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STS KM Ganjil BA 2023/2024 - Bahasa Inggris Lanjut 11 SMA

1. Narrative text is a type of text that ….

a. aims to explain the reader about a specific topic or subject

b. presents factual information about a particular subject or event
c. describes a person, place, or thing in detail
d. tells an imaginative story through a sequence of events in the past
e. provides instructions or directions on how to do something

2. Which of the following does NOT qualify as a narrative text?

a. Legend
b. Lullaby
c. Fable
d. Western myth
e. Folktale

3. Which of the following is the correct structure of a narrative text?

a. Orientation - Complication - Resolution - Reorientation

b. Orientation - Problem - Solution - Conclusion
c. Introduction - Conflict - Climax - Conclusion
d. Introduction - Problem - Climax - Conclusion
e. Introduction - Rising Action - Climax - Falling Action - Resolution

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Camelot, there lived a legendary king
named Arthur. He was a wise and noble ruler who sought to bring peace and
harmony to his kingdom. As a young boy, Arthur discovered a magical sword
called Excalibur, embedded in a stone. With great strength and determination, he
managed to pull the sword from the stone, proving himself to be the true and
rightful king of Camelot.
With Excalibur in his possession, Arthur became the leader of Camelot and set
out on a mission to establish a noble order of knights. He envisioned a group of
valiant warriors who would uphold the virtues of chivalry, loyalty, and honor. To
symbolize equality and unity among his knights, Arthur created a round table
where they would gather and make decisions together. The absence of a head at
the table signified that all knights were equal in status and importance.
Under King Arthur's leadership, the Knights of the Round Table embarked on
numerous quests and adventures. They fought against evil forces, protected the
innocent, and upheld justice throughout the kingdom. One of their most famous
quests was the search for the Holy Grail, a sacred artifact said to possess
miraculous powers.
King Arthur's reign was filled with prosperity and peace, but his happiness was
short-lived. A tragedy struck when he discovered that his own son, Mordred, had
betrayed him. Mordred, driven by jealousy and greed, plotted to overthrow his
father and seize the throne for himself. This act of treachery shattered the once
unbreakable bond between father and son, leaving King Arthur heartbroken and
filled with sorrow. It was a painful reminder that even in the realm of legends,
betrayal can come from the most unexpected places.

What motivated the writer to write the text?

a. To inform readers about the history of Camelot

b. To persuade readers to believe in the existence of King Arthur
c. To educate readers about the values of chivalry and loyalty
d. To delight readers with the story of King Arthur and his knights
e. To describe the life and achievements of King Arthur

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Camelot, there lived a legendary king
named Arthur. He was a wise and noble ruler who sought to bring peace and
harmony to his kingdom. As a young boy, Arthur discovered a magical sword
called Excalibur, embedded in a stone. With great strength and determination, he
managed to pull the sword from the stone, proving himself to be the true and
rightful king of Camelot.
With Excalibur in his possession, Arthur became the leader of Camelot and set
out on a mission to establish a noble order of knights. He envisioned a group of
valiant warriors who would uphold the virtues of chivalry, loyalty, and honor. To
symbolize equality and unity among his knights, Arthur created a round table
where they would gather and make decisions together. The absence of a head at
the table signified that all knights were equal in status and importance.
Under King Arthur's leadership, the Knights of the Round Table embarked on
numerous quests and adventures. They fought against evil forces, protected the
innocent, and upheld justice throughout the kingdom. One of their most famous
quests was the search for the Holy Grail, a sacred artifact said to possess
miraculous powers.
King Arthur's reign was filled with prosperity and peace, but his happiness was
short-lived. A tragedy struck when he discovered that his own son, Mordred, had
betrayed him. Mordred, driven by jealousy and greed, plotted to overthrow his
father and seize the throne for himself. This act of treachery shattered the once
unbreakable bond between father and son, leaving King Arthur heartbroken and
filled with sorrow. It was a painful reminder that even in the realm of legends,
betrayal can come from the most unexpected places.

What tense is mostly used in the passage?

a. Simple present tense

b. Simple past tense
c. Simple future tense
d. Present perfect tense
e. Past perfect tense

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Camelot, there lived a legendary king
named Arthur. He was a wise and noble ruler who sought to bring peace and
harmony to his kingdom. As a young boy, Arthur discovered a magical sword
called Excalibur, embedded in a stone. With great strength and determination, he
managed to pull the sword from the stone, proving himself to be the true and
rightful king of Camelot.
With Excalibur in his possession, Arthur became the leader of Camelot and set
out on a mission to establish a noble order of knights. He envisioned a group of
valiant warriors who would uphold the virtues of chivalry, loyalty, and honor. To
symbolize equality and unity among his knights, Arthur created a round table
where they would gather and make decisions together. The absence of a head at
the table signified that all knights were equal in status and importance.
Under King Arthur's leadership, the Knights of the Round Table embarked on
numerous quests and adventures. They fought against evil forces, protected the
innocent, and upheld justice throughout the kingdom. One of their most famous
quests was the search for the Holy Grail, a sacred artifact said to possess
miraculous powers.
King Arthur's reign was filled with prosperity and peace, but his happiness was
short-lived. A tragedy struck when he discovered that his own son, Mordred, had
betrayed him. Mordred, driven by jealousy and greed, plotted to overthrow his
father and seize the throne for himself. This act of treachery shattered the once
unbreakable bond between father and son, leaving King Arthur heartbroken and
filled with sorrow. It was a painful reminder that even in the realm of legends,
betrayal can come from the most unexpected places.

Arthur was chosen as king of Camelot because …

a. He was a brave young man.

b. He managed to get Excalibur.
c. He was a wise and noble man.
d. He discovered a magical sword called Excalibur.
e. He intended to bring peace and harmony to Camelot.

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Camelot, there lived a legendary king
named Arthur. He was a wise and noble ruler who sought to bring peace and
harmony to his kingdom. As a young boy, Arthur discovered a magical sword
called Excalibur, embedded in a stone. With great strength and determination, he
managed to pull the sword from the stone, proving himself to be the true and
rightful king of Camelot.
With Excalibur in his possession, Arthur became the leader of Camelot and set
out on a mission to establish a noble order of knights. He envisioned a group of
valiant warriors who would uphold the virtues of chivalry, loyalty, and honor. To
symbolize equality and unity among his knights, Arthur created a round table
where they would gather and make decisions together. The absence of a head at
the table signified that all knights were equal in status and importance.
Under King Arthur's leadership, the Knights of the Round Table embarked on
numerous quests and adventures. They fought against evil forces, protected the
innocent, and upheld justice throughout the kingdom. One of their most famous
quests was the search for the Holy Grail, a sacred artifact said to possess
miraculous powers.
King Arthur's reign was filled with prosperity and peace, but his happiness was
short-lived. A tragedy struck when he discovered that his own son, Mordred, had
betrayed him. Mordred, driven by jealousy and greed, plotted to overthrow his
father and seize the throne for himself. This act of treachery shattered the once
unbreakable bond between father and son, leaving King Arthur heartbroken and
filled with sorrow. It was a painful reminder that even in the realm of legends,
betrayal can come from the most unexpected places.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the story of King Arthur
and his knights?

a. Excalibur, a mystical sword encased in stone, was unearthed by King Arthur.

b. King Arthur established a round table to symbolize equality and unity

among his knights.
c. King Arthur and his knights went on missions to protect the innocent and
uphold justice.
d. Mordred's ambition to seize King Arthur's control of Camelot had ripped
the king.
e. Mordred, son of King Arthur, achieved his goal of overthrowing his father
and taking over the kingdom.

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Camelot, there lived a legendary king
named Arthur. He was a wise and noble ruler who sought to bring peace and
harmony to his kingdom. As a young boy, Arthur discovered a magical sword
called Excalibur, embedded in a stone. With great strength and determination, he
managed to pull the sword from the stone, proving himself to be the true and
rightful king of Camelot.
With Excalibur in his possession, Arthur became the leader of Camelot and set
out on a mission to establish a noble order of knights. He envisioned a group of
valiant warriors who would uphold the virtues of chivalry, loyalty, and honor. To
symbolize equality and unity among his knights, Arthur created a round table
where they would gather and make decisions together. The absence of a head at
the table signified that all knights were equal in status and importance.
Under King Arthur's leadership, the Knights of the Round Table embarked on
numerous quests and adventures. They fought against evil forces, protected the
innocent, and upheld justice throughout the kingdom. One of their most famous
quests was the search for the Holy Grail, a sacred artifact said to possess
miraculous powers.
King Arthur's reign was filled with prosperity and peace, but his happiness was
short-lived. A tragedy struck when he discovered that his own son, Mordred, had
betrayed him. Mordred, driven by jealousy and greed, plotted to overthrow his
father and seize the throne for himself. This act of treachery shattered the once
unbreakable bond between father and son, leaving King Arthur heartbroken and
filled with sorrow. It was a painful reminder that even in the realm of legends,
betrayal can come from the most unexpected places.

What can be inferred about King Arthur's leadership style?

a. He was strict and authoritarian.

b. He favored individualism and competition.
c. He was distant and disconnected from his knights.
d. He relied heavily on his own decision-making.
e. He valued equality and collaboration.

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young princess named
Aurora. She had flowing golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart filled with
kindness. Aurora's kingdom was known for its enchanting forests and magical
creatures. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbled upon a wounded
unicorn named Stardust. With her gentle touch, Aurora healed the unicorn's
injuries and formed an unbreakable bond with the majestic creature.
As the years went by, a wicked sorceress named Morgana grew jealous of
Aurora's popularity and sought to steal her kingdom's magic. Morgana cast a
spell that plunged the entire kingdom into darkness, causing the once vibrant
flowers to wither and the animals to lose their joy. Determined to save her
people and restore harmony, Aurora embarked on a quest to find the legendary
Crystal of Light, the only object that could break Morgana's curse.
Guided by Stardust, Aurora traveled through treacherous forests cautiously.
They also crossed raging rivers and climbed towering mountains. Along the way,
she encountered various challenges, but her unwavering courage and pure heart
helped her overcome each obstacle fast. Together with loyal friends she met on
her journey, Aurora finally reached the hidden cave safely where the Crystal of
Light was said to reside.
As she held the crystal in her hands, a brilliant light enveloped Aurora,
spreading throughout the kingdom. The darkness lifted, and the once-dying
flowers bloomed beautifully. The animals regained their happiness, and the
people rejoiced. Aurora's selfless act of bravery and her belief in the power of
love had saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp.
From that day forward, Aurora was hailed as the savior of the kingdom. She
ruled with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that the magic of the land thrived.
Stardust became her loyal companion, and together they brought joy and
harmony to all. And so, the tale of Princess Aurora and her magical journey lived
on, reminding everyone of the power of love, courage, and the belief in the

What type of story does the text belong to?

a. Myth

b. Fabel

c. Legend
d. Folktale

e. Fairy tale

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young princess named
Aurora. She had flowing golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart filled with
kindness. Aurora's kingdom was known for its enchanting forests and magical
creatures. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbled upon a wounded
unicorn named Stardust. With her gentle touch, Aurora healed the unicorn's
injuries and formed an unbreakable bond with the majestic creature.
As the years went by, a wicked sorceress named Morgana grew jealous of
Aurora's popularity and sought to steal her kingdom's magic. Morgana cast a
spell that plunged the entire kingdom into darkness, causing the once vibrant
flowers to wither and the animals to lose their joy. Determined to save her
people and restore harmony, Aurora embarked on a quest to find the legendary
Crystal of Light, the only object that could break Morgana's curse.
Guided by Stardust, Aurora traveled through treacherous forests cautiously.
They also crossed raging rivers and climbed towering mountains. Along the way,
she encountered various challenges, but her unwavering courage and pure heart
helped her overcome each obstacle fast. Together with loyal friends she met on
her journey, Aurora finally reached the hidden cave safely where the Crystal of
Light was said to reside.
As she held the crystal in her hands, a brilliant light enveloped Aurora,
spreading throughout the kingdom. The darkness lifted, and the once-dying
flowers bloomed beautifully. The animals regained their happiness, and the
people rejoiced. Aurora's selfless act of bravery and her belief in the power of
love had saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp.
From that day forward, Aurora was hailed as the savior of the kingdom. She
ruled with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that the magic of the land thrived.
Stardust became her loyal companion, and together they brought joy and
harmony to all. And so, the tale of Princess Aurora and her magical journey lived
on, reminding everyone of the power of love, courage, and the belief in the

The purpose of the story is to ….

a. entertain the readers with a lesson in the value of caring and being kind
b. describe mystical animals and enchanted woodlands to the readers
c. entertain the readers with a tale of a young princess and her magical
d. warn the readers about the dangers of envy and wicked sorcery
e. amuse as well as remind the readers of extraordinary powers

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young princess named
Aurora. She had flowing golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart filled with
kindness. Aurora's kingdom was known for its enchanting forests and magical
creatures. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbled upon a wounded
unicorn named Stardust. With her gentle touch, Aurora healed the unicorn's
injuries and formed an unbreakable bond with the majestic creature.
As the years went by, a wicked sorceress named Morgana grew jealous of
Aurora's popularity and sought to steal her kingdom's magic. Morgana cast a
spell that plunged the entire kingdom into darkness, causing the once vibrant
flowers to wither and the animals to lose their joy. Determined to save her
people and restore harmony, Aurora embarked on a quest to find the legendary
Crystal of Light, the only object that could break Morgana's curse.
Guided by Stardust, Aurora traveled through treacherous forests cautiously.
They also crossed raging rivers and climbed towering mountains. Along the way,
she encountered various challenges, but her unwavering courage and pure heart
helped her overcome each obstacle fast. Together with loyal friends she met on
her journey, Aurora finally reached the hidden cave safely where the Crystal of
Light was said to reside.
As she held the crystal in her hands, a brilliant light enveloped Aurora,
spreading throughout the kingdom. The darkness lifted, and the once-dying
flowers bloomed beautifully. The animals regained their happiness, and the
people rejoiced. Aurora's selfless act of bravery and her belief in the power of
love had saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp.
From that day forward, Aurora was hailed as the savior of the kingdom. She
ruled with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that the magic of the land thrived.
Stardust became her loyal companion, and together they brought joy and
harmony to all. And so, the tale of Princess Aurora and her magical journey lived
on, reminding everyone of the power of love, courage, and the belief in the

How many adverbs of manners are there in the third paragraph?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young princess named
Aurora. She had flowing golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart filled with
kindness. Aurora's kingdom was known for its enchanting forests and magical
creatures. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbled upon a wounded
unicorn named Stardust. With her gentle touch, Aurora healed the unicorn's
injuries and formed an unbreakable bond with the majestic creature.
As the years went by, a wicked sorceress named Morgana grew jealous of
Aurora's popularity and sought to steal her kingdom's magic. Morgana cast a
spell that plunged the entire kingdom into darkness, causing the once vibrant
flowers to wither and the animals to lose their joy. Determined to save her
people and restore harmony, Aurora embarked on a quest to find the legendary
Crystal of Light, the only object that could break Morgana's curse.
Guided by Stardust, Aurora traveled through treacherous forests cautiously.
They also crossed raging rivers and climbed towering mountains. Along the way,
she encountered various challenges, but her unwavering courage and pure heart
helped her overcome each obstacle fast. Together with loyal friends she met on
her journey, Aurora finally reached the hidden cave safely where the Crystal of
Light was said to reside.
As she held the crystal in her hands, a brilliant light enveloped Aurora,
spreading throughout the kingdom. The darkness lifted, and the once-dying
flowers bloomed beautifully. The animals regained their happiness, and the
people rejoiced. Aurora's selfless act of bravery and her belief in the power of
love had saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp.
From that day forward, Aurora was hailed as the savior of the kingdom. She
ruled with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that the magic of the land thrived.
Stardust became her loyal companion, and together they brought joy and
harmony to all. And so, the tale of Princess Aurora and her magical journey lived
on, reminding everyone of the power of love, courage, and the belief in the

Morgana cursed the kingdom, for she wanted to ….

a. take the Crystal of Light

b. steal Aurora's popularity
c. eliminate the kingdom's magic
d. make the magical creatures perish
e. bring darkness across the kingdom

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young princess named
Aurora. She had flowing golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart filled with
kindness. Aurora's kingdom was known for its enchanting forests and magical
creatures. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbled upon a wounded
unicorn named Stardust. With her gentle touch, Aurora healed the unicorn's
injuries and formed an unbreakable bond with the majestic creature.
As the years went by, a wicked sorceress named Morgana grew jealous of
Aurora's popularity and sought to steal her kingdom's magic. Morgana cast a
spell that plunged the entire kingdom into darkness, causing the once vibrant
flowers to wither and the animals to lose their joy. Determined to save her
people and restore harmony, Aurora embarked on a quest to find the legendary
Crystal of Light, the only object that could break Morgana's curse.
Guided by Stardust, Aurora traveled through treacherous forests cautiously.
They also crossed raging rivers and climbed towering mountains. Along the way,
she encountered various challenges, but her unwavering courage and pure heart
helped her overcome each obstacle fast. Together with loyal friends she met on
her journey, Aurora finally reached the hidden cave safely where the Crystal of
Light was said to reside.
As she held the crystal in her hands, a brilliant light enveloped Aurora,
spreading throughout the kingdom. The darkness lifted, and the once-dying
flowers bloomed beautifully. The animals regained their happiness, and the
people rejoiced. Aurora's selfless act of bravery and her belief in the power of
love had saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp.
From that day forward, Aurora was hailed as the savior of the kingdom. She
ruled with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that the magic of the land thrived.
Stardust became her loyal companion, and together they brought joy and
harmony to all. And so, the tale of Princess Aurora and her magical journey lived
on, reminding everyone of the power of love, courage, and the belief in the

Aurora saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp by ….

a. using the Crystal of Light

b. exploring the Crystal of Light
c. finding the legendary Crystal of Light
d. bringing the Crystal of Light to the Kingdom
e. showing the Crystal of Light to the Kingdom’s citizens

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young princess named
Aurora. She had flowing golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart filled with
kindness. Aurora's kingdom was known for its enchanting forests and magical
creatures. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbled upon a wounded
unicorn named Stardust. With her gentle touch, Aurora healed the unicorn's
injuries and formed an unbreakable bond with the majestic creature.
As the years went by, a wicked sorceress named Morgana grew jealous of
Aurora's popularity and sought to steal her kingdom's magic. Morgana cast a
spell that plunged the entire kingdom into darkness, causing the once vibrant
flowers to wither and the animals to lose their joy. Determined to save her
people and restore harmony, Aurora embarked on a quest to find the legendary
Crystal of Light, the only object that could break Morgana's curse.
Guided by Stardust, Aurora traveled through treacherous forests cautiously.
They also crossed raging rivers and climbed towering mountains. Along the way,
she encountered various challenges, but her unwavering courage and pure heart
helped her overcome each obstacle fast. Together with loyal friends she met on
her journey, Aurora finally reached the hidden cave safely where the Crystal of
Light was said to reside.
As she held the crystal in her hands, a brilliant light enveloped Aurora,
spreading throughout the kingdom. The darkness lifted, and the once-dying
flowers bloomed beautifully. The animals regained their happiness, and the
people rejoiced. Aurora's selfless act of bravery and her belief in the power of
love had saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp.
From that day forward, Aurora was hailed as the savior of the kingdom. She
ruled with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that the magic of the land thrived.
Stardust became her loyal companion, and together they brought joy and
harmony to all. And so, the tale of Princess Aurora and her magical journey lived
on, reminding everyone of the power of love, courage, and the belief in the

What would have happened had Aurora failed to get the Crystal of Light?

a. Aurora and her followers would have died.

b. Morgana would have become queen in place of Aurora.
c. The Kingdom of Aurora would have been full of bad people.
d. All creatures in the kingdom would have bowed to Morgana.
e. The animals in the kingdom would have never regained happiness.

The question is based on the following passage.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young princess named
Aurora. She had flowing golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a heart filled with
kindness. Aurora's kingdom was known for its enchanting forests and magical
creatures. One day, while exploring the woods, she stumbled upon a wounded
unicorn named Stardust. With her gentle touch, Aurora healed the unicorn's
injuries and formed an unbreakable bond with the majestic creature.
As the years went by, a wicked sorceress named Morgana grew jealous of
Aurora's popularity and sought to steal her kingdom's magic. Morgana cast a
spell that plunged the entire kingdom into darkness, causing the once vibrant
flowers to wither and the animals to lose their joy. Determined to save her
people and restore harmony, Aurora embarked on a quest to find the legendary
Crystal of Light, the only object that could break Morgana's curse.
Guided by Stardust, Aurora traveled through treacherous forests cautiously.
They also crossed raging rivers and climbed towering mountains. Along the way,
she encountered various challenges, but her unwavering courage and pure heart
helped her overcome each obstacle fast. Together with loyal friends she met on
her journey, Aurora finally reached the hidden cave safely where the Crystal of
Light was said to reside.
As she held the crystal in her hands, a brilliant light enveloped Aurora,
spreading throughout the kingdom. The darkness lifted, and the once-dying
flowers bloomed beautifully. The animals regained their happiness, and the
people rejoiced. Aurora's selfless act of bravery and her belief in the power of
love had saved the kingdom from Morgana's evil grasp.
From that day forward, Aurora was hailed as the savior of the kingdom. She
ruled with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that the magic of the land thrived.
Stardust became her loyal companion, and together they brought joy and
harmony to all. And so, the tale of Princess Aurora and her magical journey lived
on, reminding everyone of the power of love, courage, and the belief in the

What is the moral of the story?

a. Kindness and compassion can overcome evil.

b. Beauty and popularity are important qualities.
c. Magic and mythical creatures bring happiness.
d. Jealousy and greed lead to destruction.
e. Good people are always saved by magical things.

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