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Archangel Michael’s

Blue Flame Reiki

"Allow the blue flame of Archangel Michael to burn away all that no longer
serves you and ignite your inner power and strength."


P: (+61) 466 999 296
Date Channeled – 1st May 2023
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system may function differently for each person who attunes to it. Only your higher self decides whether restorative
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/or attunement. This manual may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Rishi Rohit Sharma does not
warrant the accuracy or completeness of the materials, or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other
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omission or change this manual as he sees fit, by revising the manual. Finally, all effort has been made to cite sources
of information, if we have missed one, it is completely unintentional.
I would like to dedicate this manual to Archangel Michael, the protector and
defender of the light. Your unwavering commitment to the highest good has inspired
me to pursue my own path towards greater wisdom, understanding, and compassion.

With your blue flame of protection, you have shielded me from harm and guided
me towards my highest potential. Your strength and courage have given me the
courage to face my challenges with grace and resilience, and your wisdom and
guidance have illuminated my path towards greater peace, clarity, and purpose.

I am humbled and grateful for your presence in my life, Archangel Michael, and I
offer this manual as a tribute to your holy name. May its words inspire others to
connect with your divine guidance and protection, and may it serve as a reminder of
the power and beauty of your holy blue flame.

Thank you, Archangel Michael, for your unwavering love and protection. May your
divine presence continue to guide and support me always, and may this manual` be a
testament to the eternal and unbreakable bond between us. Amen.
Table of Contents

Author’s Note .................................................................................... vii


What is Blue Flame? ............................................................................. 1

Blue Flame Reiki .................................................................................. 2
Energy Vampires .................................................................................. 4
Energy Parasites.................................................................................... 6
How Blue Flame Reiki is Used? .......................................................... 8
Source of Blue Flame............................................................................ 9
What Blue Color Signifies? ............................................................... 11
Importance of Blue Color.................................................................. 12
Blue Color in other Cultures............................................................. 14
Importance of Light in Energy Healing ........................................... 16
Some Blue Light Facts........................................................................ 18
Flame as a Guidance and Protector ................................................... 20
Archangel Michael ............................................................................. 22
Archangel Michael - Angel of Protection ......................................... 24
Archangel Michael - Meaning of Name ............................................ 25
Archangel Michael - Appearance ...................................................... 27
Archangel Michael - Role .................................................................. 29
Archangel Michael - Skills ................................................................. 30
Archangel Michael - Receiving Blessings .......................................... 32
Prayer for Blue Flame Reiki .............................................................. 33
Another Prayer for Protection ..........................................................33
Another Prayer for Protection ..........................................................34


Blue Flame Reiki – Some Motivational Quotes ............................... 35

Healing Power of Blue Flame Reiki ................................................. 37
How it can Strengthen You? ............................................................. 39
Techniques used in Blue Flame Reiki ............................................... 41
Meditations used in Blue Flame Reiki .............................................. 44
Clearing Energy Vampires and Parasites .......................................... 46
Cleansing Aura with Blue Fire Reiki ................................................ 48
Emotional Healing with Blue Flame Reiki ....................................... 50
Physical Healing with Blue Flame Reiki ........................................... 53
Spiritual Growth with Blue Flame Reiki .......................................... 55
Connecting with the Divine ..............................................................55
Meditation and Prayer .......................................................................55
Chakra Balancing ...............................................................................56
Releasing Negative Energy ................................................................56
Connecting with Spirit Guides and Angels ......................................56

Meditation for Spiritual Growth ...................................................... 57

Chakra Meditation............................................................................. 59
Detail Chakra Cleaning ..................................................................... 61
Protection from Psychic Attacks ...................................................... 64
Bubble Protection .............................................................................. 66
Complete Self-Healing Meditation ................................................... 69
Healing Other with Blue Flame Reiki .............................................. 71
Incorporating into Daily Life ............................................................ 73
Benefits of Blue Flame Reiki ............................................................. 75
Receiving Attunement ...................................................................... 77
Passing Attunement ........................................................................... 79
Disconnecting & Grounding............................................................. 81
Disconnecting in Blue Flame Reiki ...................................................81
Grounding in Blue Flame Reiki ........................................................82

Educational background....................................................................83
Founder of Nazm E Jyotish ...............................................................83
Founder of many Reiki Systems ........................................................84
He is the mentor of lots of Online Courses ......................................84
How can the knowledge of Rishi Rohit Sharma help you in life?...85
Contacting information ....................................................................85
Conclusion .........................................................................................86
Links ...................................................................................................86


Author’s Note

Dear readers,

It is with deep gratitude and reverence that I present to you this

system, "Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame Reiki." This system is a result of my
personal experiences and spiritual journey with Archangel Michael and the
sacred energy of Blue Flame Reiki.

I was fortunate enough to be able to connect with the divine

guidance of Archangel Michael, who inspired me to channel this energy and
share the powerful healing energy of Blue Flame Reiki with the world.
Through his guidance and wisdom, I was able to gain a deeper understanding
of the energy and its transformative power, and how it can help people in
their own healing journeys.

This system is not just about the healing aspects of Blue Flame Reiki,
but also about the spiritual journey that comes with it. It is about connecting
with the divine energy of Archangel Michael and experiencing his love,
protection, and guidance. It is about opening ourselves up to receive the
powerful healing energy of the Blue Flame, and allowing it to transform our
lives from the inside out.

I invite you to explore this manual with an open heart and an open
mind, and to allow the divine energy of Archangel Michael and Blue Flame
Reiki to guide you on your own personal healing journey. May it bring you
the peace, clarity, and healing that you seek.

With love and gratitude,

Rishi Rohit Sharma.

Archangel Michael’s

Blue Flame Reiki

What is Blue Flame?

B lue Flame is a term that is commonly used in spiritual and metaphysical

circles to describe a particular type of energy or vibration. It is associated
with the color blue, which is often associated with qualities such as
peace, tranquility, and protection.

The Blue Flame is often associated with the Archangel Michael, who is
considered to be a powerful spiritual being in many traditions. Archangel
Michael is often depicted holding a sword or scepter, and surrounded by a
blue flame or aura. This flame is said to represent his power, strength, and
protection, and is often called upon by individuals who are seeking spiritual
guidance, protection, and support.

Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful healing technique that channels the energy of
Archangel Michael's blue flame to heal and protect the body, mind, and
spirit. It is a form of energy healing that uses the high vibrational energy of
the blue flame to clear energetic blockages and release dense energy.

Archangel Michael's Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful form of energy healing

that combines the divine energy of Archangel Michael and the vibrational
frequency of the color blue. This healing method is said to be particularly
effective in clearing negative energy, protecting the individual from energy
vampires and parasites, and providing spiritual guidance and support.


Blue Flame Reiki

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful energy healing system that utilizes the
energy of Archangel Michael and the blue flame to purify, cleanse and
transmute negative energy. It is believed that the blue flame has a strong
cleansing and protective power, and can be used to clear out negative thought
patterns, emotions, and beliefs.

By using the blue flame in energy healing, it is possible to destroy negative

energy and parasites that may be present in the energy field or physical body.
Blue Flame Reiki can also help to remove weaker implants, which are
thought to be negative thought-forms or energies that have been implanted
in the energy field.


In addition, Blue Flame Reiki can be used to cleanse and purify physical
spaces, such as homes or workplaces, from negative energy and entities. Being
attuned to Blue Flame Reiki can allow a practitioner to more easily remove
negative energy and parasites in themselves and others, promoting healing
and spiritual growth.

This system of healing is based on the belief that the blue flame has a strong
cleansing and protective power, and can be used to clear out negative thought
patterns, emotions, and beliefs.

Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful tool for self-healing and can be used to address
a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. It can help to release
negative energy and blockages, promote deep relaxation, and reduce stress
and anxiety. It can also help to clear and balance the chakras, promoting
overall health and wellbeing.

In addition to its use for self-healing, Blue Flame Reiki can also be used to
help others. Practitioners can perform distance healing sessions or in-person
sessions, using the blue flame to help clients release negative energy and
promote healing.

To become attuned to Blue Flame Reiki, one must receive an initiation from
a trained and experienced practitioner. During the initiation, the practitioner
will help to activate the blue flame energy within the recipient, allowing them
to access and use the healing power of the blue flame.

Overall, Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful and transformative healing system

that can help individuals to release negative energy, promote healing, and
connect with the divine energy of Archangel Michael and the blue flame.


Energy Vampires

E nergy vampires are individuals who drain the energy of others. They
may do this consciously or unconsciously and can leave their victims
feeling tired, depleted, and drained. They are commonly found in
personal and professional relationships and can be detrimental to one's
physical and mental health if left unchecked.

They may also cause emotional distress, anxiety, and even physical symptoms
such as headaches or nausea. Energy vampires can be anyone, such as a friend,
family member, co-worker, or even a stranger. It is important to protect
oneself from these types of individuals to maintain one's own energy and

Energy vampires can be categorized into several types, including emotional

vampires, psychic vampires, and physical vampires.

Emotional vampires are individuals who feed off the emotional energy of
others, often through negative interactions such as criticism, blame, or

Psychic vampires, on the other hand, drain the energy of others through
psychic or energetic means, such as intentionally or unintentionally
manipulating the energy field of another person.

Physical vampires are those who drain the energy of others through physical
contact, such as touch or sexual intimacy.

Regardless of the type, energy vampires can have a detrimental effect on the
well-being of their victims.


Common symptoms of energy vampirism include chronic fatigue, anxiety,

depression, and a sense of unease or discomfort around the energy vampire.
It is important to note that while some energy vampires may be aware of their
actions, others may not even realize the impact they are having on others.

One effective way to protect oneself from energy vampires is to develop and
maintain strong energetic boundaries. This can be achieved through
practices such as meditation, visualization, and energy healing techniques
like Blue Flame Reiki. By creating a strong energetic shield around oneself, it
becomes more difficult for energy vampires to penetrate and drain one's

Meditation can be a powerful tool for protecting oneself from energy

vampires. One effective meditation involves visualizing a protective bubble
of blue flame around oneself. As you sit in a quiet place, take several deep
breaths and imagine a blue flame surrounding your body. See this flame
growing brighter and stronger, forming a shield that protects you from any
negative energy or influence. Hold this visualization for as long as you feel
comfortable, repeating affirmations such as "I am protected" or "I am safe
from all harm."

Incorporating energy healing techniques like Blue Flame Reiki can also
help protect against energy vampires. Blue Flame Reiki is a high-frequency
healing modality that utilizes the blue flame of Archangel Michael to cleanse
and protect one's energy field. By working with this energy, practitioners can
clear negative energy and attachments, and strengthen their energetic
boundaries to repel energy vampires.


Energy Parasites

E nergy parasites, also known as energy leeches or energy vampires, are

non-physical entities that feed on the energy of living beings. These
entities can attach themselves to the aura or energy field of a person and
drain their life force energy, leaving them feeling depleted, exhausted, and
sometimes even physically ill.

Energy parasites can manifest in many different forms, including negative

thought-forms, emotional disturbances, and even physical ailments. They
are often attracted to individuals who are highly sensitive, empathetic, or
who have unresolved emotional issues, as these individuals may have
weaker or damaged energy fields that are easier for the parasites to attach to.

There are several ways in which energy parasites can attach themselves to a
person's energy field, including through negative thought patterns,
unhealthy habits or addictions, and even through the influence of other
people who may be carrying these entities themselves.

Some common signs that one may be experiencing the effects of energy
parasites include chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, mood swings, and
feelings of overwhelm or hopelessness. In some cases, individuals may even
experience physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle pain, and digestive

It is important to note that while energy parasites can be challenging to deal

with, they are not invincible. With the right tools and techniques, individuals
can learn to protect their energy fields and clear any unwanted attachments.


One effective way to clear energy parasites is through the use of energy
healing techniques such as Blue Flame Reiki. This powerful form of energy
healing utilizes the high vibrational energy of the blue flame of Archangel
Michael to cleanse and purify the energy field, removing any unwanted
attachments or blockages.

In addition to energy healing techniques like Blue Flame Reiki, there are
many other ways to protect yourself from energy parasites. These may
include setting healthy boundaries with others, practicing mindfulness and
meditation, and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. By taking an
active role in your own energetic well-being, you can learn to live a more
vibrant, balanced, and fulfilling life.


How Blue Flame Reiki is Used?

B lue Flame Reiki can be used as a form of spiritual protection by calling

upon the energy of the blue flame, which is believed to be a powerful
symbol of divine protection and guidance.

One way that Blue Flame Reiki can be used for protection is through the
practice of visualization. During a Blue Flame Reiki session, the practitioner
may guide the recipient through a visualization exercise where they imagine
a protective shield of blue flame surrounding them.

The recipient may be instructed to visualize the blue flame surrounding their
body, extending outwards to form a protective bubble of energy. This
bubble of energy is believed to help shield the individual from negative
energies and influences, such as negative thoughts, emotions, or energies
from others.

Another way that Blue Flame Reiki can be used for protection is by invoking
the energy of Archangel Michael, who is believed to be the guardian and
protector of humanity. The practitioner may call upon Archangel Michael
to provide protection and guidance, and use the energy of the blue flame to
help channel his healing energy.

Overall, Blue Flame Reiki can be a powerful tool for spiritual protection by
helping individuals to connect with the energy of the blue flame and the
guidance of Archangel Michael. By channeling this energy and using
visualization and other techniques, Blue Flame Reiki can help individuals to
feel more protected, grounded, and empowered in their daily lives.


Source of Blue Flame

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful healing modality that is believed to have

originated from the sword of the Archangel Michael. The energy of the
blue flame is said to be emitted in the form of spirals, which are known
to be protective and have potent healing properties. The blue flame is of a
very high vibration and can help individuals release blockages and clear dense
energy from their lives.


The energy of Blue Flame Reiki is associated with the Archangel Michael,
who is known as the protector and defender of the faith. The blue flame is
seen as a symbol of his power and protection, and it is believed that by
invoking the energy of the blue flame, one can receive his blessings and

Practitioners of Blue Flame Reiki work with this energy to help individuals
release negative thought patterns, emotional blockages, and physical
ailments. The high vibration of the blue flame is said to help clear energetic
imbalances and bring a sense of balance and harmony to one's life.

The blue flame is also known for its purifying properties. It can help
transmute negative energies into positive ones, and it can assist in clearing
dense or stagnant energy from a space or individual. This is particularly
helpful for those who are experiencing spiritual or emotional stagnation, as
the blue flame can help bring a sense of clarity and renewal to the energy

The color blue is also associated with the throat chakra, which is the center
of communication and self-expression. When the throat chakra is blocked or
unbalanced, it can lead to issues with communication and self-expression. By
working with the energy of the blue flame, we can help to clear and balance
the throat chakra, promoting healthy communication and self-expression.


What Blue Color Signifies?

The color blue is often associated with a range of qualities and energies
that are beneficial for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual
wellbeing. Here are some:

1. Calmness and relaxation: Blue is often used to promote feelings of

calmness, relaxation, and serenity. It is said to have a soothing and
calming effect on the body and mind, and can be particularly helpful
in reducing stress, anxiety, and tension.
2. Communication and self-expression: Blue is associated with the
throat chakra, which is responsible for communication, self-
expression, and creativity. Using the color blue in healing and
protection can help to promote clear and effective communication,
as well as enhance creative expression and self-awareness.
3. Protection and safety: Blue is often associated with protection and
safety. In many spiritual traditions, the color blue is associated with
Archangel Michael, who is considered to be a powerful protector and
defender. Using the color blue in healing and protection can help to
promote feelings of safety and security, and can provide a sense of
protection from negative energies and influences.
4. Spiritual awareness and intuition: Blue is also associated with
spiritual awareness and intuition. It is said to help individuals to
connect with their higher self and inner wisdom, and to enhance
their ability to perceive and understand spiritual truths. Using the
color blue in healing and protection can help to promote spiritual
growth and awareness, and can enhance intuition and psychic


Importance of Blue Color

T he color blue is one of the most important colors in our world, both in
terms of its physical properties and its symbolic significance. Here are
some of the reasons why the color blue is so important:

1. Physical properties: The color blue has a number of important

physical properties that make it unique. For example, it has a short
wavelength and high frequency, which makes it a cool color. It is also
often associated with calmness and tranquility, which is why it is
often used in interior design, particularly in bedrooms and
2. Symbolic significance: The color blue has a rich symbolic
significance that has been recognized across cultures and throughout
history. In many cultures, blue is associated with water, which is seen


as a life-giving force. It is also associated with the sky, which

represents freedom, expansiveness, and the infinite. In many spiritual
traditions, blue is associated with higher states of consciousness and
spiritual enlightenment.
3. Emotional impact: The color blue has a powerful emotional impact
on people, and is often associated with feelings of calmness, serenity,
and peace. It is also associated with trustworthiness, reliability, and
intelligence. Because of these associations, blue is often used in
branding, particularly for products that are associated with health,
wellness, and reliability.
4. Healing properties: In energy healing and color therapy, blue is often
used to promote physical and emotional healing. It is said to be
particularly effective in calming the mind and reducing stress, and is
often used to treat conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Overall, the color blue is an incredibly important color that has a wide
range of physical, symbolic, and emotional properties. Whether used in
interior design, branding, or energy healing, the color blue has a powerful
impact on people's minds and emotions, and is an important tool for
promoting health, wellness, and spiritual growth.


Blue Color in other Cultures

B lue is a color that holds significant spiritual and cultural meanings across
the world. In many cultures, blue is associated with calmness,
spirituality, and protection. This is especially true in Hinduism, where
many deities are depicted with blue skin or adornments.

One of the most famous Hindu deities with blue skin is Lord Krishna. He is
often depicted with blue skin, which represents his divine nature and


connection to the universe. His blue color is also associated with the infinite
sky and the vast ocean, symbolizing the infinite nature of the universe.

Another important Hindu deity associated with blue is Lord Shiva. He is

often depicted with a blue throat, which is believed to have been caused by
his drinking of poison during a battle with demons. This blue color is seen as
a symbol of his sacrifice and devotion to the universe.

Similarly, blue flame reiki is also associated with the color blue, as the blue
flame represents a high vibrational energy that is protective, healing, and
purifying. Just like the blue skin and throat of Hindu deities, the blue flame
is associated with infinite spiritual power and cosmic energy.

The color blue is also associated with the throat chakra, which is related to
communication, self-expression, and creativity. By activating the throat
chakra through blue flame reiki, one can release blockages and communicate
more effectively with the universe.

Moreover, blue light has been found to have amazing properties. It is known
to improve mood, increase alertness and focus, and even help with seasonal
affective disorder. Blue light is also used in light therapy to treat skin
conditions like acne and eczema.

In terms of energy healing, blue light is believed to have a purifying and

calming effect on the body and mind. When combined with the high
vibrational energy of blue flame reiki, this can lead to powerful healing and

In conclusion, the color blue holds immense spiritual and cultural

significance across the world. From Hindu deities with blue skin to the blue
flame of blue flame reiki, blue is associated with cosmic energy, protection,
and healing. By understanding the importance of blue in various spiritual
and cultural contexts, we can deepen our understanding of the power of blue
flame reiki and the role of color in energy healing.


Importance of Light in Energy Healing

L ight and heat are essential elements in energy healing. They play a
significant role in various energy healing modalities, including Blue
Flame Reiki. Light is a form of energy that travels at a high frequency,
and heat is the energy that is released by the movement of particles in matter.
Both of these forms of energy are essential for balancing and restoring the
body's natural energy flow.

In energy healing, light is often used to cleanse and purify the energy centers
or chakras in the body. Chakras are believed to be spinning wheels of energy


that correspond to specific organs, emotions, and physical aspects of the

body. The seven main chakras are aligned along the spine, and each is
associated with a specific color. For example, the root chakra is associated
with the color red, while the crown chakra is associated with the color violet.

During a healing session, a practitioner may use a variety of techniques to

activate and balance the chakras, including visualization, crystals, and sound
therapy. One of the most effective ways to balance the chakras is through the
use of colored light. Each color of light corresponds to a specific chakra, and
shining a colored light on the chakra can help to balance it. For example,
shining a red light on the root chakra can help to stimulate and balance it.

Heat is also an essential element in energy healing. Heat is generated by the

body during the healing process, and it is a sign that energy is moving through
the body. Heat can be felt in various areas of the body, including the palms
of the hands and the soles of the feet. Many energy healers use their hands to
channel energy into the body, and the heat generated by their hands is an
indication that energy is flowing into the body.

In Blue Flame Reiki, the blue flame is believed to have a high temperature,
which can help to burn away negative energy and blockages in the body. The
blue flame is also believed to have a purifying and protective effect, helping
to clear and protect the energy centers in the body.

In conclusion, light and heat are essential elements in energy healing, and
they play a significant role in various healing modalities, including Blue
Flame Reiki. Light is used to cleanse and purify the energy centers in the
body, while heat is generated by the body during the healing process.
Together, light and heat can help to balance and restore the body's natural
energy flow, leading to improved health and well-being.


Some Blue Light Facts

L Blue light is a type of visible light with a short wavelength, higher

frequency, and more energy than other colors of the visible spectrum.
It has several fascinating facts that can be related to Blue Flame Reiki.

1. Blue light affects our circadian rhythm: Blue light has a significant
effect on our sleep patterns and circadian rhythm. It suppresses the
production of melatonin, which is essential for regulating our sleep-
wake cycles. Exposure to blue light before bedtime can disrupt our
sleep and make it difficult to fall asleep.

In Blue Flame Reiki, blue light is used to help balance the chakras and
energy flow, promoting a state of relaxation and inner peace. By calming
the mind and reducing stress, it can also help improve sleep quality.

2. Blue light is used in therapy: Blue light is used in therapy for various
skin conditions, including acne and psoriasis. It has also been found
to be effective in treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of
depression that occurs during the winter months.

In Blue Flame Reiki, blue light is used to promote healing and balance.
It is often used in combination with other energy healing techniques to
help alleviate physical, emotional, and spiritual pain.

3. Blue light is essential for plant growth: Plants require blue light for
photosynthesis, which is essential for their growth and survival. Blue
light has a unique role in the regulation of plant growth and


In Blue Flame Reiki, blue light can be used to help balance and align the
energy flow within the body, promoting growth and transformation. It
can help release blockages and promote new growth and development.

4. Blue light can improve cognitive function: Blue light has been found
to improve cognitive function and mental performance. It can
enhance attention, reaction time, and working memory.

In Blue Flame Reiki, blue light can be used to help clear the mind and
improve mental clarity. By promoting a state of relaxation and inner
peace, it can help improve cognitive function and mental performance.

5. Blue light can enhance mood: Blue light has been found to enhance
mood and promote feelings of well-being. It can reduce symptoms
of depression and anxiety and improve overall mood.

In Blue Flame Reiki, blue light can be used to promote a sense of calm
and inner peace, reducing stress and anxiety. It can help alleviate feelings
of depression and promote overall well-being and emotional balance.

In conclusion, blue light has several fascinating facts that can be related to
Blue Flame Reiki. Its use in therapy, plant growth, cognitive function, and
mood enhancement makes it a valuable tool in promoting healing and
balance. Incorporating blue light into energy healing practices such as Blue
Flame Reiki can help enhance its effectiveness and promote a deeper level of
healing and transformation.


Flame as a Guidance and Protector

F lames are considered as a symbol of guidance and protection. Flames are

often seen as a source of light that guides us through the darkness of our
lives. It is said that flames can help us find our way when we are lost and
can lead us towards our goals.


In Hinduism, fire is worshipped as a symbol of purity, power, and

knowledge. The Vedic tradition emphasizes the importance of the sacred fire
(agni) and its use in various rituals and ceremonies. Fire is believed to be the
medium through which offerings are made to the gods, and it is considered
to be a link between the human and the divine.

The use of fire in havans, which are Hindu fire rituals, is believed to have
purifying and healing properties. In havans, various offerings are made to the
fire, and mantras are chanted to invoke the blessings of the divine. It is
believed that the flames of the fire purify the atmosphere and create a positive
and uplifting energy.

In other spiritual traditions, flames are seen as protectors. The Christian

tradition, for example, sees flames as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, which
guides and protects believers on their spiritual journey. Similarly, in the
Native American tradition, flames are seen as protectors that help to ward off
negative energies and spirits.

In conclusion, flames are considered to be powerful symbols of guidance and

protection in many spiritual traditions. Whether we use flames in rituals,
ceremonies, or meditation, they can help us connect with our spiritual selves
and find the strength and guidance we need to navigate through the
challenges of life.


Archangel Michael

A rchangel Michael is a spiritual being that is recognized in many religions

and spiritual traditions. In Judeo-Christian traditions, he is often
described as the leader of the angelic army and is known as a powerful
force for protection, healing, and guidance.


According to tradition, Archangel Michael is the guardian and protector of

humanity, and is said to be a powerful force for spiritual transformation and
healing. He is associated with the energy of the blue flame, which is believed
to be a symbol of divine protection and guidance.

In many spiritual traditions, Archangel Michael is also believed to be a

mediator between humanity and the divine, helping individuals to connect
with their spiritual guidance and tap into their inner wisdom. He is often
depicted as a warrior, wielding a sword of light and wearing armor,
symbolizing his power to cut through negativity and protect individuals
from harm.

Archangel Michael is also associated with the throat chakra, which is located
in the neck and is associated with communication and self-expression. It is
believed that calling upon Archangel Michael can help individuals to open
and balance their throat chakra, promoting clear communication and self-

Overall, Archangel Michael is a powerful spiritual being that is associated

with protection, healing, and guidance. His energy is often invoked in
spiritual practices such as Blue Flame Reiki to help individuals connect with
their inner wisdom and promote spiritual growth and wellbeing


Archangel Michael - Angel of Protection

A rchangel Michael is widely recognized as the angel of protection, and is

called upon by many people around the world to provide spiritual
protection and guidance. As the leader of the angelic army, he is believed
to have the power to protect individuals from harm, negative energies, and
other sources of spiritual distress.

According to tradition, Archangel Michael is particularly effective at

protecting individuals from negative influences, such as fear, doubt, and
anxiety. He is often depicted as wielding a sword of light, which represents
his ability to cut through negative energies and protect individuals from

In spiritual practices such as Blue Flame Reiki, Archangel Michael is often

invoked as a powerful force for spiritual protection and guidance. By calling
upon his energy and guidance, individuals can connect with his healing
power and feel more protected and grounded in their daily lives.

There are many ways to invoke Archangel Michael's protection and

guidance. Some people may choose to pray to him, while others may
meditate on his image or call upon his energy during spiritual practices such
as Blue Flame Reiki. By opening oneself to his energy and guidance,
individuals can tap into his wisdom and strength, and feel more empowered
and protected in their spiritual journey.


Archangel Michael - Meaning of Name

T he name "Michael" has a Hebrew origin and means "who is like God?"
or "one who is like God". The name is composed of two Hebrew words:
"Mi" meaning "who", and "El" meaning "God".

According to tradition, the name "Michael" was given to the archangel as a

way of expressing his spiritual power and divine nature. In many spiritual
traditions, Michael is considered to be one of the most powerful and
influential angels, and is associated with protection, strength, and courage.

The name "Michael" is also often used as a symbol of spiritual strength and
guidance, and is associated with the qualities of loyalty, honor, and wisdom.
In many spiritual practices, the name "Michael" is used as a way of invoking
the archangel's energy and guidance, and is considered to be a powerful force
for spiritual protection and growth.

In many cultures and religions, names hold great significance and are believed
to carry power and energy. The name Michael is no exception. It is said that
invoking the name of Archangel Michael can provide divine protection and
help ward off negative energy and spiritual attacks.

The name Michael is mentioned several times in various religious texts

including the Bible, the Quran, and the Book of Enoch. In the Bible, Michael
is described as the archangel who leads God’s army against the forces of evil.
He is also mentioned in the Quran as a protector of the righteous and a
vanquisher of the rebellious angels.

In addition to being known as the angel of protection, Archangel Michael is

also associated with courage, strength, and determination. He is often


depicted with a sword, shield, or armor, symbolizing his role as a protector

and defender.

The name Michael has been used for centuries as a given name for boys and
continues to be a popular name today. Many parents choose this name for
their children as a way to honor and invoke the strength and protection of
Archangel Michael.

In the spiritual realm, the name Michael is believed to hold great power and
is often used in prayers and meditations for protection and guidance. Many
people also wear or carry items that feature the name or image of Archangel
Michael as a way to invite his protection and strength into their lives.

In conclusion, the meaning of the name Michael holds great significance in

many cultures and religions. It is a powerful name that is associated with
protection, strength, and courage. Archangel Michael, the leader of the army
of angels, is often invoked for his protection and guidance, and his name
continues to be a source of inspiration and strength for many.


Archangel Michael - Appearance

T he appearance of Archangel Michael varies across different cultures and

spiritual traditions. However, in general, he is often depicted as a
powerful and majestic being, radiating divine light and wearing armor
and a crown.

In many depictions, Archangel Michael is portrayed as a muscular and

masculine figure with wings, wielding a sword of light and a shield. He is
often dressed in armor or robes, and is sometimes shown wearing a crown or
other symbols of power and authority.

In Christian art, Archangel Michael is typically depicted as a winged angel

with a sword and a shield, standing triumphantly over a defeated demon or
dragon. In some Eastern Orthodox traditions, he is depicted as a young man
with flowing hair and a flaming sword, surrounded by cherubim and other
angels. Archangel Michael is one of the most well-known and powerful
archangels in many spiritual traditions. His appearance has been depicted in
various ways throughout history and across different cultures. He is often
described as a tall, strong, and handsome angel with a powerful presence and
a sword or spear in his hand.

In some Eastern traditions, Michael is depicted with six wings, representing

his elevated status as an archangel. He is also shown carrying a scale or a book,
representing his role as a judge. This depiction highlights his function in
guiding souls towards spiritual enlightenment and helping them overcome
the obstacles that stand in their way.


In addition to his physical appearance, Michael is also associated with specific

colors and symbols. The color blue is often associated with Michael, as it
represents his connection to the spiritual realm and his ability to offer
protection and guidance to those who seek it. The sword or spear that he is
often depicted holding symbolizes his ability to cut through negative energies
and obstacles.

Despite these variations, Archangel Michael is universally recognized as a

powerful and influential spiritual being, associated with protection, healing,
and guidance. His appearance is often used as a symbol of his power and
divine nature, inspiring individuals to call upon his energy and guidance in
their spiritual practices.


Archangel Michael - Role

T he role of Archangel Michael varies across different spiritual traditions,

but in general, he is recognized as a powerful and influential spiritual
being associated with protection, guidance, and strength.

In many traditions, Archangel Michael is seen as the leader of the angelic

army and is called upon for protection and spiritual guidance. He is often
depicted as wielding a sword of light, which represents his power to cut
through negativity and protect individuals from harm.

As the angel of protection, Archangel Michael is believed to have the power

to shield individuals from negative energies and influences, promoting
spiritual growth and wellbeing. He is also associated with the throat chakra,
which is located in the neck and is associated with communication and self-
expression. By calling upon his energy, individuals can open and balance
their throat chakra, promoting clear communication and self-expression.

Archangel Michael is also recognized as a mediator between humanity and

the divine, helping individuals to connect with their spiritual guidance and
tap into their inner wisdom. He is often called upon for guidance and
support during times of spiritual growth and transformation, helping
individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Overall, Archangel Michael plays an important role in many spiritual

practices, serving as a powerful force for protection, healing, and guidance.
His energy and wisdom are widely respected and revered, inspiring
individuals to call upon his guidance and support in their spiritual journey.


Archangel Michael - Skills

A rchangel Michael is widely recognized for his spiritual abilities and skills,
which are said to include:

1. Protection: : Archangel Michael is most commonly known as the

Angel of Protection. He is believed to be the one who provides
spiritual protection to individuals and helps them overcome their
fears and anxieties. He is also said to protect against negative energies
and psychic attacks.
2. Strength: Archangel Michael is known for his strength and power.
He is believed to be able to help people find their inner strength and
overcome their weaknesses. He is also said to be a powerful protector
who can provide strength and courage in times of danger.
3. Guidance: Archangel Michael is known for his ability to provide
guidance and direction to individuals. He is believed to be a wise and
compassionate guide who can help people find their true purpose in
life and make important decisions.
4. Healing: Archangel Michael is also believed to have healing abilities.
He is said to be able to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual
ailments. He can also provide comfort and solace to those who are
grieving or struggling with loss.
5. Communication: Archangel Michael is associated with the throat
chakra, which is located in the neck and is associated with
communication and self-expression. By calling upon his energy,
individuals can open and balance their throat chakra, promoting
clear communication and self-expression.


6. Spiritual Warfare: As the leader of the angelic army, Archangel

Michael is also associated with spiritual warfare, helping individuals
to overcome negative energies and forces that may be hindering their
spiritual growth and wellbeing.
7. Justice: Archangel Michael is often associated with justice and
righteousness. He is believed to be the defender of the weak and
oppressed, and is said to stand up for what is right and just. He is also
believed to be the one who brings justice to those who have been
8. Courage: Archangel Michael is associated with courage and bravery.
He is often called upon to help people find the strength to face their
fears and overcome obstacles in their lives. He is also believed to be a
powerful ally for those who are struggling with addiction, as he can
provide the courage and determination needed to overcome it.
9. Transformation: Archangel Michael is believed to have the ability to
bring about transformation and change. He is said to be able to help
people let go of old patterns and beliefs that are holding them back,
and to help them embrace new opportunities and experiences.


Archangel Michael - Receiving Blessings

T here are many ways to receive blessings from Archangel Michael. Here
are a few suggestions:

1. Prayer: One of the most common ways to connect with Archangel

Michael and receive his blessings is through prayer. You can say a
simple prayer, such as "Archangel Michael, please bless me with your
strength and protection," or create your own prayer that resonates
with you.
2. Meditation: You can also connect with Archangel Michael through
meditation. Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can sit
comfortably and focus your attention on your breath. Visualize
Archangel Michael's presence and ask for his blessings.
3. Crystals: Certain crystals, such as blue kyanite and lapis lazuli, are
believed to be associated with Archangel Michael's energy and can be
used to enhance your connection with him. You can hold the crystal
while you meditate or carry it with you throughout the day.
4. Ask for signs: Another way to connect with Archangel Michael is to
ask for signs. Ask him to show you a sign that he is with you, such as
a feather or a specific symbol, and be open to receiving it.
5. Light a candle: Lighting a candle in honor of Archangel Michael is a
way to invite his energy and blessings into your space. You can say a
prayer or simply sit in quiet reflection while the candle burns.

Remember that Archangel Michael is always present and available to assist

and guide you. By setting your intention and opening your heart, you can
invite his blessings into your life.


Prayer for Blue Flame Reiki

O h Archangel Michael, mighty and powerful, I come to you with an

open heart and a humble spirit. I ask for your guidance and protection
as I embark on my journey with Blue Flame Reiki.

With your blue flame of protection, I ask that you surround me and infuse
me with the highest vibrations of love, light, and healing energy. Purify me
from any negative energies or blockages that may be preventing me from
connecting with the divine energy of Blue Flame Reiki.

Guide my hands and my heart as I work with this sacred energy, allowing me
to be a clear and pure channel for its healing power. Help me to be open to
receive its guidance and wisdom, so that I may offer the most effective
healing possible.

Oh Archangel Michael, I ask for your continued blessings and protection on

my journey with Blue Flame Reiki. Help me to always remember that your
divine presence is with me, guiding and supporting me every step of the way.

Thank you, Archangel Michael, for your unwavering love and protection.
May the blue flame of your holy energy continue to illuminate my path
towards greater healing, wholeness, and joy. Amen.

Another Prayer for Protection

Dear Archangel Michael, I call upon you now, to ask for your guidance and
protection, in all that I say and do.


Surround me with your blue flame, and shield me from all negativity. Help
me to stay focused and strong, as I navigate this journey of life.

Clear my mind of any distractions, and help me to see the path before me.
Guide me towards my highest good, and help me to align with my purpose.

Thank you, Archangel Michael, for your unwavering love and support. I am
grateful for your presence in my life, and I trust in your wisdom and


Another Prayer for Protection

Dear Archangel Michael,

I call upon your presence to protect me with your Blue Flame Reiki.
Surround me with your divine light and love, and shield me from any
negative energies or entities. I ask that you use your sword of truth to cut
away any cords or attachments that do not serve my highest good.

As I surrender to your guidance and protection, I invite the Blue Flame Reiki
to flow through me, cleansing my aura and purifying my mind, body, and
soul. May this powerful energy transmute any negativity or fear into love and

I trust that with your unwavering strength and courage, I am safe and
protected at all times. Thank you for your loving presence and your guidance
in my life.



Blue Flame Reiki – Some Motivational


1. "Let the blue flame of protection surround you and fill you with the
courage to face any challenge that comes your way."
2. "The blue flame of Archangel Michael is a symbol of divine power,
protection, and strength. Allow it to guide and inspire you on your
spiritual journey."
3. "As you work with the blue flame of Archangel Michael, know that
you are surrounded by a loving and protective energy that will
support you every step of the way."
4. "The blue flame of Archangel Michael is a reminder that you are
never alone on your journey. Trust in the divine guidance and
protection that surrounds you always."
5. "The blue flame of Archangel Michael can help you to release fears
and doubts, and connect with your inner strength and courage."
6. "With the blue flame of Archangel Michael, you can tap into the
power of the divine and access your own inner strength and
7. "As you work with the blue flame of Archangel Michael, allow
yourself to be filled with the light and love of the divine, and trust in
the protection and guidance that surrounds you always."
8. The blue flame of Archangel Michael is a powerful tool for
transformation and healing. Allow it to guide you on your journey
towards greater peace, clarity, and purpose."


9. "With the blue flame of Archangel Michael, you can overcome any
obstacle and manifest your highest potential. Trust in the power of
the divine and let your light shine brightly."


Healing Power of Blue Flame Reiki

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful and transformative healing modality that

utilizes the high vibrational energy of the blue flame to bring about deep
healing and spiritual transformation. This energy is believed to come
from the Archangel Michael, who is often associated with protection and
divine guidance. Blue Flame Reiki is said to have the ability to heal physical,
emotional, and spiritual ailments and can help individuals release negative
energy, emotional blockages, and limiting beliefs.

Blue Flame Reiki is a unique form of energy healing that works by channeling
the high-frequency energy of the blue flame into the recipient's energy field.
This energy is then used to clear blockages, balance chakras, and promote
healing at a deep level. The blue flame is associated with purification,
protection, and spiritual transformation, making it an ideal tool for healing

One of the primary benefits of Blue Flame Reiki is its ability to heal the
emotional body. By clearing emotional blockages and releasing negative
emotions, individuals can experience greater levels of peace, happiness, and
emotional well-being. This can be especially beneficial for those who are
struggling with anxiety, depression, or other emotional issues.

In addition to its emotional healing properties, Blue Flame Reiki is also

believed to be highly effective in treating physical ailments. The blue flame
energy can help to promote cellular regeneration, boost the immune system,
and promote overall physical health and well-being. Some practitioners also
believe that Blue Flame Reiki can be used to alleviate pain and discomfort,
making it an ideal tool for those who are dealing with chronic pain or illness.


Blue Flame Reiki is also highly effective in promoting spiritual

transformation and growth. By working with the blue flame energy,
individuals can access higher states of consciousness, tap into their spiritual
gifts, and develop a deeper connection with the divine. This can lead to
greater levels of clarity, insight, and inner wisdom, making it easier to
navigate life's challenges and find a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

In summary, the healing power of Blue Flame Reiki is a potent and

transformative energy that has the ability to heal physical, emotional, and
spiritual ailments. By working with this energy, individuals can experience
greater levels of well-being, clarity, and inner peace, and can tap into their
spiritual gifts and potential. Whether you are seeking to heal a specific
ailment or simply looking to deepen your spiritual practice, Blue Flame Reiki
can be a powerful tool for transformation and growth.


How it can Strengthen You?

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful healing technique that can bring about
positive changes in your life. It can help you to feel more balanced,
centered, and focused. Additionally, it can provide a boost of energy
and strength that can help you to overcome challenges and obstacles.

Here are some ways that Blue Flame Reiki can strengthen you:

1. Enhances Mental Clarity: Blue Flame Reiki can help to clear your
mind and improve mental clarity. This can help you to make better
decisions, be more productive, and feel more confident in your
2. Boosts Physical Energy: Blue Flame Reiki can provide a boost of
physical energy that can help you to overcome fatigue, lethargy, and
other physical challenges. This can help you to be more active and
productive, and improve your overall quality of life.
3. Reduces Emotional Stress: Blue Flame Reiki can help to reduce
emotional stress and promote emotional healing. This can help you
to feel more balanced, calm, and centered, even in the midst of
challenging situations.
4. Promotes Spiritual Growth: Blue Flame Reiki can help to promote
spiritual growth and enhance your connection to the divine. This
can help you to feel more connected, aligned, and empowered in
your spiritual journey.
5. Supports Physical Healing: Blue Flame Reiki can support physical
healing by helping to balance the body's energy systems and
promoting relaxation. This can help to reduce pain and


inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance the body's natural

healing processes.

Overall, Blue Flame Reiki can be a powerful tool for personal growth,
healing, and transformation. By working with the energy of the blue flame,
you can tap into a source of strength, balance, and renewal that can help you
to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.


Techniques used in Blue Flame Reiki

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful energy healing technique that can help
individuals balance their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-
being. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as self-healing, healing
others, distant healing, and clearing spaces. In this chapter, we will discuss
some effective techniques for using Blue Flame Reiki.

1. Self-Healing Self-healing is an essential aspect of Blue Flame Reiki, as

it helps individuals clear any imbalances or blockages in their energy
field. To perform self-healing with Blue Flame Reiki, follow these
a. Sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable place.
b. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body.
c. Visualize a blue flame surrounding you and penetrating
every cell of your body.
d. Ask Archangel Michael to assist you in clearing any negative
energy or blockages from your energy field.
e. Place your hands on your body, starting from the crown
chakra and moving down to the root chakra.
f. Allow the blue flame to flow through your hands and into
your body, clearing any imbalances or blockages along the
g. Repeat this process as often as needed.
2. Healing Others Blue Flame Reiki can also be used to heal others. To
perform healing on others, follow these steps:
a. Ask the person if they are open to receiving energy healing.


b. Ask Archangel Michael to assist you in channeling the

healing energy.
c. Place your hands on the person's body, starting from the
crown chakra and moving down to the root chakra.
d. Allow the blue flame to flow through your hands and into
the person's body, clearing any imbalances or blockages
along the way.
e. Pay attention to any sensations or insights that come to you
during the healing process.
f. Repeat this process as often as needed.
3. Distant Healing Blue Flame Reiki can also be used for distant
healing, which means sending healing energy to a person who is not
physically present. To perform distant healing with Blue Flame
Reiki, follow these steps:
a. Ask the person for their permission to send them distant
b. Sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable place.
c. Visualize the person in your mind's eye.
d. Visualize a blue flame surrounding the person and
penetrating their energy field.
e. Ask Archangel Michael to assist you in channeling the
healing energy to the person.
f. Allow the blue flame to flow from your hands to the person,
clearing any imbalances or blockages along the way.
g. Repeat this process as often as needed.
4. Clearing Spaces Blue Flame Reiki can also be used to clear negative
energy from spaces, such as homes or offices. To perform space
clearing with Blue Flame Reiki, follow these steps:
a. Sit or stand in the space you want to clear.
b. Visualize a blue flame surrounding the entire space.
c. Ask Archangel Michael to assist you in clearing any negative
energy or entities from the space.


d. Walk around the space, focusing on areas that feel

particularly heavy or dense.
e. Visualize the blue flame clearing away any negative energy or
entities from the space.
f. Repeat this process as often as needed.

In conclusion, Blue Flame Reiki is a versatile energy healing technique that

can be used in a variety of ways. Whether you want to perform self-healing,
healing on others, distant healing, or space clearing, Blue Flame Reiki can
assist you in balancing your energy field and promoting overall well-being.


Meditations used in Blue Flame Reiki

M editation is an integral part of the practice of Blue Flame Reiki. It is a

way to quiet the mind, connect with the divine energy, and channel it
for healing and protection. In this chapter, we will discuss various meditation
practices that can be used with Blue Flame Reiki.

1. Blue Flame Visualization Meditation

In this meditation, you will visualize a blue flame in front of you. This
flame represents the divine energy of Archangel Michael, who is the
guardian of Blue Flame Reiki. Sit in a quiet and peaceful place, close your
eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Imagine a blue flame in front of you.
As you inhale, imagine the flame growing brighter and stronger. As you
exhale, imagine the flame spreading its healing energy throughout your
body. Repeat this process for as long as you like.

2. Blue Flame Aura Cleansing Meditation

This meditation is designed to cleanse your aura of negative energy and

to protect it with the blue flame. Sit in a comfortable position, close your
eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Visualize the blue flame surrounding
you, creating a protective shield around your aura. As you inhale,
imagine the blue flame entering your body and cleansing it of all
negativity. As you exhale, imagine the blue flame expanding and
surrounding your aura. Repeat this process for as long as you like.

3. Blue Flame Chakra Balancing Meditation


In this meditation, you will use the blue flame to balance your chakras.
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.
Visualize the blue flame above your head, entering your crown chakra.
Imagine the flame moving down through each chakra, balancing and
cleansing them as it goes. When the blue flame reaches your root chakra,
imagine it expanding and surrounding your entire body. Repeat this
process for as long as you like.

4. Blue Flame Protection Meditation

This meditation is designed to protect you from negative energy and to

connect you with the divine energy of Archangel Michael. Sit in a
comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.
Visualize the blue flame surrounding you, creating a protective shield
around your body. As you inhale, imagine the blue flame entering your
body and filling you with its healing energy. As you exhale, imagine any
negative energy leaving your body and being absorbed by the blue flame.
Repeat this process for as long as you like.

5. Blue Flame Grounding Meditation

This meditation is designed to ground you and connect you with the
earth energy. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few
deep breaths. Visualize the blue flame below your feet, entering your
body and grounding you. Imagine the flame moving up through your
body, filling you with its healing energy. As you exhale, imagine any
negative energy leaving your body and being absorbed by the blue flame.
Repeat this process for as long as you like.

In conclusion, meditation is an important part of the practice of Blue Flame

Reiki. These meditation practices can help you connect with the divine
energy, cleanse your aura, balance your chakras, protect you from negative
energy, and ground you.


Clearing Energy Vampires and Parasites

E nergy vampires and parasites are negative energies that attach themselves
to our energy field and drain our life force, leaving us feeling tired,
drained, and unwell. These energies can come from various sources,
including people, places, and even objects. Fortunately, with the help of Blue
Flame Reiki, we can clear these energy vampires and parasites and regain our
vitality and strength.

Here are some techniques for clearing energy vampires and parasites using
Blue Flame Reiki:

1. Set your intention: Before starting any energy clearing work, it is

essential to set your intention. Focus your mind and ask Archangel
Michael and the Blue Flame Reiki to help you release all the negative
energies and entities from your energy field.
2. Grounding: Ground yourself by visualizing roots extending from the
soles of your feet deep into the earth. This helps to keep you centered
and focused during the energy clearing process.
3. Blue Flame Visualization: Visualize a bright blue flame emanating
from Archangel Michael's sword. This blue flame is a powerful tool
for clearing negative energies and entities. Imagine this blue flame
engulfing your entire body and energy field, burning away all the
negative energies and parasites.
4. Scan your energy field: Start scanning your energy field from top to
bottom, looking for any areas that feel heavy or unwell. These are the
areas where energy vampires and parasites might be attached. You
may feel sensations such as tingling, heat, or coldness in these areas.


5. Focus on the affected area: Once you identify the affected area, direct
the blue flame to that area. Visualize the blue flame burning away all
the negative energies and entities, leaving you feeling cleansed and
6. Express gratitude: Once you complete the energy clearing process,
express gratitude to Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame Reiki for
their help in clearing the negative energies and entities.
7. Repeat as needed: If you feel that there are still negative energies or
entities present, repeat the process until you feel completely cleansed
and renewed.

By using Blue Flame Reiki, we can clear energy vampires and parasites and
regain our vitality and strength. It is essential to practice energy clearing
regularly to maintain a healthy and balanced energy field. With regular
practice, you will notice a significant improvement in your overall well-being
and a more positive outlook on life.


Cleansing Aura with Blue Fire Reiki

O ur aura is the energy field that surrounds us, and it is the first layer of
our energetic body. It is connected to our physical, emotional, and
mental well-being. Our aura can pick up negative energies from our
surroundings, people, and events, which can lead to blockages, imbalances,
and ultimately affect our health and well-being. Therefore, it is important to
cleanse our aura regularly to maintain its health and balance.

Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful tool for aura cleansing as it can help to clear
negative energy and balance the chakras, which are energy centers within our
aura. Below are some techniques for using Blue Flame Reiki for aura

1. Visualize a Blue Flame: Begin by sitting or lying down in a

comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to
relax your mind and body. Visualize a bright blue flame in front of
you, which represents the energy of Archangel Michael and the Blue
Flame Reiki. Imagine this flame expanding and enveloping you in its
2. Blue Flame Visualization: Visualize the blue flame penetrating your
aura, filling every part of your being. Imagine the blue flame
sweeping away any negative or stagnant energy from your aura. You
may also visualize the blue flame as a shower of blue light that washes
over you, clearing away any blockages or negative energies.
3. Chakra Balancing: Focus on each chakra, starting from the crown
chakra and moving down to the root chakra. Visualize the blue flame
cleansing and balancing each chakra, removing any blockages and


energizing it. As you focus on each chakra, you may also use
affirmations or mantras that resonate with that particular chakra.
4. Blue Flame Aura Brushing: Imagine that you are holding a large blue
brush, and as you sweep it over your aura, it collects any negative or
stagnant energy, and then you flick it away from your energy field.
Continue this process until you feel your aura is clear and balanced.
5. Blue Flame Reiki Symbol: Another technique is to visualize the Blue
Flame Reiki symbol, Cho Ku Rei, and draw it over your aura,
imagining it as a powerful cleansing and energizing tool.
6. Gratitude and Protection: As you complete the aura cleansing,
express gratitude to Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame Reiki for
their healing and cleansing energy. You may also ask for protection
from negative energies and set the intention to maintain a healthy
and balanced aura.

In conclusion, using Blue Flame Reiki for aura cleansing can help to clear
negative energy and balance the chakras, leading to improved physical,
emotional, and mental well-being. Incorporating these techniques into your
daily practice can help you maintain a healthy and balanced aura.


Emotional Healing with Blue Flame Reiki

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful energy healing modality that can help in
emotional healing. Emotions are a vital part of our life, and we
experience them in different ways. Sometimes, we can feel overwhelmed
by our emotions, and it can be challenging to cope with them. This is where
Blue Flame Reiki can help.

Blue Flame Reiki works by harnessing the healing energy of the blue flame,
which is associated with purification and protection. This energy can be used
to clear blockages and negative energy from the body, mind, and spirit. By
doing so, it can help us to release emotions that are no longer serving us, and
bring us into a state of balance and harmony.

Here are some ways that Blue Flame Reiki can be used for emotional healing:

1. Releasing Negative Emotions: Blue Flame Reiki can be used to

release negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, and fear. The
blue flame energy can help to clear any blockages or stagnant
energy that may be causing these emotions, allowing us to release
them and move forward.
2. Balancing Emotions: Blue Flame Reiki can be used to bring
balance to our emotions. If we are feeling too emotional or
overwhelmed, the blue flame energy can help to calm us down
and bring us into a state of balance.
3. Healing Emotional Trauma: Blue Flame Reiki can be used to
heal emotional trauma. By working with the blue flame energy,
we can release any negative energy that may be trapped in our


body and mind, allowing us to move forward and heal from

emotional wounds.
4. Enhancing Self-Love: Blue Flame Reiki can be used to enhance
self-love. By working with the blue flame energy, we can clear any
negative beliefs or self-talk that may be preventing us from loving
and accepting ourselves fully.
5. Improving Relationships: Blue Flame Reiki can be used to
improve relationships. By clearing negative energy and emotions
from our aura and chakras, we can attract more positive and
loving relationships into our life.


To use Blue Flame Reiki for emotional healing, you can try the following
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.
2. Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
3. Visualize a blue flame in front of you, and allow it to grow in size
and intensity.
4. Step into the blue flame, and allow it to surround your entire
5. Visualize the blue flame energy flowing through your body,
clearing any negative energy or blockages that may be causing
emotional distress.
6. Focus on the emotions that you wish to release, and allow the
blue flame energy to help you let go of them.
7. Repeat the following affirmation: "I release all negative
emotions, and I am surrounded by the healing energy of the blue
8. Stay in the blue flame for as long as you feel comfortable.
9. When you are ready, step out of the blue flame, and visualize it
fading away.
10. Take a few deep breaths, and when you are ready, open your eyes.

By using Blue Flame Reiki for emotional healing, you can release negative
emotions, bring balance to your emotions, and heal emotional trauma. It can
also enhance self-love and improve relationships. With regular practice, you
can experience the healing power of the blue flame and live a more balanced
and harmonious life.


Physical Healing with Blue Flame Reiki

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful and effective method for physical healing.
It can be used to address a variety of physical ailments and promote
overall health and wellbeing. The blue flame is associated with the
element of fire, which is often associated with transformation and
purification. It is also associated with the throat chakra, which is related to
communication and self-expression. In this chapter, we will explore the use
of Blue Flame Reiki for physical healing.

Understanding Physical Healing with Blue Flame Reiki

Physical healing with Blue Flame Reiki involves the use of energy to help
balance and harmonize the body. The blue flame energy can help to release
blocked energy and promote the flow of vital life force energy. When the
energy in the body is flowing freely, the body is able to heal itself more
effectively. This can help to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and
promote overall physical health.

Techniques for Using Blue Flame Reiki for Physical Healing

There are many techniques for using Blue Flame Reiki for physical healing.
Some of the most common techniques include:

1. Hand positions: Blue Flame Reiki can be applied through the use
of specific hand positions. This involves placing the hands on or
near the body in specific locations to help direct the energy flow
to the affected area.
2. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful technique that can be
used to enhance the healing process. This involves visualizing the


blue flame energy flowing through the body and targeting

specific areas of the body that need healing.
3. Distance healing: Blue Flame Reiki can be applied to the body
from a distance. This involves sending the energy to the body
using the power of intention and visualization.
4. Chakra healing: The blue flame energy is associated with the
throat chakra, which is related to communication and self-
expression. By focusing the energy on the throat chakra, it can
help to promote physical healing in the body.

Benefits of Blue Flame Reiki for Physical Healing

The benefits of Blue Flame Reiki for physical healing are numerous. Some of
the most common benefits include:

1. Alleviating pain: Blue Flame Reiki can help to alleviate pain in

the body by promoting the flow of energy and reducing
2. Reducing stress: Blue Flame Reiki can help to reduce stress and
promote relaxation, which can help to improve overall physical
3. Enhancing immune function: Blue Flame Reiki can help to
boost immune function by promoting the flow of energy in the
4. Promoting overall physical health: By promoting the flow of
energy in the body, Blue Flame Reiki can help to promote overall
physical health and wellbeing.


Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful tool for physical healing. It can be used to
address a wide range of physical ailments and promote overall health and


Spiritual Growth with Blue Flame Reiki

B lue Flame Reiki is a powerful tool not only for physical and emotional
healing, but also for spiritual growth. This chapter will explore how
Blue Flame Reiki can be used to deepen your spiritual connection and
aid in your personal growth.

Connecting with the Divine

One of the primary benefits of Blue Flame Reiki is its ability to connect us
with the Divine. When we work with the Blue Flame, we are tapping into the
energy of Archangel Michael, who is considered to be one of the most
powerful and revered Archangels in many spiritual traditions. By invoking
Archangel Michael and working with the Blue Flame, we can deepen our
connection to the Divine and receive guidance and support on our spiritual

Meditation and Prayer

Meditation and prayer are powerful tools for spiritual growth, and they can
be enhanced by working with Blue Flame Reiki. By incorporating Blue
Flame Reiki into your meditation or prayer practice, you can amplify the
power of your intentions and align more fully with your spiritual path.
Simply visualize the Blue Flame surrounding you and filling you with its
cleansing and purifying energy. Allow this energy to flow through you,
clearing away any blocks or obstacles that may be hindering your spiritual


Chakra Balancing
Chakras are energy centers within the body that correspond to different
aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When our
chakras are out of balance, it can manifest as physical or emotional
symptoms, and can also hinder our spiritual growth. Blue Flame Reiki can
be used to balance and clear the chakras, allowing energy to flow freely
throughout the body. By balancing the chakras, we can release energetic
blocks and enhance our spiritual growth.

Releasing Negative Energy

Negative energy can be a hindrance to spiritual growth, as it can create blocks
and obstacles on our path. Blue Flame Reiki can be used to release negative
energy and transmute it into positive energy. Simply visualize the Blue Flame
surrounding and purifying any negative energy within and around you.
Allow the Blue Flame to transform this negative energy into positive,
uplifting energy that can support your spiritual growth.

Connecting with Spirit Guides and Angels

Spirit guides and angels are spiritual beings who are available to assist us on
our path. By working with Blue Flame Reiki, we can strengthen our
connection to these beings and receive guidance and support on our spiritual
journey. Simply visualize the Blue Flame surrounding you and calling forth
your spirit guides and angels. Allow yourself to feel their presence and
guidance as you move forward on your path.

In conclusion, Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and
can aid us in deepening our connection to the Divine, balancing our chakras,
releasing negative energy, and connecting with spirit guides and angels.


Meditation for Spiritual Growth

B lue Flame Reiki Meditation that focuses on spiritual growth:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be

disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
2. Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on your body,
letting go of any tension or stress.

3. Imagine a bright blue flame in front of you, radiating heat and

light. Allow yourself to feel the warmth of the flame and the
energy it emanates.


4. When you feel ready, visualize the blue flame entering your body
through the top of your head, slowly moving down through your
5. As the blue flame moves through each chakra, feel its heat and
energy clearing any blockages or negativity that may be present.
6. Allow the blue flame to continue moving down through your
body, filling you with its light and power.
7. As you bask in the warmth of the blue flame, set an intention for
spiritual growth. Visualize yourself growing stronger and more
connected to your higher self and the divine.
8. Sit in this space for as long as you like, letting the blue flame work
its magic on your energy and spirit.
9. When you feel ready, take a deep breath and slowly come back to
your physical body.
10. Take a moment to ground yourself and feel the effects of the blue
flame meditation in your body and spirit.

Remember to drink plenty of water and give yourself time to integrate the
energy work. You can repeat this meditation as often as you like to support
your spiritual growth and connection to the divine.


Chakra Meditation

B lue Flame Reiki to cleanse and balance the chakras:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be

disturbed for the duration of the meditation. Sit down in a
comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to relax your
body and mind.

2. Visualize a beautiful blue flame Reiki ring in front of you. The

ring is made of pure blue flames and is glowing brightly. Take a


moment to focus on the flame, observing its color and

3. Now, visualize the ring slowly moving towards you and entering
through the top of your head, your crown chakra. As the ring
enters your crown, feel the warmth and energy of the blue flame
cleansing your chakra. Allow the blue flame to move slowly
down your body.
4. As the blue flame ring moves down your body, it passes through
each of your chakras. If there is any blockage or issue in a
particular chakra, the blue flame ring will stay in that area until
the blockage is cleared. You may feel a sensation of heat or
pressure in that area as the blue flame works its way through the
5. Allow the blue flame ring to move down through each of your
chakras until it reaches your root chakra. As it passes through
your root chakra, imagine the blue flame traveling deep into the
earth, grounding and anchoring your energy to the earth.
6. Take a moment to observe your energy and how you feel after
the blue flame has cleansed and balanced your chakras. You may
feel lighter, more energized, and more balanced.
7. When you are ready, take a few deep breaths and slowly open
your eyes. Take a moment to ground yourself and adjust to your

This meditation can be repeated as often as you like, whenever you feel the
need for chakra cleansing and balancing with the help of Blue Flame Reiki.


Detail Chakra Cleaning

B lue Flame Reiki to cleanse and balance the chakras:

Chakra cleaning with Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful technique that helps to
remove negative energy and blockages from the body's energy centers,
promoting overall health and well-being. By using the intense heat and
purifying properties of blue flame energy, it's possible to clear away stagnant
or negative energy from the chakras, allowing positive energy to flow freely.

Here are the steps for performing chakra cleaning with Blue Flame Reiki:

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, making sure you won't

be disturbed during the meditation.
2. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body, letting go of any
tension or stress you may be holding onto.
3. Visualize a ball of intense blue flame energy in your hands.
Imagine this energy flowing into your body, starting at the top
of your head and moving down to your feet. Allow the blue
flame to fill your entire body, surrounding and cleansing your
4. Focus on your root chakra, located at the base of your spine.
Visualize the blue flame energy flowing into this chakra and
clearing away any negative energy or blockages that may be
present. Allow the blue flame to cleanse and purify this chakra,
promoting feelings of security and grounding.


5. Move up to your sacral chakra, located in your lower abdomen.

Again, visualize the blue flame energy flowing into this chakra
and clearing away any negative energy or blockages. Allow the
blue flame to cleanse and purify this chakra, promoting feelings
of creativity and emotional balance.
6. Continue up to your solar plexus chakra, located in your upper
abdomen. Visualize the blue flame energy flowing into this
chakra and clearing away any negative energy or blockages. Allow
the blue flame to cleanse and purify this chakra, promoting
feelings of confidence and personal power.
7. Move up to your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest.
Visualize the blue flame energy flowing into this chakra and
clearing away any negative energy or blockages. Allow the blue
flame to cleanse and purify this chakra, promoting feelings of
love and compassion.
8. Move up to your throat chakra, located in your throat. Visualize
the blue flame energy flowing into this chakra and clearing away
any negative energy or blockages. Allow the blue flame to cleanse
and purify this chakra, promoting clear communication and self-
9. Move up to your third eye chakra, located between your
eyebrows. Visualize the blue flame energy flowing into this
chakra and clearing away any negative energy or blockages. Allow
the blue flame to cleanse and purify this chakra, promoting
intuition and spiritual insight.
10. Finally, focus on your crown chakra, located at the top of your
head. Visualize the blue flame energy flowing into this chakra
and clearing away any negative energy or blockages. Allow the
blue flame to cleanse and purify this chakra, promoting spiritual
connection and enlightenment.
11. Once you've cleansed and purified all of your chakras, allow
yourself to bask in the blue flame energy for a few moments.


Visualize the energy filling your entire body, promoting feelings

of peace and well-being.
12. When you're ready, slowly bring your awareness back to your
surroundings. Take a few deep breaths and stretch your body if

Chakra cleaning with Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful technique that can help
to promote balance, harmony, and overall well-being in your life. By
incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you can enjoy the benefits
of a clear and balanced energy system.


Protection from Psychic Attacks

S hielding yourself from psychic attacks using Blue Flame Reiki is an

important practice that can help you maintain your energetic balance
and protect yourself from unwanted negative energy. Here are the steps for
shielding yourself with Blue Flame Reiki:

1. Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to relax

your body and mind.
2. Visualize a brilliant blue flame surrounding you, expanding and
growing in intensity with every breath you take. Allow yourself
to become fully immersed in this energy.
3. Call upon Archangel Michael, the guardian of the Blue Flame, to
assist you in this process. Ask him to help you create a strong and
impenetrable shield of blue light around you.
4. Visualize the Blue Flame penetrating every cell of your body,
healing and cleansing your aura and chakras.
5. Focus your attention on your solar plexus chakra, the energy
center located in your abdomen. This chakra governs your
personal power and confidence.
6. Visualize the Blue Flame intensifying around your solar plexus
chakra, creating a shield of blue light that protects and
strengthens this energy center.
7. Repeat this process for each of your chakras, moving up through
your body from the root chakra to the crown chakra. Allow the
Blue Flame to cleanse and purify each chakra, creating a
protective shield around each one.


8. Once you have finished cleansing and shielding each chakra, take
a moment to sit with the Blue Flame energy and allow it to fully
permeate your being. Feel its warmth and protection.
9. When you are ready, slowly bring your attention back to your
physical body and the space around you. Take a deep breath and
release the Blue Flame energy.
10. Finally, express gratitude to Archangel Michael and the Blue
Flame for their protection and healing.

This shielding process can be done daily or as often as needed to protect

yourself from negative energy and psychic attacks. Remember to always
approach this practice with an open heart and a willingness to receive the
healing power of the Blue Flame.


Bubble Protection

C reating a blue flame Reiki bubble to shield and protect yourself from
negative energies, energy vampires, energy parasites, and psychic attacks
is a powerful tool for spiritual protection. Here are the steps to create a blue
flame Reiki bubble:

1. Step 1: Ground and Center Yourself

Begin by sitting or standing comfortably in a quiet space where you will

not be disturbed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing
yourself to relax and let go of any tension or stress. Focus your attention
on the present moment, and become aware of your body, your
surroundings, and the energy around you.


2. Step 2: Call in Archangel Michael

Ask Archangel Michael to come and protect you. Visualize him standing
in front of you, with his sword of light in hand, and his blue flame
surrounding you. Feel the protective energy of his presence and the blue

3. Step 3: Call in Blue Flame Reiki Energy

Call upon the energy of Blue Flame Reiki to surround you. Visualize a
blue flame of light surrounding your body. Feel the warmth and
protection of the blue flame energy.

4. Step 4: Expand the Blue Flame Reiki Bubble

Visualize the blue flame Reiki bubble expanding outwards from your
body, creating a protective shield around you. See the bubble growing
bigger and bigger until it surrounds your entire energy field. Imagine that
nothing negative can penetrate the blue flame Reiki bubble.

5. Step 5: Program the Blue Flame Reiki Bubble

Program the blue flame Reiki bubble to shield and protect you from
negative energies, energy vampires, energy parasites, and psychic attacks.
Affirm that the blue flame Reiki bubble will only allow positive energy
to enter your field, and will repel anything negative or harmful.


6. Step 6: Maintain the Blue Flame Reiki Bubble

Maintain the blue flame Reiki bubble by regularly renewing and

recharging it. You can do this by visualizing the blue flame Reiki energy
flowing through the bubble and filling it with positive, protective energy.
You can also ask Archangel Michael to help you maintain the shield.

7. Step 7: Release the Blue Flame Reiki Bubble

When you feel ready to release the blue flame Reiki bubble, simply
visualize it shrinking back down to your body, and then see it dissipating
into the universe. Thank Archangel Michael and the Blue Flame Reiki
energy for their protection.

By following these steps, you can create a powerful blue flame Reiki bubble
to shield and protect yourself from negative energies, energy vampires, energy
parasites, and psychic attacks. With regular practice, this technique can
become a valuable tool for spiritual protection and self-care.


Complete Self-Healing Meditation

S elf-healing with Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful tool for those who want
to take control of their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The
practice involves using the healing energy of Blue Flame Reiki to address
any imbalances or blockages in the body, mind, and spirit.

Here are some steps to follow when doing self-healing with Blue Flame Reiki:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Make sure
you will not be disturbed during your self-healing session.
2. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and relax your body.
Close your eyes and visualize a bright blue flame in front of you.
3. Focus on this flame and allow it to grow brighter and larger until
it envelops your entire body.
4. Feel the warmth and energy of the Blue Flame Reiki as it enters
your body through your crown chakra. Allow it to flow through
your body, clearing any blockages or imbalances as it goes.
5. As the Blue Flame Reiki flows through your body, you may feel
sensations such as tingling, warmth, or coolness. These are all
signs that the healing energy is working to restore balance to your
6. As the Blue Flame Reiki reaches each of your chakras, focus on
that chakra and visualize it spinning smoothly and freely. If you
feel any tension or blockages in a particular chakra, focus the
Blue Flame Reiki on that area until it is cleared.
7. Continue to breathe deeply and allow the Blue Flame Reiki to
flow through your body, clearing and balancing your energy


8. When you feel that the session is complete, take a few deep
breaths and visualize the blue flame receding back into the
9. Take some time to rest and integrate the healing energy. Drink
plenty of water and eat nourishing foods to support your body
as it continues to heal.

By practicing self-healing with Blue Flame Reiki regularly, you can help to
maintain a healthy balance of energy within your body and promote overall
health and wellbeing.


Healing Other with Blue Flame Reiki

B lue Flame Reiki to heal others:

1. Intention: Before beginning the healing session, it is important

to set a clear intention for the healing. Sit quietly and set the
intention for the highest good of the person you are going to
heal. This will help to focus your energy and intention.
2. Grounding and Protection: It is important to ground yourself
and protect yourself before beginning the healing session. You
can do this by imagining roots growing from your feet into the
ground and visualizing a white light surrounding your body. You
can also call upon Archangel Michael for protection.
3. Connect with the person: Connect with the person you are
healing either in person or through distance healing. Visualize
the person in front of you or hold their photo in your hand. You
can also ask the person for permission before beginning the
4. Channel Blue Flame Reiki: Call upon the energy of Blue Flame
Reiki to flow through you and into the person. Visualize a blue
flame or light surrounding the person and flowing through their
5. Place hands on the person: If you are doing hands-on healing,
place your hands on the person's body in the areas that need
healing. If you are doing distance healing, visualize your hands
over the person's body.


6. Scan the body: Scan the person's body with your hands or your
visualization to feel for any blockages or areas that need healing.
7. Send Blue Flame Reiki: Once you have identified the areas that
need healing, send Blue Flame Reiki to those areas. You can do
this by visualizing the blue flame flowing into those areas and
clearing any blockages or negative energy.
8. Chakra Balancing: Use Blue Flame Reiki to balance the person's
chakras. Start at the crown chakra and work your way down to
the root chakra. Visualize the blue flame flowing through each
chakra, clearing and balancing it.
9. Clearing Energy Vampires and Parasites: If you feel that the
person is affected by energy vampires or parasites, use Blue Flame
Reiki to clear them. Visualize the blue flame burning away any
negative energy or entities that may be draining the person's
10. Closing: Once you have completed the healing, take a few deep
breaths and ground yourself. Thank Blue Flame Reiki and
Archangel Michael for their assistance in the healing session.

Remember to always work with intention, love, and compassion when using
Blue Flame Reiki to heal others.


Incorporating into Daily Life

I ncorporating Blue Flame Reiki into daily life is a powerful way to

enhance overall wellbeing and spiritual growth. By utilizing the healing
energy of the blue flame, individuals can increase their connection to the
divine and experience positive changes in all areas of their lives.

Here are some practical ways to incorporate Blue Flame Reiki into daily life:

1. Morning meditation: Start the day with a Blue Flame Reiki

meditation to set a positive tone for the day ahead. Sit in a quiet
space and visualize the blue flame surrounding you, purifying
and energizing your aura and chakras.
1. Energy cleansing: Throughout the day, use Blue Flame Reiki to
cleanse your energy field and release any negative or stagnant
energy. Simply visualize the blue flame washing over you,
removing any blockages and restoring balance.
2. Self-healing: Use Blue Flame Reiki to heal any physical or
emotional ailments you may be experiencing. Place your hands
on the affected area and visualize the blue flame flowing through
you, bringing healing energy to the affected area.
3. Protection: Use Blue Flame Reiki to protect yourself from
negative energies and entities. Visualize the blue flame forming a
protective shield around you, keeping you safe and secure.
4. Sending healing energy to others: Use Blue Flame Reiki to send
healing energy to loved ones, pets, or anyone in need. Simply
visualize the blue flame flowing from your heart to theirs,
bringing healing and love.


5. Cleansing your space: Use Blue Flame Reiki to cleanse your

home or workspace of any negative energy. Visualize the blue
flame filling the space, clearing away any negativity and bringing
in positive, healing energy.
6. Enhancing your intuition: Use Blue Flame Reiki to enhance
your intuition and connection to the divine. Visualize the blue
flame opening your third eye and crown chakras, allowing you
to receive guidance and insights from the spiritual realm.

By incorporating Blue Flame Reiki into daily life, individuals can experience
profound healing and spiritual growth. With consistent practice, the blue
flame energy can become a natural and powerful tool for enhancing
wellbeing and deepening spiritual connection.


Benefits of Blue Flame Reiki

B enefits of Blue Flame Reiki

Blue Flame Reiki is a powerful and transformative energy healing

modality that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This practice
utilizes the energy of the blue flame, which is associated with strength,
courage, and transformation. There are numerous benefits to incorporating
Blue Flame Reiki into your life, whether it be for physical, emotional, or
spiritual healing.

1. Physical Healing: Blue Flame Reiki can assist in physical healing

by balancing the energy centers of the body, known as chakras,
and promoting the flow of energy throughout the body. This
can help to alleviate physical ailments such as pain, headaches,
and digestive issues. Additionally, Blue Flame Reiki can help to
boost the immune system, improve sleep quality, and increase
energy levels.
2. Emotional Healing: Emotions can become blocked and stuck
within the body, leading to emotional imbalances and even
physical symptoms. Blue Flame Reiki can help to release these
emotional blockages, allowing for greater emotional balance and
healing. It can also help to alleviate stress and anxiety, promote a
sense of calm, and improve overall emotional wellbeing.
3. Spiritual Growth: Blue Flame Reiki can assist in spiritual growth
by helping individuals to connect more deeply with their inner
selves and the divine. This practice can facilitate a greater sense of
intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual guidance. Additionally, it


can help individuals to release limiting beliefs and patterns,

allowing for greater personal growth and transformation.
4. Increased Awareness: Blue Flame Reiki can help individuals to
become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and physical
sensations. This increased awareness can facilitate greater
mindfulness, self-awareness, and personal growth.
5. Strengthened Relationships: By promoting emotional healing
and self-awareness, Blue Flame Reiki can help to strengthen
relationships. This practice can assist individuals in cultivating
greater compassion, empathy, and understanding in their
relationships with others.
6. Heightened Creativity: Blue Flame Reiki can help to stimulate
creativity by opening individuals up to new perspectives and
ideas. This can be especially beneficial for individuals in creative
fields or those who are looking to tap into their creativity more
7. Improved Self-Esteem: By promoting emotional healing and
self-awareness, Blue Flame Reiki can help to improve self-esteem.
This practice can assist individuals in releasing self-limiting
beliefs and patterns, allowing for greater self-acceptance and self-
8. Enhanced Intuition: Blue Flame Reiki can help individuals to
connect more deeply with their intuition and inner guidance.
This practice can assist in developing greater trust in oneself and
one's own inner wisdom.
9. Spiritual Protection: Blue Flame Reiki can help to protect
individuals from negative energies and influences. By
strengthening the energy field and promoting a sense of inner
strength and courage, this practice can assist in creating a
protective shield around the individual.


Receiving Attunement

R eceiving a Blue Flame Reiki attunement can be a transformative and

empowering experience that opens up new possibilities for personal
growth and healing.

Attunements help to align the practitioner with the energy of Blue Flame
Reiki and activate their ability to channel this healing energy.

Here are some steps for receiving a Blue Flame Reiki attunement:

1. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.

2. Prepare yourself for the meditation - You can burn incense, play
music, or do anything that you find may help you.
3. Make sure you won't be disturbed for at least 10-20 min.
4. Make sure you are in a comfortable position; you can choose any
position (sitting or lying down).
5. When you are ready focus on your breathing and begin to
breathe slowly and deeply.
6. Prepare yourself by taking a few deep breaths and releasing any
tension or stress from your body.
7. Invite your divine levels of beings or angels to support you
during the attunement. You can say, "I call upon my spiritual
guides, angels, and other divine beings to assist me in this
attunement process."
8. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take a few deep
breaths and release any tension or stress from your body.
9. When you feel calm and relaxed, call upon Archangel Michael by
saying, "Dear Archangel Michael, I call upon you to assist me in


receiving the Blue Flame Reiki attunement. Please guide and

protect me throughout this process."
10. Say Mentally or Loudly, “I intend to receive the attunement of
Blue Flame Reiki as sent to me by my teacher (name of the
teacher) and made perfect by eternal sacred source.”
11. Visualize a blue sphere over your head that is full of energy. See
it as a vibrant, glowing ball of blue flame energy.
12. Feel the Blue Flame Reiki energy flowing down through the top
of your head and filling your body with its healing light.
13. Visualize the blue flame energy moving through each of your
chakras, cleansing and balancing them.
14. If you encounter any blockages or negative energies, visualize the
blue flame energy burning them away.
15. Allow yourself to fully receive the Blue Flame Reiki energy for as
long as you feel guided.
16. When you feel that the attunement is completed, thank
Archangel Michael, Blue Flame Reiki and other angelic beings
who helped you during this process.
17. Take a few deep breaths and open your eyes slowly.
18. Drink a glass of fresh water after the attunement to help integrate
the new energy.
19. Take some time to rest and integrate the new energy. You may
feel different sensations such as tingling, warmth or energy flow
throughout your body.
20. Practice using your new Blue Flame Reiki energy by giving
yourself and others healing treatments.


Passing Attunement

B lue Flame Reiki attunement can be passed on to others, either in-person

or remotely, and it can be used to activate the Blue Flame Reiki energy
within the person receiving the attunement.

Here are the steps for passing the attunement of Blue Flame Reiki to
someone else:

1. Find a quiet and peaceful place where you will not be disturbed
during the process.
2. Invite all your divine levels of beings or angels to support you
during this process.
3. Invite Archangel Michael by saying, "Dear Archangel Michael,
thank you for your protective presence in my life. I ask for your
assistance in sending the attunement of Blue Flame Reiki. Please
guide me and support me on my healing journey."
4. Call the energy of Blue Flame Reiki by naming it three times.
5. Make a cup with your hands or palms to create an energy sphere
for passing the attunement.
6. Visualize the person you are attuning inside this energy sphere
and say their name three times with your intention to send the
attunement to them.
7. Start the energy transfer from your hands to the person in your
energy sphere whom you are attuning.
8. Visualize the Blue Flame inside your energy sphere and Blue light
9. You can also visualize Archangel Michael.


10. Keep your intentions stable and focused on sending the

attunement of the "Blue Flame Reiki."
11. The attunement will take 2-3 minutes or when you feel the
transfer is done.


These steps are general and you can use any other method you normally use
to pass attunements.

You can also send the attunement by standard Chi ball method, Orb of Life,
or Orb of Om.

Just remember to keep your intentions pure and focused on sending the
attunement of Blue Flame Reiki.


Disconnecting & Grounding

D isconnecting and grounding are essential practices for anyone working

with energy, including practitioners of Blue Flame Reiki.
Disconnecting helps you release any residual energy that you may have
picked up during a healing session, while grounding helps you to feel
centered and balanced, which is crucial for maintaining good energetic
hygiene. In this chapter, we will explore the techniques and steps for
disconnecting and grounding in Blue Flame Reiki.

Disconnecting in Blue Flame Reiki

1. Acknowledge that the session is over: Once you have completed
a Blue Flame Reiki session, it's essential to acknowledge that the
session has ended. You can do this by saying a silent prayer of
gratitude or thanking the person you have been working with.
2. Close your eyes: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As
you exhale, release any residual energy you may have picked up
during the session.
3. Visualize a white light: Visualize a white light surrounding your
body. This light represents Divine protection and cleansing
energy. See the light moving through your body, washing away
any negative or stagnant energy you may have picked up during
the session.
4. Grounding: Grounding is an essential part of the disconnecting
process. In the next section, we will explore the techniques for
grounding in Blue Flame Reiki.


Grounding in Blue Flame Reiki

1. Find a quiet space: Find a quiet space where you will not be
2. Sit or stand: You can sit or stand for this exercise, whichever you
find most comfortable.
3. Close your eyes: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
4. Visualize roots: Visualize roots growing from the bottom of your
feet, extending deep into the earth. These roots represent your
connection to the earth and its grounding energy.
5. Feel the earth's energy: Feel the earth's energy flowing up
through the roots and into your body. Imagine this energy filling
you up, restoring your balance and grounding you.
6. Release excess energy: Release any excess energy you may have by
visualizing it flowing down through the roots and into the earth,
where it will be transmuted and transformed.
7. Thank the earth: Finally, thank the earth for its grounding energy
and support.

In conclusion, disconnecting and grounding are essential practices for

maintaining good energetic hygiene in Blue Flame Reiki. By following the
techniques and steps outlined in this chapter, you will be able to release any
residual energy and feel balanced, centered, and grounded. Remember to
incorporate these practices into your daily routine, even if you're not
working with clients, to maintain a healthy energy balance.


About the Author

Rishi Rohit Sharma is a very popular
person for his fabulous
Astrological, Occult, and Reiki
activities. He is described as the
living legend and king of the occult.
Rishi Rohit Sharma is known as
one of the best astrologers in the
world. He has expertise in
Astrology, Vastu, Reiki, and other
occult branches. He is born into a
reputed Brahmin family in the
lineage of Maharishi Sankhyana.

Educational background
Rishi Rohit Sharma is a highly educated person. He studied engineering in
Technology, Computers, and Electronics. He has obtained not only one but
also two master’s degrees in engineering and is also Doctor of Metaphysics.
He is an Indian by birth and is currently a Citizen of Australia. He completed
his Bachelor’s degree in Information and Technology from a reputed
engineering university in India and after completing this he joined Victoria
University Australia for his Master's degree in Electronics and Computer
Engineering. He also has a keen interest in Physics and Astronomy

Founder of Nazm E Jyotish

Rishi Rohit Sharma is the founder of “Nazm E Jyotish”. This book is about
astrological predictions and it's written in beautiful rhyming couplets. The
book is written on the theme that love teaches poetry to humans. As love


signifies the unification of two souls similarly, the two rhyming lines make
an idea or a prediction complete. This book is so much hit that it has changed
the thinking and working of astrologers. Many astrologers have started
copying his work or have started writing predictions in his style. He ignited
the passion of many writers to write in the form of “Nazm” in the field of
astrology. He has also decoded and simplified lots of mystical texts and
turned them into thousands of beautiful couplets which are known as
“Nazm”. His whole book is covered with lots of jaw-dropping stunning

Founder of many Reiki Systems

Rishi Rohit Sharma has channeled many reiki systems out of which Orb of
Om, Holy Ganga, and Angel Wings are very popular. He has amazing
feedback about his systems from his students and users. Many people were
easily able to feel white light while using his systems. His manuals and systems
are unique and the way he designs them is very impressive. Some people have
reported that they can even feel the flow of energy through their bodies by
just reading or looking at the manuals.

He is the mentor of lots of Online Courses

He also teaches different types of online free courses to people who are eager
to learn through electronic media like YouTube, Facebook, and

WhatsApp. The name of his YouTube channel is Rishi Rohit Sharma and
his organization's name is VAYOM. He uses VAYOM as an umbrella for all
the fields related to Vastu, Astrology, Yoga, Occult, and Meditation.

We can easily find some interesting books and articles authored by him
online. But the most popular and best seller are his two books named
“Nazam-e-Jyotish and “Grahon ki Nishaniyan”. In these writings, he


explains everything smoothly and nicely that leaves a permanent mark on the
reader’s mind. His other book named “How to Meditate” is also life-

How can the knowledge of Rishi Rohit Sharma

help you in life?
Rishi Rohit Sharma believes that as every product comes with a manual and
specification so do humans take birth with a manual-like thing that is called
a horoscope. A horoscope is just like a manual that tells us what gifts,
specifications, or characteristics we have brought into this life. This manual
or horoscope will help us in understanding ourselves and our true potential.
We can focus on the best things we have been blessed with and can choose
our future and destiny in the best possible way. The stars and our inherited
hidden talents and capabilities will support us when we understand this
manual or horoscope.

He also believes that everyone has a guardian angel and has the right to
connect to white light or God. When we connect to white light or listen to
our guardian angels, we choose the best path and are always guided for our
highest good.

Rishi Rohit Sharma is so accurate in his predictions that many renowned

astrologers use his style and techniques in predicting the future of their

Contacting information
If you are fond of our great astrologer Rishi Rohit Sharma and if you need
any help from him, you can call him at (+61) 466 999 296. You can also email
him at or can join his Facebook page at

RISHI ROHIT SHARMA You can also visit the website at

Rishi Rohit Sharma will be always by your side whenever you need him. He
wants to help everyone to achieve their best. To know about his free courses
follow him on YouTube and Facebook.



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