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Use Case: Withdraw Cash


1. The customer initiates the "Withdraw Cash" use case by inserting their bank card into the

2. The customer enters the desired withdrawal amount using the ATM interface.

3. The ATM system verifies the inserted card and account information to ensure their validity.

4. If the card is valid and the account has sufficient funds to cover the withdrawal amount, the
ATM system proceeds to the next step.

5. The ATM system dispenses the requested cash amount to the customer.

6. If the card is found to be invalid or there are insufficient funds in the account, the ATM
system displays an error message on the screen.

7. The transaction is canceled, and the customer is prompted to remove their card.

8. This breakdown provides a clear sequence of steps, making it easier to understand the flow
of the "Withdraw Cash" use case.

Alternate Flow:

Step 3a: If the card cannot be verified, an error message is displayed, and the transaction is

Step 5a: If there are insufficient funds in the account, an error message is displayed, and the
transaction is cancelled.

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