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Title: Jomblo Fi Sabilillah

Author: Helvy Tiana Rosa and Asma Nadia

Director: Jastis Arimba
Publisher: Warna Pictures

Pengalaman saya menonton film ini, saya merasa tertawa tiada henti. Ada saat dimana bagian
kisah cinta Ali dan Annisa membuat saya sedih karena terhalang restu orangtua masing
masing. Bagian yang membuat saya tertawa di momen Ibu Imran mengatakan BUPATI. That
makes me laughing.
Kisah tentang empat pria yang dijuluki BUPATI. BUPATI singkatan dari Bujangan Kepala
Tiga. Mereka sedang memperjuangkan cinta hingga menuju halal tanpa pacaran yang bisa
terjadi fitnah. Empat pria terdiri dari Ali, Imran, Yusuf dan Anton. Mereka memiliki
kesamaan hobi yaitu bermain futsal dan mengendarai motor kopling. Ali adalah tokoh utama
yang dominan di film ini. Dia sedang memperjuangkan cintanya melalui salah satu aplikasi di
dunia maya. Akhirnya dia menemukan seorang gadis bernama Annisa. Namun sayangnya,
cinta mereka terhalang restu oleh Ayah Ali dan Ibunda Annisa. Lalu, ada Yusuf memiliki
watak introvert dan kutu buku. Anton memiliki sifat bijaksana yang mampu membuat kata
bijak bak seorang filsuf. Dan terakhir Imran memiliki sifat yang malas karena memiliki
banyak revisi dalam skripsi yang membuatnya sulit lulus Sarjana di waktu yang tepat.
Lebih detilnya, tonton film Jomblo Fi Sabilillah di bioskop sekitar kalian!

Title: Jomblo Fi Sabilillah

Author: Helvy Tiana Rosa and Asma Nadia
Director: Jastis Arimba
Publisher: Warna Pictures

My experience watching this film, I felt like I was laughing non-stop. There was a time when
the part of Ali and Annisa's love story made me sad because they were hindered by their
respective parents' blessings. The part that made me laughing was the moment Mrs. Imran
said BUPATI. That makes me laughing until now wkwkwk.
The story of four men nicknamed BUPATI. BUPATI is acronym of Bujangan Kepala Tiga.
They are warrior for love until it becomes HALAL without dating. Dating could lead to
slander. The four men consisted of Ali, Imran, Yusuf and Anton. They have the same
hobbies, namely playing futsal and riding a clutch motorcycling. Ali is the main character in
this movie. He was fighting for his love through an application in cyberspace. Finally, he
found a girl named Annisa. But unfortunately, their love was hindered by the blessing of Ali's
father and Annisa's mother. Then, there is Yusuf who has an introvert man and bookworm
character. Anton has a wise nature that is able to make wise words like a philosopher. And
finally, Imran is a lazy man because he had a lot of revisions in his research paper which
makes it difficult for him to graduate on time.
For more details, watch the film Jomblo Fi Sabilillah in a cinema near you!

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