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“The Night to see the internal light”

“Darkness is not outside; it’s in you, and when you ignite your mind, you have no fear.”

– Rishi Rohit Sharma

Rishi Rohit Sharma

Channeled & Manual by: Rishi Rohit Sharma
P: (+61) 466 999 296
Date Channeled – 18th Feb 2023


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made to cite sources of information, if we have missed one, it is completely unintentional.


I pay my regards to Mahadev - Shiva, Maa Durga, Baba Murad Shah Ji, Sai Laddi Shah Ji, all
my Gurus & Friends, My Parents, My wife, and dedicate this system to my children.


Table of Contents


Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6
Meaning of Mahashivratri ................................................................................................ 7
The Great Night Of Shiva ............................................................................................. 7
Stories associated with Mahashivratri .......................................................................... 7
Why is Lord Shiva worshipped on this day? ................................................................. 8
What people do on Mahashivratri?............................................................................... 8
What are Mahashivratri drawings? ............................................................................... 8

12 Lessons to learn from Shiva ........................................................................................ 9

1. You must never tolerate evil and injustice ............................................................ 9
2. Self-control is the key to living life to the fullest .................................................10
3. Keep calm and carry on ........................................................................................11
4. Materialistic happiness never stays for long ........................................................12
5. You must learn how to suppress negativity gracefully .........................................13
6. Desires lead to obsessions and obsessions lead to destruction ............................14
7. Respect your better half .......................................................................................15


8. You must control your ego and let go of pride ..................................................... 16

9. Do thorough research on something you're likely to get into .............................. 17
10. Understand that everything is temporary ........................................................ 18
11. Dance ............................................................................................................... 19
12. Meditate ........................................................................................................... 20

Benefits of this system ................................................................................................... 21

How to use this system ................................................................................................... 23
The 3rd Eye 3-line Meditation ...................................................................................... 23
The Dance of the Soul ................................................................................................. 25
Simple Om Namah Shivaya Meditation....................................................................... 26

How to receive Attunement? .......................................................................................... 28

How to pass the Attunement? ........................................................................................ 29
How to share the Energies? ............................................................................................ 30
Disconnecting & Grounding? ......................................................................................... 31
Disconnecting: ............................................................................................................ 31
Grounding: .................................................................................................................. 31

About the Author............................................................................................................ 32



M aha Shivaratri is a festival celebrated annually in honor of the god Shiva. The name

also refers to the night when Shiva performs the heavenly dance called Tandava.

In every month of the Hindu calendar, there is a Shivaratri – "night of Shiva" – on the day
before the new moon. But once a year, in late winter and before the arrival of Summer
(February/March), this night is called "Mahashivaratri" – "the Great Night of Shiva".

It is a notable festival in Hinduism, and this festival is solemn and marks a remembrance of
"overcoming darkness and ignorance" in life and the world. It is observed by remembering
Shiva and chanting prayers, fasting, and meditating on ethics and virtues such as honesty,
non-injury to others, charity, forgiveness, and the discovery of Shiva.

The festival has been integral to Hinduism and its origin predates recorded history, but
some believe this festival originated in the 5th century BCE. It is believed that whoever
worships Lord Shiva on this day receives the grace of the Lord and attains Salvation.

Not many are aware of the actual meaning or the way to celebrate Maha Shivratri. On the
specific night of Shivratri, the planetary placement is such that there is a natural tendency
for the kundalini energy, housed in the chakra at the base of the spine, to rise and reach the
chakra at top of the head.

It is the night to awaken your true self and your internal powers and seek the guidance and
blessings of Lord Shiva.



The Great Night Of Shiva

Mahashivratri, “The Great Night of Shiva” is a night of special spiritual significance. This
festival is very significant for people who are on the spiritual path. The fourteenth day of
the lunar month (February or March) or the day before the new moon is known as
Mahashivratri. This is a day when nature is pushing one towards one’s spiritual peak.

Lord Shiva symbolizes truth, peace, beauty, and infinity, and also represents the essence of
our soul.

The word “Maha” means great the word "Shivratri" means "the night of Shiva." This night
is believed to be when Lord Shiva performed the cosmic dance of creation, protection, and
destruction. It is a time when different energies are in balance and harmony. Some people
believe that this dance is what created the universe.

Also, on this day, Shiva is believed to have married the goddess Parvati.

Mahashivratri is not an ordinary night but it is the night of receiving all desired objects and
getting all coveted desires full filled.

Stories associated with Mahashivratri

One of the most popular (and widely believed) legends associated with the celebration of
Shivratri (or Mahashivratri) is the story of Shiva drinking the poison Halahala. As the gods
and demons were churning the ocean of milk to gather the nectar of immortality, a poison
called Halahala emerged from the depths of the ocean. All the gods and demons ran away
from the poison, but Shiva stepped forward and drank it, thus saving the world from

This act of selflessness is celebrated each year on Shivratri.

Another popular legend associated with Shivratri is the story of Shiva's marriage to Parvati.
Parvati was the daughter of Himalaya, the king of the mountains, and she was determined
to marry Shiva. After undergoing severe penance, she finally succeeded in her aim, and the
marriage was celebrated on the day of Shivratri. The celebration of Maha Shivratri marks
the convergence of Shiva and Shakti.


Another belief is that on the day of Mahashivratri, the entire universe is filled with divine

It is believed that one can easily attain salvation by worshiping Shiva on this day. These are
just some of the many stories associated with the celebration of Mahashivratri. No matter
which one you choose to believe in, the celebration of mahashivratri is a reminder of the
power of devotion and the power of selflessness!

Mahashivratri is also considered to be an extremely significant festival for women. Married

and unmarried women often fast and pray to Shiva and Goddess Parvati who is also known
as 'Gaura' or the one who bestows marital bliss and grants long and prosperous marriages.

Why is Lord Shiva worshipped on this day?

Mahashivaratri is celebrated on the day when Lord Shiva saved the world by drinking poison
that emerged from the ocean during ‘Samudra Manthan’. Some people believe it to be the
day when Lord Shiva got married to Goddess Parvati. As per the mythological beliefs, the
one who worships Lord Shiva attains ‘Moksha’ or ‘salvation’. It is also believed that
worshipping Lord Shiva on Mahashivratri brings an end to all your miseries and grants you

What people do on Mahashivratri?

1. Observe Fasting
2. Meditate
3. Chant Om Namah Shivaya
4. Attend Mahashivratri Pooja or Rudra Pooja
5. Worship the Shivlinga

What are Mahashivratri drawings?

During the festival of Mahashivratri, people make various creative drawings, commonly
known as mandalas, in front of their homes and temples, especially in different parts of
northern India. These drawings are usually made of different kinds of natural materials,
such as clay, sand, sesame seeds, and even water. The Mahashivratri drawings (or mandalas)
mostly depict the worship of Lord Shiva and his family.



1. You must never tolerate evil and injustice

Lord Shiva was known as the destroyer of evil. He couldn't tolerate injustice and destroyed
the evil rakshasas fairly and smartly. Similarly, even we should try to keep zero tolerance
for the evil and injustice happening around us. We should obey the law and smartly handle
these things. We should always take a stand against injustice.


2. Self-control is the key to living life to the fullest

An uncontrolled mind can lead you to live a disastrous life. You cannot win battles when
you lose focus and fall prey to your desires and addictions. Therefore, it’s necessary to keep
your mind aligned with your goals and heart too.


3. Keep calm and carry on

Shiva was called a ‘Maha Yogi’ because he meditated for hours for the well-being of the
universe. His calm state of mind was disturbed only due to extreme reasons, but otherwise,
he would always be in a meditative state of mind. Thus, highlighting the fact that you can
win half the battle just by being calm in a stressful situation. It's really the best strategy for
sorting out a problem.


4. Materialistic happiness never stays for long

Take a look at Shiva’s attire for a second. Only armed with a “Trishul” and “damru”, Lord
Shiva always stayed away from wealth. You’re missing out on nothing in life if you’re not
attached to wealth and materialistic things. Because materialistic happiness is temporary.
You need to find your happiness in events and experiences and not things.


5. You must learn how to suppress negativity gracefully

Shiva was a ‘neelkanth’ because he swallowed poison named ‘halahala’, that emerged from
the ocean. Only Shiva could have consumed this poison and suppressed it in his throat. The
important lesson to take back from this incident is to take negativity in our stride and turn
it into positivity.


6. Desires lead to obsessions and obsessions lead to destruction

Since he was free from desires, Shiva never obsessed over things. It is a fact that desires
always lead to obsessions, and these in turn make us self-destructive.


7. Respect your better half

Shiva was ‘Ardhanarishwar’, where half of him was Parvati. He treated Parvati with utmost
respect and care. She was his ‘shakti’ and he gave her the importance she deserved.


8. You must control your ego and let go of pride

Your ego is the only thing that prevents you from attaining greatness. It is your ego that
comes between your goals and your dreams and makes you a less loving person. It is said
that Shiva carried his “Trishul” to keep his ego in check. He never let his ego get the better
of him. On the other hand, nor did he tolerate anyone else’s ego.


9. Do thorough research on something you're likely to get into

The Ganga in Shiva’s hair symbolizes the end of ignorance. This implies that you should
know what you are getting into. Being in denial about facts is not going to help.


10. Understand that everything is temporary

Maha yogis don’t fall for ‘moh Maya. They know that life is ephemeral and that what
happens today is not going to exist forever. Time changes and so do we.


11. Dance

Lord Shiva is known as Nataraja or the King of Dance. Although his ‘tandav’ destroyed the
world, it was also an art that was passed on to us.


12. Meditate

Lord Shiva is mostly seen in a meditative state. It symbolizes that to raise our vibrations
and find our true selves we need to practice meditation.



Mahashivaratri means many things to many people. One of the central themes, which
resonates most strongly among devotees, is the idea of "overcoming darkness and
ignorance." This night of sacrifice, contemplation, and quietude is therefore an embracing
of darkness and emptiness, and a silent vigil for the return to lightness and creation to the

Mahashivratri also means “A Night of Awakening” on this holy day, the sun and moon come
in a particular alignment which is helpful to elevate the mind. This auspicious day is
congenial for Kundalini awakening, spiritual practices, meditation, and for a natural
upsurge of energies in our spine. So, this system is extremely helpful in the following:

Kundalini Awakening: Shiva, the masculine energy, represents pure consciousness and
governs the crown chakra. Thought originates at Crown Chakra, and with thought, “we
can create, destroy, learn, and grow.” Shiva is an all-pervading essence; an ultimate
form of consciousness that is both the creator and destroyer. Kundalini is associated
with Parvati or Adi Para shakti, the supreme being in Shaktism. Kundalini also means
the union of Shiva and Shakti or the union of masculine and feminine aspects of our
being, which brings about a mystical wholeness within. The energies of this system will
help in Kundalini awakening or strengthening the Kundalini if it is already awakened.
Gain mental and spiritual well-being: Shiva bestows Moksha or Nirvana. You can
worship him for mental and spiritual well-being. This system will give you peace of mind
and also enhance your chakras which leads to better spiritual health.
Gain wisdom and knowledge: Shiva is the God of all kinds of knowledge. He is Adi-Guru.
He is the master of all the knowledge in this universe. Through this system, you can gain
great knowledge that will transform you utterly. It will also aid in spiritual growth and
Overcome the fear of untimely death: Untimely death is something many people fear.
There is a belief that one can avert untimely death if one worships Shiva, the God of
destruction. This system will help you in warding off accidents, misfortunes, and
untimely death.
Blissful married life: Shiva’s love for his wife is legendary. He became crazed with grief
when his wife, Sati, immolated herself. He agreed to let Parvati be a part of his body.
While Brahma and Vishnu had a weakness for women, Shiva is an ‘Ekapathinivrathan’
or a one-woman man. They share a very loving relationship. It is also a balanced
relationship due to their complementary natures. This system will enhance your marital
happiness and will aid in living a long and blissful married life.


Get rid of negativity: Negativity is an obstacle to success and happiness. Fear, hate,
envy, jealousy, and ego are all forms of negativity. This system can help you get rid of
all negativity in your life.
Acquire inner strength and confidence: If you lack inner strength and feel mentally and
physically weak, worship Lord Shiva. He will give you the courage and strength to deal
with the challenges of life. The energies of this system will help you achieve this.
Cultivate a sense of detachment: Lord Shiva is mostly depicted in a state of meditation.
He is calm and composed, impervious to the things around him. Petty things do not
affect him. You can be like him, too, if you worship him regularly. Use this system to Be
calm and contended.
He protects your pets: Lord Shiva is also called “Pashupatinath”. He takes all creatures
under his wing and protects them. He loves all animals, and he will ensure that they
come to no harm. He has the power to heal everyone, humans as well as animals. So, if
your pet is sick, you can use this system.

This system may also be useful:

1. To improve Concentration,
2. Reduces stress and Anxiety,
3. Gives strength to the Spinal cord,
4. Rejuvenating and Pacifying,
5. Detoxifies body,
6. Improves the functioning of the Heart and Digestive system,
7. Ensures sound sleep,
8. Improves the functioning of the Reproductive system and development of the womb
and fetus,
9. Improves Reasoning ability and Reduces negativity.



The 3rd Eye 3-line Meditation

The 3rd eye 3-line meditation is a very useful meditation to activate the energy of this
system. It will not only open and cleanse your 3rd eye but will also give immense spiritual
growth and clairvoyance.

Follow the steps to perform 3rd eye 3-line meditation

1. Seek a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

2. Prepare yourself for the meditation- You can burn incense, play music, or do
anything that you find may help you.
3. Invite all your divine levels of beings or angels to support you during this meditation.
4. Make sure you are in a comfortable position; you can choose any position.
5. Close your eyes while in the meditative pose (sitting or lying down).
6. When you are ready focus on your breathing and begin to breathe slowly and deeply.
7. Relax your body and let go of any worries or tensions.
8. Say mentally or loudly “Essence of Mahashivratri” three times.
9. Now, Bring your focus to your third eye.
10. Visualize/Imagine three horizontal lines on your forehead.

11. These three lines denote Creation, Protection, and destruction, (past, present,
future), (The three dimensions / three worlds), and much more.
12. Focus your attention on the top line for some time.


13. Visualize or feel yourself standing on this line.

14. Visualize or feel them as steps that go down into your mind through the door of your
3rd eye.
15. Most of the time we meditate or connect with the third eye to connect to the outer
world but in this meditation, our focus is to use the third eye to explore our inner
16. Focus on the second line or the step that will take you downwards into your mind
from the third eye.
17. Now, focus on the third line that is very close to the brows or on top of the base of
the third eye chakra.
18. Now, these three steps will take you to the mind through the door of the third eye.
19. Now try to look for a door there.
20. When you will find the door spend some time feeling or exploring the door. Like,
what color, big or small, what material, heavy or light, etc.
21. Now, say “Shiva” three times and open the door.
22. See if it is dark or light there. Even if you find darkness inside need not worry. As
Darkness is also part of shiva. Whatever is there and whatever is not there is part of
23. Try to explore the area. Is it a room? …an open space? …a cave? …a garden? … or a
24. Spend some time exploring this area till you see shiva there.
25. Try to connect with him. Does he have any message for you? If he has no message
for you need not worry.
26. If you want you can chant “Om Namah Shivaya” in front of him.
27. Once you feel that you are done, say thanks to “Shiva”.
28. Now, it's time to go back to the door from where you entered.
29. Take an exit from the same door.
30. Take the steps upwards from the horizontal line and bring your awareness to the top
31. Now bring your attention to the crown chakra.
32. Spend some time and when you are ready bring your awareness to the body and
33. Slowly open your eyes and drink a glass of fresh water after this session.


The Dance of the Soul

The cosmic dance of Shiva symbolizes the interplay of dynamic and static divine energy
flow, containing the five principles of eternal energy — creation, preservation, destruction,
illusion, and emancipation.

Nothing in this world is stationary, everything is moving – planets, stars, galaxies, and even
electrons too. It seems like the whole universe is dancing.

The Dance of the Soul will help you to create a better bonding between your masculine and
female energies or Yin Yang. It will help you to remove any blockages and will also
strengthen your kundalini.

Follow the steps to perform the “Dance of the Soul”

1. Seek a place that is suitable for some body movements or dancing.

2. Try to avoid any public places. Also, don’t do it in front of others as you are not
performing for anyone. It is the dance of the soul and is more like a meditation.
3. Prepare yourself for dance – Make sure there is sufficient room around you, check
the floor it should not be slippery, and perform other precautionary steps.
4. When you are ready stand still and fold your hands in namaste form or prayer form.
5. Take a few deep breaths and try to be as comfortable as you can.
6. Relax your body and let go of any worries or tensions.
7. Say mentally or loudly “Essence of Mahashivratri” three times.
8. Now, move your hands and feet in any position in which you feel guided so.
9. Do whatever steps, poses, or positions you want to make with your hands and body.
10. Remember not to force or push your body for anything.
11. Remain gentle, and focused and perform very slow movements with deep breathing.
12. You don’t need to perform any dance steps or jump high or do any aerobics or
13. The key lies in internal guidance, intuitions, breathing, connection to the soul, slow
and flexible, and smooth actions.
14. When you feel that you are done, stand still and again fold your hands in Namaste or
prayer position.
15. Say thanks to the “Essence of Mahashivratri” and finish the dance.
16. Drink a glass of fresh water or shower if you feel guided so.
17. * You can perform this dance with your partner even if your partner is attuned or
not. (Make sure to activate the energies for them by sharing the energies.


Simple Om Namah Shivaya Meditation

This simple “Om Namah Shivaya” meditation will be very helpful for healing yourself or
others. This will help in;

1. Improving Concentration,
2. Reducing stress and Anxiety,
3. Strengthening the spinal cord.
4. Rejuvenating the body mind and soul,
5. Detoxifying the body,
6. Improving the functioning of the Heart and Digestive system,
7. Sound sleep,
8. Improving the functioning of the Reproductive system and development of the
womb and fetus,
9. Improving Reasoning ability and Reducing negativity.

Follow the steps to perform Om Namah Shivaya meditation

1. Seek a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

2. Prepare yourself for the meditation- You can burn incense, play music, or do
anything that you find may help you.
3. Invite all your divine levels of beings or angels to support you during this meditation.
4. Make sure you are in a comfortable position; you can choose any position.
5. Close your eyes while in the meditative pose (sitting or lying down).
6. When you are ready focus on your breathing and begin to breathe slowly and deeply.
7. Relax your body and let go of any worries or tensions.
8. Say mentally or loudly “Essence of Mahashivratri” three times.
9. Focus on your breathing.
10. Pay attention to how you inhale and how you exhale.
11. Now, say mentally “OM” when you inhale and “Namah Shivaya” when you exhale.
12. Om is a small word but you might have to speak it like “Auuuummmm” to match the
13. Try to breathe slower and deeper and match the Om and Namah Shivaya
systematically with your breathing.
14. Do it as long as you wish.
15. When you feel that you need to finish the meditation.


16. Simply bring your hand close to each other in Namaste form and say thank you to
“Essence of Mahashivratri”.
17. Bring your awareness to your body and surrounding.
18. Open your eyes slowly.
19. Drink a glass of fresh water after you finish.



Follow the steps to receive the “Essence of Mahashivratri” attunement:

1. Seek a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

2. Prepare yourself for the meditation- You can burn incense, play music, or do
anything that you find may help you.
3. Invite all your divine levels of beings or angels to support you during this
4. Make sure you won't be disturbed for at least 10-20 min.
5. Make sure you are in a comfortable position; you can choose any position.
6. Close your eyes while in the meditative pose (sitting or lying down).
7. When you are ready focus on your breathing and begin to breathe slowly and deeply.
8. Relax your body and let go of any worries or tensions.
9. Now, Say Mentally or Loudly, “I intend to receive the attunement of “Essence of
Mahashivratri” as sent to me by my teacher (name of the teacher) and made perfect
by eternal sacred source.”
10. Try to visualize many stars or white light entering your Crown chakra. Visualize it
flowing through all the chakras and finally going into the ground.
11. You may also visualize Lord Shiva meditating or Dancing.
12. You may feel tingling or sensations in the body.
13. Stay in the pose for 10 -20 min or until you feel guided so.
14. When you feel that the attunement is completed Open your eyes slowly.
15. Say thanks to the “Essence of Mahashivratri” and other angelic beings who helped
you during this process.
16. Drink a glass of fresh water after you finish.



Follow the steps to pass Essence of Mahashivratri Attunement:

1. Seek a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

2. Invite all your divine levels of beings or angels to support you during this process.
3. Call the energy by naming it three times.
4. Make a cusp with your hand or palm to create an energy sphere for passing
5. Visualize the person into this cusp and say the name three times with your intention
to send attunement to them.
6. When you are ready say mentally or loudly three times, “Essence of Mahashivratri”.
7. Start the energy transfer from your hand to the person in your cusp whom you are
going to attune.
8. Visualize many stars inside your cusp forming a sphere and white or blue light
flowing into it.
9. Keep your intentions stable and focused on sending the attunement of “Essence of
10. The attunement will take 2-3 minutes or when you feel the transfer is done.

The above method is general and you can use any other method you normally use to
pass attunements.
You can also send the attunement by standard Chi ball method.
You can also send the attunement via Orb of life or Orb of OM.



You can easily share the energies of this system.
To share the energies, you can put your hands on their shoulder and say mentally or
loudly “Essence of Mahashivratri”.
You can perform the Dance of Soul with them.
You can visualize them worshipping shiva while sharing energies.
You can share the energies in other ways if you feel guided so.




Use the Karate chop method or use the first two fingers to visualize them as scissors and
cut the unwanted cords and threads after receiving the attunement.


Grounding is very important when you are working with energy. You can perform the
grounding exercises to ground yourself.

1. Spend some time in nature.

2. Perform breathing exercises.
3. Visualize roots growing from your feet or root chakra and going deep into the earth.

You can perform other grounding methods that you are using regularly.



Rishi Rohit Sharma is a very popular person for his fabulous Astrological, Occult, and Reiki
activities. He is described as the living legend and king of the occult. Rishi Rohit Sharma is
known as one of the best astrologers in the world. He has expertise in Astrology, Vastu,
Reiki, and other occult branches. He is born into a reputed Brahmin family in the lineage of
Maharishi Sankhyana.

Educational background

Rishi Rohit Sharma is a highly educated person. He studied engineering in Technology,

Computers, and Electronics. He has obtained not only one but also two master’s degrees in
engineering and is currently completing his Doctorate in Metaphysics. He is an Indian by
birth and is currently a Citizen of Australia. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in
Information and Technology from a reputed engineering university in India and after
completing this he joined Victoria University Australia for his Master's degree in Electronics
and Computer Engineering. He also has a keen interest in Physics and Astronomy.

Founder of Nazm E Jyotish

Rishi Rohit Sharma is the founder of “Nazm E Jyotish”. This book is about astrological
predictions and it's written in beautiful rhyming couplets. The book is written on the theme
that love teaches poetry to humans. As love signifies the unification of two souls similarly,
the two rhyming lines make an idea or a prediction complete. This book is so much hit that
it has changed the thinking and working of astrologers. Many astrologers have started
copying his work or have started writing predictions in his style. He ignited the passion of


many writers to write in the form of “Nazm” in the field of astrology. He has also decoded
and simplified lots of mystical texts and turned them into thousands of beautiful couplets
which are known as “Nazm”. His whole book is covered with lots of jaw-dropping stunning

Founder of many Reiki Systems

Rishi Rohit Sharma has channeled many reiki systems out of which Orb of Om, Holy Ganga,
and Angel Wings are very popular. He has amazing feedback about his systems from his
students and users. Many people were easily able to feel white light while using his systems.
His manuals and systems are unique and the way he designs them is very impressive. Some
people have reported that they can even feel the flow of energy through their bodies by just
reading or looking at the manuals.

He is the mentor of lots of Online Courses

He also teaches different types of online free courses to people who are eager to learn
through electronic media like YouTube, Facebook, and

WhatsApp. The name of his YouTube channel is Rishi Rohit Sharma and his organization's
name is VAYOM. He uses VAYOM as an umbrella for all the fields related to Vastu,
Astrology, Yoga, Occult, and Meditation.

We can easily find some interesting books and articles authored by him online. But the
most popular and best seller are his two books named “Nazam-e-Jyotish and “Grahon ki
Nishaniyan”. In these writings, he explains everything smoothly and nicely that leaves a
permanent mark on the reader’s mind. His other book named “How to Meditate” is also life-

How can the knowledge of Rishi Rohit Sharma help you in life?

Rishi Rohit Sharma believes that as every product comes with a manual and specification
so do humans take birth with a manual-like thing that is called a horoscope. A horoscope is
just like a manual that tells us what gifts, specifications, or characteristics we have brought
into this life. This manual or horoscope will help us in understanding ourselves and our true
potential. We can focus on the best things we have been blessed with and can choose our
future and destiny in the best possible way. The stars and our inherited hidden talents and
capabilities will support us when we understand this manual or horoscope.


He also believes that everyone has a guardian angel and has the right to connect to white
light or God. When we connect to white light or listen to our guardian angels, we choose
the best path and are always guided for our highest good.

Rishi Rohit Sharma is so accurate in his predictions that many renowned astrologers use his
style and techniques in predicting the future of their clients.

Contacting information

If you are fond of our great astrologer Rishi Rohit Sharma and if you need any help from
him, you can call him at (+61) 466 999 296. You can also email him at or can join his Facebook page at
You can also visit the website at


Rishi Rohit Sharma will be always by your side whenever you need him. He wants to help
everyone to achieve their best. To know about his free courses follow him on YouTube and



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