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A PRESENTATION ABOUT MY MENTAL.HEALTH PLAN SELF ASSESSMENT ‘Mooting diverse types of poople is something | cannot contol in terms ofthe various stressors, However, have ahwaye communicated with others by being amiable and pleasant. The communication improves and becomes more effective in this way. For me, the greatest way a er eee ee eee ee eee eee) forme to acclimate to a new environment, bt my nev fiends have made it easier for me. ee eee ins SS ee a eee ee ie Fee ee et eee ee eee CR ee ete eee eee) Ree ce ae eet an enn oe Sed ee ae ea an eo) ‘occasionally sit in my hammock and consider strategies for maintaining my mental ea ar eee ens ;phone, but doing so does not ultimately make me feel better. | instead set aside time eee eee ere eset eat renter MY GOALS MY WELL BEING GOALS © 2.1. Define Your Well-being Goals: Set clear, specific, and measurable goals related to your mental well-being and college success. My well-being objectives are to maintain mental fitness during my academic career and a balanced lifestyle so that | can accomplish my objective. © 2.2, Prioritize Goals: Rank your goals in order of importance, focusing ‘on the most eritical areas first. attaining a degree, completing college, and serving the community aj large. MY SELF-CARE TIME FOR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES EXTRA ACTIVITIES FOR MY WHOLE GROWTH | AM GRATEFUL FOR..... * First to god because he never leave me. * My family as a result of the love, unwavering support, and direction that have been displayed since the beginning. * Opportunity to enroll at a prestigious college despite financial difficulties. * Everything that | have. MY DE-STRESSING PLANS WHEN | AM STRESSED, I WILL ¢ | always pray to god. ¢ Hang out with family and friends. | play PC games so that i forget the problems. ¢ Playing basketball. WAYS | CAN DO TO REDUCE THE STIGMA TOWARDS MENTAL ILLNESS SS ez cy nee SOCIAL SUPPORT I CAN BE A RELIABLE BUDDY FOR SOMEONE | KNOW WHO IS GOING THROUGH A DIFFICULT MOMENT. | CAN HELP BY GIVING HIM/HER MY EARS AND LISTENING TO THEIR ISSUES WITHOUT PASSING JUDGMENT. | CAN HELP BY BECOMING SOMEONE'S FRIEND WHENEVER THEY NEED ONE. | CAN ACCOMPANY THEM TO LOCATIONS THAT | BELIEVE MIGHT BE BENEFICIAL TO THEM. (FAVORITE BIBLE VERSES AND/OR MOTIVATIONAL QOUTES) “IF ANYTHING IS WORTH DOING, ITS WORTH 6 _ _OVERDOING. gs MANAGING MY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS MY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ARE * "Everyone would be better off without me" * "Nothing good | achieve will ever be noticed” + Dear Ryan: normal people think negatively when stressed but always remember that you can do anything if you work really hard at it. Consider the big picture and develop self-confidence in your bility to complete the task. Learn to control the waves, and keep sailing until you get there. 5 MONTHS FROM NOW I’D LIKE TO BY PAYING ATTENTION TO ALL OF THE LESSONS AND NOT IGNORING THEM, | CAN COMPLETE THE SEMESTER, PASS ALL OF MY CLASSES, AND GET GOO! ADES. | WANT TO EXERCISE MORE FREQUENTLY THAN I NOW DO IN ORDE! HAVE A HEALTHIER BODY. IN ORDER TO SUCCEED WITH MY PLANS YEARS FROM NOW, DAILY I’D LIKE TO * Check in myself with regards to how | am progressing. * Write on a journal about the things that | have encountered, succeeded, and failed. * Continue to dream and focus on the goals. * Remind myself that I can do it. IN 4 YEARS, | HOPE TO COMPLETE MY DEGREE AND PASS THE BOARDS. BECOME A PROSPEROUS, PERSON WHO IS ABLE TO ASSIST OTHERS. MY SELF-CARE PROMISE | PROMISE MYSELF THAT... TO PRACTICE BEING A LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN AND SET AN. EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS, | WILL ADHERE BY THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE SCHOOLS. WHEN I'M FEELING DOWN, I'LL GO BACK ON THE JOKES, GREAT TIMES, AND LAUGHING THAT MY FAMILY (COUSINS, SIBLINGS, AND FRIENDS) AND | HAD TOGETHER. THE NEXT TIME | GET ANXIETY, | WILL TAKE A MOMENT TO PAUSE AND TAKE DEEP BREATHS. SPEND SOME TIME EFLECTING ON WHAT'S ON MY MIND OR UPSETTING \'LL EXERCISE, SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY, AND TAKE CARE OF MY BODY HOLISTICALLY (MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, AND SOCIALLY). WHEN I'M FEELING OVERWHELMED OR LOST, |'LL STOP AND TELL MYSELF THAT | CAN HANDLE ANYTHING; | JUST NEED TO HAVE FAITH IN MYSELF. | MAKE THE DECISION TO ALWAYS LOVE, RESPECT, UNDERSTAND, AND CARE FOR MYSELF. i John Ryan B. Paredes September 24, 2023

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