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Artificial Intelligence as the New Electricity

We are currently living in an era of advanced technology, to the point where losing

internet, gadgets, and electricity can be troublesome. However, we are still in the process

of accepting Artificial Intelligence into our generation. The article mentions that just as

people perceived electricity as something magical in the 1900s, AI is currently viewed in

a similar light. I think the article is also trying to suggest that we should understand and

use AI for practical purposes just like how Benjamin Franklin did his best to learn more

about electricity.

People used to be unsure about the concept of “electricity” and how it works.

Benjamin Franklin insists that electricity is something that humanity will benefit from,

especially to the aspects of light, heat, and power. As electricity was once viewed as a

“life changing” magical power to human’s lives, AI also set the standard to change many

industries and to make our lives easier. AI is the new electricity (Ng, Andrew. 2017, March


AI terrifies people since according to some, “It has a potential to replace human

jobs.” The article mentions that there is no magic to AI. Just like electricity, it has to

undergo the process of mass experimentation. Some might fail, but the successful one

will surely have a great impact on the world (IBN. 2019, March 8). The most important

thing to be able to understand AI is to understand the two categories, componentry and

the process. I think to not be terrified by AI, an individual should learn the concept behind

it and how we can adapt.

Artificial Intelligence is getting just as important as electricity, the internet, and

mobile phones. This comparison shows how crucial AI is for our future. The article just

enlightened me that what might seem magical and mysterious today can become a huge

and important part of our future.


IBM Blog - THINK. (2019, March 28). AI is Not Magic.

Stanford Graduate School of Business. (2017, March 11). Andrew Ng: Why AI is the New

Electricity. Stanford Graduate School of Business Insights.

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