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Collaborative learning is an educational approach that emphasizes group interactions and shared

learning experiences among students. It has gained prominence as an effective pedagogical

strategy to enhance student engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and overall

learning outcomes. In recent years, the integration of technology into collaborative learning

environments has become increasingly prevalent, reshaping the way students interact,

communicate, and collaborate in educational settings. Collaborative learning activities can be

designed for students to complete during class, using group work and other collaborative tools

like Google docs, or asynchronously between classes, using something like a CourseWorks

discussion board. Your course structure and student needs will determine the mode of these


New technologies can both provide numerous opportunities for learning environments and

improve the 21st skills of learners in the digital age (OECD, 2019). One of these technologies is

web 2.0 technologies. They are a kind of internet technology and can be used for enhancing

learning and teaching environments. Web 2.0 technologies are web applications that allow

collaboration, communication, and content share among users (Butler, 2012). There are many

web 2.0 tools developed for different purposes in education one of which can be used to create

different instructional materials such as textbooks, infographics, posters, quizzes, and mind

maps. Today, students can be described as digital natives being experts in using a different

technology (Prensky, 2001). For example, they use several web 2.0 technologies such as social

networks, blogs, social bookmarking (Pence, 2007). Furthermore, these technologies provide
many opportunities during the learning process such as sharing information and collaboration

among students (Ajjan & Hartshorne, 2008) In this regard integrating web 2.0 technologies into

the learning environments of the digital age is important. Thus, teachers should not only use the

web 2.0 technologies for personal aims but also use them to create learning activities to support

students‟ learning (Jimoyiannis, Tsiotakis, Roussinos, & Siorenta, 2013). Moreover, it is

emphasized in many reports such as the International Society for Technology in Education

(ISTE, 2017) and UNESCO (2008) that teachers have to be equipped with some technological

skills. In this regard, instructors should teach the opportunities that web 2.0 technologies provide

and how to overcome problems when using them to the teacher candidates in the courses.

Technology-supported learning may seem as an isolated activity, but in order to be used to the

best benefit of the students, it should be turned into a collaborative task. In fact, learning is

effective when it is a social activity. Collaborative learning is group-based learning where

learners join their efforts, initiative and work in educational endeavors. In order to turn learning

into a social activity, it cannot be based on drills and meaningless, automatic exercises. Social

learning involves project-based learning where technological devices serve as tools that support

learning. Learners cooperate in order to recognize, analyze, and solve problems. Learning is

enhanced when information is presented in the social and meaningful context, which allows to

assimilate new information into the already existing schemata hence increasing students’

performance in the target language. Having a goal to achieve, students make use of their

knowledge and resources available; they develop skills and gain more knowledge while

developing and nurturing relationships with other classmates.

Collaborative learning using technology has become increasingly prevalent in American

education over the years. This approach leverages various digital tools and platforms to facilitate
interaction, communication, and cooperation among students, both in and out of the classroom.

are some key aspects of collaborative learning using technology in America. Educational

institutions across the United States have adopted online learning platforms like Google

Classroom, Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle to create virtual classrooms where students can

access resources, submit assignments, and engage in discussions. Technology also enables the

collection of data on students' interactions and contributions in collaborative activities. This data

can be used to assess individual and group performance, offering insights for improvement.

Collaborative learning using technology in America continues to evolve as new tools and

technologies emerge. It offers numerous benefits, including improved engagement, enhanced

communication skills, and the development of digital literacy skills, which are crucial in today's

interconnected world. However, it also presents challenges related to digital equity, privacy, and

effective pedagogical integration, which educators and institutions must address as they navigate

this evolving landscape.

In the Philippines technology has played a significant role in collaborative learning, just as it has

in many other parts of the world. It has transformed the way students and educators interact,

share knowledge, and collaborate on various educational activities. Technology has provided

students in the Philippines with easier access to a vast amount of information and educational

resources. Online libraries, databases, and digital textbooks enable students to explore a wide

range of materials relevant to their collaborative projects. Various online collaboration tools,

such as Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Microsoft 365, and collaborative document

editors, facilitate teamwork among students. They can work together on assignments, projects,

and presentations in real-time, even when they are not in the same location. Students in the

Philippines can create multimedia presentations, videos, and interactive content for collaborative
projects. This helps enhance engagement and understanding of complex topics. While

technology has played a crucial role in enhancing collaborative learning in the Philippines, there

are challenges related to digital equity, infrastructure limitations, and the need for effective

pedagogical strategies. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure that all students have

equal access to the benefits of technology-enabled collaborative learning experiences.

The use of technology in collaborative learning in the province of Marinduque is quite

comparable to collaborative learning approaches used around the nation. But it's critical to take

into account the unique circumstances and difficulties that Marinduque may encounter when

utilizing technology for collaborative learning. Students from different schools in Marinduque

can collaborate on projects by using online collaboration tools such as Google Docs, Google

Slides, or cloud-based project management platforms. This promotes teamwork and the exchange

of ideas. One of the primary challenges in Marinduque, as in many rural areas of the Philippines,

may be the availability and affordability of technology devices and internet connectivity. Efforts

may be needed to ensure that students and educators have access to the necessary hardware and

reliable internet connections. Efforts may be needed to ensure that students and educators have

access to the necessary hardware and reliable internet connections.

Therefore, it is in this assumption that the researcher determine the role of technology in

collaborative learning of the selected students with the proper use of technology in class to

improve their collaboration skills.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the role of technology in collaborative learning of the selected

grade 11 students at Santa Cruz Institute SY. 2023-2024.

Specifically, researcher sought to answer the following questions

1.What is the role of technology in collaborative learning of the selected Grade 11 students at

Santa Cruz Institute Marinduque?

2.What are the problems that selected students meet in collaborative learning while using


3.What recommendation for the best practices and strategies for effectively integrating

technology into collaborative learning experiences?

Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study will be very crucial and beneficial to

Students will have a knowledge on how technology use in collaborative learning to improve

their skills.

Teachers provides with the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to new educational trends,

successfully engage students, and improve learning results. It enables educators to make

informed judgments about incorporating technology into their teaching practices, benefiting both

teachers and students in the long run.

Parents understanding the role of technology can facilitate better communication between

parents and teachers. Parents can have more informed discussions with educators about their

child's learning experiences and inquire about the tools and platforms used in the classroom.

Schools/Institutions it will help to transform teaching and learning, improve student outcomes,

and prepare students for the challenges of the digital age. It also informs school policies and

practices, ensuring that technology is effectively integrated to benefit both students and


Technician or app developer it enables them to create more effective and impactful educational

tools. It also helps them stay competitive, innovate, and contribute positively to the evolving

landscape of educational technology.

Government officials they will have an insight to make informed decisions, set priorities, and

develop policies that promote effective and equitable education in an increasingly digital world.

It enables them to better serve the educational needs of their citizens, enhance economic

competitiveness, and bridge the digital divide.

Through this research study

The researcher herself wants to enhance her knowledge to know the role of technology in

collaborative learning of the selected grade 11 students at Santa Cruz Institute.

This study is intended for everyone, especially those who are interested in the topic, and

especially those who are studying on the same or a related topic.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study is for determining the role of technology in collaborative learning of the

selected students. And the delimitation of the proposed topic is the selected Grade 11 students at

Santa Cruz Institute, who will serve as a respondent of this study.


It would be assumed that the technology serves as a facilitator or enhancer of collaborative

learning rather than hindrance that will improve communication, resource sharing, and overall

learning outcomes of the students.

Theoretical Framework

According to Harasim (2012), in OCL, students are encouraged to collaboratively solve

problems through discourse instead of memorizing correct answers; the teacher or

instructor plays a very essential role in this process. Teachers not only facilitate the

process by providing appropriate resources and learning activities to encourage students’

learning, but also serve as a member of the knowledge community under study and ensure that

core concepts, practices, and discipline standards are fully integrated into the learning cycle.

Another is the study pro-found in the concept drawn by Zhu (2012), participants in her

study reflected that each group member had an opportunity to contribute to group

work during online collaboration, which helped them achieve more knowledge than those

who studied alone. The findings of this study indicated that a high level of OCL could decrease

technological anxiety, improve technological self-confidence, and increase the liking of

Lastly, Zuh (2006) reported that cognitive engagement cannot be observed in an online learning

environment, but it can be described as students’ active engagement in online discussion with

each other. Zuh used a sample of 226 students to investigate and compare students’ cognitive

engagement with the personal and collaborative construction of knowledge in an online

environment. The authors found that students were more engaged and likely to remember

concepts better within an online collaborative learning environment than a traditional learning


Research Paradigm


COLLABORATIVE  Gathering data Proper ways of using
LEARNING OF THE  Questionnaire technology in class to
SELECTED GRADE 11 improve collaboration
STUDENTS skills of the students

Figure 1

The researcher uses the Input, Process, and output. In this study the input will be the role of

technology in collaborative learning of the selected grade 11 students. Also the process in

determining the role of technology in collaborative learning of the selected grade 11 students is
by gathering data, distributing of questionnaires. And after the researcher gathered data about the

role of technology in collaborative learning of the selected Grade 11 students is the preparation

of intervention to help the students on proper ways of using technology in class to improve their

collaboration skills. This patterned in the responses of the respondents after the researcher have

analyzed the results of the gathered data.

Definition of Terms

App developer- a person who create an application in technology

Assumption- the act of claiming the fact or truth .

Collaborative- produced by two or more working together of the student in class.

Digital age- a time when many people may easily access a lot of knowledge thanks to computer


Institutions- a group or community established for religious, academic, social, or other

comparable reasons.

Integrating- to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole. to make up, combine, or

complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, to do a group a group activity.

Pedagogical- relating to the methods and theory of teaching.

Prevalent- generally or widely accepted, practiced the use of something

Prominence- state of being popular or trend

Technology- a platform that use in collaborative learning in school or institutions

comparable reasons.



SY. 2023-2024



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