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Shenlong Demon Palm
Heaven and Earth Ren Xiao…
Read 508 to 35 2020-12-13 save share

"Shenlong Demon Palm" is my martial arts above the White Dragon Gate. After this skill is
practiced, its power is incomparable, and it can also control the enemy with anger and
compete with others.
It is best to practice this exercise at 5-7 in the morning, or 19-21 in the evening (17-19 is the
time for dinner, so it is not suitable to practice); the specific time depends on the situation. It is
absolutely forbidden to practice this exercise at 9-11 o'clock, 21-23 o'clock and within one hour
after a meal. Practice this exercise 2--3 times a day, and if you practice so hard, your kung fu
will grow.
Primary Gong: Primary
Gong is the basic practice of "Shenlong Demon Palm", so it must be practiced seriously.
Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your feet parallel, and your hands naturally
hanging down by the sides of your legs. Exhale the turbid qi in the body through the mouth and
inhale the essence of the heaven and earth through the nose, exhale first and then inhale.
Relax the whole body, lick the upper palate with the tongue, look straight ahead for a moment
and then close the eyes slightly; remove all distracting thoughts in the mind, keep the dantian
for 2-3 minutes, then stretch the hands forward and shoulder-width apart, the palms are erect,
and the palms face the front palms. up. At this time, the mind turned into the sky, and the spirit
of the universe spirit (golden yellow) filled the entire space and surrounded itself. Inhale. There
will be a transparent tube above the head of the mind that leads directly to the dantian, and the
qi of the mind and the whole body is inhaled from here to the dantian; exhaling, the qi of the
mind of the dantian will go up the chongmai (that is, the transparent pipe mentioned above) to
the tan, divided into two parts. From the arm, the thighs are directed into the Laogong and
sprayed out; then inhale, the mind breath is inhaled from the Laogong, pass the arm to the tan
and inhale into the dantian, and the palms are drawn to the front of the shoulder at the same
time; Cainzhuo Gong sprayed out, and pushed both palms forward at the same time. There is
no limit to the number of times of exhaling and inhaling in this way, generally half an hour to 1
hour to receive the energy. Breathing should be slow, gentle and gradual to deep and long, and
the movement of the palms should be coordinated with the breathing. When practicing this
exercise, you should be aware of the arrival of Qi, and the Qi should move at will. When the qi
in the palm is full, the qi in the dantian has been practiced, but it is still necessary to practice
hard every day without interruption. When the qi in the dantian is full and the qi in the palm is
strong, you can start practicing the following formula (Figure 1). ,
The second step: After practicing the first step of Dantian internal skills, you can use cotton to
make a volleyball-sized ball and hang it up. Stand with your feet open and shoulder-width apart
and squat down into a horse stance; place your left hand on your waist with a fist on your
waist, with the center of the fist facing upward, the right palm extended, the center of the palm
forward, and the palm pointing upward; the height of the cotton ball is just equal to the level of
the right palm of this pose Extend the height so that the palm of your hand is facing the cotton
ball. According to this pose, stand three feet away from the cotton ball. After a few minutes of
thinking about the dantian, wait for the qi machine to start, inhale, and think about the sky spirit
to inhale the dantian. At the same time, the right palm is drawn in front of the right shoulder,
then exhale, and the right palm follows. Push it forward, and at the same time, the mind gas
goes along the pulse to the right arm: it is sprayed out from the Lao Palace, and the intention is
to shoot "qi to hit the cotton ball forward. At the same time, put it in front of the right shoulder,
and the cotton ball is also sucked in with the breathed back gas; in this way, there is no limit to
the number of breaths and breaths. When the arms and legs are sore, switch to the left hand to
practice. This step and the following exercises are both Dark energy must be used, and other
matters are the same as the first step. At first, the cotton ball does not move, but after a long
time, the cotton ball will move with the palm of your hand, so this step has been practiced
(Figure 3).
The third step: This step requires replacing the cotton balls with stones of similar size for
practice. The method of shelf and luck and other matters are the same as the second step.
This step is mainly to enhance the power of the practitioner. After you can drive the stone with
the hall, you can practice 2 meters, 3 meters away from the stone, and when you practice until
you can drive the stone with your palm at a distance of 5 meters, you are done.
Intermediate-level gong: This level of gong is to practice the strength of dantian qi, so that the
dantian has strong inner strength.
The first step: Find a complete tile and drill a hole in the edge. Hang it up as in the primary
practice; then squat three feet away from the tile, hold the left fist at the waist, stretch the right
palm flat, and face the tile. After that, follow the steps of the second step of the primary
exercise to practice. The method of shelf and luck is the same as the second step of the
primary exercise; the difference is that when inhaling, the energy of the mind is inhaled into the
dantian from the palm, and when exhaling, the energy of the mind of the dantian is injected
into the palm, and at the same time, the mind tile is affected by this strong force. Air shattered.
When you practice until your arms and legs are sore, switch to your left hand to practice it.
Wait a long time. After you can smash the tile with your palm, you can practice the next step.
The second step: After practicing the previous step, replace the tiles with bricks for practice.
The sequence steps of the shelf and luck method are the same as the first step. This step
exercise is to strengthen the strength of Qi, thereby enhancing the gong power of the
practitioner, so that the practitioner has a strong inner strength of the dantian.
The third step: After practicing the first step, replace the bricks with volleyball-sized stones to
practice. The method of shelf and luck is the same as the previous step. This step is also to
enhance the practitioner's dantian inner strength. After practicing this step until the stone can
be broken, change the stone, and then practice 2 meters or 3 meters away from the stone.
After 5 meters away from the stone, the stone can also be broken, and this is a success.
Advanced gong: This class of gong not only enhances the inner strength of the dantian, but
what is more valuable is that after the practice of this gong, it can also hit people through
walls, that is, it has the power to penetrate.
The first step: Find a wooden board, stand upright on the ground, and light a candle behind the
wooden board. The candle must be at an appropriate height. Then squat down three feet away
from the board, hold your left fist at your waist, stretch your right palm flat, and face the candle
(the flame cannot be seen after the candle is separated by the board, and you must imagine
that there is no board at this time. see the flame clearly). Afterwards, practice the exercises in
the order of intermediate-level exercises, and the methods of frame and luck are the same as
intermediate-level exercises. The difference is that when you breathe in, the energy of your
mind is inhaled from the palm of your dantian, and when you exhale, the energy of your mind
from the dantian is sprayed out from the palm of your hand. When you practice until your arms
and legs are sore, switch to your left hand to practice it. After practicing until the palm can be
extinguished, then replace the wooden board with a wall (or a stone tablet) to practice (Fig.
The second step: After the practice is completed, replace the candles with tiles, bricks and
volleyball-sized stones for practice. After practicing until the palm strength can crush the
stone, practice the exercises 2 meters, 3 meters away from the wall. After practicing until the
partition wall can be broken 5 meters away, this step has been practiced.
The third step: After the hard practice of the above-mentioned wall work, it can be said that
"the magic of the dragon" has been achieved. However, in order to consolidate the effect and
increase the power, it is necessary to practice this step, standing 5 meters away from the wall
to start the practice. First, hold the dantian for a few minutes, inhale, and think about the
essence of the sky. Baihui will inhale the dantian, and exhale without any thought. Do this for 5-
10 minutes. After the breath is full, squat down with your legs into a horse stance; stretch your
palms flat and face forward. Take a full breath, and bring your palms to the front of your
shoulders at the same time; then exhale, the mind qi shoots out from the palms, penetrates the
wall and shoots into the distance, and pushes the palms forward at the same time; Inhale the
dantian with your palms, and at the same time, bring your palms to the front of your shoulders;
exhale and inhale in this way until your arms and legs are sore and you can stop the exercise
(Figure 5).
Retraction method: After each step of the above-mentioned exercises is completed, this
method must be used to complete the exercise. After practicing the exercises, stand up with
your legs, and your hands will droop slowly and naturally. At this time, if there is body fluid in
your mouth, you must tap your teeth 36 times, then use your tongue to stir the drum up and
down, and then swallow it into the dantian in three mouthfuls. Keep the dantian until the qi
gathers after that, and look inside the dantian; the qi of the mind first goes from top to bottom,
from left to right, and runs 36 circles at an even speed; then it runs 36 circles from top to
bottom, from front to back; finally From front to back, run 36 laps from left to right. Then relax
the muscles of the whole body from top to bottom, slowly open the eyes, and finish the
exercise after walking slowly for a few meters (Figure 6).
Practicing "Dragon Devil's Palm" must be practiced hard day and night. If the meridians of the
whole body are pierced and then practice this exercise, you can get amazing results faster.
The third step of the advanced exercise can be practiced by squatting and horse stance, and
can also be combined with other footwork and manipulation exercises. After the "Shenlong
Devil's Palm" is practiced, it is very powerful when it is integrated into the technique of fighting.
But this skill must not be used indiscriminately, let alone cause trouble everywhere, otherwise
it will be too late to regret when something happens.
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Special recommendation: "Lotus Heavenly Devil's Palm"
Sovereign Wu
Read 1287 to 27 2020-06-… save share

- - Introduction to the exercises- -

The Lotus Heavenly Devil Palm is a secret technique from Tianshan Mountains. It has always been

passed down through a single line, but it cannot be explained. Today, Master Ling Xiao, the ninth-generation

leader of the Tianshan Sect, the hidden warrior of the Jianghu, has disclosed the Tianshan stunt to the world
for the first time, contributing to the society and benefiting mankind. Those who are interested in learning

this technique should cherish it and be careful!

It takes ten years to practice this skill to the fullest. If the master gives it to open the gate of heaven,
protect the earth's yin, add Tianshan snow lotus, and saffron medicine to boost the power, it will take about

six to eight years to train to the fullest, and this skill is extremely fierce and can be used by others. If the

infuriating breath is one's own, then one's own power will be multiplied, and it can be used to heal the

disease from the hand to the cure.

This skill is divided into seven levels of cultivation.
1st layer: Qi Yang Dan

Take the cross sitting posture, choose a clean and open place, with both legs naturally crossed knees,

while sitting in the south, the big fingertips of the left hand and the middle fingertips are connected in a
circle, the big finger of the right hand is placed from the tiger's mouth of the left hand to the inner side of the

ring finger of the left hand, and the left hand The remaining four fingers are lightly placed on the back of the

right hand and placed in front of the dantian naturally.

The mind, the eyes are naturally draped, the inner vision is contained, the tip of the tongue licks the
upper palate, imagine that the body and the universe are integrated into one , seemingly infinitely vast, and

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the atmosphere
are like a hazy white gas, which seems to be non- existent, not immediately.
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Don't leave, after being silent for about ten minutes, gently put your thoughts into the dantian, looking inside

the dantian with light, there seems to be a white snow lotus blooming in the dantian. At the same time,
imagine the lotus opening and closing slowly. With the slow exhalation, imagine the lotus opening and

closing slowly. This way, open and close once, a total of 72 times. Jin relaxes the whole body several times.
Second floor: Yin-Yang He Dan

Yang Qi

The feet are naturally shoulder-width apart, and the ten fingers are on the ground, like the roots of a

tree. The tip of the nose and the navel are in a straight line, the tip of the tongue licks the upper palate lightly,

the mouth is slightly closed, the palms are naturally placed on the dantian, the male is on the left and the

female is on the right, the whole body is relaxed, the eyes are down and the light is inside, breathing


Imagine that your body is one with the universe, the whole universe is full of golden light, and you have

a feeling of being there for 5 minutes, and then gently keep your mind in the dantian, the dantian seems to

be full of golden light, and imagine ten thousand golden lights when you breathe in. Inhale and release from

the Baihui point on the top of the head (like opening a mouth), and continuously enter the dantian. When

exhaling, the golden gas fills the lower dantian. Repeat the practice for 20 minutes.
Yin Qi

After practicing Yang Qi and then practicing Yin Qi, it is best to practice this exercise with bare feet.

When inhaling, imagine the floating white ground Qi, and inhale from Yongquan acupoint in the center of the

feet along the outer sides of the legs to the gate of life. When exhaling, the floating white gas will appear.

Pushing from the gate of life to the inner alchemy is full, and it takes 20 minutes to perform the exercises.

get credit
When the two qi of yin and yang are combined (blood on the left and qi on the right), the left dantian is

half a golden flame burning, and the left dantian is half a cloud of frozen water. Press the palms on the

dantian, and use the left lower dan to go to the dantian. The upper right Dan is kneaded and rotated 81
times, the light does not leave the skin, and the weight does not leave the bone. (Note) When kneading, it is

like the flame of the left Dan and the ice fire of the right Dan.

The follow-up content can be found on Wuzong's website of the same name.

Sovereign Wu
Open the world with martial arts

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