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Gorillas are amazing animals that deserve our respect and admiration.

They are the largest

and strongest of all primates, and share about 98% of their DNA with humans1. Here are
some reasons why gorillas are the best:

 Gorillas are very social and live in family groups called troops. They communicate
with each other using vocalizations, gestures, facial expressions, and body
postures. They also show affection by grooming, hugging, and kissing1.

 Gorillas are very intelligent and can learn and use tools. Some gorillas have been
taught sign language and can understand thousands of words. They also have unique
personalities and emotions, just like humans2.

 Gorillas are mostly herbivorous and eat a variety of plants, fruits, and insects. They
help to spread the seeds of the plants they eat, which benefits the forest
ecosystem. They also play a key role in maintaining the biodiversity of their

 Gorillas are gentle giants who rarely fight or harm other animals. They only use their
strength to defend themselves or their families when threatened. They have a complex
social structure and follow the leadership of a dominant male called a silverback 1.
 Gorillas have distinctive nose prints that can be used to identify them
individually. Scientists use these prints to monitor the population and health of
gorillas, as well as to track and prevent poaching2.

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