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07/03/2023 Lez 2 inglese

Uk education system

Early years
primary education 5-11 years
secondary education 11-15 years
further education
higher education

1944, an education act reorganized state primary and secondary school in england and wales , 1947
in scotland and northern ireland.
state schooling became free for everybody up to the age 15 years
scotland and northern ireland have different school's system.

Leas dedided wich forms of schooling would be used in their areas.

Pre- primary 3-5 years Nusery and Sure start – primary 5-11 years – secondary 11-18 years you
stay until 16 years and you can to choose to follow another 2 years

3 main levels
further / adult education
higher education

schools: state or independent (very expensive)

Contermporary state school sector

children in england between 3 and 5 years are entitled to a number of hours pre year of optional ,*

the school year is divide into three terms: autumm , spring and summer

classes in english schools used to be called forms in secondary school one to six , most schools
adopted years numebrs from one which in clude a two yars sixth form form advanced examination

From 16-18 you have to study for a level (tipo maturità)

GNVQ general national vocation qualification , for to developof skills which are likely to be of use
to employers.

Main examinations :
GCSE the general certificate of secondaty education
A-Level the genral certificate of education at advanced level

students choose from subjects like english , maths, and science*

options after GCSE

leave school for wor
attend a technical college
2 more years a (level exam )
the new a lavel two year course whose content has been revised and updated , was taught from 2015
and has final written examination at the end of the second year it is assciated with more accademic
children, who are aiming at entry to highr education or the professions and who spend two years on
their studies in a school sixth form or at a sixth form college.

The national curriculum

is a set of subjects and standards used by orimary and secondary schools so children leran the same
things .
The national curriculum is organised into blocks of years callded key stages KS, at the end the
teacher will fomally assess your child's performances.
For examples:
art eand design

the Uk is home to two of world's top four universities , top 200 are located in either the Us or the
of Cambridge

main differents between Us and Uk university sistem (slide con grafico)

years of university
style of education
deph vs breadth
living situation

Undergraduate study
the hightest proportion in 2017-18 came from asia , other came from africa, middle east and north

University Titles
bachelor's degrees – master's degrees and doctorates
phd for doctor of pholosophy ( between 2 and 7 years) *

the open university 1960

you can study whenever you choose, is very flexible learning. Help you get where you want to be.

School Uniforms
wearing a uniform remains commonplace in state and private schools in the Uk, often right up to the
age 18 and is frequently a source of conflict between the school , the student and the parent.

Reasons of uniform:
on schools trips all look the same so are less likely to get lost
uniform make pupils stop worrying about what to wear each day
everyone is egual
parents dont' have to buy expensive clothes
wearing a uniform instills a sense of discipline

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