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Apply Heuristics to

Pollution Prevention
and Control Decisions

ultiproduct plants present It's a big job
unique challenges to pollu- The first heuristic is I: It's a big job,
Waste treatment tion prevention and waste so get started right away. This has two
treatment efforts. corollaries - la: It's a big job, so it's
and minimization The products being made at any given best not to stop; and lb: It's a big job,
time vary widely in terms of materials so it's best to have lots of help.
in a multiproduct handled, air emissions released, and Help can come from many sources:
wastes produced, and may change even fellow engineers and scientists, market-
plant can present over the course of a day. By nature, the ing and sales personnel, logistics staff,
products being made at any one time may operators, environmental professionals,
formidable never have been produced in that combina- and maybe even environmental agen-
tion before, and the product mix is likely cies. We must tap into our networks.
challenges. These to change often. Startups and shutdowns Don't forget to take all advice seri-
are the norm rather than the exception. ously, even if it is well-intentioned but
heuristics will help Multiproduct plants are often old and wrong. And, be prepared to withstand
crowded, and production equipment is slings and arrows.
simplify the likely to have evolved to its present state
rather than having been designed opti- Old dogs and new tricks
complicated mally for its present purposes. Even if it But, just where to start? Most of us
requirements that was designed optimally, the optimum in- know to begin by taking inventory of
volves trade-offs between what is best for wastes and emissions, and address those
must be met. individual products vs. what is best for
the overall product mix.
wastes and emissions where they are
created in the processes.
Further complicating matters, the finan- Before doing this, though, first har-
cial analysts may be tight with the cash, vest some ripe low-hanging fruit. The
since a product made in a multiproduct ripest fruits in multiproducts plants are
Scott A. Berger,
plant, even one having a high return on in- often the same processes that are
Owens Corning
vestment, itself contributes only a small renowned within the facility because of
fraction to the plant's overall cash flow. their odor, rainbow-hued smoke plumes,
Last, but not least, there's always reportable emissions, or permit ex-
something going wrong, constantly drag- ceedances. Usually, these processes will
ging us away from our goal of pollution have been around longer than most of us
prevention. have.
This article presents a set of heuristics This brings us to Heuristic Number
that will help untangle the web of compli- 2: Get rid of the old dogs. If necessary,
cated pollution-control requirements for trade the old dog in for a new puppy,
multiproduct plants and pave the way to preferably one that has already been
implementing improved pollution-preven- trained.
tion and pollution-control solutions. Often, the products made by the "old


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dog" processes are themselves old of the next run. And, change-overs cess, including all air, water, and
dogs and are suffering from waning can also produce as waste product solid waste produced during produc-
market, quality, or safety issues, that is perfectly good but labeled tion, during clean-outs, and due to
making this option easier. New pup- wrong. off-grade product. Two heuristics
pies can be designed more efficient- Heuristic Number 4 is actually a guide the inventorying process.
ly, following the now-familiar low- family of related heuristics. 4a: Heuristic Number 5: Inventory
pollution process development Schedule production to reduce the wastes in as many possible similar
methodologies, such as those in number of change-overs. This re- classes and even sub-classes as pos-
( 1-4). quires increasing communication sible. Table l lists some examples of
Alternatively, it may be possible and planning between the sales classes that could be used; classes
to teach the old dogs some new force that projects sales and takes may also be created according to ac-
tricks (which will be addressed as orders and promises delivery, the lo- tual chemical species contained.
Heuristic Number 10). gistics staff that schedules produc- Creating these classes and subclass-
tion, and the warehouse staff that es provides a convenient initial basis
Address off-grade product builds and holds inventory. Logistics for considering recycling and treat-
Next, look at those processes that software can be extremely helpful in ment options.
generate a relatively high amount of complex plants. Next, assign compositions and
off-grade product. Off-spec material 4b: Schedule products in a com- flow rates to each waste stream. For
must either be re-worked, blended patible sequence. For example, you multiproduct plants, this may be
into other product, or purified. Each won't notice or even care if you harder to do than it sounds.
of these activities generates some pour red wine into a glass contain- Heuristic Number 6 should help.
kind of waste, as well as reduces ing a few drops of white wine. But, 6: Assign four flow rates to each
overall productivity. In the worst you will ruin your glass of white stream - the highest daily and an-
case, the off-grade product must be wine if you have left few drops of nual flow rate and the lowest daily
disposed of as waste. Solving signif- red wine in the glass. and annual flow rate. It may be pos-
icant off-spec problems is therefore 4c: If two or more products are sible to add two additional flow
both an environmental and financial practically the same, replace them rates, the typical daily and annual
win. with one product. You'll have to flow rates. With these four to six
Heuristic Number 3 is therefore brace yourself for this task, as mar- values, it is possible to prioritize
3: Eliminate off-grade product. Solu- keting and sales have created these prevention and treatment activities
tions are numerous and involve ad- slight variations to please their best and better evaluate the possibility of
dressing such issues as process con- customers. Ultimately, though, this combining streams for treatment or
trols, human error, raw material im- activity can have a huge impact on recycle.
purities, and mechanical failures. change-over waste. Heuristic Number 7 is a re-
Often, the solution to off-grade prod- minder. 7: Don't forget to include
uct has the added benefit of reducing Inventory by classes and cases water, process steam, air, oxygen,
waste and improving yields even rel- The next step deals with the actual and nitrogen in the inventories.
ative to the best obtained before. processes themselves. Inventory the With these four to six flow-rate
waste streams generated by each pro- scenarios plus numerous product
Optimize change-overs
Having gotten rid of old dogs and
ceased making off-grade product, it Table 1. Classes that may be used for waste inventories.
is time to inventory and optimize.
In the multiproduct plant, start by Solid
Air Water
inventorying the waste produced in
Acidic Strongly acidic Hazardous
the change-overs between different
Basic Strongly basic Nonhazardous
production runs. Most change-overs Combustible Weakly acidic Off-site recyclable
require the equipment to be cleaned, Condensible Weakly basic On-site recyclable
and cleaning generates wastewater, Reactive Clean Fuel value
waste solvent, and/or chunks of Particulate Solids-containing
sludge, polymer, or other residue. High Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Change-overs may also produce a Low Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
transition product, that is, material
from the end of the old run contami-
nating material from the beginning


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combinations, it is now time (if it quently abound. The waste invento- and the streams treat each other
has not be done already) to apply ry provides valuable information when grouped together (e.g., acids
Heuristic Number 8: Use a process that can be used to develop creative neutralize bases, oxidizers destroy
simulator. It could be either a full- ideas for recycling. chemical oxygen demand (COD),
functioned process simulator or a JOe: Recycle usable process ma- ammonia destroys NOx, precipitate
program that is specifically focused terials by off-site recovery for on- forms when streams are blended,
on waste-stream management. site re-use. and so on).
1Of: Obtain a useful, salable Grouping waste streams in this
Prioritize byproduct from waste materials. way can reduce treatment costs. For
Based on the waste inventory, The corollary to heuristics example, in one extreme case, a
identify which processes to start 10c-10f is: If the wastewater (or air plant was generating a waste con-
with, and then proceed with various emission) is cleaner than the fresh taining hypochlorite and another
means of process pollution preven- water (or air) brought into the plant containing phosphite. The hypochlo-
tion and waste treatment. Prioritiza- in the first place, use it! rite was being subjected to a reduc-
tion is governed by a sequence of tion treatment, while the phosphite
heuristics: was being oxidized. By combining
Heuristic Number 9a: Start by the two, the resulting stream re-
preventing or addressing issues that To ease quired no treatment. In another case,
assure compliance ... two streams were being individually
9b: . . . then those that have the treated to remove somewhat similar
highest actual community risk ... large organic molecules. By com-
9c: ... then the highest communi- bining them, two separate opera-
ty perception (e.g., odor, visible tions were replaced with a single
emissions, releases reported under lower-cost system for treating both
SARA Section 313, etc.) ... streams together.
9d: ... then the highest ecological llc: Avoid dilution with extrane-
risk ... ous water or air, unless safety dic-
9e: ... and finally those that re- tates otherwise. Generally speaking,
duce cost. treatment costs depend more heavi-
Some people may argue with the ly on flow rate than on concentra-
order presented above. Remember, tion, so any dilution increases cost.
though, that these are heuristics, In an extreme situation that happens
which by their nature apply in "typi- Treat it right all too often, hoses and sinks are
cal" situations. If your "typical" sit- Pollution-prevention activities left running, either due to careless-
uations are different than mine, rear- should reduce the quantity and num- ness or a false belief that dilution
range the order. ber of waste streams, so subsequent makes wastewater treatment easier.
treatment-improvement activities will In fact, the dilution decreases the
New tricks be more effective. Heuristics for de- hydraulic retention time of the
Now it's time to address those veloping treatment systems include: wastewater treatment facility and
old dogs that couldn't be traded lla: If the waste doesn't need to thereby decreases the amount of
in. Teach these old dogs some be treated, don't treat it. Be careful pollutant removed.
new tricks by applying the widely with this heuristic, because what Note, however, that dilution may
accepted hierarchy of pollution doesn't need to be treated today be required to ensure safety. For ex-
prevention: might be subject to more-strict regu- ample, thermal oxidizers require
Heuristic Number JOa: Eliminate lations or treatment criteria in the that the pollutant concentration be
waste or emissions at the source. future. If new treatment require- diluted to less than 25% of the
]Ob: Reduce the quantity or toxi- ments may be looming just over the lower-explosive limit (LEL).
city of waste or emissions. horizon, disregard this heuristic. lld: Pretreat concentrated wastes.
10c: Recycle usable process ma- llb: Group similar or synergistic This might also be called the Pareto
terials from wastes to the process waste streams together. Streams Heuristic: Typically, most of the pol-
that generates them. may be grouped for such reasons as: lution treatment load comes from a
JOd: Recycle usable process mate- the streams need similar pretreat- small fraction of the waste stream vol-
rials from wastes to another process. ment before being combined for ume. Taking advantage of the lower
In multiproduct plants, opportu- general treatment; the streams need cost of low-volume treatment, the ma-
nities for both types of recycle fre- similar treatment before discharge; jority of the pollution load can be


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streams come together at a common

point, and measure flow and con-
Address Address I Address I
centration. Such common points in-
First Second : First
1 clude the wastewater treatment
plant or publicly owned treatment
works (POTW) discharge, com-
bined process exhausts, scrubber or
oxidizer inlets, hazardous-waste
management areas, and storm-sewer
Second Path of
Highest Highest outfalls.
Impact Impact Then, "swim upstream." Take a
sample and flow measurement of
each branch upstream of the point
To Find the First To Rnd the Second where the streams meet. Choose the
Issue to Address Issue to Address branch with the worst impact and
"swim" upstream again to the next
dividing point, and so on, until you
reach the highest impact source of
■ Figure I. "Swim upstream" to find the operation with the highest impact.
pollution. Address that source using
the other heuristics already dis-
taken care of at a relatively low cost. product plants know fairly well the cussed. Then, retreat to the next-
The remaining low-strength wastes weights of the raw materials fed, the highest impact branch and repeat the
can be treated more simply and at a products manufactured, and the procedure. This process is dia-
lower cost. Numerous pretreatment manifested wastes generated, but grammed in Figure 1.
options are available, including floc- don't know wastewater or exhaust
culation, extraction, removal of large flows . Air and water flow rates may Concluding remarks
molecules and polymers, sequencing not be accurately measured, and Since the challenges presented by
batch reactors for high concentrations even isolating one processes stream multiproduct plants involve pollu-
of readily biodegradable substances, from another can be confounded by tion generated by activities other
and many others. complicated chemical sewer or ex- than the routine manufacture of
lle: Avoid treating air by trans- haust networks. products, the heuristics presented
ferring pollutant to water, and avoid These plants should apply here for addressing these challenges
treating water by transferring pollu- Heuristic Number 12: Think like a also extend well beyond routine pro-
tant to air. While such transferal salmon. This means find where duction. It is hoped that these guide-
may work for a while, ultimately it lines will be helpful to you in your
is a waste of money. It may be that pollution prevention and waste treat-
by moving the discharge from one ment efforts. It's a big job, so let's
point to another, some permit flexi- get started. DD
bility can be obtained. But, it is just
good stewardship - and good eco-
nomics - to not spend money on a
system that really doesn't accom- S. le Sa1G£1 is laadernf.enviro,runental science
plish an environmental benefit. If _:and engineering. et OWens Coming's Science
andTechnoloqy Center, Gra1Willa; OH_!Phone:
solvent is air-stripped from water, · 17401 :µNi!!!l2; Fax: ~40l 32l-7567; e;m,il:
sooner or later the exhaust air will _~a has
need to be treated, at added capital _more than 20 ya•FSof experience in-pollution
cost. Scrubbing may, in some cases, pr!!veftlion, environmental .engineering; am!
prnc;6$$ research and d11valopmant. Ke
not actually reduce emissions at all, · .wo1ed tor Rohm and ~aasfor 1,8 years
but rather just transfer the point of . b.etor, joinl11g Owens .coming in 1~- He
emission from the process stack to , ~btained his ~Sand,MS in chemical _ ·
the aeration basin. engineering ffOIJI ~as$8'chuselt$ lnSlitl!te of
Telihnnloov in 1978, Scott ln m.em~er of
AIChE and is tl'ie 1999 vice chair of AIChE's
If all else fails ... C11nterfor Waste Reduction Technologies. _
Developing the waste inventory
can often be difficult. Some multi-


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