice healthy sclera will be clear of any color
markings. The colors have to do with blood conditions of dysfunction in
corresponding systems, organs, or general body tissues. For instance, a
general wash of yellow in the sclera will indicate liver involvement. Lines in
the sclera are of two types: primary and secondary. Primary lines are seen
within days or weeks of birth and show inherited tendency. Secondary lines
are all the other lines which may appear in the whites of the eye. These
indicate actual current conditions or stressors, and can show both physical
and emotional circumstances.

Charts of the Sclera

Dr. Leonard Mehlmauer is professor and researcher at Grand Medicine. His
sclerology chart is used worldwide.

Dr. Jack Tips is founder of the the International Institute of Sclerology. His
sclerology chart is based on the works of Stuart Wheelwright.

The following sclerology charts are copyrighted and as such, cannot be used
or reprinted without express approval of the authors.
“The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.”
----------Meister Eckhart
The eyes hold information pertaining not only to our physical selves, but to
our emotional and spiritual selves.

The definition of spirituality can vary dramatically from one person to the
next. The broad meaning that encompasses the integration of mind as
thought, body as physical, and spirit as „highest goodness and morality‟ in
whatever form that resonates personally is what is applicable in Spiritual

Dr. Jane Smolnik, ND, of North Carolina believes that a deeper

understanding of the emotional and spiritual aspects of iridology provides
her with the complete tools to assess levels of health in each individual. Our
„spiritual health‟ reflects how we relate to and love ourselves, our family,
that natural world, those talents and gifts we have to offer others and our
sense of unity and connection to our global community as well as to a Divine
Higher Power.

Several very innovative and well respected doctors have conducted much
research on how spiritual aspects will be reflected in the eyes. Again,
remember the veryold and sage proverb, “The eyes are the windows to the

Dr. Daniele Lo Rito from Italy has explored how the information from the
eyes serves to illustrate the role of spiritual iridology. Dr. Lo Rito feels that,
“Understanding Iridology and Spirituality…can help us to become free of
influences that limit us, that direct us towards possession, power, greed, and

Dr. Lo Rito has divided the iris into twelve spiritual sectors. In the example
below, sector A represents the time that we are meeting our first spiritual
impulse towards maturity, towards the development of human qualities in
our earthly existence when the Spirit is in its extreme purity. The lacuna in
the iris picture is in sector A and shows a burden in this spiritual
Both Drs. Lo Rito of Italy and Gino Bellinfante of Quebec have worked
together to research the iris for a helping hand in the direction of spiritual

Dr. Lo Rito has, through his research, been able to associate some of the iris
signs into significant representations that connote spiritual patterns.

•Possibility of spiritual evolution

•“I can experience liberty”
•The need for liberty, sometimes complaining
•Obstacles to overcome in my evolution
•Ability to communicate with the angelic world


• “I do not evolve”
• Earthly burden
• Anchor for the spirit
• A small thing prevents us from going forward
• The strength of creation expresses itself by materializing
• Difficulty in having a contact with the Divine
•” A cloud darkens the vision of my task”
• Held back by earthly things
Physical aspects see in the iris which show that the gallbladder and liver are
challenged help us understand that the release of anger and resentment will
serve to ease the burden placed on those organs.

Whenever we are personally touched by a circumstance we feel its effects on

both a conscious and a sub-conscious level. With each emotion we can feel
both the past and the present.

Dr. Gino Bellinfante, B.Sc, N.D., of Canada has devoted much of his study
to spiritual iridology, often working in conjunction with Dr. LoRito. Dr.
Bellinfante sees spirituality in the simple form of four loves: Love of God,
Love of Family, Love of Friends, and Love for the World. Knowledge of the
iris and sclera has led Bellinfante to divide these spiritual qualities into four
parts, which include both iris and sclera.
“ The Spirit is nourished through the faculty of our thinking. Ideas become
nourishment for the spirit. Man‟s ability to perceive the spiritual which lives
in the world through his intellectual faculty allows him to feed on this
invisible food. We can say there exists a non visible world for man‟s
common senses, where he can enter to gather the fruits of the spiritual
world. Inspiration, imagination, intuition, spiritual perception may be some
of the means for this passage. Thereby the activity of thinking can become
the organ fit for digestion.”……..Dr. Daniele Lo Rito
Photo from archives of Bellinfante/Lo Rito
Photo from archives of Bellinfante/Lo Rito

In photo 1 you can see the lacuna and radial furrows at approximately 4:30
when viewing as a clock face. Photo 2 is in the sclera of the same eye.
Notice the heavy congestion line ending in a Y shape that points to the same
area indicated in Photo 1. This is in the sector that Bellinfante and Lo Rito
designate as World. Dr. Bellinfante‟s studies with Dr. Daniele Lo Rito have
been purposefully defining what we all intuitively know: that we are not just
physical bodies, but emotional and spiritual as well. They wished to find
ways to use the information offered by the eyes to see beyond the more
obvious physical interpretation, and use Love to help overcome situations
that may appear to be insurmountable mountains. These photos are of the
eye of a young boy. They show that the world is predominant. But how do
we determine what the „world‟ is to this boy? An emotional situation in the
family had a bearing on the boy‟s health. Dr. Bellinfante is able to determine
that the first photo showed „long-suffering‟. This can be determined as a
refusal to give up on those whom we love. The second photo represents the
ability to forgive and forget. Inability to forgive can often translate to an
obstacle to spirituality that looms large in the lives of so many of us.

“ Love is generated from the concept that we are a little individual and a
little universal, and we perceive that a part of us lives in the other and vice
versa.”……..Dr. Daniele Lo Rito

Serious Signs - Research

“The iridology approach is most helpful to the practitioner since it visualizes
the whole condition of the body.” ……Professor Sergé Jurasunas

It is well accepted by all modern iridologists that iridology is considered an

assessment process, and it must not be used to diagnose disease. Yet, there
are certain medical doctors in countries other than the United States who
employ iridology along with medical tests and practices in their final
analysis. Professor Serge‟ Jurasunas is one example:

Professor Sergé Jurasunas of Portugal has viewed and photographed over

80,000 peoples‟ eyes, including 20,000 cancer patients whose malignancies
covered the entire spectrum of types, grades, and involved organs. He is a
world renowned leader in the field of degenerative disease such as cancer
and the science of Aging as it relates to modern diseases like Parkinson‟s
and Alzheimer‟s. He is a naturopathic physician, nutritionist, homeopathic
doctor, researcher and practitioner of iridology.

In the United States, practitioners of alternative therapies are cautioned to

never say they can diagnose an illness. They are warned to refer to people
they are trying to help as „clients‟ and never as „patients‟. The
consequences can be grave if these rules are not followed. These domains
are acceptable only in the medical world of surgery and chemical treatments.
There is a great deal of fear around invasion into the realms of health where
western medicine is practiced and pharmaceutical companies reign. This is
not the case in most European countries, where any and all forms of healing
are embraced and practitioners of various modalities work together to
promote a patient‟s health.

The research and clinical work of Dr. Josef Deck of Germany has
significantly demonstrated to European physicians the scientific value of
iridology as a diagnostic tool. The experiments of Drs. Velkhover and
Romashow at the University of Moscow demonstrate striking correlations
between iridological analysis and standard diagnostic techniques.

These examples show what can happen when scientists approach iridology
with an open mind.
Professor SergéJurasunas is one of many who look to the iris for initial signs
of the potential to develop cancer. One of the research tests Professor
Jurasunas conducted was to evaluate the correlation between the contraction
furrows (nerve rings) found in the iris, and low antioxidant status in breast
cancer patients.

This iris/sclera has signs typifying skin cancer - photo by Prof. Jurasunas He found that the
nerve rings correlated with high free radical activity.

Professor Jurasunas also performed 40,000 peripheral blood examinations

between 1980 and 1990 and another 15,000 oxidative stress tests since 1980.
His overall assessment was that nutrition is profoundly associated with

According to Jurasunas, “ There is a definite correlation between breast

cancer and chronic constipation. My own observation leaves no doubt about
this. There is hardly a case of breast cancer with good bowel function, as
with colon cancer.” Natural health practitioners have known for many years
that the systems of elimination must function well as a basis for good health.
When the body does not eliminate each meal within the next 12 to 18 hours,
then the fecal matter begins to putrefy and the colon becomes extremely
toxic. This toxic matter will re-enter to circulate through the blood.

“Based on my experience and observation, our medical group has always

found that breast cancer patients have a very low energy level. We
discovered that high toxins are responsible for decreasing energy, especially
in the neurology of the brain. In fact, electromagnetic testing consistently
shows low energy levels of both brain and intestinal areas which correlate
with iridology and the theory of constipation linked with breast cancer. From
an embryological standpoint iridology shows the relationship between
bowel, nervous system, lymphatic circulation and the breast organ”, states
Professor Jurasunas.

It is important to remember that both emotional and nerve conditions affect

the immune system while metastases are simply attracted to blood
circulation by neurotransmitters. Again, the iridology profile is a good way
to get a whole picture of the patient.

It is a fascinating and important discovery that Professor Jurasunas has

found this relationship between colon health and his work with cancer
patients. Dr. Jurasunas has developed successful treatment protocols for
breast cancer based on his intensive studies.
Breast area in left iris-photo by Prof. Jurasunas

Professor Jurasunas claims that , “ Well in advance of clinical symptoms,

iridology can detect an abnormal condition which may lead to
atherosclerosis, Alzheimer‟s, vascular damage to the brain, and many other

About ten years ago Alzheimer‟s was unknown in Portugal, although this is
not to say that the disease did not exist. While brain capacity may gradually
be reduced in the elderly, the incidence of toxic metals has increased. Studies
have shown that aluminum is four to six times higher in Alzheimer‟s
patients than in others. This will increase lipids and lower levels of
antioxidants, thus, in all probability, causing the disease to develop more

Loss of memory, energy depletion, distorted thinking, poor judgment, and

personality changes are some of the symptoms of Alzheimer‟s disease. Yet
these symptoms will show up before the disease is clinically defined– and
this is where iridology comes in. Dr. Jurasunas says, “It just happens that
within the iris of a patient suffering from mental confusion are all the signs
which correlate with the condition. Just by examining the iris, one is able to
tell the patient what symptoms he is experiencing without first asking him!”

Iris shows lack of oxygenation . Note blue coloration at the top of the iris. Photo by Jurasunas

“Since iridology is always able to evaluate a patient‟s gastrointestinal

condition and because experience has shown that good colon function
correlates with overall good health, I have seen time and again that it is rare
to find illness in an individual who has good intestinal function.
For years I have always correlated constipation with disease, particularly
with cancer and poor overall health. And it is true that digestive disorders
and poor bowel function are certainly connected with aging.

The deficits of aging and virtually all cancer cases are correlated with
degenerative tissues in the colon together with disturbed intestinal flora and
the accumulation of toxins and bacteria.”-----Professor Jurasunas

Professor Jurasunas has developed considerable works of profiling aging

through iridology. As the eye is an extension of the central nervous system,
there is a direct connection with the brain. Jurasunas has found that neuron
damage can be observed within the eye around the pupil area. Jurasunas
explains that this area is the only visible section of the central nervous
system with genetic information. People will age more quickly when they
lead an unbalanced lifestyle, have chronic stress, poor food habits, and an
exhausted nervous system. When we have a diet rich in oxidized fat and low
in fiber along with poor bowel absorption, fat will accumulate on the colon
wall and penetrate into the blood, invading fixed tissue such as breast tissue.

Jurasunas tells of a 42 year old woman who consulted with him: “Just
observing her I was able to tell her she had recently suffered a dramatic
biological collapse somewhere in her body. She said this was so and added
that for the past few months she had been feeling like „an old lady‟. Most of
her hair had already turned white. Her iridology analysis showed
disturbances in the nervous system, hypothalamus, colon, liver, and kidney.
Again the question: How could any of this have been adequately detected
through routine hospital analysis? Hospitals are surely missing something of
great value by not incorporating iridology into their basic diagnostics.”

Note that the transversal that Professor Jurasunas refers to is a white fiber
that moves crosswise against the normal fiber direction. Transversals in the
iris are an indication of genetic predisposition to trauma or pain in the
corresponding area.
Also notice that at 5:00 the ovary is indicated with an arrow. This can be a
factor which can indicate breast cancer risk. As explained by Professor
Jurasunas, chronic constipation and stagnation in the colon can develop
carcinogenic bacteria which can be involved in breast cancer.

The Oxidative Stress test is performed by Professor Jurasunas to measure

free radical activity by-products from membrane injury. This test can reflect
Dr. Jurasunas‟s opinion regarding the inflammatory process observed in the
iris and high free radical activity in the pathology of a breast tumor.
Professor Jurasunas has developed effective holistic treatments for breast
cancer patients. However, he cautions that the emotional state of the patient
is very important. Jurasunas believes that, “We have to deal as closely as
possible with Nature when treating a patient as only natural foods can build
new tissues, proteins, and health when the body is too busy trying to handle
stress. When the body begins to manufacture new proteins, then health

Professor Sergé Jurasunas practices in Lisbon, Portugal, specializing in the

treatment of cancer. He is the author of numerous research studies and books
on Iridology and natural health. Including „A Saude Passa Pelo Intestino‟
published in 2004. He has presented his work throughout the world in such
countries as Portugal, Russia, England, Germany, and Japan.

A Final Note From The Author

It is with great passion and enthusiasm that I brought forth the information
contained in this book with the intention to share it with the public.

It has been a thrill to experience the extraordinary results achieved

throughout the years using iridology in my own practice. With any new
thought, we tend to first discount what does not fit precisely with what our
minds have known as being true and comfortable. It is my hope that you
have read this book with an open and keen mind.

I am wholeheartedly certain that iridology will evolve to its proper place in

the healthcare field. Iridology has suffered some bumps along the road to
dignity. There has been a process, particularly among Western iridologists,
to reach a singular paradigm of language and understanding. With the high
level of commitment from globally situated research iridologists, there is a
considerable attempt at standardization in this field that will attract the
attention of those with a medical perspective, and lead seamlessly to an
integration of allopathic and alternative healthcare. It is a positive indicator
towards thisend that the medical journal “The Lancet” published a
favorable editorial on the study of the iris and the potential benefit for health
in this field.

People today do not accept diagnosis without information, and they also
want as many options as possible to choose from.

With this book I have attempted to give examples of the vast wealth of
information contained in the eye. Some of these examples are from countries
that have different governing laws about health care. Europe and India, for
example, have a rich respected heritage of homeopathy, and in the United
States this is denounced. In the matter of health care, I believe that the
boundaries should be open to allow everyone the freedom of choice.

……..Gael Riverz, ND
Disclaimer: The information in this book has not been evaluated by the FDA. This book contents,
author, or statements therein do not in any way attempt to diagnose or treat disease.

Art and Ellen Tart-Jensen Bernard Jensen Foundation

Dr. Jack Tips, ND, PhD

President of The International Sclerology Institute www.sclerolgy-

John Andrews, Yorkshire, England Editor, International Iridology Research

Journal Author, “Iris and Pupillary Signs” , “Immunology & Iridology”,
“Endocrinology & Iridology”, “Emotional Approaches in Iridology”, and
“Iris & Pupillary Signs” (co-authored with Dr. Daniele Lo Rito.
Internationally recognized For his research. Co-Director of the College of
Natural Healing. Private practice in East Yorkshire, UK
Thank you to John Andrews for checking research information for accuracy.

Dr. Elaine Newkirk, ND

Thank you to Dr. Newkirk for checking nutritional information for accuracy.

Dr. David J. Pesek, PhD

Teacher and mentor in the study of Holistic Iridology

Dr. Toni Miller, ND, Mir, MH Lake Munmorah, Australia

Acknowledgments, continued:
Dr. Daniele Lo Rito Via Monte Fumo 15 30030 Oriago-Venezia

Dr. Gino Bellinfante

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Professor Serge Jurasunas Lisboa, Portugal

Dr. Celso Batello

Dr. Leonard Mehlmauer Grand Medicine

Dr. Jane Smolnik, ND

Dr. Mikhail Dailakis

Thessaloniki, Greece
President: Hellenic Medical Iridology Assoc.

References and Resources:

“Nutrition Seminar” by Elaine Newkirk,
The National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals
“Women‟s Health” by Elaine Newkirk Website:

Dr. David J. Pesek, PhD

International Institute of Iridology Waynesville, North Carolina

“The Art and Science of Sclerology” and “Insights In the Eyes” By Dr. Jack
International Sclerology Institute

“Today‟s Herbal Health” Louise Tenney, M.H.”

Professor Serge Jurasunas

Member: Amerian Academy of Anti-aging Medicine Rua da Misericordia,
1200-654 Lisboa, Portugal

“Breast Cancer Theory, profiling through Iridology” “Biological Aging:

Signs in the Iris”

John Andrews MH, Ir, MGNI

Editor of „Advanced Iridology Research Journal‟
Co-director of College of Natural Healing
Author of „Iris and Pupillary Signs‟ and „Emotional Approaches in
Iridology‟ and „Immunology & Iridology‟
Yorkshire, England

References and Resources, continued:

Dr. David J.Pesek, PhD

Creator of „Holistic Iridology‟® chart and studies

Dr. Toni Miller, ND, MIr, MH – IRIS Tech International Lake Munmorah,

Dr. Leonard Mehlmauer Grand Medicine

International Institute of Iridology Website:

International College of Iridology

375 Paradise Lane, Waynesville, NC 28785 Ph: 888-573-EYES(3937)

Trinity College of Natural Health Website:

IIPA- International Iridology Practitioners Association Website:
Dr. Elaine Newkirk, ND, LPN, CNHP, MH, CNC, LDHS Website:
Dr. Jack Tips, ND, PhD
International Sclerology Institute Website:

Clayton College
Bernard Jensen International Website:

“Advanced Iridology Research Journal” Editor: John Andrews

“Iris and Pupillary Signs” by John Andrews Corona Books, 553 Beverley
Road, Hull HU3 1XL, England

Dr. Celso Fernandes Batello Website:

Sources, continued:

Dr. Mikhail Dailakis

Thessaloniki, Greece
President: Hellenic Medical Iridology Assn.

Dr. Serge Jurasunas

Felke Institute – Stuttgart, Germany Website: www.felke-
Iris Supplies- Sam Kennedy, Australia Website:

Dr. Daniele Lo Rito Via Monte Fumo 15 30030 Oriago-Venezia

Gino Bellinfante, ND Montreal

Quebec, Canada

Dr. Jane Smolnik, ND

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