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Independent Dependent

1. Mode of teaching Students' grades

2. Number of hours spent on social media Fame of a person

3. Amount of fertilizer Amount of harvest

4. Student's Ability in billiards Grades in geometry

5. Traveller's travel history Desire to travel


1. An edcuational researcher wonders whether there is a link between the mode of teaching and the
grades of the students.

2. A researcher wants to know whether the number of hours spent on social media affects how famous
a person is.

3. An agricultural researcher wonders whether the amount of fertilizer used on plants affects the
amount of harvest.

4. A math teacher wants to explore whether there is a relationship between the students ability in
billiard and his grades in geometry. He studies whether a student who is good in billiards also good in
geometry especially measuring angles.

5. A travel vlogger wants to know whether a person's travel history affects his desire to travel again. She
studies the number of countries a traveller has already explored and his desire to travel more and
explore other countries.

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