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Benefits of reading newspapers

Every morning, a man on a bicycle comes and delivers a collection of crisp white pages
full of text wrapped as a scroll, tied with a rubber band, waiting to be opened to
discover the powerhouse of knowledge that is in there. A newspaper doesn’t only
comprise of pages inundated with words and pictures but comprises of everything we
need to know in order to be aware of the world around us.

Newspaper reading is a habit that must be developed by people of all age groups and is
even better if developed precociously. Just a quick perusal in the morning can really
enrich our general knowledge and can help us form an opinion on a lot of matters
around the globe. If a person is oblivious of current affairs, he wouldn’t be able to
ardently indulge in discussions in an enlightened society and may seem like a misfit. It is
a great means to help us enhance our vocabulary, and for the amelioration of our
language skills which in one way or the other also help us become eloquent and
congenial. . In a democratic country, a newspaper serves as a link between government
and the people. It serves as the voice against injustice. To sum up, reading newspapers
is a gainful activity for everyone and provides an unparalleled thrill of having abundance
of knowledge that can be shared with others, which is essential not only for our
development but also for the edification of others.

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