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Republic of the Philippines

Technological University of the Philippines

College of Industrial Education
Graduate Program

Subject: IE 601 - Philosophical Foundation of Industrial Education
Date Reported: November 5, 2022


According to Bill Gates “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working
together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.” Though in our present
setting we cannot deny that technology has been educator’s ally to deliver teaching and
ensure that learning happens, still it is a tool. Way before the pandemic hit, technology
was a great part of my teaching because of my specialization, we’ve already started
sharing this tool to other teachers as it does really aids the enormous things we do just to
be able to deliver a topic, then COVID19 happened and educators were pushed to really
embrace the use of technology. Though at first, a lot did not adopt easily, but as we always
say, ‘practice makes perfect’, proudly, teachers from different levels are commendable,
because they were able to use different technology.

It is always important to stay up to date with the latest technological trends as students
that we have in class are more “tech savvy” than we are. Using Technology Integration
Matrix, on a personal assessment of my technology competency, I am in between infusion
and transformation. Infusion is described as the teacher provides learning context and
the student chooses the technology tool. In my classes, part of our lectures are different
technology they can use to achieve our objectives. Best example for this, specially during
the pandemic, is teaching programming using different applications using different
devices, it was gruesome, because the pandemic also pushed students to have certain
devices to join classes, some uses up to date devices, most have the older versions and
won’t be able to run application to create their codes. To be able to move forward, I had
to create a lecture and present it in multiple apps and multiple devices just to ensure that
no one is left behind. By doing this I am also tapping the transformation level in TIM.
Where after ensuring that they are capable and equipped, part of the subject is for them
to create their own programs using codes learned from previous discussions, then
present it in class, explain how they have created it though limited to an app or a certain

In recent years, there has been a proliferation of online learning tools and methods for
students to access. One such tool is the SAMR Model, which was created by Professor
Silvia Bellugi and colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of technology in the late
1980s and has been implemented in online courses since that time. The purpose of the
model is to define the level of modification that is possible when using technology in
education. There are five levels to the model, which are outlined below: Substitution -
Replacing a pen and paper activity with a technology-based activity Modification -
Adding elements to technology-based activities that resulted in a new task Redefinition
- Revising the activity and outcome, such as replacing PowerPoint with Prezi or film with
iMovie Creation - Developing a new technology-based task. The last level is
Transformation, in which the technology is used to completely replace one task with
another. The SAMR Model can be used to guide teachers in creating effective learning
activities and resources for their classes

Using the SAMR model to gauge my personal technology competency, looking back, I
really started with the substitution, for quite a while, but at present a lot of what I do is
now in the redefinition and creation level.

In totality with my technology competency, I am more than glad because I get to upgrade
my classes so students can have more means of using the technology as a tool for
learning and more than that I get to share what I know to my co-educators and guide them
in embracing this technology as now a vital part of the teaching and learning process in
the recent years.

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