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A phenomenological study: The experience of fast food chains in using online

marketing in Balanga City

The purpose of this study is to understand the experience of prospect changing using
online marketing in Balanga City. At this stage in the research the experience of the
passport change will be generally define as the usage of online marketing.

1.How customers satisfied on the marketing plan of fast food chains in Balanga City?
2.How does online marketing can provide a lot of customers?.
3. What are the operational change in Balanga city can help to grow their business?
4.What are the advantages and difficulties that are password customer games from
using online marketing?

Research questioners

1.customers had a benefits on online marketing that fast food chain in Balanga City
2.What marketing strategies that business should have?
3.Can online marketing help to grow someone's business?
4.Can only marketing can get a lot of customers attention?
5.Can better service with a good strategy may help business to grow?
6. Can only marketing increase the number of customers in the past?
7.When did you know this using online marketing is easy?
8.That's online marketing give you hard time using it?

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