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My Vision Board

Carter McMullen Period 4

About Me
Interesting Facts About Me
1) What is your name, nickname, and age?
a) Carter- CJ- chico(family nickname)-14
2) What is your ethnicity?
a) African American
3) How many siblings do you have?
a) 2 siblings
4) What is your favorite movie?
a) Spawn
5) If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why?
a) My superpower would be flight, because of the things i cant reach already being tall.
Where I Want To Be In 20 Years
My Favorite people
My favorite people for starters are obviously my mom and my dad they both take very good care of me
and of course my loving sister. I can’t forget about my besties EVAN and KEITH and kyler all tho me may not
be family we act just like it keith may not be in highschool but we treat him just like he is one of us. I love all
the memories we have all had together.
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About my favorite animal

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