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Aisha Nadine – 16221082 - SF

Summary Response Essay for

From an article with the title “Uncertainty, money worries and stress – gig workers
need support to cope”, published in The Jakarta Post, we can learn that gig workers experience
more stress than other types of workers. The authors, Madeline Sprajcer and Charlotte Gupta
explained how this concern can happen to the gig workers and what can be done to cope with
them. They said that gig work cause more stress than income for their workers due to its
uncertainty and low wages. I agree that gig work shouldn’t be made to be your main source of
income because of its uncertainty and stress.

In the article, the authors stated that gig work is uncertain work. As they said, “Gig
work is generally unpredictable – you usually don’t know when the next gig is going to come.”
I agree that this is one of the disadvantages of making a gig work as your main job. From my
observation, gig workers, like Gojek drivers, don’t work certain working hours and don’t
receive a fixed salary like other workers. Billah (2022) observed a delivery man’s day and
found that even after a tiresome day of making deliveries and more working hours than his past
job as an office worker, his earnings are still lower than the past job gives. Therefore, we can
learn to not make any uncertain jobs like gig jobs as our main source of income.

From the survey done by the authors, they have found that gig workers experience
higher levels of stress than most people. I quoted from their article that said, “Participants were
also more likely to be stressed if they worked fewer hours each week or earned under $20,000
each year.” I agree with this statement because most gig workers have the same weight of
financial responsibility that cause them stress. I have found that most gig workers come from
financially struggling families or have a financially struggling life. Gig work is the fastest and
easiest way to earn money for those who don't have the privilege to learn in school and have a
stable job. Low living standard sometimes makes gig workers think that the low income they
get from gig work is enough. Guest (2021) stated that gig workers, whether they’re in a
developed country or a developing country, are all having difficulties with the same challenges
like insecurity, anxiety, low wages, and high costs. This can be a strong excuse why people
should find more secure jobs to have a happy and fulfilled life.

Some people may not agree that the best strategy to manage the stress caused by gig
work is getting support from family and friends. As the authors said, “Gig workers should try
not to use avoidant strategies, such as trying to ignore the stressful issue, withdrawing from
social activities, or seeking distracting risk-taking behaviors. Rather, they should try to take an
active role in managing problems as they come up.” This makes sense because most people
think that emotional support isn’t a concrete help for those who are struggling financially.
However, I agree that gig workers have to find stress coping ways that are safe and healthy for
themselves. I experienced this myself, when you have a hard day, a home to come to is the best
healer. This applies to everyone not only gig workers. But for gig workers who are having a
hard time, it is best to find people who understand and can help you in need. For example, in
the city I’m living, some online driver communities are solid and ready to help their members.
Based on the news article by Purwanto (2021), the online driver community not only benefits
its members but also can help raise their society's needs as one. This concludes that when we
have someone on our hard days, life is easier even with the stress.
Gig work causes more stress to their workers due to their uncertainty and low incomes.
Gig work doesn’t give a stable income that guarantees you a stable life. This causes the gig
workers to live in anxiety and stress. Gig work is not an easier way to live for those who can’t
have a stable job. To cope with the stress, it is best to find support from people around you and
not be avoidant. Now that you know gig work a little bit deeper, you must know too that gig
work shouldn’t be relied on as your main source of income. For gig workers who experience
stress due to uncertainty of your work, try joining a community of gig workers who understand
your anxiety and know enough to help you.

Works Cited
Billah, M. (2022, March 29). Free or exploited? The lives of platform-based gig workers. The
Business Standard. Retrieved from
Guest, P. (2021, September 21). “We’re all fighting the giant”: Gig workers around the world
are finally organizing. Rest of World. Retrieved from
Purwanto, E. (2021, September 25). Gojek gandeng Polres Bandung dan Samawana gelar
vaksinasi dosis1. Kompasiana. Retrieved from

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