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January 27, 2020

ESSAY: (10 Marks)
1. Classify cataracts and discuss the clinical features
and management of Senile cataract.*****
2. Describe the classification, clinical features, and
management of Congenital cataract.
3. List the causes of gradually progressive loss of vision
in a 70 year old man. Describe the aetiology, stages,
Investigations and management of age related
4. Define glaucoma. Mention their types. Describe the
clinical features, diagnosis, medical and surgical
management of closed angle glaucoma.**
5. Write the differential diagnosis of “Red eye”
Describe the treatment of Acute Congestive
6. What is primary open-angle glaucoma? Discuss the January 27, 2020

signs and symptoms, the visual field changes,

diagnostic evaluation and management of primary
open-angle glaucoma.****

7. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis,
complications and management of acute
8. Define Corneal ulcer. Describe the clinical features,
diagnosis, complications and management of corneal
9. Classify and Describe the clinical features of corneal
ulcers. Write the treatment of uncomplicated corneal
10. Etiology, pathogenesis and management of
fungal corneal ulcers
11. Define blindness and discuss common causes of
corneal blindness. What is keratoplasty?
12. Describe the effects of blunt injury on the Eye.
13. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and
management of Pterygium .
14. Illustrate the visual pathway. Describe the causes
and salient features of lesions of visual pathway at
various levels (2+2+6)
15. Describe the classification and clinical features
January 27, 2020

of hypertensive retinopathy
16. Define emmetropia. What are the etiology,
clinical features and management of myopia?

 *indicates no of times repeated
SECTION - C: [5 Marks]
Errors of Refraction and accomodation:
1. Hypermetropia*
2. Define and classify astigmatism. Enumerate the
treatment options.* **
3. Describe strums conoid
4. Pathological Myopia and its treatment options.**
5. Presbyopia
Diseases of conjunctiva:
1. Management of Trachoma
2. Management of pterygium
3. Spring catarrah**
4. Membranous conjunctivitis.
5. Follicular conjunctivitis
6. Ophthalmia neonatorum
7. Vernal conjunctivitis
8. Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Diseases of cornea: January 27, 2020

1. Viral keratitis**
2. Dendritic ulcer
3. Bacterial keratitis
4. Management of corneal ulcer
5. Indications of penetrating keratoplasty
Diseases of sclera:
1. Episcleritis*
2. Staphyloma
3. Scleritis
Diseases of uveal tract:
1. Intraocular signs of acute iridocyclitis**
2. Granulomatous uveitis
3. Panophthalmitis
4. Endophthalmitis
Diseases of lens:
1. Stages of senile cataract
2. Morphological types of congenital cataract.
3. Small incision cataract surgery.
4. Ocular signs of complicated cataract
5. Complications of hypermature cataract
6. Classification of Cataract
7. Complicated cataract
8. Posterior capsular opacification
9. Contact lenses
January 27, 2020

10. Intraocular Lenses****

1. visual field changes in primary open angle
2. Optic nerve head changes in open angle glaucoma
3. Acute congestive glaucoma
4. Differential diagnosis of red eye
5. Lens induced glaucoma**
6. Neovascular glaucoma
7. Field defects in glaucoma
8. Anti Glaucoma drugs
Diseases of retina:
1. Describe the causes and treatment of central
retinal artery occlusion**
2. Central retinal vein occlusion**
3. Sudden painless visual loss
4. Retinoblastoma. Management of retinoblastoma
5. Grading of diabetic retinopathy
6. Diabetic macular edema
7. Management of diabetic retinopathy
8. Define retinal detachment, and mention the types
January 27, 2020

1. Papilloedema**
2. Optic neuritis

January 27, 2020

Ocular motility and strabismus:
1. Types of acquired ptosis
Diseases of eyelids:
1. Chalazion
2. Blepharitis
3. Signs and symptoms of hordeolum internum
4. Management of lagophthalmos
Diseases of lacrimal apparatus:
1. Congenital dacrocystitis
2. Signs and symptoms of chronic dacryocystitis
Diseases of orbit:
1. Orbital cellulitis
Ocular injuries:
1. Sympathetic Ophthalmitis**
2. Rosette cataract
3. Ocular signs of blunt injury
Ocular therapeutics:
January 27, 2020

1. Antiviral drugs used in Ocular viral infections.

2. Cycloplegic drugs
3. Anti Glaucoma drugs

Systemic and Community ophthalmology:
1. W.H.O. Classification of vitamin A deficiency\
2. Ocular manifestations and management of vitamin
A deficiency
3. National Programme for Control of Blindness
4. Vision 2020***
5. Eye donation and keratoplasty
6. Eye bank
1. Uses of an Ophthalmoscope
2. Uses of fluorescein in ophthalmology
3. Differentiate between Conjunctival and
Circumciliary congestion.**
4. Mention the differences between superficial and
deep congestion of eye
5. Local anaesthesia for cataract surgery
6. Macular function tests January 27, 2020

1. What is consecutive optic atrophy? Mention TWO
2. Mention the layers of tear film and TWO functions
of tear film.
3. Give FOUR causes of Rubeosis iridis.
4. Name THREE methods of Intraocular pressure
5. Ophthalmic uses Atropine
6. . Name FOUR Lasers used in Ophthalmology
7. Enumerate FOUR causes of sudden painless loss of
8. Stages of Retinoblastoma
9. Indications and contra-indications of
10. Name the extra ocular muscles.
11. . What are the causes of gradual loss of vision?
12. National programme for control of blindness
13. What is blepharitis?Which are the different
January 27, 2020

14. Management of retrobulbar neuritis
15. Mention the causes of opacities in the vitreous

16. Mention the causes of chalazion and its treament.
17. Treatment of accute congestive glaucoma
18. Which are the types of ophthalmoscopy
19. What is siderosis? Mention a few clinical signs
20. Mention, different stages of retinoblastoma
21. What are the causes of sudden loss of vision?
22. Indications for peripheral iridectomy
23. Mention various clinical presentations of
Chronic Dacryocystitis,
24. Types of optic atrophy
25. What are the causes of vitreous hemorrhage?
26. Mention various ocular manifestations of
vitamin A deficiency.
27. Penetrating keratoplasty
28. What is tonometry? What is the normal intra
ocular pressure?
29. What is phthisis bulbi? Mention the causes.
30. What is retinal detachment? Mention different
types of it.
January 27, 2020

31. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis

32. A-Scan Biometry
33. "After cataract’

34. Trichiasis
35. Pinhole test
36. Cherry Red spot
37. Adherent Leucoma
38. Diplopia
39. Keratic Precipitate
40. Toxic Amblyopia
41. Name TWO causes of sudden painless loss of
42. List FOUR post-operative complications of
cataract surgery
43. Name TWO advantages of phacoemulsification
44. List TWO causes for cherry red spot at macula
45. What are keratic precipitates?
46. Name TWO commonly used cycloplegic drugs
47. Name TWO commonly used tests for colour
48. What is A-scan biometry?
49. Define amblyopia
January 27, 2020

50. List TWO absolute indications for enucleation

51. Mention two uses of atropine eye drops
52. Name two types of intraocular lens

53. List four ocular signs of diabetic retinopathy
54. Name two organisms causing pre-septal cellulitis
55. Name two causes of painful sudden loss of
56. Name two causes of avoidable blindness
57. Name two important reasons for school
screening programmes
58. List two ocular signs ofherpes zoster infection
59. Name two causes of pre-senile cataracts
60. Name two causes of axial proptosis
61. List two causes of tubular vision
62. List two post-operative complications of extra-
capsular cataract surgery
63. List two fundus changes in pathological myopia
64. Enumerate two ocular signs in Homer's
65. Mention the types of lens induced glaucoma
66. List two causes of intraocular malignancies
67. Mention two indications for the use of
January 27, 2020

flourescein dye in the eye

68. Name two causes of sudden painless loss of
69. List two types of acquired ptosis
70. Name two tests to determine red- green colour
71. Name four drugs to lower IOP in glaucoma
72. Name two tests for colour vision
73. List two causes for lacrimation in one month
74. Hirschberg test
75. Childhood blindness
76. List two surgeri 白 s for buphthalmos
77. Name two causes for cherry-red spot
78. Na me two drugs fer trachoma
79. Fundus fluorescein angiography
80. AO.Mame two lasers used in ophthalmology
81. List two causes of complicated cataract
82. List two clinical features of fungal corneal ulcer
83. List two cycloplegic mydriatics
84. List two causes of sub conjunctival hemorrhage
85. List four types of conjunctivitis
86. List two causes of night blindness
January 27, 2020

87. List two drugs causing toxic optic neuropathy

88. List two ocular features of tuberculosis
89. Principle of LASIK for myopia

90. List two ocular side effects of steroid
91. Mention two complications of trachoma
92. Name two causes for colored haloes
93. Name two inductions for keratoplasty
94. Pilocarpine
95. Causes of dry eye
96. Name two causes of vitreous hemorrhage
97. Name two materials used to make IOLS
98. Name two advantages of phacoemulsification
99. Indirect ophthalmoscopy
100. Blepharitis
101. Vogts triad
102. Types of retinal detachment
103. Signs of central retinal vein occlusion
104. Signs of entropion
105. TWO contraindication for DCR
106. Vitamin A prophylaxis
107. Contraindications for evisceration January 27, 2020

108. SRK II formula

109. Chalazion
110. Causes of cherry red spot


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