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RESOURCES Clock, Products and Refreshments, Massage bed , Towel(bath/ face/
FB/WD), Oil with plate, Shampoo/ Conditioner, Hair Dryer, Comb/
Brush, Blanket and heater (if required)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Dryer (wire plug point), water (warm), electricity , finger nail’s, type
of pressure,

CUSTOMERS CARE Warm welcome, offering Gown, Drink and Slipper, Warm herbal foot
bath, Clear explanation of the treatment room. Check if guest’s

PRE- OPERATIVE PROCEDURE Ask if the guest wants to use restroom, Prepare bed , Escort guest to
the massage bed, Assist guest to remove gown and lie down
comfortably, Optimum music and light to assure complete relaxation,

Before massage spend some time centering yourself. Take some deep breaths
OPERATIVE and Encourage the clients to take long deep breaths and let your own
breathing pattern match. Follow Massage SOP.
Confirm regarding face massage and breast (if female)

POST- OPERATIVE PROCEDURE Follow WD SOP. Finish by holding the feet to ground. Leave the
client in peace for a few minutes. When ready, assist to get u
slowly. Provide a glass of water, offer slipper and escort to
shower area

Offer refreshment and feedback card. confirm satisfaction again,

AFTER TREATMENT escort guest to lobby.

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