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999 Frequency
Unconditional Love

Channelled and Written by

Amanda Hadley
New Earth Energies 2020

Copyright © 2020 Amanda Hadley

Please respect the author's right to this manual, no text or part

may be copied, removed or quoted without written permission.

If you wish to translate this manual please contact me first,

This attunement is not to be given away for free-an energy

exchange must take place.
This manual is to be passed on to all students who are paying
you for this attunement but it must remain intact with
acknowledgement to New Earth Energies.

There is not a fixed price for this attunement, but a

recommended minimum is £18

Many thanks

There are many more great attunements and empowerments

on my website

Please note that this attunement/ empowerment as with any other

energy system is complimentary and will work in conjunction with any
Western Medicine/Treatment you may be receiving, BUT should never
take the place of a licensed medical practitioner.
New Earth Energies/Amanda Hadley accept no responsibility for any
loss/damage that occurs as a direct result of using/misusing any of the
information contained in this manual.

About 999 Frequency Unconditional Love

I have been working a lot recently with the frequency of 999 hz,
it really is a super potent energy with amazing powers. Over the
course of several meditation sessions I was gifted with the
energies for this system to help align and unite us all through
unconditional love. It is my sincerest wish that these energies
help align you with the pure and healing energies of 999 hz and
unconditional love.

Everything around us is made up of energy, we are energy, our

friends, family, pets, animals, trees, plants, houses, objects, etc.
Everything is energy and that energy vibrates at varying
frequencies. Each frequency has its own unique properties and
999 hz frequency is very high frequency energy, that is
considered to be celestial, it has amazing properties, it can raise
your vibration, connect you to all that is and bring about deep
peace, powerful healing and acceptance.

999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement connects you to

999 hz frequency, connecting you to Source energy, connecting
you and filling your being with unconditional love.

The energies of this attunement raise you up into the realms of

pure, unconditional love, raising you up above lower vibrations
that may cause emotions such as anger, judgement, irritation,
frustration, narrow mindedness, antipathy, etc. Such emotions

are damaging to our well-being, these lower vibrations cannot

co-exist with the energies of 999 hz.

999 Frequency Unconditional Love helps to raise your vibration

to align you with the flow of love from Source. These energies fill
you with unconditional love for yourself and others, they bring
about a deep realization that we are all one, we are all
connected through Source energy, through unconditional love.

Unconditional Love
Unconditional love is such a simple premise, to love without
applying conditions-but this is not always easy for us. We are
often deeply hurt by what we perceive to be the wrong doings of
others. We bear grudges, think negatively of them, criticise,
carry etheric cords linking us to them, feel hurt, take offense,
feel upset and anger, etc. Such actions and emotions often effect
nobody other than ourselves, carrying such burdens, will over
time, have detrimental effects on physical, emotional and
spiritual wellbeing. They also make it impossible for us to
experience unconditional love. We lose our connection to that
person as being a part of us, as being a part of the whole, of
Source energy and of love.

The energies of 999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement

can help us let go of such low vibrational feelings and heal. They
can help us come to a place where peace and harmony are more
important, more sort after than holding onto another’s wrong

Of course, no amount of unconditional love can change how we

react to others if we do not apply it to ourselves first….again,
this is not always easy, we can all be our own worst critic and
judge. Indeed, many people can forgive others for the very same
actions that they find it impossible to forgive themselves. Such
energies can build up over time and manifest in many different
ways, we can find it impossible to have fulfilling relationships,
careers, friends, abundance, fulfil desires, etc. This is because we
do not love ourselves unconditionally. Allowing ourselves to rise
above energies of self-judgement, self-punishment and self-
sabotage is a very liberating experience.

The energies of 999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement

can help raise your vibration and assist you in experiencing
unconditional love for yourself. Raising you up above the energies
that may be causing you to act out of conditional love.

The energies of this system can assist you to experience

unconditional love for yourself and all things, pulling everything
together as we experience unity and oneness. All lower vibrations
that can cause separation disappear and we feel unified,
connected and whole.

The energies can help heighten your awareness of yourself and of

others, allowing acceptance and harmony to flourish.

When your vibration is heightened and you are no longer pulled

down by lower thought forms you will feel your own energy

levels increase, giving rise to new levels of inspiration, creativity

and motivation. Once lower vibrational thought forms are
dispelled a whole new wave of pure light energy flows through
you. It is invigorating and rejuvenating.

999 Frequency Unconditional Love also helps bring about a

divine sense of calm, peace and serenity. These pure energies of
love from Source bring reassurance, a knowing that all is well, a
deep peace and acceptance of everything just as it is.

Uses of 999 Frequency Unconditional Love

-connect you with the frequency of unconditional love
-increase physical, emotional and spiritual well-being
-raise your vibration
-increase awareness of self and everyone/everything else
-experience deep calm, peace and harmony
-connection to all-we are one
-increase energy levels

How to Activate
After you have received your attunement, the energies of 999
Frequency Unconditional Love are activated by intention.
Place your hands in gassho, or prayer position and say:
“999 Frequency Unconditional Love activate NOW” x3
This will activate the energies and they will continue for as long
as is necessary aligning you with the energies of unconditional

To Receive 999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement

Make yourself comfortable and do any preparations that you

would normally do for an attunement (if this is your first
experience of distant attunement then please read the
attunement process supplied with this manual that I have sent
you for guidelines and ideas).

When you are ready, state your intention,

“I (state your name) am now ready to receive 999

Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement sent to me via chi
ball by Amanda Hadley of New Earth Energies (or your teacher's

The attunement will begin and will take approx. 20-30


When you feel that the energies slow down and stop the
attunement is complete and you can slowly open your eyes.
Remember to ground yourself after receiving an attunement.

To Pass on the Attunement.

This attunement can be passed on in person, distantly, or using
the chi ball method.
The attunement is passed with intention in the manner that
works best for you.

Here is the basic method:

Get comfortable and relax. You can burn incense, light candles,
play music, meditate, whatever helps you to get into a state of
peace and calm where the energies will flow freely and strongly.
Protect and ground yourself.
Take three deep breaths and exhale slowly to release any stress
or tensions of the day.
Connect with your higher self and any guides/ Angels that you
feel comfortable with. Ask for their protection and assistance to
help you send this attunement.
Ask to connect with the higher self of the recipient.
When you feel ready, state your intention,

“I ask that (name of person being attuned and their location) be

completely attuned to the energies of 999 Frequency
Unconditional Love Attunement on (date and time). I ask that
the energies of this attunement be as strong as (say the person’s
name) can accept for their greatest and highest good.
And so it is. Thank you”
The energies will flow for a while, when you feel them slow and
stop the attunement is complete. Ask for the connection to the
recipient’s higher self to finish.

If the attunement is sent by chi ball method, you will need to

create the energy sphere. Do this by creating energy between
the palms of your hands, focus all your attention on the energy
between your hands, move them closer together and out again—
back and forth with your palms facing each other to build the
energy, and use visualization to see the sphere or chi ball.

Then place the attunement energies inside the chi ball or energy
sphere and state your intention,

“I ask that (name of person being attuned and their location) be

completely attuned to the energies of 999 Frequency
Unconditional Love Attunement. I ask that the energies of this
attunement be placed within this chi ball and that the energies
stay strong and true until (name of person) calls in this
attunement. I ask that this be as strong an attunement as
(name of person) can accept for their greatest and highest good..
And so it is. Thank you”
The energies will flow for a while, when you feel them slow and
stop the attunement is complete. Ask for the connection to the
recipient’s higher self to finish.

Remember to ground yourself after passing on attunements.


I hope that you find this attunement useful and beneficial to you and
I wish you much peace and light on your journey,
Reiki Master
New Earth Energies

This manual is to be shared with others who are paying you for this
attunement, but please do not change, remove or add anything to this
manual. This attunement is not to be given away for free-an energy
exchange must take place.
Copyright © 2020 Amanda Hadley

Please note that 999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement, as
with any other energy systems is complimentary and will work in
conjunction with any Western Medicine/Treatment you may be
receiving, BUT should never take the place of a licensed medical
practitioner. 999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement is not a
substitute for health care.
If you have any health concerns at all, please seek professional medical
advice first.

New Earth Energies/Amanda Hadley accept no responsibility for any

loss/damage that occurs as a direct result of using/misusing any of the
information contained in this manual.

999 Frequency Unconditional Love Attunement is an original energy

system and is not affiliated with any other systems or attunements that
may exist now or in the future.

Other systems channelled by Amanda Hadley

Chakra Cleansing Empowerment
Peace Reiki
Sole Wolf Journey Reiki
Comfort Blanket Reiki
Thinking Outside the Box Reiki
Negative Thoughts Flush
Energy Vampire Protection
Pet Bereavement Reiki
True Voice Reiki
Responsibility Reiki
Rose Quartz Self-love Flush
Seahorse Empowerment Reiki
Haematite Protection Reiki
Deep Sleep Empowerment
Tree of Life Reiki Empowerment
Celestial Golden Starfish Empowerment
Power Animal Reiki System
Fresh Morning Air Reiki
Etheric Cord Removal Reiki
Attachment Release Reiki
Remembering My Divine Self Reiki Empowerment
Abundance Awakening Attunement
Jet Stone Empowerment
Celtic Dragon Reiki
Intention Amplifier Empowerment
Dragon’s Fire Reiki
Abundance Acceptance Empowerment
Giraffe Power Animal Empowerment
Polar Bear Power Animal Empowerment
Squirrel Power Animal Empowerment
Mindfulness Reiki
Grounding to Gaia Empowerment
Selenite Crystal Empowerment
Pax Goddess of Peace Empowerment
Energy Protection of Archangel Michael
Letting Go of Resistance Reiki
Light of Love Reiki Empowerment
Spirit Guide Connection Empowerment
Journey of the Albatross Empowerment

Infinite Oneness Reiki Attunement

Crystal Waters Reiki
Anxiety Flush Reiki
Home Protection Reiki
Magickal Stone Reiki
Sacred Source Vibration
Sleep Protection Reiki
Expanding Gratitude Reiki Empowerment
Crystal Diamond Light Empowerment
Warmth of the Sun Reiki Empowerment
Dragon Lightworker Energy Empowerment
Higher Heart Chakra Flush
Olive Branch Empowerment
Residual Negative Energies Shield Empowerment
Energetic Alignment Attunement
Self-Confidence Empowerment
Light of Spring Reiki Empowerment

For a full list of attunements available please check out my website.

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