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Name: Rey Ian Q.

Conde Grade & Section: 11 - Kirchhoff

Teacher: Zion Faye Fajanilan Date: June 3, 2023

Quarter 4: Week 7

Activity 1

1. 😊

2. 😊


4. 😊

5. 😊


7. 😊


9. 😊

10. 😊

Exercise 1
Private Companies Government Agencies
No minimum or max requirements Must have allotted shares of more than 5,000
Begin from the date of incorporation Need to obtain a trading certificate from the
Fewer requirements and Regulations Multiple requirements and higher criteria
No need to issue the prospectus Needed to issue the prospectus

Business Records

Business Expenses and Income – It is a type of Income Statement where it records all the income
and expenses of the business. This is important to keep on track if the business is progressing or

2. Account Receivable – It belongs to the Assets account. Account receivable is important to

keep to know the materials that are received but haven’t been paid yet.
3. Employee Information – It is a type of Personnel Record. It is important to know your
employee if they can be trusted or not, and identifying your employee is essential for the safety
of the business.

4. Payroll – Belongs to payroll records. It enlightens the total wages that must be given to
employees, keeping these records will help a lot in case issues are going on about their wages.
5. Inventory – Belong to inventory records. To avoid confusion about the product that goes on in
the business.

1. John is doing good in recording essential things, it is just a mistake that the paper disappeared
out of nowhere and that could affect his ability to keep records.
2. Credit Report
3. He needs to be careful at keeping his records, his good at recording but it should be also the
same as how he keeps those records. Keeping the records in a safe place will improve his system.

Part I
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. A
Part II
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True

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