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The main focus of the 2014 podcast series "Serial," which has now gained millions of

listeners, is the criminal case of Adnan Syed. He was sentenced to life in jail without the

possibility of release for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee as well as for stealing,

kidnapping, and unjustly imprisoning her. Following their romantic involvement, they

committed these crimes. Throughout the time that the illegal activity was going on, Hae Min

Lee was locked up. The trial had a risk of ending in a mistrial in 2016, therefore the court

agreed to hear it again.

Evidence Against Adnan

A friend of Syed's named Jay Wilds said that Syed had stolen his car and brought it

back with Lee's body and a message pleading for help. Wilds saw all that occurred.

Additionally, Wilds is a potential eyewitness to the events in question. Wilds is another

person who saw all that took place. Wilds was able to verify the friendship's veracity by

hearing it from a first-hand witness. During the portion of the trial in which Syed was

required to give his defense, Wilds was one of the witnesses who testified in his favor. First-

degree murder charges have been brought against Syed. Syed's victory in court was helped

along in large part by the testimony of Wilds. In addition, Wilds claimed that Syed had

discussed the murder plot with him before killing Lee. For example, there was Lee, a witness.

This discussion took place before the murder took happened. The prosecution was able to

follow Syed's location through the investigation by using data obtained from the cell phone

tower that he utilized. This allowed them to verify his whereabouts at any given time. Given

the weight of the evidence, Wilds's testimony was given more weight. The best way to make

his evidence obvious was to allow the trial to last as long as it normally would, and

throughout that time, new evidence was gradually introduced. Jennifer Puteri testified that
Wilds claimed to have seen both Lee's body and Syed's confession to the crime. Syed is

responsible for Wilds's death. Syed's criminal act resulted in Wilds being the victim. In

addition, she said that Syed came up in conversation with Wilds. Jennifer Puteri, while giving

her evidence, relied significantly on, if not totally, the information supplied by Wilds. Despite

her denials, this was undoubtedly the case. You may be certain that if I ever came upon a

corpse by mistake, which is extremely unlikely to happen, I would immediately notify the

proper authorities.

Adnan's intentions for killing Hae

Another translation of the witness's statement at trial: "Hae turned him insane". This is

what Jay said about Hae's traits in the second interview "caused irreparable damage to his

heart and he gave up trying to mend it. As the book explains, everything went sideways from

there when Hae called Adnan "crazy" when he challenged her about her alleged flirtation

with a car salesman." The eighth episode of Season 1 is titled "Jay Tells Chris His Story."

Whether or not Adnan had premeditated Hae's murder

(This is Jay's second interview, so yeah) " (Adnan informed Jay, "I believe I will

murder her, yes I will kill her.) The victim was strangled when Adnan "snapped" (Episode 8)

Adnan repeatedly threatened Jay that he would murder Hae.

However, the investigator replies to Jay during their shopping trip on the morning of

January 12 (Jay's Second Interview), "The entire point of his being with you that day was to

urge you for your assistance?" A question posed by the detective: "Have you been accused of

murdering her?" The answer was "Yes”, and Jay was not confused. Without a doubt, albeit

maybe not in the sense of really murdering her.

To paraphrase the detective: "I don't get that exchange. When did you first suspect

that Adnan would murder Hae on January 13? Jay claims, "he told me, uh, that we're going to

hook up the next day and that, he said, that's what he said, I'm going to murder her."

"My birthday was on the evening of the day before it actually arrived, and hm Adnan

called me that evening to wish me a happy birthday and make plans to celebrate with me the

following evening," he says to Jay at some point while they are out doing some early morning

shopping on January 13. The next morning, he contacted me to make plans to meet in the

mall. I was requested to assist him in some way." Before the day he asked me to come and

physically restrain him, Adnan never once asked about me. The manner of disposal was

unimportant. Never before had he disturbed me with such inquisitive questions.

On January 12th, we spoke to Jay for the second time. I informed Jenn about the

conversation Adnan and I had earlier that day about killing Hae," Jay said. For example: "I let

Jenn in on the conversation Adnan and I had that day about killing Hae." And he responded

in kind.

The two spoke on January 13 before Jay took Adnan to Best Buy. "Yeah, I mean," Jay

said. Therefore, the investigator wonders, "Did she actually care?" ("Really not," Jay chimes


Adnan committed these murders in the following locations.

She told Jay the story while they sat in her car in the Best Buy parking lot, which was his

second interview. Chris explained to Jay that the event occurred in her car in the Woodlawn

Library parking lot. Similarly, Jay gave a similar account of the events. Jay is restricted from

seeing some details. One of Maryland's state parks is the beautiful Patapsco.
Adnan took Jay Hae's body to the following places:

Concerning the surrounding area close to Edmondson Avenue . When when you shop for

something at Best Buy. Jay blames Adnan for the death of his fiancée, which he says

occurred in Patapsco State Park, in a third interview. The body of Jay's girlfriend was

discovered in a park.

This week's episode is set at a billiard hall in Catonsville, where: "In response to

Adnan's "Yo, I must speak to you," [Jay] said, "Yo, I'm busy" while in the midst of a game of

pool. An answer of "Hey, where are you?" was given. A fight broke out when he said no to

going outside with Adnan and his vehicle (or "I"). Adnan commented, "Oh, I have to chat

with you," as he entered.

After 2:15 p.m., Jay knew he had to be at Patapsco State Park to help Adnan with

Hae's murder and/or disposal. Adnan "paid Jay to assist" and "Adnan murdered Hae in

Patapsco State Park," therefore this happened. That resulted from the fact that "Adnan

rewarded Jay for his cooperation." (Jay's Third Interview).

Around 4:30 in the afternoon, we made it to the location where we were going to be

working. after we had abandoned Hae's vehicle and bought some marijuana. Adnan tells Jay

about how he was "standing... at this ledge" when she was killed as they watch the sunrise

over the mountains (Episode 5). Twenty to thirty minutes is the average length of their visit.

Adnan is miraculously on time for track practice at Woodlawn.

While we were doing Jay's second interview at the I-70 Park-and-Ride, he came over

to his vehicle and motioned for me to open the trunk. The moment I opened the trunk, he

threw a load of items inside. That seems like one of his track bags, at least. This bag, which is

black, has white lettering. Her keys and wallet are stored in a smaller bag that resembles a

book bag and is black on top and brown on the bottom.

Jay delivers interviews after he gets out of Hae's vehicle on Edmondson Avenue and

explains what happened: Second Interview with Jay: "I don't know what he was taking out of

[Hae's] car, but he stopped, fished around some more, parked it, grabbed the keys, and

hopped into the other vehicle.

Pretrial statements were made on the following dates: February 28, 1999; March 15,

1999; March 18, 1999; and April 13, 1999. Jay provided an additional, unique narrative for

each instance. In addition, he told a totally different story throughout his trial testimony.


Syed's lawyer, Maria Cristina Gutierrez, knew about the DNA evidence that may have

exculpated her client but never discoursed it with her. In addition, when Syed was in jail,

McClain wrote to him. Syed asked Gutierrez to convey his message to McClain. However,

according to Gutierrez, this effort was fruitless. It turned out to be untrue in the end. Since

she has been gone since 2004, we will never know why she kept this secret. There will be no

rehearing of the Syed case by the Supreme Court. There is, nevertheless, widespread support

for finally granting Syed the trial he was denied in 1999.9.


5, A. H. U. J., Ali Hinman Karaoke queen and woman of extremes Keep up with Ali on

Instagram, & Hinman, A. (2021, July 6). Here's all the evidence for and against Adnan Syed.

Thought Catalog. Retrieved January 6, 2023, from


“Episode 01: The Alibi.” Serial,

Simpson, Susan, et al. “Serial: Why Jay’s Testimony Is Not Credible Evidence of Adnan’s

Guilt.” The View From LL2, 31 Dec. 2014,


Prudente, Tim. “After ‘Serial’ Podcast, Prosecutors Tested DNA Evidence in Adnan Syed

Case. Here’s What They Found.”, Baltimore Sun, 21 Aug.



Guardian News and Media. (2016, July 6). Adnan Syed is innocent. now find Hae Min Lee's

real killer | Rabia chaudry. The Guardian. Retrieved January 6, 2023, from

“Serial (Podcast).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 July


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