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II. France, a country situated in Western Europe, boasts a diverse cultural legacy including

the French language, the language that became the lingua franca of international diplomacy

during the 17th century until the mid-20th century. Throughout the years, the use of English

language has became widespread in Europe as it played a vital international role in the

establishment of treaties and organization. However, compared to France’s neighboring

countries, the English proficiency skills of adults in France are only average as the country

ranked 26 out of 35 European countries on the 2022 edition of Education First English

Proficiency Index (EF EPI). It is important to take note that France is part of the expanding circle

(EFL) wherein English is a primary foreign language, and this result on the English proficiency

skills could stem from several factors such as significant political developments, people's
unyielding adherence to their native tongue, and the nation's educational system. Despite this

result, it is evident that there are different aspects on the role of the learning and teaching of

English in France.

III. English, being the universal language, plays a vital role in interconnecting people of

different languages and cultures. The role of English in France can be divided into four

categories: education, technology, business, culture, and media. English is officially considered a

foreign language in the education curricula of all countries of the European Union and in

neighboring countries. The integration of English in the education curricula in France and other

European territories is assumed to be the result of the dominance of English as a language of

scientific research, publications, and academia. The use of English is also prevalent in business

and industry as a direct result of the internationalization of the economy. The English language

facilitates communication between staff with different linguistic backgrounds, as some large

companies have institutionalized English as a company language. Also, English is the lingua

franca of the tech industry. Fields like computing and electronics benefit from English

terminology. Anglicization happens as tech brands get names that appeal to the global market.

Europeans have many opportunities for contact with the English language. Some of these

opportunities are provided by cultural products and by the media: films, songs, and TV

programs. English is also seen in different goods and locations such as buses and museums. For

its connotation effect, English words are used in advertising. While French remains the primary

language in culture and media in France, English's influence is evident, reflecting the country's

engagement with the globalized world and its recognition of the importance of English.

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