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Medicritic Email: maribega36@hotmail.


Exercise plan: Patient: Date:

Ejercicios de estiramiento PATY ucia Oct 03rd, 2021

Sitting Forward Hamstring and Spine Stretch

Sitting down, keep your legs straight in front of you, and reach forwards
to touch your toes. Go as far as feels comfortable. You should feel a
stretch in the back of the thighs/Hamstrings. Hold the stretch, and
return to the start position.


Single Leg Back Stretch

Lie flat on your back, and bend your knee towards your chest. Hold this
position and feel a gentle stretch in your back. If you get any groin pain
while doing this exercise, stop and inform your therapist. Relax, and
then repeat as necessary.


Double Leg Back Stretch

Lie flat on your back, and bend your knees towards your chest. Hold this
position and feel a gentle stretch in your back. If you get any groin pain
while doing this exercise, stop and inform your therapist. Relax, and
repeat as necessary.


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Glute Stretch Supine 3
Lie on your back, and bend your knee to 90 degrees (i.e. pointing
straight up). Place your ankle across your opposite knee and pull your
knee towards your chest to feel a stretch in your bottom. You can also
use a towel to assist you.


Adductor Stretch Sitting Overpressure

Sitting on a chair or the floor, bend your knee and drop your leg to one
side to create a stretch on the inside of your leg. Use your hand to push
the leg downwards creating a stronger stretch. This exercise stretches
your adductor muscles. Hold the stretch for the required time, and


Sciatic Nerve Glide Floss 3

Sit with good posture, and straighten your affected leg and bend your
ankle towards you, as you extend your neck. Then bring your neck
towards your chest as you relax the ankle. This will glide the sciatic


Sciatic Nerve Stretch 1 / Slump Stretch

Sit with good posture, and straighten your affected leg. Bend your ankle
backwards towards you. You may also drop your head forwards, and
round your posture to create a stronger stretch. You will feel the stretch
in the back of the leg (hamstring and calf), and possibly the lower back


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Sciatic Nerve Stretch 2
Lie flat on your back, and bend your hip to 90 degrees. Straighten your
leg as far as feels comfortable. Bend your ankle backwards and feel a
stretch to the back of the leg (hamstring and calf). You can make the
sciatic stretch stronger by straightening your leg more, but only go as
far as feels comfortable.


Spinal Cord Glide

Start in a neutral four point position, and arch your back and then
round your back to help glide the spinal cord. At the same time as you
round your back, you can flex your neck forwards. As you arch your
back, extend your neck backwards.


Dear PATY, please stop any exercise that causes pain. If you have any questions with an exercise, just email
us on Good luck and keep with it!

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