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Submitteed as a Parttial Fulfillm

ment of thee Requirem
ments for Geetting Bach
Deggree of Edu
ucation in English
E Dep

By :




By :


Approved too be Examined by Connsultant

Drs. Djoko
D Srijoono, M.Hum



By :

pted and Approved
A by Board off Examiners
Scchool of Tea
acher Train
ning and Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surrakarta
On ………………
… ……… 2019

Board of Examiner :
1. Drs. Djoko
D Srijoono, M.Hum
m. ( )
(Chairr Person)
2. ( )
mber I)
3. ( )
mber II)




Heerewith, I teestify that there

t is no plagiarism
m in this artticle publicaation.
There is no
n other work that has been submitted to obtaain the bachhelor degree and
as far as I concerned there is no opinion thaat has been written
w or published
p beefore,
except thee written refference whiich are referrred in this paper and mentioned
m i the
If any incorreectness is proven
p in the
t future dealing
d witth my stateement
above, I will
w be fully responsiblee.


Ladyyna Ayu Wulansari




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan cerpen oleh Guru

Bahasa Inggris dalam mengajar kosakata untuk siswa kelas tujuh di SMP N 3
SATU ATAP Jenawi, terdapat rumusuan masalah dan kelebihan dan kekurangan
menggunakan cerita pendek untuk mengajar kosa kata. Teknik pengumpulan data
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi,
bahan visual, dan memutuskan protokol informasi merekam. Analisis data terdiri
dari beberapa kegiatan, mereka menggambarkan implementasi cerpen, aktivitas
peserta didik selama proses belajar mengajar, bahan yang digunakan dalam
pengajaran kosa kata, masalah yang dihadapi dalam pengajaran kosa kata
menggunakan cerpen, kelebihan dan kekurangan menggunakan cerpen dalam
mengajar kosa kata. Teknik triangulasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah dengan menggunakan metode triangulasi. Langkah-langkah dalam
mengajar perbendaharaan kata dengan menggunakan cerpen adalah: 1) siswa
harus memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang cerita pendek deskriptif. 2) siswa
harus memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang topik cerpen deskripsi. 3) guru
dapat mengajukan pertanyaan untuk memeriksa pengetahuan siswa tentang cerita
pendek deskriptif (sebelum aktivitas). 4) memberikan cerita pendek yang sesuai
kepada siswa dan meminta siswa untuk membacanya secara individu (saat
membaca). 5) sementara siswa membaca cerita mereka harus memberi garis
bawah pada kata asing atau kosa kata baru (sambil membaca). 6) para siswa
menganalisis kosakata baru, jika mereka menemukannya kesulitan yang mereka
dapat ditanyakan kepada guru mereka (kegiatan membaca setelah membaca). 7)
siswa harus mengulas cerita di depan kelas (kegiatan membaca setelah membaca).
Ada beberapa manfaat menggunakan cerita pendek untuk mengajar, yaitu dapat
meningkatkan kesadaran budaya, linguistik kesadaran, motivasi, dan lain-lain.
Sementara itu. Cerpen juga memiliki kekurangan, yaitu seperti membutuhkan
terlalu banyak waktu dalam mengimplementasikan cerpen untuk mengajar dan

Kata kunci: pengimplemantasian guru, cerita pendek, pengajaran kosa kata.


This research has purpose to describe the implemention of short story by the
English teacher in teaching vocabulary for the seventh grade students at SMP N 3
SATU ATAP Jenawi, the problem appear, and the advantages and disadvantages
of using short story to teach vocabulary. The data collection technique applied in
this research were observation, interview, documentation and visual materials, and
deciding the protocol of information record. The data analysis consists of several

of activities, they are describing the implementation of short story, the activity of
learners during the teaching and learning process, the material used in teaching
vocabulary, problem faced in teaching vocabulary using short story, and the
advantages and disadvantages of using short story in teaching vocabulary.
Triangulation technique used in this research was by using triangulation method.
The steps in teaching vocabulary by using short story are: 1) the students must pay
attention on teacher explanation about descriptive short story. 2) the students must
pay attention on teacher explanation about the topic of descriptive short story. 3)
the teacher can ask questions to check students’ prior knowledge about descriptive
short story (pre-reading activity). 4) giving the appropriate short story to the
students and ask the students to read it individually (while reading activity). 5)
while the students’ read the story they should give underline to the unfamiliar
word or new vocabulary (while reading activity). 6) the students analyze the new
vocabulary, if they found the difficulties they can ask to their teacher (post
reading activity). 7) the students should review the story in front of the class (post
reading activity). There are some advantages of using short story for teaching, it
can raise cultural awareness, linguistic awareness, motivation, and etc.
Meanwhile, short story also has disadvantage, such as requires too much time in
implementing short story for teaching and learning.

Keywords: teacher implementation, short story, teaching vocabulary

Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without sufficient
vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas. Wilkins
(1972: 111-112) wrote that “. . . while without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. This point reflects his
experience with different languages; even without grammar, with some useful
words and expressions, He can often manage to communicate. Particularly as
students develop greater fluency and expression in English, it is significant for
them to acquire more productive vocabulary knowledge and to develop their own
personal vocabulary learning strategies. Students often instinctively recognize the
importance of vocabulary to their language learning,
The teacher has an essential role in helping students to improve their
vocabulary. Unfortunately, vocabulary teaching has not been enough responsive
to such problems, and teachers have not recognized the tremendous importance of
helping their students to develop an extensive vocabulary. As seen in the past, it is
discovered that for a long time, English used teaching approaches such as Direct

Method and Audiolingualism which emphasized the primary importance of
teaching grammatical structures. The biggest problem in learning English
vocabulary is that most students easily forget in learning new English vocabulary
that they have learned and difficult to pronounce the word. In other words, they
have problems memorizing the vocabulary they have learned. Problems related to
the learning of vocabulary also encountered by the students at SMP N 3 SATU
ATAP JENAWI. Based on preliminary observation conducted by the researcher,
there were still many students difficult to acquire and learn new vocabulary in
In the implementation of the process of learning English, the researcher
found that students in SMP N 3 SATU ATAP JENAWI, the school where the
researcher conducts a research, obtained difficulty in achieving a basic
competency. This happened since the students' mastery of English vocabulary is
inadequate, therefore, it greatly interferes with the achievement of competencies
stated in the curriculum.
However, to make the students to be engaged and have more
understanding in the material given in the learning, English the teacher of the
seventh grade of SMP N 3 SATU ATAP JENAWI always provides them with fun
and enjoyable teaching vocabulary. The learning process of teaching vocabulary
created by the English teacher was not boring and it can motivate students to learn
the English vocabulary. One of the media used by the English teacher in teaching
English vocabulary to the students is by using short story.
Observation in the classroom during the teaching and learning of
vocabulary using short story by the teacher shows that the students were enjoying
the learning process and they were having fun with searching some new
vocabulary in the short stories and making discussion of the meaning of the new
vocabulary in group.
Short stories are the most suitable literary genre to use in English teaching
due to its shortness, is supported by Collie and Slater (1991: 196) when they list
four advantages of using short stories for language teachers. First, short stories are
practical as their length is long enough to cover entirely in one or two class

sessions. Second, short stories are not complicated for students to work with on
their own. Third, short stories have a variety of choice for different interests and
tastes. Finally, short stories can be used with all levels (beginner to advance), all
ages (young learners to adults) and all classes. Pardede’s (2011) study at Christian
University of Indonesia revealed that the majority of English teachers training
students basically found short stories interesting to use both as materials for self-
enjoyment and of as components language skill classes. The findings denoted that
only 0.37% of the responses went into “Disagree” criterion; and 18.4%, “Neutral”.
The other 81.5% went into the criteria of “Agree” and “Strongly Agree”.
Based on the above reasons, this resaerch is intended to describe the
implementation of short story applied by the English teacher in teaching
vocabulary to the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 SATU ATAP JENAWI.
Therefore, this research is entitled “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SHORT

Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this research since words or written
language become the data of the research. Descriptive qualitative method is
appropriate for this research as Sugiyono (2007) stated that descriptive problems
formulation guided the writer in exploring and capturing the social situation to be
studied thoroughly, widely, and intensively.
The data of this research was obtained through observation, interview,
document and visual materials, and to decide the protocol of information record.
Then, the data were analyzed using several steps, as follow:
1) Decribing the implementation of short story in the teaching and learning
process of vocabulary at the seventh grade,
2) Describing the activities of learners during the teaching and learning process
using short story at the seventh grade,
3) Describing the material used in teaching vocabulary using short story,

4) Determining the problem faced in the use of short story in teaching vocabulary
to the seventh grade students,
5) Determining the advantages and disadvantages of the use short story in
teaching vocabulary for the seventh grade students.
In sum, the whole process of analysis falls into two main parts: a
descriptive part and a reflective part.


3.1 Finding
Based on findings, the researcher obtained:
3.1.1 The Implementation of Short Story by the English Teacher in Teaching
Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Students at SMP N 3 SATU ATAP
Before the researcher presented the implementation of short story by the
English teacher in teaching vocabulary to the seventh grade students at
SMP N 3 SATU ATAP Jenawi, the researcher described some data related
to the preparation of the teaching and learning process that include the
classroom condition, lesson plan, and material used by the English teacher. Classroom Condition
English becomes one of the main subjects for the first to the third grade
students and which included in UN final exam. Therefore, in SMP N 3
SATU ATAP Jenawi, English was taught to the student of first until third
grade. This finding is focused on the activity of the teaching-learning
process of English lesson in the seventh grade students.
The seventh grade of SMP N 3 SATU ATAP Jenawi, particularly
VII B has 27 students that consist of 15 girls and 12 boys. There are
facilities supporting the teaching-learning activity, such as: tables, chairs,
whiteboard, bookcase, chalk, rules, etc.

5 Lesson Plan
Preparing a lesson plan is important since by conducting this, teacher is
able to teach effectively and to avoid problems as many as possible. It is
essential to have a complete preparation. The preparation starts from
planning a lesson. Here is an example of the procedure to plan a lesson:
1) Deciding the focus of the topic.
2) Deciding the materials that are needed.
3) Deciding how to get the material needed.
4) Deciding whether any preparatory work is needed, and then organize
the students.
5) Deciding how the lesson that will be presented and what task should
the students do. Material
The material in the learning is one the important elements since without
material, the learning process cannot not run well. The material taught
should be in accordance with the syllabus and curriculum. The teachers
must prepare the material first before teaching the students. The material
that used in teaching vocabulary for the seventh grade by the English
teacher at SMP N 3 SATU ATAP Jenawi is taken from many sources,
such as book, LKS, internet, magazine, etc. Teaching and Learning Process
The students of the seventh grade obtain the English lesson twice a week.
English class is held on Monday and Thursday that begins at 07.00 am-
08.10 am. The allocated time to teach English in each class was thirty five
minutes per session.
The process of teaching and learning in the fourth grade consists of
opening, main activity, and closing. In six times meetings, from August 5th
to September 15th 2019, the researcher found that the teacher arranged the
plan before teaching vocabulary to the seventh grade of SMP N 3 SATU
ATAP Jenawi. It can be seen in detail as follows:

6 First Meeting (Monday, August 5th 2019)
The first meeting was carried out on Monday August, 5th 2019. The
duration of this meeting was 60 minutes. This class started at 08.20
a.m until 09.40 a.m.
1) Opening
In the first meeting, the teacher started the lesson by saying
“Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh and good
morning students”. Then, the teacher asked the students‟ condition
and checked students’ attendance by calling the students’ name one
by one. After that, the teacher introduced the topic of the material
that will be given to the students. In the first meeting, the teacher
gave materials about narrative text. The teacher gave the theme for
narrative text, “Cinderella”.
2) Main Activity
This activity started by dividing the students into 5 groups, each
group consists of 4 students. Each group obtained one copy of the
text. The material was entitled Cinderella. Then, the teacher asked
the students to listen to the teacher read the text carefully.
Next, the teacher asked one of the students to read the first
paragraph and the meaning, however, the student could not read
3) Closing
Before closing the class, the teacher asked the students about the
materials that they have not been understood yet. The students
stated that they understood all of the material which given by the
teacher that day. After that, the teacher gave a brief conclusion
about the text. Then, the teacher motivated and the teacher
explained that the next material for the next meeting was still same,
which is about narrative text. The teacher then gave another text of
Cinderella form different source to the students. Finally, the

teacher said thanks to them then closed the meeting by saying
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh and good bye. Second Meeting (Thursday, August 8th 2019)
The reseacher conducted the second meeting on Thursday August, 8th
2019. The duration of the meeting was 60 minutes. This meeting was
started at 09.40 a.m until 10.20 a.m. It is described as follows.
1) Opening
The teacher started the lesson by saying Assalamu’alaikum
Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh and good morning students. Then,
the teacher asked one of the students about the list of vocabulary
that had been studied at the previous meeting. All of the students
tried to remember the previous material, and the previous meeting,
which is about the text entitled “Cinderella”.
2) Main Activity
This step was started by asking the students about the previous
material at the last meeting. The material of this time was the same
as the mateial at the first meeting. The teacher continued to discuss
the second paragraph from the text given in the last meeting. The
teacher asked one of the students to read the text. After that, all of
the students tried to translate it. They looked for the difficult word.
After that, the teacher and the students disscused it together.
Students made a list of vocabulary that had been studied. In this
meeting, the teacher gave the synonyms or the antonyms of some
3) Closing
The last activity was closing, the teacher remainded the students to
learn about the text at home since there would be a test in the next
meeting. In this day, the teacher and the students repeated the
material which has been learnt in the previous day. The teacher
asked the leader of class to lead the prayer before going home. The
teacher said thanks to them and closed the class.

8 Third Meeting (Monday, August 12th 2019)
The third meeting was held on Monday, August 12th 2019. The
duration of this meeting was 60 minutes. This meeting was started at
08.20 a.m until 09.40 a.m. It is described as follows.
1) Opening
The teacher started the meeting by saying Assalamua’alaium
Warahmatullohii Wabarokatuh and good morning class. After that,
the teacher checked the student’s attendance, while the teacher
asked their conditions.
2) Main Activity
In this meeting, the teacher announced that they are going to work
individually. The teacher provided test to the students to test the
understanding the students during teaching and learning process. In
the previous meeting, the teacher informed that this day the teacher
would review the materials of the first and second meeting, then,
the teacher gave the test 1. The test 1 would be used to find out the
students’ improvements. The test 1 was conducted in 60 minutes
which consisted of 45 minutes for written test and 15 minutes for
pronunciation test. At 10.00 o’clock, the bell was ringing, the
students run to enter the class and prepare the next lesson, but after
a while the teacher gave information by microphone which that day
the students will go home early. The bell was ringing to end the
lesson on that day.
3) Closing
The teacher gave a support to the students and spirit or motivation.
After that, the teacher closed the class and said “See You and
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh. Fourth Meeting (Thursday, September 5th 2019)
The fourth meeting was carried out on Thursday, September 5th 2019.
This meeting was started at 08.20 a.m. the duration of this meeting was
60 minutes. It is described as follows.

1) Opening
The teacher started the meeting by saying Assalamu’alaikum
Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh. The teacher cheecked the student’s
attendance while asked the student’s condition. After that, the
teacher told about the material that would be studied.
2) Main Activity
The main activity was intended by distributing the copied material.
The material for the first meeting was telling about Maling
Kundang. After that, the teacher asked one of the students to read
the text. One of the students read the first paragraph. The students
still made a mistake in spelling the word and pronunciation, then,
the teacher gave the correct one. Then, the students found out the
difficult words, and looked for the words in the dictionary. The
teacher and the students discussed it together. Then, they matched
the words meaning in the context of the text.
To improve students’ understanding about the meaning of
the words, the teacher guided the students to find out the synonym
or the antonym of some words. The teacher asked the students to
make a list about vocabulary.
3) Closing
In this activity, the teacher asked the students about the problem
faced in the teaching learning process. Then, the teacher gave a
motivation by giving assumption that English is easy and it is also
really important since English is the language that used as an
international language. Finally, the teacher closed the class by
saying “Good Bye and Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi
Wabarokatuh”. Fifth Meeting (Monday, September 9th 2019)
The fifth meeting was carried out on September 9th 2019. The fifth
meeting was started at 09.40 a.m. until 10.20 a.m. The duration of this
meeting was 60 minutes.

1) Opening
The teacher started the class by saying Assallamu’alaikum
Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh and good morning class! then
researcher checked students’ attendance.
2) Main Activity
The teacher asked the students to open their previous material,
because this second meeting still used the same material, Malin
Kundang story. As the previous meeting, the teacher asked one of
the students to read the text. Then, the teacher and the other
students listened to it carefully. However, the students was still
embarrased to read the text so the spelling was not clear.
Next, the students looked for the difficult words. The
students made a list and found the meaning of the difficult words
and also found how to spell the word. After that, the students and
the teacher discussed it together. The teacher gave the correct
meaning based on the text. Actually, some of students were able to
match the words with the context of the sentences.
The students tried to understand every word, therefore, they
did not only remember but also comprehend the words that they
have found. Finally, the time was out and before closing the class
the teacher made a preview about the vocabulary that had been
3) Closing
The teacher gave a motivation to students, to be better and to study
about the material today. Then, the teacher cllosed the class by
saying Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh and See
You. Sixth Meeting (Thursday, September 12th 2019)
The sixth meeting was held on September 12th 2019. This meeting was
started at 08.20 a.m. until 09.40 a.m. It is described as follows.

1) Opening
This meeting was started by an opening. The teacher opened the
class by saying Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh,
then, the teacher checked students’ attendance and asked their
2) Main Activity
In this meeting, the teacher conducted test 2. The test consisted of
twenty five numbers for written test and it was conducted in 90
minutes for doing the test and 30 minutes for remaining to disscuss
the homework.
3) Closing
The teacher told about the research and about students’
cooperation, because there was the last meeting for teaching
learning process. Then they said Thank you. Finally, the teacher
closed the class and said “See you next time and
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.
Based on the condition in the classroom during the teaching
and learning process that was conducted in six meetings, it can be
found that the teaching and learning process consists of opening,
main activity, and closing. The teacher gave motivation to the
students in order that they become the diligent students, also the
teacher gave brainstorming about the important thing when studied
Before starting the lesson, the teacher greeted and checked
the students’ attendance list. All of the students were present. In
the second meeting the researcher used the same material as in the
first meeting, “Cinderella”. The students looked anthusiastic when
the teacher talked about the story. The students read some of the
result of the translation.
The teacher continued to dicussed the material which have
not been delivered in the first meeting. Then, the students listen

carefully to the explanation of the teacher. During the learning
process, the students listened their friend read the story, they
looked afraid if the teacher asked them to read the next paragraph.
In the closing, the teacher read the translation of the text.
The teacher also guided the students in doing their task
well. Moreover, the teacher also managed the time in order to make
the lesson effective.
3.1.2 The Problems Appear in the Implementation of Short Story by the English
Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Students at SMP N
3 SATU ATAP Jenawi
In the teaching and learning process, there were some problems are seen in the
implementation of short story in the vocabulary teaching process for the seventh
grade students of SMP N 3 SATU ATAP Jenawi. The problem is divided into
three aspects, among others from teachers, from students, and from the school
itself. The Teacher
The first problem was come from the teacher during the teaching and
learning process. The problem then makes the teacher cannot teach well
and effectively. Students also become unable to focus and concentrate on
receiving lessons. The teacher's issues will be described as follows: Classroom Management
Classroom management is one of the most challenging tasks that
teachers have. In this case, the discipline and emotion of students made
the teacher difficult to manage them. Based on the condition of the
teaching and learning process conducted on Monday, August 5th 2019
at 7B class that was taught by the English teacher, the researcher found
that in the proccess of teaching, the students like to play with their
friends during the lesson. The teacher finds it difficult to control the
class, therefore, the class condition becomes less effective. Based on
interviews that have been done by researcher, the teacher said that
“muridnya itu susah banget dikontrolnya mbak, meski sudah saya

ingatkan berkali-kali tapi tetep aja namanya anak mbak” (Interview
with the English teacher on Monday, August 5th 2019). The Teacher’s Difficulties in Motivating to the Students
The teacher's motivation to the students is very important, because
without the motivation and encouragement from the teacher, the
students also feel unmotivated in learning, especially learning
vocabulary. They are more busy playing and talking to themselves
with a friend's seat.
In this case, the teacher said that “ya namanya juga anak mbak,
yang dari berbagai macam karakter, ada yang bisa dengan mudah
diberi motivasi dan ada juga yang susah sekali dikasih motivasi-
motivasi kaya gitu” (Interview with the English teacher on Monday
August 5th 2019). The Students
The second problem is from the students themselves. The problems
that experienced by students such as, they cannot focus and understand
more with learning English. The problem will be described as follows:
1) The Students Lack of Motivation and Support
The researcher found that the students were lack of motivation and
support. The researcher also found that this class is very crowded.
They are preoccupied with their own world and playing with their
friends rather than watching the teacher who is speaking up front.
Based on interviews that have been conducted by researcher with
teachers, the teacher said that “ya beginilah mbak kalo kelas lagi
ramai, ya mungkin karena siswanya memang kurang dukungan
dan perhatian lebih saja mbak” (Interview with the English teacher
on Wednesday, 08 August 2019).
2) The Students Lack Confidence in Learning English
Students showed that they still lack of confident in learning
English. The researcher found that some students have low
confidence when they practie English. Below, the teacher said that

“masalahnya memang ada di anak mbak, mereka kurang percaya
diri kalo suruh ngomong bahasa Inggris, takut salah gitu katanya”
(Interview with the English teacher on Thursday, 08 August 2019).
3) The Students Cannot Speak English Well
The students were not able to speak English well, the researcher
found that some students find it very difficult to learn vocabulary.
They fear that if there is a mistake in their pronunciation, they are
also afraid of misinterpreting the meaning of the word itself. One
of the student said that “itu lho mbak ngomongnya bahasa Inggris
susah banget, lha lidah Jawa suruh ngomong bahasa Inggris ya
jelas susah” (Interview ith the students on Monday, 12 August
2019). While another students said that “kadang artinya itu ngga
tau mbak, terus ngomongnya tu hampir sama jadi bingung arti
sama maksudnya kata yang mana” (Interview with the students on
Monday, 12 August 2019).
4) Students Lack of Vocabulary
Students were lack of vocabulary, the researcher found that the
students have lack of vocabulary. The researcher found that
sometimes the students look confused when they found a strange
word. The students said that “kalo itu sih susahnya itu di cara
ngomongnya itu, kadang masih banyak yang salah dan nggak tau
maksud dari apa yang di omongin”(Interiew with the students on
Monday, 12 August 2019).
Based on the condition of the students, the researcher
concludes that there are some problems of the students.
5) The School
The third problem that often arises is from the school itself. The
problem that often arises is the lack or lack of fasilities or media
provided by schools in the learning process. In SMP N 3 SATU
ATAP Jenawi, not all classes use LCD, it will make students not
interested and easily bored with English lessons.

Below, the teacher said that “kalau soal LCD memang
sekolah tidak menyediakan banyak LCD untuk setiap kelas”
(Interview with the English teacher on Thursday, 8 August 2019).
Then, the teacher also said that “sebenarnya dulu itu ada banyak
LCD mbak, ya cukuplah untuk jumlah kelas yang sebanyak ini, tapi
ya kadang ada yang rusak itu lho LCD nya” (Interview with the
English teacher on Thursday, 8 August 2019).
Based on the above condition of the English teacher, it can
be concluded that the lack of facilities and support from the school
become the obstacle of the English teacher in teaching vocabulary
to the seventh grade. This lack of facilities, such as LCD has given
effect on the run of the teaching and learning process, therefore, the
school must provide some facilities that can support the teaching
and learning process.
3.1.3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Use of Short Story in Teaching
Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Students at SMP N 3 SATU ATAP
Jenawi Advantages
There are some advantages in using short story in the teaching and
learning process:
1) Provide student’s knowledge about other culture. Short story provide
ideal opportunities for presenting cultural information and encouraging
cross-cultural comparison (Brewster, Ellis, Girard, 2003:187).
2) Stories cover the foundation in learning English. Learning English
trough stories can lay the foundation fo secondary school in term of
learning basic language function and structures, vocabulary and
language- learning skills (Brewster, Ellis, Girard, 2003:187).
3) Using stories provide and support student’s desire in arising their
understanding of story. Story are motivating, challenging and fun and
can help develop positive attitudes (Brewster, Ellis, Girard, 2003:186).

16 Disadvantages
Meanwhile, like as another technique short story also has disadvantages:
1) If there is a mistake in choosing short story it will be difficult to
uderstand the meaning because it depends on student‟s level of
2) Using story telling is not about to improve vocabulary, but it relates
with culture. Sometime the teacher just focuses on teaching culture.
Although the aim of language teacher is to teach language, not culture.
Too much time would be taken up in the classroom if we had to
constantly explain every culture reference in the text (Lazar, 1993:66).
3) The lenght of story telling must be considered, because if the story is
too long the students will be getting bored.
Below, the English teacher, stated that “untuk kekuranganya ya,
menggunakan short story itu terlalu memakan banyak waktu, kadang ga
cukup waktunya untuk membahas semuanya jadi harus dilanjutkan di
pertemuan berikutnya. Selain itu, kalau membahas materi yang sama,
siswa akan merasa bosan dan tidak antusias lagi untuk membahas
bacaanya” (Interview with the English teacher on Thursday 8 August,
From the finding on the disadvantages of short story, it can be
found that there are advantages or disadvantages in using short story for
teaching, include improving vocabulary using short story. From the
advantage is Provide student’s knowledge about other culture. Short story
provide ideal opportunities for presenting cultural information and
encouraging cross-cultural comparison (Brewster, Ellis, Girard, 2003:187).
From disadvantages, Using short story is not about to improve vocabulary,
but it relates with culture. Sometime the teacher just focuses on teaching
culture. Although the aim of language teacher is to teach lanDguage, not

3.2 Discussion
Considering the findings of the research, the researcher discusses some points that
related to the use of short story in teaching vocabulary for the seventh grade
students. In this case the researcher found the strengths as follows.
Firstly, it is about the implementation of short story in teaching vocabulary
for the sevent grade students of SMP N SATU ATAP Jenawi. Actually, the
implementation of short story was quiet simple. The students got short story in
every lesson. The teacher also guided the students directly, so that the teacher
would know where the mistake was.
Then, the students found out the difficult words and looked for the
meaning with the words in the context. To make the students understand more
about the meaning the teacher gave synonyms or antonyms of some words. It had
been done at the first and second cycle. Also, it was useful to the students to
enrich their vocabulary.
Elliott (1990: 197), for example, affirms that literature motivates advanced
students and is “motivationally effective if students can genuinely engage with its
thoughts and emotions and appreciate its aesthetic qualities”. Secondly, based on
the data analysis, there were some problems seen in the implementation of short
story in the teaching process of vocabulary for the seventh grade students of SMP
N SATU ATAP Jenawi. Researcher found that there were some problems faced
by students when learning English. The last problem derived from the school like
less of media, such as LCD.
Thirdly, the advantages and disadvantages of teaching vocabulary using
short story. Short stories are effective when teaching culture to EFL students. Of
all the benefits of short stories, higher-order thinking is the most exciting one.
High intermediate/advanced students can analyze what they read; therefore, they
start thinking critically when they read stories.
In choosing stories according to students’ preferences, stories should have
various themes because, as Akyel and Yalçin (1990: 178) point out, variety of
themes will offer different things to many individuals’ interests and tastes.

From the previous explanation, it can be concluded that short story is
really easy to apply and it is so effective. Using stoytelling in improving
vocabulary mastery gave a positive impact to the students.

Based on the findings, it can be concluded as follows:
The steps in teaching vocabulary by using short story are: 1) the students
must pay attention on teacher explanation about descriptive short story. 2) the
students must pay attention on teacher explanation about the topic of descriptive
short story. 3) the teacher can ask questions to check students’ prior knowledge
about descriptive short story (pre-reading activity). 4) giving the appropriate short
story to the students and ask the students to read it individually (while reading
activity). 5) while the students’ read the story they should give underline to the
unfamiliar word or new vocabulary (while reading activity). 6) the students
analyze the new vocabulary, if they found the difficulties they can ask to their
teacher (post reading activity). 7) the students should review the story in front of
the class (post reading activity).
There were some problems are seen in the implementation of short story in
the vocabulary teaching process. The problem is divided into three aspects, among
others from teachers, from students, and from the school itself.
There are some advantages of using short story for teaching, it can raise
cultural awareness, linguistic awareness, motivation, and etc. Short stories are
claimed to improve all four skills. Sometimes, the teacher just focuses on teaching
culture. Although the aim of language teacher is to teach language, not culture.


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