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About Yak

Yak is a long-haired bovine found throughout the Himalayan region of south Central
Asia. They are commonly found in Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and India. Yaks have been
domesticated for thousands of years and are an important part of the traditional
economy of the region.

Yaks are well adapted to living in harsh mountain environments. Their long hair
provides insulation in cold weather, and their large lungs allow for efficient oxygen
uptake at high altitudes. They are used for transportation of goods and people, as
well as for their milk, which is used to make butter, cheese, and yogurt. Yak meat is
also consumed in the region.

In recent years, yaks have also gained attention for their potential as a source of
fiber. Yak hair is valued for its softness and warmth, and is used to make textiles such
as blankets, sweaters, and rugs.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect wild yak populations, which have
declined due to habitat loss and hunting. Domestic yak populations, however,
remain stable and continue to be an important part of the cultural and economic
fabric of the Himalayan region.

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