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Review 13,

I Complete the crossword.


2 Write the correct words.

cofe Librorg shopping moLL sports centre cinemo {lilr+ffirring-poot-

Liso does Lots of things of the weekend. She oLwogs goes

swimming of the' jv,vg_trulg_pgol She sometimes shops
of the 2
ond she sometimes wotches o fiLm
of the B
. She olwogs eots ice creom of the
with herfriends ond she sometimes reods
books of the ?
. 5he oLwogs plogs tennis ot
the *
, too. Liso Loves weekends!

Comptete the sentences. y'/ =oLwogs y' =sofilrctimes X= never

L Kotie sometlmes V) reods comics.
2 The bogs (X) go to the museum.
3 You Vr') ride gour bike to school.
4 lock (r') pLogsfootboll in the pork.
5We Vr') hove breokfost in the morning.
6 Mg friends (X) wotch fiLms.

7O Review 3
:.- R3'view 3
4 write. o on 50me

There is Lots of food on the tobLe. There is

_sp-11l_,e__ posto ond there is onron.

There ore: lemons ond there is

cucumber. There is 5
breod ond there is s melon, too.

Comptete the sentences.

L The monkeg is bqgg3r (big) thon the mouse.
2 The mouse is the (smoll) onimol.
3 The cheetoh is the (big) onimol.
4 The mouse is _ (fost) thon the monkeg.
5 The cheetoh is the (fost) onimol.

6 Reod ond comptete the words. Ld It nd nt mp

In mg gorden there ore On mg trousers I weor o There is o Lo on the

ftowers, trees ond plo n _ t s. be tobte next to mg bed.

Lots of Jish in the I've got o red qui Thefomitg is hoving o

mg bed. picnic in the fie

Review 3 71

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