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Name:Camilo Arriagada
Date: 28/08/2023

Course: 2°F
Bastian: He is the main character of the movie, while reading the book he is involved in the events of this, in
the end, Bastian is granted wishes to save fantasy.

Atreyu: He is the boy who is entrusted for the great quest to save the land of fantasy, he was given the Auryn

The Empress: She is the sovereign of the land of fantasy, she resides in the Ivory Tower, a palace in the heart
of the kingdom. She is a very beautiful girl according to me she must be about ten years old.

Fújur: It is a lucky dragon, it is a dragon that shows happiness, except Atreyu from the swamp of sadness, after
Artax, Atreyu's horse died, it was Fújur ​who accompanied him on the great search.

Morla: is a giant turtle that lives in the swamps of sadness, reluctantly gives information to Atreyu (since he has
an allergy to youth) and directs him to the Oracle of the south.

Gmork: He is a wolf, he meets Atreyu after he lost Fújur, Gmork had a mission to kill Atreyu so that his mission
would fail.

Artax: It was Atreyu's horse, he died after sinking into the swamps of sadness.

Karl Konrad: He is the owner of the bookstore where Bastian finds the book, possibly this man was also in
fantasy before.
The rock eater: He is a giant of rocks, he was the one who came out at the beginning warning the night goblin
and teeny weeny about nothingness, then Atreyu finds him alone after nothingness took the others.

Night Goblin and Teeny Weeny: They were the first fantasy characters to come out with their bat and snail, the
rock eater warned them about nothing and then all together headed to the ivory tower in search of a solution, a
few scenes later you can see that Night Goblin, Teeny Weeny, the bat and the snail were carried away by

Engywook: He was a gnome/goblin who lived in the Southern Oracle with his wife. He and his wife helped
Atreyu when he arrived unconscious in Fújur. Engywook has an observatory where he can observe the
Sphinxes of the Riddle Gate.

Urgl: she is a gnome/goblin who lives in the South Oracle with her husband, Engywook, she gives Atreyu a
type of potion to keep him well, she also gives him medicine and clothes.

Cairon: is a herald of the Childlike Empress, and the in-between bearer of AURYN who passed it to Atreyu.

Bully children: There were three children who bothered Bastian, in the end Bastian chased them up Fújur ​when
he was fulfilling his wishes.

Bastian's father: He was a very busy man, it was obvious that he and Bastian did not have a very close

ÁURYN: The Auryn was a fantastic amulet, it was like a type of symbol of the empress, it was given to Atreyu
to take with him on his journey.

Never Ending Story is a movie (adaptation of a book) released in 1984, it is about Bastian, a boy who was a
great reader, with his deceased mother, an absent father and three boys bullying him, one day running away
from these boys Bastian enters A bookstore finding a book, he takes the book leaving a note to the owner that
he would return it. Bastian goes to the attic of his school and there he begins to read and delve into the story
of the book 'Never Ending Story', this is about a world called Fantasia where unfortunately it was being
destroyed by 'nothingness' to save Fantasia he sends himself to a young man named Atreyu to find a cure for
the empress's disease and save Fantasia, Bastian is introduced by reading in the world of Fantasia, a world of
fantastic beings such as fast snails and dragons. Finally Bastian discovers that he is the one who can save
Fantasia, making wishes for a new world. Bastian flies over Fújur ​a dragon that befriended Atreyu, to be able to
see the kingdom already rebuilt and when he makes the next wish he goes to the real world above Fújur ​to
chase his bullies scaring them, Bastian asked for many more wishes thus ending the story.

My opinion about this movie is that it is very good, I personally liked it, it talks about very interesting topics, for
example the fact that Bastian had depression having his mother dead and an absent father in his life and how
Fantasy somehow that was going bankrupt were those of bastian. I liked the type of scenery that the film had,
although for me and I think that also for my colleagues it seemed strange to be able to see the special effects
that were used in the 80s, something that I also liked was the soundtrack of the movie (without a doubt never
ending story is the best song), without a doubt I think that this movie leaves a great teaching, it was a very
good decision to see this movie.
The good thing about this movie is that I think anyone could see it, so I highly recommend it to see it.

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