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Companies create business records of many types and store the electronic files using an

electronic records management (ERM) system. Explain why an ERM is a senior management

issue and not simply an IT issue?

“ERM or electric Records management system is a group of programs that are designed to

store records and information. These programs can be used to run the formation and upkeep

or various classifications, help with schedules related to preservation and removal, and

monitor access of these records”[ CITATION Ele \l 1033 ] This system helps take the data

created by the business and organize it as a classification scheme.

ERM is the responsibility of the senior management and not just IT. The main point of

ERM’s is not to just store business records electronically. The main point of ERM is to secure

them base their security on the level of importance. Also, the financial aspect of keeping

these files safe in the framework is considered. Ultimately, this is the job of the senior

management. It is only able to submit records through the system and maintain it.

2. Describe each any business, big data is used to make the data that is created useful.

According to Soumendra Mohanty, “ Once you have a platform that can measure along

the 4 V’s-volume, velocity, variety, and veracity-you can extend the outcomes of the data

to impact customer acquisition, onboarding, retention, upsell, cross-sell, and other

generating indicators [CITATION SOU15 \l 1033 ].

Variety- deals with having an array of customer data. Having a variety of customer data,

the more it can expand the cope or mindset about customers. Volume- provides a broader

perspective of the consumers. The more information you collect on your consumers, the

more the business can understand their needs. Velocity-simply put, the faster the

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information is processed, the easier answers are generated to your questions. According

to Soumendra Mohanty, “A rapid data ingestion and rapid analysis compatibility provides

you with timely and correct decision achieve your customer relationship management

objectives [CITATION SOU15 \l 1033 ]. Veracity-the buildup of data. There is an issue

with the accrual of so much data. Just because you accumulate a lot of date, doesn’t mean

it’s correct.

3. Identify the primary functions of a database and a data warehouse. Explain why

“Database is a reference to a range of cells containing data that database function

searches [ CITATION Dat \l 1033 ]. The main function of a database is to hold more

specific data associated with the business. It is also responsible for the well-being and

security of the business and its information. A collection of a variety of data and all its

sources together in one system is called a data warehouse. The first function of a data

warehouse is to put all the data together and then separated by the information they hold.

With this information presented, it benefits the company to have a data management

system because, it organizes the data to where it’s easy to understand, it maintains current

data, and it keeps the business operational.

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Datatbase Function. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Electronic Records Management Syestems. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Records of Scotand:

Mohanty, S. (2015, June 10). The 4 Essential V's for a Big Data Analytical Platform. Retrieved from



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