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x Basic  Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan
Business/Materials Lesson Objectives
Empower A1 use a lexical set of nationalities correctly
Worksheet • understand a conversation about people from different
• use be (with he, she and they) in positive and negative
statements and questions correctly
• use this and these correctly
• ask and answer questions about people’s nationalities

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Show pictures of different pictures of tennis or football players and ask if they know them.
Ask students to look at the pictures 1B and ask if they know them. Explain that expressing
nationalities is important because it is the main question that we ask to a foreigner.
Tell students that today they will learn how to say their nationalities and talk about other

Instruct and Model  R  W  L  S

Guided Practice  R  W  L  S

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S
Assessment  R  W  L  S

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