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Table Of Contents.

1. What Is Car Tracker Installation?
2. Examples Of GPS Trackers.

3. Is Car Tracker Installation a Difficult Skill To Acquire?

4. Who Is The Skill Meant For?

5. Can The Skill Be Acquired Both Online And Offline?

6. How Long Does It Take To Take The Training & Can It Be

Practiced Part-time?
7. What Are The Main Tools Required For Installation?

8. Is It A Lucrative Skill?

9. How Much Does One Need To Start The Business After

Undergoing The Training?
10. Are The Trackers Easily Accessible?

11. Do You Need a License Before You Can Start Car Tracker
Installation Business?

A Little About The Author.



In life, problems create opportunities. Our society today is

bedeviled with the problem of insecurity ranging from
kidnapping, armed rubbery and theft of all forms. This ugly
situation has made it imperative for people to protect
their most priced property – their cars. Protection of one’s
car through a gps tracker has become a must for every car
owner. Cases abound of stolen cars being recovered
successfully because of the presence of gps trackers in
such cars.

The skill of car tracker installation is rarely talked about by

those who posses it mainly because it is a lucrative skill.
People hardly reveal information behind their sources of
income, understandably so though. However, I believe
that even though less than 5% of people who learn
something end up practicing what they learn, it is healthy
to expose the knowledge of this life changing skill to as
many people as possible so that those who will run with it
will not be denied the opportunity of doing so.

As a car tracker installer with more than 3 years

experience on the field, I’ve put together this material to
serve as a guide to those who may want to take up the skill
as a means of earning steady income.


What Is Car Tracker Installation?

Simply put, car tracker installation is the act of fixing or
installing a GLOBAL
POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) device in a vehicle for the
purpose of remotely securing and monitoring the activities
of such a vehicle in order to protect it from theft and other
forms of misuse. A GPS device can be installed in any kind
of car, tricycle and bikes.


Examples Of GPS Trackers.

There are different types of GPS trackers in the market, but

it is pertinent to note that every GPS device performs
almost the same function with very slight differences. For
instance, every GPS device has the ability to show you the
location of your vehicle per time. For the sake of this
material, we shall consider two GPS devices namely TK003
and TK303. The main difference between these two devices
is that the later has an audio facility (the ability to remotely
listen to an ongoing conversation in a vehicle using a phone)
while the latter does not.
Is Car Tracker Installation a Difficult Skill To Acquire?

It is an undisputable fact that in life, nothing good comes

easily. However, the skill of car tracker installation is not
something one must break his neck in order to acquire.
Chief among the required criteria in this direction are the
willingness to learn and the ability to pay attention. At the
risk of sounding incredible, I can tell you for free that I
learned this skill within a space of one day. Suffice it to say
that I have become good with the skill by frequently
practicing it.


Who Is The Skill Meant For?

The skill is meant for anyone who has a true interest in it
as it is not gender sensitive. Having any kind of mechanical
or technical background IS NOT a requirement for learning
the skill. Even if you don’t know how to start a car, you can
easily learn the skill within a recorded time. All you need is
an unyielding determination to succeed.


Can The Skill Be Acquired Both Online And Offline?

The skill can be acquired by online and offline means.

Many of my students both in Nigeria and outside Nigeria
who today practice this skill learned it online through the
means of recorded practical video tutorials. I also have
students I've trained offline.

However, for the sake of distance and maybe busy

schedules, the most appropriate way to acquire this skill is
through the combination of both online and offline means.
This is a situation where you firstly take the online
tutorials, after which you are paired with an experienced
installer based in your city who will now take you through
the process of a live installation in order for you to have a
hands-on experience of the work. The foregoing is an
unbeatable combination which guarantees proper
assimilation for any trainee.

How Long Does It Take To Take The Training & Can It Be

Practiced Part-time?

The skill can be acquired within a space of 7 days

maximum no matter how slow the learner is. The good
thing is that the video tutorials can be saved on your
phone such that you can easily make reference to it if the
need arises.
Secondly, some people choose to practice the skill on part-
time basis due to their work schedules. I have students
who work with the skill only on weekends with the
intention of gradually migrating to full time when they
might have gained strong ground in it. While others
especially those who are unemployed or who wish to leave
their jobs, take it as a full time job.


What Are The Main Tools Required For Installation?

The main tools required for installation are spanners(sizes 10
&14) pliers/cutters, screwdriver, cello tape and tester. Follow
the link below to watch a YouTube video showing a practical
identification of the needed tools.

Video link:

Is It A Lucrative Skill?
Without fear of contradiction, I can confidently tell you that car
tracker installation is a highly profitable business. The reason is
because the gps devices are sold at highly affordable prices
while the charge per installation is high. The profit margin per
installation is mind blowing. You can buy a device for N14K and
charge as high as N45K for installation thus leaving you with a
profit of N31K and this is not an exaggeration. The good thing
here is that installation doesn’t take you more two hours, so
you can comfortably do two installations in a day.
Another reason the business is profitable is because there’s a
huge market for the skill and you can start from where you are
now, there’s no need to rent an office space. Use word of
mouth to educate car owners in your neighborhood, working
place and place of worship on the need for them to secure their
cars with a GPS tracker.

How Much Does One Need To Start The Business After
Undergoing The Training?
Having undertaken the training, you need less than N18K to
start the business. The needed tools – as mentioned above –
will not cost you more than N3K. Add N3K to N14K, you will get
N17K. Give or take, you won’t spend more than N18K to start
the business. Interestingly, with the profit from your first two
jobs, you will recover more than your startup capital: how
sweet is that?

Are The Trackers Easily Accessible?
When I started this business, I was left with two choices in
terms of the purchase of the trackers. It was either I imported
from China or I bought from roadside retailers. Today, buying
from China is still a good deal, but why will I go through the
stress of importation when I now have a working relationship
with a tracker manufacturing Chinese company that has
wholesale selling outlets in Nigeria? The trackers are easily
accessible here in Nigeria at a very affordable rate with

Do You Need A License Before You Can Start Car Tracker
Installation Business?
You don’t need a license before starting a car tracker
installation business. The first thing you need is the skill. Once
you demonstrate the skill successfully with one client, you are
good to go. Most of my clients come through
recommendations. The only thing I will advise you to do is to
develop goodwill or good working relationship with your clients
because they are the ones that will bring you more customers.
Your competence is your license; be good at your work and you
will be the one to run from works.


My name is Prince Ikenna A. I am a degree holder in

education/religion from one of the Nigerian universities.
Within the first 9 years of my graduation, I worked as a
secondary school teacher with some private schools in
Port Harcourt and Abuja and even rose to become a
principal in one of those schools.

My experience in teaching really showed that indeed

teachers' reward is in heaven . My monthly take home
was always not enough to take me home. No matter how
I tried, I always found myself borrowing before the next
salary came. This was worsened by the fact that the
salaries were often delayed, sometimes to the tune of 3
months in arrears.

As the first son of my family, I had younger ones who

looked up to me for financial help as my parents had
managed to see me through the university. But, I couldn't
take care of myself not to talk of helping another person.
At this point, I became confused and depressed.

However, what kept me going was my burning desire to

succeed. In 2018,
I decided to take the bull by the horn by quitting my job
as a school
principal. This I did without having any other job in focus.
Within this same period, one guy I consider as a business
mentor Mr Pat Ogidi (some of you may know him) sent
me a mail informing me of a one day car tracker
installation training that he was to organize at his base in
Lagos. I made up my mind to use my last savings to travel
from Abuja to Lagos for the training. Both the trip and
the training cost me up to N100K.

Upon my return to Abuja I quickly moved to put my

knowledge into practice. The first installation I did was in
a friend's Toyota Camry and it went well. With that, I
started scouting for customers via word of mouth. I must
say that since 2018 till date, my story has changed
beyond my imagination. From this singular skill, I've been
able to help my siblings with their education, establish
other businesses, bought a car and even got married

I just narrated this story to let you know that if I who has
no form of engineering or technical background could
succeed in this business, then you too can do the same. It
doesn't matter where you are or what you do right now,
all it takes is a made up mind: IT IS EITHER YOU SUCCEED

It takes a lot of determination to have read to this point:

congratulations. Having gone through this material, if you are
interested in starting car tracker installation business in terms
of acquiring the needed skill, send a whatsapp to
2348106452425 or contact the person from whom you got the
book. Thanks and stay blessed

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