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The rapid increase of covid 19 cases brought fear and trouble to all, it affects literally all

aspects of human life. Every country experienced economic downfall a time wherein scarcity
ruled all over the world. It severely concerns the financial aspect that resulted to issues with
regards to mental health of every individual. In addition to that, there is an adjustment every
individual must be used to, the prohibition of interaction or socializing with one another and as
well as the limit of people who can go into their workplace as a result several businesses went
bankrupt, and people were found jobless.
Protocols and any form of solutions were implemented by the government, yet the core
problem was not solved since, there is no specific cure that is why people lived in fear and the
worries for tomorrow. The least expected to happen occur which is related to the educational
system of every country. Schools no longer offer face-to-face classes, and it concerns the
teachers, school staffs and the students. Somehow, students were stolen the chance to interact
with their classmates and friends and whether they like it or not classes are done virtually. We
cannot deny the fact that not everyone has the privileged and is well literate when it comes to
technology. Other than that, not all the students have the same environment wherein you have
your own place that you find comfortable to study thus will make you be productive in finishing
your task. Also, not all parents understand the concept of online class and think of it as
teenagers indulged on social media and that causes misinterpretations and brought pressure
resulting to the seeking of academic validation. Handling school stuffs at home is not suitable
for everyone. The ways of coping up are no longer applicable on the present situation. With
the arising problem the only option a student can do is to adapt and learn how things are done.
This method does not only apply to students but to every individual as well, pandemic was not
planned nor desired by anyone but given the chance to be alive is what keeps everyone to live
life amidst the pandemic.

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