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Date: September 29, 2023

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: {{Subject}},

Dear {{Name}},

It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that your application for admission in the {{College
Name}} has been approved. We have found your application as well as the interview you gave to be
satisfactory and promising and we believe we have found a hard-working and earnest student in you.

The college starts officially on the {{Date}}. However, we at {{College Name}} have an informal
bonding session meant exclusively for all the students who are new to the institution. We urge you to
attend the session. Also, on the {{Date}}, the college will have an orientation for all the students.
Attendance at the orientation is mandatory. Several important details of the college will be disclosed
to the students during this orientation.

We hope you've had restful summer vacation and are prepared for some hard work in college! We
heartily welcome you into the family.

Congratulations and welcome!

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

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Date: September 29, 2023

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: {{Subject}},

Dear {{Name}},

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you regarding notify my decision of accepting your offer of enrollment in Business
Degree at University {{University name}}.

I would like to thank you for your time and consideration as well as am energized by imagining the
opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to attending the course this fall.


I would like to thank you for providing me with an admission in your prestigious university. However,
it was my dream to pursue my Business Degree from University {{University name}} since I was in
high school.

Therefore, I hereby furnish my acceptance letter to join the course for Business Degree at University
{{University name}}.

Congratulations and welcome!

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

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Date: September 29, 2023

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: College Acceptance Letter for Offering Admission

Dear {{Name}},

This is with regards to your application form number _____ (What is the College Application Form
Number) submitted on _________ (What is the Date on Which the Form was Received) for admission
in the _________ (What is the Stream Opted for – Science/Commerce/Arts) stream of our college.

Through your documents and certificates submitted along with the application form we can make
out that you had been a brilliant student of ________ (What is Name of the Student’s Old
Educational Institute).

Keeping in mind your outstanding performance and past academic records, our management team
has decided to accept your application for pursuing _____ (What is the Course Opted for) from our
college. You are requested to visit the college with all the essential documents, both original and
photocopied, to fill all the required forms and foster the admission process. Further to that, you can
join our next batch of _____ (What is the Course Opted for) starting from _________ (When is the
New Batch Starting)

With heartiest congratulations I welcome you in our college.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Looking forward to your reply.
Congratulations and welcome!

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

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