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Bicol University

Computer Science and Information Technology Department

College of Science
Legazpi City

Research Proposal Concept Note

A concept note is prepared by the student to give the Faculty-In-Charge and the CSIT Department an idea of
his/her area of research interest, so that he/she would be guided in selecting the adviser, panel members and
in developing a research proposal. Use simple words and sentences. Submit
Proposed Title : AI-Enhanced Triconverter Device for Banana Peel Processing
Research Discipline (It is the area of study where your research is expected to provide the most relevant

Scientific/Theoretical Background to the Study (What have you read that you decided to pursue this

Knowledge Gap to be Filled (What new contribution to knowledge does this study hope to generate?)

1. AI-enhanced Triconverter Device: The study aims to develop an innovative triconverter device that
incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) for more efficient banana peel processing. This device could
potentially revolutionize the way banana peels are utilized.

2. Optimized Processing Parameters: By conducting research, the study intends to identify and optimize
processing parameters that can maximize resource recovery from banana peels. This can lead to more
efficient and sustainable utilization of this agricultural waste product.

3. Trained CNN Model: The study plans to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for the
specific task of determining the readiness of banana peels for grinding. This AI model can help automate
and improve the processing of banana peels.
4. High-quality banana peel essential oil suitable for various applications. Formulations and applications
demonstrating the versatility and market potential of the extracted oil.

5. Banana Peel-Based Shoe Polish Formula: Investigating and developing a banana peel-based shoe
polish formula and evaluating its performance can contribute to eco-friendly and sustainable
alternatives in the consumer product industry.

6. Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact Analysis: The study plans to assess the energy efficiency
and environmental impact of the entire banana peel processing system. This is critical for understanding
the sustainability of the proposed technology.

7. Knowledge Dissemination: The study intends to disseminate its findings through research papers,
presentations, and practical demonstrations. This sharing of knowledge can benefit the scientific
community, industry, and society at large.

Main Research Question (What is the main research question that you intend to provide answers to?)

Research Design, Methods and Materials (Outline the key aspects of the design, methods and materials
for the research.)

Most Relevant References:

Content Adviser:

Programming Adviser:

Suggested Panel of Evaluators: 1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

Name/Signature of Proponents: _______________________________________________________________

Date Submitted & Received By: _______________________________________________________________

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