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1. The flag of South Africa features 7 colours.

a. !False
b. True

2. What is the capital of Jamaica?

a. !Kingston
b. Bridgetown
c. PortauPrince
d. San Juan

3. What are the four corner states of the US?

a. South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa
b. Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana
c. !Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico
d. Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah

4. Which of these is NOT a province in China?

a. Fujian
b. Sichuan
c. Guangdong
d. !Yangtze

5. Israel is 7 hours ahead of New York.

a. !True
b. False

6. Which German city is located on the River Isar?

a. Dortmund
b. Berlin
c. Hamburg
d. !Munich

7. Which country has three capital cities?

a. !South Africa
b. China
c. United Kingdom
d. Somalia

8. How many rivers are in Saudi Arabia?

a. 2
b. 1
c. 3
d. !0

9. The Alps are a mountain range on which continent?

a. Asia
b. North America
c. Africa
d. !Europe
10. Which country is the Taedong River in?
a. South Korea
b. Japan
c. !North Korea
d. China

11. What is the largest freshwater lake by volume?

a. !Lake Baikal
b. Lake Huron
c. Lake Superior
d. Lake Michigan

12. What is the largest country in the world ?

a. Canada
b. Brazil
c. !Russian Federation
d. China

1. Which of the following authors was not born in England?

a. Graham Greene
b. H G Wells
c. Arthur C Clarke
d. !Arthur Conan Doyle

2. Who wrote quot;Harry Potterquot;?

a. J.R.R. Tolkien
b. Daniel Radcliffe
c. Terry Pratchett
d. !J.K. Rowling

3. Who wrote the quot;A Song of Ice And Firequot; fantasy novel series?
a. George Lucas
b. George Eliot
c. George Orwell
d. !George R. R. Martin

4. George Orwell wrote this book, which is often considered a statement on

government oversight.
a. !1984
b. Catcher and the Rye
c. The Old Man and the Sea
d. To Kill a Mockingbird

5. How many books are in the Chronicles of Narnia series?

a. 5
b. 8
c. 6
d. !7
6. What is the fourth book of the Old Testament?
a. Genesis
b. Leviticus
c. Exodus
d. !Numbers

7. quot;Green Eggs And Hamquot; is a book by which author?

a. Roald Dahl
b. !Dr. Seuss
c. A.A. Milne
d. Beatrix Potter

8. Under what pseudonym did Stephen King publish five novels between 1977 and 1984?
a. Lewis Carroll
b. !Richard Bachman
c. Mark Twain
d. J. D. Robb

9. The novel quot;Jane Eyrequot; was written by what author?

a. Emily Bronteuml;
b. Jane Austen
c. !Charlotte Bronteuml;
d. Louisa May Alcott

10. Who wrote the young adult novel quot;The Fault in Our Starsquot;?
a. !John Green
b. Stephenie Meyer
c. Stephen Chbosky
d. Suzanne Collins

11. The Harry Potter series of books, combined, are over 1,000,000 words in length.
a. False
b. !True

12. Which of the following is not a work authored by Fyodor Dostoevsky?

a. Notes from the Underground
b. !Anna Karenina
c. Crime and Punishment
d. The Brothers Karamazov

1. What are the base station trackers used for the HTC Vive called?
a. Constellation
b. Trackers
c. !Lighthouse
d. Motion

2. The term quot;batteryquot; to describe an electrical storage device was coined

a. !Benjamin Franklin
b. Nikola Tesla
c. Luigi Galvani
d. Alessandro Volta

3. Microphones can be used not only to pick up sound, but also to project sound
similar to a speaker.
a. !True
b. False

4. Who patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotary motion?

a. !James Watt
b. Nikola Tesla
c. Albert Einstein
d. Alessandro Volta

5. When was the iPhone released?

a. 2005
b. 2004
c. !2007
d. 2006

6. Mobile hardware and software company quot;Blackberry Limitedquot; was founded in

which country?
a. United Kingdom
b. Norway
c. !Canada
d. United States of America

7. Out of all of the NASA Space Shuttles, which 2 have been destroyed in disasters?
a. Discovery and Endeavour
b. Enterprise and Atlantis
c. None of the Above
d. !Challenger and Columbia

8. What is the most significant side venture the popular firearms company,
Remington, has pursued?
a. Door Knobs
b. Ceiling Fans
c. Blenders
d. !Typewriters

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