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DRAW (Option: Waiting for Lefty by Clifford Odets. Pr, Khalid Chaoweh WAITING FOR LEFTY As the curtain goct up we se a bare dage. Omit ee iting ix oF even men in a semi-circle. Lolling agsinet the proscenium down lefts a young man chewing a toorpick: a gunman. A fat man of porcine appearance is talking dreily to the audi cence. In other words he isthe head of 2 won and the men tanged behind hin area committee of workers. They are now ested in interning diferent abides and prevent a wide di- versity of type, a we shall soon see. The fat man is hot and ‘heavy under the collar, near the end of along talk but not too ‘hots he ie well fod and confident. His name i mamay Faz. art: You're so wrong I ain't laughing, Any guy with eyes 10 ‘read knows it, Laok atthe textile trike—out like fons and in like lambs. Take the Sin Francisco. de-up—starvaton and broken heads. The steel boys wanted to wall out t00, but they changed their minds. ICs the tend of the times, th what it is. All we workers got a good man behind ue now. He's top man of the country-looking out for our interexts—the ‘man in the White Hout isthe one Tm rferin’ to, That's why the times ain't sip fora svike. He's working day and aight— oct (from the audience): For who? (The coxnean stir himself} arr: For you! he records prove it, If this was the Hoover ‘régime, would I say don't go out, boys? Not on your tine type! But things is diferent now. You read the papers a8 well as me. You know it. And that's why Tm agains the strike Because we gotta stand behind the man who's standin’ behind us! The whole eounty— ‘aworier votes: Is onthe Blink! (The cunsuan looks grav.) ‘rar: Stand up and show youreel, you dam red! Be ama, les ‘sce what you look like! (Waits ia eain.) Yellow fzom the word 6 ou ORD opETs ‘go! Red and yellow makes a dirtyeolot, boys. I got my eyes on four or five of them in the union here. What the hell hey do for you? Pall you out and sun away when trouble tarts. Gi thore birds a chance and they'll have your sstrs and wives in the whore houses, lke they done in Rusia. They'll tar Chris ‘ff his bleeding cross. They'll wreck your homes and throw your babies ia the river. You think thats bunk? Read the papers! Now listen, we can't stay here al night. T gave you the facts in the case. You boys got hot suppers to goto and— -aworten voter: Says you! ceoxatan Sit down, Punk! ‘nvoriien vores Where's Lefty? (Now this question is taken up ‘by the others in unison. sare pounds with gavel.) ‘are: That's what I wanna know. Where's your pal, Lefty? You lected him chaitman—where the hell dd he disappear? worces: We want Lefty! Lefy! Lefy! razz (pounding): What the hell is this—a écus? You got the ‘ommitee here. This bunch of cowboys you elected. (Pointing 0 man om exirere right end.) sae: Benjamin. tart: Yeab, Doc Benjamin, (Pointing to other men in circle in ‘ested order): Benjamin, Miller, Siei Michel, Philips, Kel- der Train’ my fault Lefty took @rux-out powder. If you guye— ‘4 co00 voice: Wha's she committee sy? forte: The commitee! Let's hear from the committe! (rtrt tries to quit the crowd, but one’of the seated men suddenly comes tthe front. The cuxsa moves over to centr stage, but arr says) arr Sure, fet im talk Let's hear what the red boys gotta say! (Weriout shouts ae consing from the audience. wave insolently (goes back 10 hit eatin the middle ofthe circle. He sts om his tated platform and relight ir cigar. The cornea goes back 4 his post, yon the new speaker, rier hit hand for quiet. Gett it quickly. He i ore.) joe: You boys know me. 1 ain't « red boy one bit! Here Pm ‘ayia’ a shrapnel that big I picked up in the war. And maybe watriwo von anery 7 1 don't know it when it rina Dont sell me rel You know what we are? The black and blue boys! We been kicked around so long we'e black and blue from head to tes. But ‘guess anyone who says sraight out he dont like it he's a red hoy to che leaders of the union. What's thie crap about goin’ Ihome to hot suppers? Tm asking wo your faces how many’ got hot suppers to go home to? Anyone who's sure of bis next seal, rise your hand! A certain geat sting behind me can rive them both, But notin front here! And that’s why were talking ske—to get a lving wage! oer: Where's Lefty? ox: [honest to God don't know, but he did't take no runout ppovwder. ‘That Wop's got more gues than a slaughter house, Maybe a traffic jam got him, but he'll be here. But don’t let this red stuff scare you. Unless fighting for a living sare you, ‘We goca make up our minds. My wife made up my mind last week if you want the truth. Ie plan a the nose on Sol Feine barge face we need srke, There's us comin’ home every night—eight, ten hours on the cab. “God,” the wife sys, “ejghey cents ain't money—don't buy beans almost. You're workin’ for the company," she says to me, “Joel you ain't workin’ for me orth family no more!” She says to me, "IE you dont wart JOE AND EDNA. ‘The light fade out anil a white spot picks on the playing space within the space of tested men. The seated mien are very ‘imly vile in the outer dark, But more prominent i =" smoking his cigor and often Blowing the smoke in the lighted cree, A tired but attractive woman of thirty comes into the rooms dry= ing her hands on en apron. She stands there sullenly at YOR ‘comes in from the other side, home from work, Far @ mo tment they stand and look at each other in silence, Where’ all the furaitre, honey? 8 currvon overs ‘en: They took it away. No installments pid. ox: When? sox: Three otock, yor: They can’ do that. towa: Can't? They di it. you: Why, the palookas, we paid threcquarter town: "The man aid read the contrac. yor: We must have signed a phoney... - tox: Is a regular contract and you signed it. Sots Dont beso sour, Edna... (Tries to embrace her.) ova: Do it in the movies, Joc—they pay Clark Gable big money for it yor: This is helluva house wo come home to. Take my word! town; Take MY wordl Whose fault sit? or: Must you star that stuff aguin? ‘toa; Maybe you'd like to talk about books? or: [a like to slap you in the mouth! sox: No you woot tos (sheepishly: Jeez, Falna, you get me sore some time. ««« ova: Bat just lok at met laughing all over! fon: Don't insult me. Can T help itif times are bad? What the Tall do you want me todo, jump off abridge or something? ‘eova: Don't yell I just put the kids to bed so they won't know they mised a meal fT doa’ have Emmy's shes soled tomor- row, she eat goto school In the meantime let her sleep. sot: Honey, I rode the whecls off the chariot today. T cruised round Rive hours without a el. I’ conditions. smn: Tell eto the A te PI Jon: I booked tworvwenty on the clock. A lady with a dog was Tit. < she gave me a quarter tip by mistake. If you'd only liste fo me—we'e rolling in welt. sox: Yeah? How much? Sou: Thad “coffee and" in a beanery. (Hands her siler coins.) ‘A buck four. sone: The second month's reat i due tomorrow. Joe: Don't look at me that way, Edna. watrine vox Lerry 9 sows: I'm loking through you, not at you. « «Everything ws gonna be so ducky! A cotage by the waterfall, roses in Pi frdy. You're a four-stacbust! If you think Im standing for it much longer, you'te crazy asa bedbug. yor: Fa get another job if T could. There's no work—you know it. ‘oma: Tonly know we're atthe bottom ofthe ocean. yor: What can Ido? tuna: Who's the man in the family, you or me? yor: That's no answer. Get down to bras tacks. Christ, gimme a ‘break, too! A. coffe and java all day. I'm hungry, to, Babes Td work my fingers tothe bone it owas But you'te not a kid and you do have w think about che ext minute, You got evo blonde kids sping inthe ner woes They nec ed sn es im not mening oy ‘hg ceo er see erin hemo Fa Be year 1 laid awake at aight Kxcalog to my heat pound, Por Gat sake, do something, Joe get wie. Maybe get your bud ts together, maybe go on se for ber money Poppa did ir darog the wat and they won out im turning ine a sour old nog son (defending bins): Sikes dost work! qoeat Who tld you? Tou: Besides that means nota nickel 2 week while were out "Then when it's over they dont ake you back. sna: Suppose they don't What's to oe? Sor: Wall we've averaging sxseven dallas a werk now. aovus Tae jos poye foe te rene Jeet That it something, Ea aasu: Ten. Theyil push you down to thee and four a week Tore you know i Then youl ny, “"Thats soraethin’ to! 40%: There's too many cabs on thestret, that’ the whole damon trouble soma: Let the company worry about chat, you big fol! If their ‘abs dida’t make a prot, they'd take them off the sets. Or ‘maybe you think theyre in business just to pay Joe Mitchells rent! sor: You don’t know abe, Eda. fowa: I know this—your boss is shaking suckers outa you boys ‘every minute. Yes, and suckers ‘out of all the wives and the poor innocent kids whol grow up with crooked spines and ‘sek bones. Sure Ise i in the papers how good oxange juice is for kids, Bue damnit our kids get colds one on top of the ‘other. They lok like litle ghosts. Betty never saw a grape fruit T tok her to the store lst week and she ponte © a stack of grapelmits, “What's tha!” she said. My God, Joo— the world is supposed to be forall of. us. yon: You'll wake them wp. sa: I don't care long as T ean maybe wake you up. sor: Doa' insult me. One man can't make a strike. ‘xa: Who ss one? You got hundreds in your rotten union! yor: The union ain't rota. sana: No? Then what ae they ding? Collecting dues and pat- ting your back? sor: They're making plans owas Wht kind? you: They don't tll us. xa: Is too damn bad about you, They don't tl litle Joey ‘what’ happening in his bite witsie union. What do you think it ie ping pong game? son: You know theyre racketcers. The guys at the top sould shoot you fora nickel soma: Why do you stand for that suff? yor: Don't you wanna see me alive? toma (after 0 deep pause): No «1 don't think I d, Joe. Not if yu ean lifts finger to do sonething about it, and don'’No, 1 don’ care ot: Hey, ou do’ undertand what ovat Aad yee cl that won fh «et ham all be ond thang yon one hing to tout: Toe our hand away! On they dx rad me wie icp diferent pane (Stata of er pron) yots Whee se you pong? toc None of your fn Jor: Wats op Your chee Tove My ade yp my dev, dating Lad a dese ear (Pat ney Yoder ack oh) yon Tal me eva Tal you wha? Jon: Whe you going? Eve: Don't you eee ny ld by rend? yon: Who? font Bo Hau, He sil bat my pce in his wath, He nas iring yor Wh tell are you king soe? tie hd wove than Tin alg abot Jor Have yo cn Bul nce ve ot mil? ‘Bown: Maybe. = Jor Te Tigh. (Ble dads lokng at her) Tene See mith? Ls, Indy Yu hk won't do i "sje ean you ca oe aagh, yon: Sop ling al fons This an fe gears ag Joe yor Yuma yo eve dhe kid? fon eve Jw Ue yon Nov Tina: Yel (joes ny, ding neha with his Back 0 Ter Ouse re tebe cleo the plying sage we hea he tskr mated mentor o he aie commie "She wil ‘hel hppoe tht ways se This grup he bc toed throcgaut fr vas omen, poled, emotond and or general choruz. Whispering... The fat Bose now ‘ows heay cloud oj smoke into the ene) tox (fially}e Wel, goes Tint gota leg to stand on. tena: No? ‘ yor (suddenly mad): No, you lousy tary nol Get the ball ox of here. Go pick up that bullzhrower on the corner and stop at some cushy hotel downtown. He's probably been coming here very morning and lying you while T hacked my guts out sown: You're crawling Uke a worm! on: You'll be erawing in a minute. nwa: You dont sare me that much! (Indicates a Alf inc on ‘her finger) yon: This is what Vslaved fr! aowa: Telli your boss! ou: He done give a damn for you or me! tone: Tha wha LF you: Don't change the subject! ona! This the sj the cist oj! Your bos makes this subject. T never saw hin in my life, but he's puting ideas in my head 2 yale a minute, He's giving. your Kids that fancy disease called the rickets. He's making a jelly-fch futa yourand putting wrinkles in my face. This isthe subject tevery inch of the way! He's throwing me into Bud Hass lap. ‘When in hel will you get wise— oe: Tim not so dumb as you think! Bus you are talking like a red sen: T don't know what chat means: But when a man Knocks you down you get up and kis his fst! You guess pice of boloney. ox: One man can't — ows (with great joy)? 1 don't sy one manl I say a hundeed, 2 thousand, « whole millon, Tay. Bot startin your own union. Get thove hack boys together! Sweep out chose racketes like 4 pile of dirt! Stind up ike men and fight for the eryng kids fand wives. Goddamnit! Tm tired of slavery and sleples igh. warriwe For LEFTY 5 0x (with her): Suey eure. taxa: Yes. Get bras tceson your hoes and know where to ick! 30% (suddenly jumping up and kissing bie wife full on the rout): Listen, Edna, Tm goin’ down to ryath Street to look up Lefty Cosell Lefty was saying the other day... (He suddenly stops) How show thie Has guy? sana: Get ot of here! on: Tl be back! (Rune out. For a moment wows stands rium hant. There is @ Blackout and when the regular lights come typ, yor savers is concluding what he has been aying) ou: You guys know this suff beer than me. We gota walkout! (Abraply he tums and goce Back 10 his test.) Blackout IL LAB ASSISTANT EPISODE, Discovered: saxssn, a lb ausstant, looking around; and ravers, on indus. vay: Like i? >aunen: Very much, Ive never seen an ofce like this ouside the ray: Yes, I often wonder if interior decoraters and bathfoom fixeure people don't get all their ideas from Hollywood. Our countsy’s extraordinary that way. Soap, conmeic, clctzic re- frigerators—just let Mrs. Consumer know they're used by the CCrawfords and Garkos--more volume of sale than ene plant an handle! saa: Tm afraid it isn't that easy, Mr. Fayete, ay: No, you're right—geass exaggeration on my part. Competi ‘ion is cutthroat today. Marker’ up flush against a stone wall ‘The astronomers had bener huery—open Mars to trade ex pansion. sin: Ori wil be just to bed av: Cigar? 4 ‘curr sonp oners vas: Thank you don't mike. fi! Dank? ou: Dito, Me. Fayene hv ke sbrcy i ny worker the sine one Tea “The plals and rigger thee beter drunk -eepe them out of mish, Wondering why Thad you come over? saa: If you do mind my sing-ery mach x (patting Nom the face): ke your wok ea Tha rvs No enon why a talented young mn like ours sould’t Sing song wil toa growing concern. Loyal i well ridin oar oraniation, Did yo sc SegKed ths morning? sts He haat ben in the nhrtry all tars T told him yeerday tore you ety dlrs a month, St ti wee vant: You don't ow how happy ny wie be. tar, Lean appreciate (He laughs) SOL: Woe hel Me Payee? x Tart You cere that nce sicing yout sboraay A. oor To: Sid Kae hn Ta wy Ud oa in The few work is yey important. Siege recommended you very Highly aman to wut Youll week deat under De. Bren et Mae you happy? sas Very He a mpacant che! tv (lenin over serena): We hs Miles We hnk 00 the extent of asking you to sy within the Bling through tu he doe yo work wth im: sent: You mea sep and etn? ts Il be ranged tar: Fe, You go Br, Mls Sits May Lk te nate of the new wok? king rm es): Posi p= {is Orde fom ove do’ ave ll o fm whee "New ope pon ow or modern wae. | rev: Once a week WwarIxe FoR LEFTY 5 sents Tice, You dt know new war was that cls, id you? i: Tg id vs db have ee the importance of abate sce. ‘ie: T understand! me “ee ‘7: The weld isan armed cin today: One match st the ‘ole world Ussing in freight out. Unse Sam wont be ‘aught anping! sa (ddreing his pencil): They say 22 millon men were ied in that Lat One and 20 millon more: wounded or a7 Thats not our worry. big bases weot sient over Inman life there wou be big bone of any ot aut My brother ad wo oui wet inthe ls one fa: They ded in a god ene. tent: Mister ae a Tar: Ske wort worty loi you thi tie. Yt too valuable ebind the frat sos That iit ‘avs All igh, Mil. Se Seed for further order. tent: You should have men ty brterhe could ride a bike whoo bands. sar Yet beter ive some dathes and shaving tas into tmocow. Remener what I sid-yote wih growing or eto, seta He could run the hind yrds in 9:8 Bt. ar: Who? fos My brother, He's in the Meuse Argonne Cemetery Maa went thr in 536 roy eu tho things sick. Hows your handwitng, Mey sly ible sats Fly ike ale report fom you, aut What sort of report? sav: Justa few hundred words once a week on Dr. Brenner's rogress. 6 cuirvonn overs ena: Dat you think i might be beter coming from the Decor? vat Ti ask you th os Sony | Tarr T wun to hoow what progres es making, thereat | Te poreycondental~ between you and me. | aa! You mean Tn to watch hi? | var: Yel tu: get Ta do that | av Tay ont se tin: You ei wey. vers Ty sents Garb hat ay favs Forgee nu: Spi at amy Hine Me Fae Fv! You we gly words, Me. Mie ia For hy activ? Ye five Think sbost Ml Your dance ar exelent nN i Firs Tete doing something for your county. Asuring te "Unted Sues in when ne oda apr at racks well have ofenine weapons back ts upl Dent you read | our newspapers, Ne? | setae be Andy Camp | iit you were onthe inside you know Tin king cold wher ‘rth Now, Tm nt asking Jou oe op oor ind one {po Thin chou ve yo lich pera aN Yar: Made up your mind sendy? an: Aid. Pir: ou undesand the congue? Mien my te nas And my fs Aad your bbl tus You pistndenand— | sont Rh dig tees Sinoltoncculy WAITING FoR LEFTY 9 sax: Thats a big job for foreigners. anu: But sneaking-and making poison gas—tha’s for Amer ‘cans? ay: It's up 0 you. aus: My minds made up. ay: No hard feelings? sui: Sure hard feeling! Tm not che civilized type, Me. Fayette ‘Nothing suave or sophisticated about me. Plenty of hard fel- ings! Enough to want t bust you and all your Kind square in the mouth! (Does exactly that.) Blackout IL THE YOUNG HACK AND HIS GIRL Opens with girl and brother, uomevee waiting for soto take her to. dance. aon I gota right to have someting out of life. don’ moe, don't drink. So if Sid wants to take me wo a dance, [ll go, Maybe if you was in love you would’ talk 0 hard inv: Tin saying it for your good. ian: Don't be so good to me Moms sck in bed and you'll be worryin’ her to the grave ‘She don't want chat boy hanging around the house and sho don’t want you meeting him in Crotons Park ion: Tl meet him anytime I like! If you de, yours truly take cae of it in his own way, With just one hand, too! aon: Why are you al so set agains him? any: Mom told you ten times—ic aint him, Ie’ dhat he ain't go nothing. Sure, we know he's serous, that he's stuck on you: Bur that don’ cut mo ice, ‘von: Taxi drivers used to make good! money. Today theyre makin' five and sx dollars a week. Maybe you ‘wanta rise a family on tha. Then youl be back heve living 8 currronn doers wih us apna and TH BE soponing wo fais in one Well. over my dead body snon ryt dnt cet ove hil tov Youve lite kid with halk dcast foe: Isand thre behind the coutr the whole dy. 1 think ‘bout him ° im yo thought more sout Mom would bs beter ‘ou Bort Lake cae of her everynight when Teome home? ‘unit cok sper and iron your sie and = you give me 2 pin inthe loo. Dot yt shat ne gl Tring afr Gils in the hous to. Dont yp ce want something eb tuto Hl, Sure, T want romans ove, bbs I want eve thing in fe ean pe an: You take care of Morn and watch you set ron: And T dow’? tne Yours truly watch fr youl fox: You can tlk tat way to 2g - 2 He aay yar oy dy and wet fe wih woudl Flr ifyou had pio ees you'd ei for Jour own god neve taking, This wnt no eto get mat Ted. Mabe ht san Sbe Late never comes for ne, howgh. Why doa we ‘end Mor oa hosp? She candi in pace thee isa of decking atthe cock on the mantelpiece all day ans That aces money. Which we don have fron: Money, Money, Money! anv: Don’t change the subject. run Theis he sbjec! Inve You gonna sap ting him? (She tre wa.) Jess kid ic, Iemember when you were a baby with cls down your Back, Now 1 ptt stand he yen you Tike thi sons Tl tall hi Ie tees When? ow sk him to com hee tonight. Wel ak over. Inve Dont gt it wth him. Nowadays i no te to be st “You got be ard ae a rock oe go ander WAITING Fon LEFTY 19 ‘ion: I found that out. There's the bell. Take the egg off the stove I boiled for Mor Leave us alone Irv. (50 comiee inthe ‘00 men Took ofeach other for usec. exits) up (enters): Hell, Floris. son: Hello, Honey. You're looking tired, suv: Now, [just need a shave. suca: Well, draw your chair up to the fre and Til brandy and soda « « «lke in the movies. sup: If this was the movies Td bring a big bunch of roi. sion: How big? 05 Fly o shay donen—the Kind with og long se big sion: You dope... ssp: Your Paris gown is beautiful sion (acting grandly): Yes, Peccy, velvet panes ae coming beck again. Madame La Farge told me today that Queen. Marie Iarelf designed it se:Gees. ron: Every’ princess ia the Balkans it wearing one like thie (Poses granily.) snp: Hold it (Does a nose camera—thumbing nose ond imitating ‘grinding of camera with other hand. Suddenly che falle out of the posture and suifly goes to hina, 10 embrace hie, 10 Kist dima with love. Finally): ‘90: You lok tired, Flore, soa: Naw, Tjust need a shave. (She laughs tremulouly) sao: You worried about your mother? ox: No. ssp: Wha’ on your mind? ruoe: The French and Indian War, ssp: What's on your mind? ‘aon: I got us on my mind, Sid. Night and day Si! sv: I smacked a beer truck today. Did T get hell! | was diving slong thinking of US, too. You don’t have wo say it—I know ‘bat on your mind in tt poo around hee ing for » cuirrono opts | tno: Lkoow to who «and [knw why T don Blame them. "Were engaged now for ee yet +» + rox: Thats along tine. tr My brother Sam joined the navy this morning—get a bre that way. Theyll send him down to Cuba with he oothy- | ocr gs He don't know rom ating tht dab basket | tall pve! | rox: Boa’ you do that ; fo Dow' you wor, Tim atthe kind who rs away. But Tm | wo teed ef being 2 dog, Baby, 1 cold choke don't eren have | to sak whats ging on in your mind T know from the word fg caus Tim thiking the sme things, (00. sub, Te ys of nopohing in beswer Si The ter ao ae ap king dwn on "Broadway! ron: We wanted to have Kids Tov But tht sor of life an fr the dogs which is ws. Chris aby! Ig like thunder in my chest when were togber. If te ntl togeter {cold maybe look the world sought in | ihe face, spi init eye like a man should do. Goddamat, i | trying eobe man on the car, Two in fe together. sion Bot someting was ws to be Joely Like tht—crawing | ‘lone in the dark Or they want us tapped. | se: Str, the ig shot money men want ws ike that fron: Highly insling ue ‘To Keeping usin the dark about what is wrong with ws in the noney ma. They gor che power and mea fo be Ga sue they beep i They Know if hey give in just a Sach ll che dogs lite ws wil be down on them togeher—an ocean kaock ing them to hell and back and each aging cockoo with ars, coming fem thei now and eas, Tm not raving, Flario— ron 1 Know youre at, 1 know. {orl dont hve the words tol you what I eel Tneve ised ol uot kao... ‘ap: But it's relative, lke the profesors say. We worked like hell to send him to cllege—my kid brother Sam, T mean—and look what he done—oined the navy! The damn foo doa’ see the cards is sacked for all of us, The money man dealing him self a hot royal flush, Then giving you and me a phony hand like a pair of tensor something. Then keep on losing the pote ‘cause the cards is stacked against you. Then he says, what the matter you can't win—no suff on the ball, he 98 to You. And kids like my brother believe it ‘cause they doa't know beter. For al their education, they don't know from noshing. But wait minute! Don't he come around and say to youth nlite with a jazz band—lsten Sam oF Sid of what’ your name, youte no good, but her's a chance. The whale worl know who you are. Yessir, he says, get up on that ship and fight those bastards who's aking the world a loayy place to live in. The Japs the Turks, the Grecks. Take this gun—kill the sobs lke a eal hero, he sys, areal American, Be a hero! ‘And the guy you're poking at? A real lotic, just like you, “use they don't er him catch more tha a pit of tens too. On that foreign sol he's a guy lke me and Sam, a guy who wants his Irby Tike your and hot sun om his fae! "Theyil teach Som to point the guns the wrong way, chat dumb baskee ball player! ‘ton: 1 gota lump in my troat, Fone. sap: You and me—we never even had a room to sit in some- where. riot: The park was nice sto: In winter? The hallways ... Tm glad we never got t- ‘ether. This way we don’ know what we missed. ro (in # burst): Sid, YM go with you—we'l gt a room some ‘where sap: Naw . they’ right If we cant climb higher chan hie togetherve beter tay spar. sion: I swear 9 God T woulda’ care. snp: You would, you would-—in a year, two yesen you'd cuts the dy, T sen it happen Oh, Sid. «+ « fib: Sure, I know. We got the blues, Babethe 1935 blues. Tm talkin’ this way ‘cause T love youl IF { didn't, T wouldn't soot: Well work together, well ‘Sp: How ebout the backwash? Your family needs your nine Docks. My family — aon: T dent are for them fib: You're making it up, Flore. Little Florre Canary in a cage. sean: Don't make fun of me, 9: Tin ot Baby a rion: Yes, you're laughing at me ‘so; Fim not. (They sand looking at each other unable to speak, Finally, he terns to a small portable phonograph and plays @ cheap, sad, dance tune. He makes a motion with his hand; she Comes $0 him. They begin to dance slowly. They hold cack ther tightly, almort as though they would merge into cach ‘ther. The mace sop, but the trtching record continues 10 the end of the scene. They sop dancing. He finally looses fier cach and seat her on the couch, where she ss, tense and cexpectont.) sen: Hell, Babe. ‘ion: Helo. (For a Brief time they stand as though ina drew.) ‘0 (finaly): Good bye, Babe (He waits for an answer, but she i ‘ent. They look at each other) sso; Did you ever se my Pat Rooney imitation? (He whistler "Rosy O'Grady and sofechoee to it. Stops. He asks:) ssp: Don you ike i? tom (finaly): No. (Bariee he face in her hands. Suddenly he tallon bis knees end buries his face in her lap.) Blackout WarTiNe FoR LeFrY 3 IV. LABOR SPY EPISODE arr: You don't know how we work for you. Shooting off your ‘mouth won't help. Hell, don't you guys ever look at the records like me? Look in your own industry. See what hap- pened when the hacks walked out in Philly three months ago! Where's Philly? A thousand miles away? An hours ride or the tain, vaiee: Two hours! arr: Two hours... what the hells the diference. Let's hear from someone who's got the practical experience to Back him up. Feller there's a man here who's seen the whole parade in Philly, walked out with his pals, got knocked down like the res-and blacklisted after they went back. Thats why he's here. He's got a mighty imerestis’ word to say. (Announces): Tom Clayton! (As exawrox sarts up jrom the audience, #02 ives hime a hand which is sperely followed in the audience cuavrow comes forward.) Fells, this is a man with practical (Chyton from litle ole Phil curio a shin, modew individual: Feller I doa't mind your booing. IT choughe it would help us hacks get beer living conditions, 1 let you walk all over me, cut me up to litle pieces. Tm one of you myself. Hue what I wanna siy is chat ‘Horry Patt’ right. T only been working here in the big town five weeks, but I know conditions just lke the rest of you ‘You know how it is~don take long, to feel the soe spe, no matter where you pat ‘exzan voice (from audience): Sit doven! cuavrow: But Fat’ right. Our ofcers is right. The time ain’ rips Like a fui don al of the tree wnt pe. una yes: Sit down, you frit! ave (on hi feet) Take cate of him, boys wes (in audience, struggling): No one takes care of me (Stage cxperience—Torn 4 currvonp oper ‘ein house and fimlly the otner ofthe woice runs up on stage, ‘ays t0spenker): sn yor: Where the bell dd you pick up chat name! Claytont ‘This ra’s name is Claney, from the old Clancys, way back! Fruit T almost wet mel listening to that one! arr (gunman with hin): This ain baral What the bell do you think you're doing here! oes votce: Exposing a rat! ‘rr: You can't get away with this. ‘Throw him the hell outa bere, otcn (preparing to stend hit ground): Tey it yoursll.. ‘When this bozo throws that slop araund. You know who he is? That's a company spy. tars: Who the hell are you to take— Yorca: I paid dves in this union fr four years that's who's mel sgoita right and this pussyfooed ra ain coming in here with ideas like that. You know his record. Lerime sa it out— arr: You'l prove allthis oF Tl bust you in every hack outfit in town! voter: I gosta right. I gota right. Looka im, he don't say boo! ‘exavrow: You're a liar and Tnever seen you before in my lifel votce: Boys, he spent two years in the coal elds breaking up any ‘organization he touched. Fifty guys he putin jail. He's ranged up and down the as coast—shipping, textiles, steel—he's been in everything you can name. Right now — cxsvrox: That’ a ie! woret: Right now be's working for that Bergman ost on Columbus Circle who furnishes rats for any outfit in the country, before, during, and after sikes. (he man who ie the ero of the nest episode goes down t0 hit side with other commitee men) cexarron: He's uying to break up the meting, flere! orcr: We won't search you for credentials cxarroy: I got nothing to hide. Your own secretary knows Ima ‘senight. voice: Sure. Boys you know who this sonovabiteh is? warrixe For LEFTY 5 ‘uarrox: Tnever seen you before in my li voice: Boys I slept with him in the same bed sixteen years HES MY OWN LOUSY BROTHER! arr (after passe): Is this tre? (No answer from cxarron.) woe (fo cravrox): Seram, before I break your ack! (ctay70N serams down center aisle. vonca sty, watching him: Remember his map—he can't change that—Clancy! (Standing in his place 4935): Too bad you didn't know about this, Fat! (fer a nse.) The Clancy family tree is bearing nuts! (Standing lnolted clear on the sage is the hero of the nest epvode.) Blackout V. INTERNE EPISODE Dr. Barns, an elderly distinguished man, i speaking on th tele home. He wears a white cou, ‘m, nunets: No, I gave you my opinion wie. You outvoted me, ‘You did this wo De. Benjamin yourself. That is why you can tell him yourelt (Homes up phone, angrily. she i about 20 our himself « drink from a bottle om the table, a Rack is heard.) ans: Who is it? anxganars (without): Can Tse you a minute, please? suas (hiding the bore): Come in, Dr. Benjamin, come in, exp: Its imporamt—excuse me—they've got Leeds up there ia ry place—Hle's operating on Mrs, Lewis—the historecomy— tS my job. 1 washed up, prepared . «they told me at the last minate. I dont mind being replaced, Dacor, but Leeds ia damn fool! He shoulda't be permitted — sans (dryly): Leeds is the nephew of Senator Leeds. any: He's incompecent at hell as (obviously changing subject, picks up la, jor): Theyre doing splendid work in brain surgery these days. This i a very fine specimen... 26 cuirron> overs ayy: Pin sory, T thought you might be intrested. saanss (still exomining jor): Well, Tam, young man, T amt (Only rememper it's a charity easel swsy: OF courte. They woulda’ allow it fr a second, otherwise. sass: Her life ein danger? en: Of course! You know how serious the cae is! ‘aves: Turn your gimle eyes elsewhere, Doctor. igging around like a cricket on a hot grill wont help. Doctors don’t run these hospitals, He's the Senator's nephew and there he says sux: Is too bad. ses: Im not ealling you down ether. (Plopping down jar suddenly.) Goddamnit, do you think its my fault? sexy (abou to leave): know» Vn sory. sages: Jus a minute. Sit down, any: Sorry, Fan sit, saves: Stand theal xy (sts): Undersand, Dr. Barnes, I don't mind being replaced ‘at the last minute this way, but». - well, this @agrant bit of class distinction because she's poor — aaxer: Be careful of word like that—"clas distinction” Don't belong here. Lots of energy, you beiliant young men, but iio. Discretion! Ever hear that word? sexy: Too radical? sass: Precisely. And some day like in Germany, it might cost you your head. sexy: Not to mention my job sans: So they tld you? ny: Told me what? tans: They'te closing Ward C next month I don't have to tll you the hospital isn't sel-supporting. Until last year tha board of ruses met defcis. . . . You can gues the rest. Ata board meeting Tuesday, our fine feathered friends discovered they coulda't meet the lat quarter's deiit—a neat litle mm well lover Stoopoo. If the hospital sto continue at al is dama— rex: Necessary t0 clove another charity ward! sunnes: So they sy... (d weit) WATtINe Fon terry Pa sexy: But thats not all? arsts (achamed): Have to cut down on staff too. « ‘ax: That’ to bad. Does it touch me? amnts: Afraid i does, || nes: But afterall Pm top man here. Tdon't mean Ym ester than others, but I've worked harder. suanas: And shown more promise... sexy: I always supposed they'd ct fom the bottom first sannts: Usually. sey: But inthis case? aunts: Complication any: For instance? (senna Berton.) ‘nays: Tike you, Benjamin, Ie one sipping shame. szny: Ti no sensitive plant—what’s the answer? tases: An old disease malignant, cumescent. We need an anti toxin for it. yy: T see, seas: What? sexy: Tmt chat disease before—at Harvard first. aupvees Toit have senorty here, Benjamin. ‘But Tim a Jew))(iases nods hi head in agreement, sexy ent and Blows his noe.) saan (blows hs poe): Mico tay: Pes rom above? ons: Dont nk Kennedy and 1 di ig for you! xy? Such discrimination, with al the wey beter Jes the board? savas: Ie remarked before—doem' eam toe much dir chee beeen weihy Jews and rich Genus, Cat from the Sin ice! ny For mel do fel soy. My parents gave up an aa Tt wo get me th i. They aa ie dry goo ep i the Bronx ui heir pfu sings went inthe eh Loe ere Pony’ palling ecltee "Sil Hoa Besjamioa Mas who ea pinta alii wanes: Dott dnt run medicine ia ths county. ‘The men 8 currrono overs! who know thee jobs don't run anyihing here, xcept the ‘metormen on trolley cas. I've seen medicine change—plenty— fnesthesi, sterilization-—bue not because of rch men—in spite fof thea! a a rch man’s country your tre self’ buried deep. Microbes! Lest... Vermin! Seethis ankle this delicate vn sitive hand? Four hundved years to breed that. Out of a revo- Tutionary background! Spirit of 76] Ancestors froze at Valley Forge! What's it all meas! Slops! The honest workers were sold out then, in 76. The Constitution’ for rich men then and ‘ov. Slop (The phone rings.) sates Qnty Bare (Lite moment, bea x0 satis) 1 see (Hage up, tur lowly to the younger Doctor.) They lose your patient, (aun sands slid with the shock of ‘this news but finally hare his operation gloves 80 the floor.) suns: That's right . «thas right. Yeung, ot, go and do itt Tin very ancient fst, but life’ ahead of you, Ds. Benjamin, and when you fie the frst shot say, “This one's for old Doc Barnes!" Too much dignity—ballets Don't shoot vermin! Seep ‘on thera IFT dida' have an invalid daughter— farses poee Bark to hi seat, Blows his nose in silence)? V have ‘sid my piece, Benjamin. sox: Lots of things 1 wasa' certain of. Many things these radi- tals say» you don’ believe theories until they happen «0 you. . anno: You lost alot today, but you won a great point funy? Yes to know Im right? ‘To really begin believing in Something? Not to sa, “What a word!” but co say, “Change the world!” I wanted to go to Russia Last wee Twas think- ing shout it—the wonderul opportunity to do good work. their socialized medicine— sannes: Beautiful beatiful! sexy: To beable to work — ‘tanee: Why don't you go? T might be able— ‘bevy: Nothing’s nearer what Td like co do! sane: Do il fanj: No! Our work's here—Amercal Yim seared... . What warrixe ron Larry a foure’s shed, I don't know, Get some jab to Keep alive maybe drive acab—and study and worl and learn my place~ sarnes: And step down hard! tex: Fight! Maybe get killed, but goddamal We'll go ahead! soyre: Ladiee and Gentlemen, and don't let anyone tell you we in got some ladies in this sea of upeured faces! Only theyre ‘wearin’ pants, Well, maybe I don't know a thingy maybe 1 fall outa the eradle when I was a kid and aia’ been right since—you can’t telll otc: Sit dovin, cockeyel cure: Who's paying you for those remarks, Buddy? Moscow Gold? Maybe I gota glass eye, bu it come from working in & factory atthe age of eleven, They hooked it out because they dida'e ave a shield on the works, But T wear it ike a medal “cause it telle the world where I belong—deep dovin in the working clas We had delegates in the union there—all Kinds of secretaries and treasurers.» « walkin’ delegates, bat ‘ot with blisters on their feet! Oh nol On their fa litle as from siting on evshions and raking in mazuma. (steerany and cunsean remonstate in words and ations here.) Sit JOWwD, boys: Tm just sayin’ that about unions in. general. I know it aint true here! Why no, our offers i all aces Why, T seen four own secretary Fatt walk outa his way sot t ssp on a «cockroach. No boys, don’ think — sure (Breaking in}: You're ovt of ordee! dotre (10 audience): Am 1 outa onder? sta: No, no. Speak. Goon, et. sours: Yes, our oficers io all aces. But Yn a member here—and ‘no experience in Philly ether! Teday 1 couldn’ wear my union buton. The damnest ting happened, When I take the ‘ld cost off the wall, I see she's smoking. Tim a sonovagun if the old union button isn't on fire! Yep, the olf eelluoid was » euirrons overs skin’ the most godawul stink: the landlady come up and. give me helll You knaw whit happened? ‘That old unica button just blushed iself to death! Ashamed! Can you bes it? sar: Sit down, Keller! Nobody's interested) score: Yes they ael cuxaain: Si down like he tlle you! scare (continuing 10 audience): And when 1 fnish— (His speech is broken by wert and cunsean who physically handle dim. He breaks away and get to other side of stage, The to are about 10 make for him wher some of the commitice men come forward and get in between the stugaing. parties. soars she har Been torm,) scare (0 audience): What's the answer, boys? ‘The answer is if were reds because we wanna strike then we tke over thee salute tool Know how they do it? (Makes Communist salute.) ‘What ist? An uppercut! ‘The good old uppercut tothe chin! Hill, some of us Boys ain't even gota shirt our backs. What’ the boss dass tryin’ to do—make a nudist colony outa us? (The eudience laughs and suddenly sears comes to the id= dle of the stage 0 that the other exbmen back hime up in a trong clump) scare: Don't laugh! Nothing's funny! ‘This is your life and ‘mine! Is skull and bones evry incha the road! Christ, we're din’ by inches! For what? For the debutantes to have thie ssveee comin’ out partes in the Ritel’Poppa’s got a daughter she’s gotta gether picture in the papers. Chris, they make ‘em with cur blood. Joe sid it. Slow death of fight. Its warl (Throughout thi whole spech acre is backed up by the other si workers 0 thas from thei atvty ie plain tht the whole ‘group of them are saying these things. Several of them may take alternate lines out of this long let rpeech,) ‘You Edns, God love your mouth! Sid and Flotrie, che other boys old Doe Barnes~Gght with us for right! Tes wael Work- ing chs, unite and fight! Tear down the slaughter house of fur old lives! Let freedom realy sing. ‘These slick slobs stand here ting us about bogeymen. That’ a raw one for the kids—the reds is bogeymen! But the mas ai ‘got me food in 1932, he called me Comradel "The one who Picked me up where T bled—be called me Comrade too! What are we waiting for... . Don't wait for Lefty! He might never | come, Every minute-— (This is broken inzo by a man who das dashed up the centr aisle from the back of the house. He ruse pom cage, ryt) une: Boys, they just found Lefty! ‘rims: What? What? What? ow Shh... Shhh. . dus: They found Lety scare: Where? Duan: Behind the car barns with a bullet in his ead scare (orging): lear it boys, hear it? Hell, listen to mel Coast ‘o coast! HELLO AMERICA! HELLO, WE'RE STORM: BIRDS OF THE WORKING-CLASS. WORKERS OF ‘THE WORLD... OUR BONES AND BLOOD! And when we die theyll know what we did to make a new world! irs cut us up to litle pieces. Well die for what is right put fruit trees where our ashes are! (To audience): Well, what's the answer? su: STRIKE! sare: LOUDER! nu: STRIKE! ‘cent and oruas on Sage: AGAIN ‘nu: STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE! Curtain | SIX PLAYS OF i | Awake and Sing! | Till the DayI Die Paradise Lost Golden Boy Rocket to the Moon pr Cp Sy Cte ‘prs corny Cn Oe Ae nS pe, SY Ce ‘Sera mad, sty chaos ian SC Ose Cant oa sy Ros orn WANN Oe natronesteneprge int cameo ‘Sas ns ry Nera Wate saci Be Halon parr eps temnn liam yn ee ‘Sly am yy neyo ct ‘Songs, iter orenpemansalpash aide ma ‘Rime el ie WUT: AD ai et ee a anne ‘Sittsitne cur age Race Pea Dan ‘Satin Se Ne on. ee Aetna indy eo ev ‘ones tama pts og He noaeta ee) va Cui CONTENTS Paencby Clilord es ronoero by Hird Carman Waiting fo Ly Avakeand Sing! TiltheDay Die Parade Lt aiden Boy Rocket Moca 3

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