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ffiew&ew 2

t r.l
Comptete the crossword.

Down Across

2 Write the correct words.

zebro kongoroo comel crocodile flomingo +:ffird-

Look of the onimol's! The ' Ltzard is

sLeeping in the sun. The : is
swimming in the woter. The 3

is fLging. The rs JUmprng.
Con gou see it? The' rs runnrn9.
It's verg fost. The 4 ts hungrg.
It's eoting.

Reod ond circle.

L Dod is /@reoding o book.
2 The girls ore f oren't Listening to music.
3 The bogs ore /oren't ploging chess.
4 Mum is / isn't wotching TV.
5 Dod is / isn't eoting on oppLe.
6 The bogs ore /oren't Listening to music.

*& Review 2
&--& ffiew&cw 2
' ?lill;:'

4 Motch the questions with the onswers.

L Is Tom wotching o DVD? @ o Yes, she is.
2 Are the children ploging vollegboLL? ! b No, it isn't.
3 Is Kotie snorkelling? E c Yes, I om.
4 Are gou ond Uourfriends surfing? D d No, he isn't.
5 Is the monkeq jumping? ! e Yes, we ore.
6 Are gou eoting o sondwich, Lee? [-l f No, theg oren't.

Ld 4 6

5 CompLete the text. gets brushes pLogs woLks cotches -hG?

BiLLg gets up of seven o'clock on Mondogs. He t _hg_q_ o

shower ond then he 3 dressed. He hos breokfost with
his fomilu. He oLwogs 3 his teeth ofier breokfost.
He never a
the bus to school. He oLwogs 5 to
school with his brother,. After school, he # with his
friends in the pork. BiLLg Loves the pork!

6 Reod ond comptete the words. OW or ou ol

A cot hosn't got honds or Flowers ond trees grow The former hos got
feet, it's gotfour p _q _W* s. in s _,_- ___ L. a bigf __ -_ k.

big g Mg Jovourite t rs mu There is L in this

verg tired." new troin. bottLe.
Review 2 49

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