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Cattle Raising

From: Sergio Alejandro Oviedo Loaiza

To: Omar Gaitán

University of Tolima
Agroindustrial engineering
Cattle raising, It's is an economic activity of very old origin that consists of raising
animals for their used depending on the livestock species, various derived products
are obtained, such as meat, milk, eggs, leather, wool and honey, among others,
the livestock sector is part of the primary sector of the economy. Along with
agriculture, it's forms the agricultural sector. It is one of the oldest economic
activities and is responsible for animal exploitation, depending on the geographical
area and conditions, one type of livestock or another will be more common,
livestock farming was an influential activity in the change of life of human groups,
since it allowed men to gradually stop mobilizing as nomadic groups and settled in
various geographical areas, thus forming a large number of communities.

As time passed, livestock farming became an activity that provided an important

volume of food and the benefit of being able to use large and strong animals for
plowing and load mobilization.

Now, in livestock, different types of animals can be raised, including cattle, cattle,
sheep (goats), goats (goats), pigs (pigs), equines (horses, donkeys), camelids
(camels) , dromedaries, flames).

Types of livestock
There are different types of livestock that are differentiated by the production
processes that takes places in each of the processes.

Intensive livestock
Intensive livestock farming is one in which the animals are established, with
adequate temperatures, food and sanitary care necessary for the production of
marine animals and faster, such as poultry.

In intensive livestock farming, the selection of breeds is made for different types of
production; it is practiced in the temperate zone of both hemispheres and
generates high energy consumption.

Extense livestock farming

Extensive livestock farming is one that is carried out on large tracts of land, such
as meadows, pastures or mountains, so that animals can pass through and take
advantage of the natural resources of various areas.

Extensive livestock farming is frequently carried out with animals that are adapted
to the type of field in which it is carried out, promotes the conservation of the
ecosystem and does not imply a significant expenditure of energy.

Nomadic livestock
Nomadic livestock farming is characterized by grazing cattle on large tracts of land
in order to have a natural diet. In this practice, livestock are brought to different
lands to eat various foods and resources.

This type of livestock is known as nomadic or semi-nomadic and is typical of

peoples who live in arid areas where cultivation is difficult to carry out, such as in
some territories in Africa and Asia.
Livestock farming is a key factor for sustainable development in agriculture. It's
contributes to food security, nutrition, poverty alleviation and economic growth. By
adopting best practices, the sector can reduce its environmental problems and be
more efficient in the use of resources.

In cattle raising, the breeding of indigenous cattle, typical of the area, is also
defended a form of production that is the development of local varieties.
In order to minimize the stress and anxiety of the animal, in cattle raising, their
transport is also taken care of, which must be as fast as possible and with
adequate space conditions.

Contexto ganadero. (5 de agosto de 2020). Contexto ganadero. Obtenido de

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