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Name: John Ryan B.

Date: August 25, 2023


1. Reflect on your emotional state over the past month. What are some recurring
emotions you've experienced? How do these emotions impact your daily life and
interactions with others?

I have experienced sadness in these past months, however, I have managed to get by with these
feelings. Sometimes, I can feel like my feelings control how I think and act to the point where I feel like
not in control. Experiencing and expressing emotions are integral parts of life. Being both sad and
happy at the same time is like being in the middle of a seesaw and unsure of which side to lean on.

2. Pay attention to your inner dialogue for a day. What kind of thoughts dominate your mind?
Are they predominantly positive, negative, or neutral? Reflect on how these thoughts influence
your mood and behaviors. How might fostering a more positive self-talk contribute to better
mental well-being?

Being in the middle of the scales is too much to think about, so I overthink too much, which
makes me hate myself and love myself less. Being with individuals I enjoy or family members
more often would make me happier, as I previously stated.

3. Reflect on your social interactions and relationships. Do you feel a sense of connection with
those around you, or do you often experience loneliness? How do your social interactions
impact your mental state? Consider ways in which you can strengthen existing relationships or
cultivate new ones to enhance your emotional health.

Even though I believe that I enjoy being among others, there are moments when I do
feel lonely because of my tendency to overthink things. I may feel as though I am
unworthy of people or that I am not good enough for them.

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