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Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science

Volume 8, Number 1, April 2023, pp. 41-51

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Rain Harvester Integration for Drinking Water Using IoT

And Mobile Apps
Muh. Fijar Sukma Kartika1, Miftakhul Pebrianti Ningsih2, Muhammad Aditya Darma Saputra3,
St. Shofiah Aghnani Alfi Laila Fq4, Faris Febrian Hadianta5, Mochammad Hannats Hanafi

1,2,3,4,5,6 Brawijaya University, Malang

{1fijarikok, 2mifta02, 3farisfar}; {4m.adityadarma.s,

5shofiahaghnani}; {6hanas.hanafi}

*Corresponding Author

Received 03 October 2022; accepted 30 January 2023

Abstract. The drought that hit Indonesia caused 8 provinces in Indonesia to

experience a crisis of clean water and drinking water. Meanwhile, the rainy
season in Indonesia occurs for 6 months, starting from November to April. The
peak of the rainy season in Indonesia occurs in January, with an average
maximum rain intensity of around >700 mm. Based on the situation from the
massive potential of rainwater in Indonesia, the possibility to produce clean water
and drinking water to overcome drought problems in the dry season. The
resulting drinking water must qualify according to its standards. Therefore, the
water quality produced from this prototype must be observed. The purpose of this
study is to determine the reliability of the filter on the rainwater harvester. The
water filter materials used are zeolite natural stone, activated carbon stone, and
filter cotton, and further filters are carried out through the Ultrafiltration
membrane and electrolysis process. Then the water can be monitored for quality
through the user's device. The external water quality of the rainwater harvester is
tested with acidity or pH, Total Dissolve Solid or dissolved solids, and Turbidity
or water clarity. The change in water quality is seen in TDS, from 50 ppm to 203
ppm. In addition, water quality is seen from the pH of 6.1 to 6.9 and for Turbidity
of rainwater which is 0 NTU. Rainwater harvesters can convert rainwater into
drinking water. However, in the future, there must be further research on the
quality of water produced from rainwater harvesters.

Keywords: Rainwater, Drinking Water, Internet of Things, Water Filtration

Device, TDS, pH, Turbidity

1 Introduction
Climate change has occurred globally, but the impacts felt vary widely. These
changes can be observed from several leading indicators: temperature, precipitation,
wind, humidity, cloud cover, and evaporation [1, 2]. According to the BMKG in
Indonesia, climate change has been experienced since 1866 and is expected to continue
until now [3, 4, 5]. As a result of climate change, there are seasonal shifts and extreme
weather. The existence of severe weather makes Indonesia often hit by droughts in the
dry season and flash floods in the rainy season [6, 7, 8]. The problem in the future is
expected to have a worse impact, characterized by a longer duration and higher
Drought is a natural disaster that tends to be slow but has indirect consequences
42 JITeCS Volume 8, Number 1, April 2023, pp 41-51

and can occur over a long period, from monthly to yearly [9]. Therefore, this disaster is
referred to as a creeping disaster. The drought that hit Indonesia caused 8 provinces in
Indonesia to experience a crisis of clean water and drinking water, and it was recorded
that more than 20 thousand hectares of rice fields in East Java were in drought [10, 11,
12]. The rainy season in Indonesia occurs for 6 months, from November to April [13].
The peak of the rainy season in Indonesia occurs in January, with an average maximum
rain intensity of around >700 mm [14]. Judging from the massive potential of rainwater
in Indonesia, it is possible to produce clean water and drinking water to overcome
drought problems in the dry season.
The government's efforts to overcome the drought problem in the short term are
to provide clean water assistance to the affected areas during the disaster. Meanwhile,
for a long time, the government has asked its citizens to search for pure springs that can
be used by the community [15]. However, this method is still ineffective because it
takes a long time and cannot be done in areas containing a lot of lime [15]. Therefore,
intelligent innovations have emerged to overcome the clean water crisis by utilizing
rainwater as drinking water. Furthermore, because rainwater has no odour, a low
turbidity level of 1.05 NTU, is tasteless, has a temperature of 24.60º C, and has a colour
of <0.26 Pt.Co has a pH of 7.4 [17, 18, 19]. The proposed sollution is a Rainwater
Harvester Prototype into an Integrated Drinking Water Smartphone Based on the
Internet of Things as a Solution for Providing Clean Water.
The technology offered on the Rainwater Harvesting Device into Drinking water
is based on the Internet of Things, which is integrated into a Smartphone and embedded
into a sensor that monitors the quality of drinking water with various parameters in its
eyes. In addition, the technology also has several advantages. The costs incurred are
cheap and easy to monitor so that if an error occurs, it can be immediately handled for
repair. The main components of water worth drinking are the mineral content,
temperature, acids, and Turbidity of the water. The mineral content is obtained with the
TDS sensor for temperature using the Arduino temperature sensor Ds18b20, acid using
PH-4502C and Turbidity. The prototype uses wireless technology, namely ESP32
technology, to generate data in real time. Some studies state that such sensors are good
enough for prototyping [20, 21, 22, 23, 24].
Rainwater Harvester Into Integrated Drinking Water Smartphone Based on the
Internet of Things works by monitoring the quality of clean water produced in every
part of the filtration system. In this prototype, there is a filtration, sterilization, and
decontamination system that is used to filter dirt and kill harmful nanoparticles in
rainwater. In addition, inside, it is also equipped with several sensors that indicate the
clean, ready-to-drink water produced. This study focuses on the design and
implementation of rainwater filters with TDS, Temperature, PH, and Turbidity sensors
to determine the feasibility of drinking water produced by the device.

2 Method
The implementation stage is carried out in three phases: literature study,
prototype and design, and experimentation on the prototype. The literature study
method is used to study theories, understand design concepts, and create prototypes.
The libraries used are textbooks in the form of scientific writings, e-books, handbooks,
course reference books, and free reports such as articles and newspaper papers related
to the copyright program developed. After this is done, it is continued with the
compounding and production of the prototype and experiments to find out its

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2.1 System Design

There are two systems in this prototype: a water filtration system and an IoT
(Internet of Things) system based on Arduino that can be connected to the user's device.
There are 4 tubes made with PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) pipe. The first tube contains a
rainwater collector, and the second is an ultrafiltration membrane.

First Tube Third Tube Fourth Tube Fifth Tube

Second Tube
Rainwater Ultra Filtration Electrolysis Ready to Drink
Filtration Tube
Collector Tube Tube Water Tube

Figure 1. System Block Diagram

Ultrafiltration membrane can filter viruses and carbon black. After that, water
flows into the third tube, chemically filtration by activated carbon and zeolite stones.
Activated carbon binds organic matter in the water while zeolite stones remove
ammonia dissolved in water. In the fourth tube, an electrolysis process will function to
remove harmful nanoparticles contained in water. The fifth tube is used to hold ready-
to-drink water. In this tube, various kinds of sensors are also used to monitor the
condition of the water.
In IoT systems, the Arduino used is Arduino Uno. In the first and third tubes, a
water level sensor is used to monitor the amount of water in the two tubes. Then in tube
first and second tubes, there is a water pump to push water into the next tube. There is
an electrolysis process on the third tube with a solenoid faucet placed on the second
tube's pipe. The water pump and the solenoid faucet will be connected to a relay that
the Arduino will control so that when the water in the second tube is complete, the
water pump will turn off. The solenoid faucet will close, and then the electrolysis
process occurs. In the last tube, there are sensors needed to monitor the state of the
water: TDS, Turbidity, Temperature, and Ph meters. All sensors can be connected to
the device via Bluetooth.

2.2 Prototype Design

The first tube is a rainwater storage tube that acts as a reservoir. The second tube
is mechanical filtration, which contains zeolite, charcoal, and sandstones. The third is
an ultrafiltration tube, the fourth is electrolysis, and the fifth is a drinking water storage
tube and a sensor tube. Then a tube frame of pre-prepared iron is made. Funnel to take
rainwater, then place it on the first tube. After that, the first tube is connected to the
second tube and stops the faucet, so the water does not go directly to the second tube.
The second tube is connected to the water pump. Then the water pump is also associated
with an adapter and switch. The water pump is directly related to the third or
ultrafiltration tube.
From the ultrafiltration tube, it is connected to the fourth tube and given a faucet
stop. Then on the lid of the 5th tube is attached a copper electrode (Cu), then the
electrode is connected to the switch and then to the adapter. The faucet is mounted on
the 5th tube. The sensors are mounted on the last tube, so the sensor does not enter the
water. After the fourth tube, connect it to the last tube, given a faucet.

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44 JITeCS Volume 8, Number 1, April 2023, pp 41-51

First Tube
Rainwater Collector

Second Tube
Filtration Tube

Third Tube
Ultra Filtration Tube

Figure 2. Right Side Design

First Tube
Rainwater Collector

Second Tube
Filtration Tube

Third Tube
Ultra Filtration Tube

Fourth Tube
Electrolysis Tube

Fifth Tube
Ready to Drink Water Tube

Figure 3. Front Side Design

3 Results and Discussion
This section shows the testing of each sensor used and tests related to the
feasibility of drinking water based on actual rainwater. So, the feasibility of the
prototype was obtained to filter rainwater into drinking water with various parameters

3.1 Temperature Sensor Testing

Temperature sensor testing is carried out to measure the ability of the
temperature sensor to obtain values. Temperature testing is carried out above the
positive interval only because the need between rainwater and water after the
electrolysis process always has a positive result. This test was compared between the
thermometer and the results obtained by the temperature sensor. This test is necessary
because of the electrolysis process that provides an electrical voltage into the water. In
this process, it is feared that it will impact the water that has been filtrated. Namely, the
water will become hot and not suitable for drinking.

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Table 1. Temperature Sensor Testing

Test Data Temperature Thermometer Error
Sample Number Sensor (oC) Temperature (oC)
1 3.7 3 0.7
2 5.3 6 0.7
3 6.3 5 1.3
4 9.6 9.1 0.5
5 9.19 9.5 0.31
6 47.5 49 1.5
7 54.5 57 2.5
8 58.3 61 2.7
9 62.7 66 3.3
10 11 10 1
11 10.6 9 1.6
12 15.3 15 0.3
13 12 12 0
14 25.7 26.5 0.8
15 26.3 27 0.7
16 82 89 7
17 83.6 90 6.4
18 77.3 87 9.7
19 74.8 77 2.2
20 63.4 67 3.6
Average Error 2.3
Minimum Error 0
Maximum Error 9.7

In the Table 1 test, the temperature sensor used was quite good because the
difference obtained from the readings of the sensor results was relatively small. The
average error obtained is 2.3 degrees Celsius, the minimum error is 0, and the maximum
is 9.7 degrees. In this system, this figure is considered feasible to implement because it
does not significantly impact the quality of drinking water.

3.2 Turbidity Sensor Testing

Testing of the Turbidity sensor as a gauge of water turbidity is carried out to

determine the quality of the sensor. The sensor used is feasible or not to measure water
quality. In tests 1 to 11, it was tested with solution water that is coloured and has soil
content, while testing 12 to 18 with drinking water sold in retail stores.

In the Table 2 test above, testing with solution water that has colour and soil
obtained results from 686 NTU to 3002 NTU, but for bottled drinking water sold in
retail stores, it has a level of 0 NTU. This testing scenario states that the sensor can

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46 JITeCS Volume 8, Number 1, April 2023, pp 41-51

distinguish well whether water is suitable for consumption.

Table 2. Turbidity Sensor Testing

Test Data Turbidity Information Worth
Sample Sensor Drinking /
Number (NTU) Not
1 689 Turbid water of the 1st sample Not
2 699 Turbid water of the 2nd sample Not
3 1288 Turbid water of the 3rd sample Not
4 1798 Turbid water of the 4th sample Not
5 2019 Turbid water of the 5th sample Not
6 2218 Turbid water of the 6th sample Not
7 2680 Turbid water of the 7th sample Not
8 2789 Turbid water of the 8th sample Not
9 2876 Turbid water of the 9th sample Not
10 2982 Turbid water of the 10th sample Not
11 3002 The turbid water of the 11th sample Not
12 0 Bottled Water A Worth
13 0 Bottled Water B Worth
14 0 Bottled Water C Worth
15 0 Bottled Water D Worth
16 0 Bottled Water E Worth
17 0 Bottled Water F Worth
18 0 Bottled Water G Worth

3.3 pH Sensors Testing

The pH sensor is tested to calculate the acid content of that water. The feasibility
of drinking water for consumption is close to the number 7. In this test, data was taken
with a pH sensor and compared with a digital pH meter that has been manufactured and
patented, namely ph meter PH -009Ia. So from the test results, a comparison was
obtained between the patented prototype and the sensor used.
In the Table 3 test, the average error was 0.5, at least 0, and a maximum of 1.
This result explains that the sensors used are pretty good at detecting pH levels for
drinking water. The difference in the error range is not too significant. So this sensor is
good enough to be implemented as a prototype.

3.4 TDS Sensor Testing

TDS sensor testing is carried out to calculate the mineral content of water. The
feasibility of drinking water for consumption is worth under 500. In this test, data was
taken with a TDS sensor and compared to a TDS digital meter that has been
manufactured and patented, namely the TDS / EC EZ-1 series with the B-Leaf logo.

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Table 3. pH Sensor Testing

Test Data Sample pH Comparison pH Sensor Error
Number Tool
1 6,6 6,8 0.2
2 6,8 6,8 0.0
3 6,4 6,8 0.5
4 6,6 6,7 0.1
5 6,0 6,8 0.8
6 6,2 6,7 0.5
7 5,8 6,6 0.8
8 5,8 6,6 0.8
9 6,1 6,8 0.7
10 5,8 6,8 1.0
11 5,9 6,7 0.8
12 5,3 6,3 1.0
13 5,9 6,7 0.8
14 6,3 6,5 0.2
15 7,0 7,1 0.1
16 7,2 7,2 0.0
17 7,2 7,0 0.2
18 7,3 7,1 0.2
19 7,8 7,1 0.7
20 7,4 7,0 0.4
Average Error 0.5
Minimum Error 0.0
Maximum Error 1.0

Table 4. TDS Sensor Testing

Test Data Sample TDS Comparison TDS sensor Error
Number Tool (ppm) (ppm)
1 317 322 5
2 457 448 9
3 532 583 51
4 709 794 85
5 813 888 75
6 949 997 48
7 972 1013 41
8 1226 1217 9
9 1318 1341 23
10 1286 1265 21
11 1512 1589 77
12 1316 1413 97
13 1632 1738 106
14 1451 1562 111

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15 1474 1686 212

16 1670 1810 140
17 1517 1834 317
18 1908 2058 150
19 1870 2082 212
20 2307 2407 100
Average Error 94.45
Minimum Error 5
Maximum Error 317

3.5 Data Delivery Testing

The testing process of sending data from the prototype to the Raiter Mobile Apps
is necessary due to wireless technology's relationship between the prototype and the
prototype. This test is carried out because sometimes the datasheet given by the tool
manufacturer often does not correspond to the realization of the tool's implementation,
so this test is necessary.

Table 5. Data Delivery Testing

Data retrieval Number Distance (cm) Status (Sent / Fail)
1 60 Sent
2 120 Sent
3 180 Sent
4 240 Sent
5 300 Sent
6 360 Sent
7 420 Sent
8 480 Sent
9 540 Sent
10 600 Sent
11 660 Sent
12 720 Sent
13 780 Sent
14 840 Sent
15 900 Sent
16 960 Sent
17 1020 Sent
18 1080 Sent
19 1140 Sent
20 1200 Sent
21 1260 Fail
22 1320 Fail
23 1380 Fail
24 1440 Fail
25 1500 Fail

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Based on the test results in Table 4, the maximum data can be sent as far as 1200
cm, on the datasheet given as far as 1000 cm. Therefore, based on the design needs,
data transmission using Bluetooth Arduino Module is appropriate and can be used for
prototype tools.

3.6 Functional Testing of Drinking Water Feasibility with Rainwater Test Data
This test is a test of the entire system. The water used is actual rainwater. The
rainwater is collected and put into the prototype of the tool that has been made. After
that, a justification for the water is given, whether the water is worth drinking or not.

Table 6. Feasibility Testing

No. Before Filtration After Filtration

TDS pH Turbidity Temperature TDS PH Turbidity Temperature
(ppm) (NTU) (oC) (ppm) (NTU) (oC)
1 18 5,9 0 27 50 6,7 0 26
2 46 5,9 0 26 128 6,9 0 26
3 50 6,1 0 28 203 6.8 0 27
4 13 6,2 0 27 43 6,9 0 28
5 31 6,2 0 27 68 7,1 0 27
6 20 6,2 0 28 33 7,0 0 27
7 6 6,2 0 26 19 7,1 0 28

Based on the test results, there was a decrease in TDS, pH, and Turbidity levels
and insignificant temperature changes. TDS levels that are close to 0, pH levels that are
close to 7, and turbidity levels that have a value of 0 state that water that has been
filtered has criteria for drinking.

4 Conclusion
The research conducted to monitor water filtration by making a prototype with
five tubes was successfully and appropriately implemented. The five tubes are
considered sufficient to carry out filtration and various processes, including the
electrolysis process. The sensors used to detect water content are all feasible to use.
Where the temperature sensor has an average error of 9.7 OC, for the sensor can measure
significantly 0.5, the sensor has an average pH error of 9.7 OC, as well as the process of
sending data that can all be sent as far as 1200 cm or 12 meters.
The final test, namely the drinking water feasibility test, gave good results from
seven rain samples. The entire processed water gave results that were suitable for
consumption. The whole process offers results stating that the water produced by this
prototype is ideal for drinking. This feasibility is shown based on the justification of the
results of the sensor readings and filtration components in it. The success of data
transmission is also one of the most important supporting factors in the application of
the Internet of Things. This research provides solutions for the community and the
government in the process of providing clean water to communities affected by
disasters or people who live far from drinking water sources.

Acknowledgements. This research is the output of the Student Creativity Program

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50 JITeCS Volume 8, Number 1, April 2023, pp 41-51

organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture Diktiristek. We hope that the result
of this research will support the success of the program that has been carried out. It is
also expected that this prototype can be implemented and help people who need clean
water sources.

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