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Progress in Human Geography

2021, Vol. 45(1) 3–24
Modelling urban change ª The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:

with cellular automata:

DOI: 10.1177/0309132519895305
Contemporary issues
and future research directions

Yan Liu
University of Queensland, Australia

Michael Batty
University College London, UK

Siqin Wang
University of Queensland, Australia

Jonathan Corcoran
University of Queensland, Australia

The study of land use change in urban and regional systems has been dramatically transformed in the last
four decades by the emergence and application of cellular automata (CA) models. CA models simulate
urban land use changes which evolve from the bottom-up. Despite notable achievements in this field,
there remain significant gaps between urban processes simulated in CA models and the actual dynamics
of evolving urban systems. This article identifies contemporary issues faced in developing urban CA
models and draws on this evidence to map out four interrelated thematic areas that require concerted
attention by the wider CA urban modelling community. These are: (1) to build models that compre-
hensively capture the multi-dimensional processes of urban change, including urban regeneration, den-
sification and gentrification, in-fill development, as well as urban shrinkage and vertical urban growth; (2)
to establish models that incorporate individual human decision behaviours into the CA analytic frame-
work; (3) to draw on emergent sources of ‘big data’ to calibrate and validate urban CA models and to
capture the role of human actors and their impact on urban change dynamics; and (4) to strengthen
theory-based CA models that comprehensively explain urban change mechanisms and dynamics. We
conclude by advocating cellular automata that embed agent-based models and big data input as the most
promising analytical framework through which we can enhance our understanding and planning of the
contemporary urban change dynamics.

Corresponding author:
Yan Liu, University of Queensland, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Brisbane, Queensland 4072 Australia.
4 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

agent-based modelling (ABM), big data, cellular automata (CA), future research directions, human
behaviours, multi-dimensional urban change processes

I Introduction cells on a grid, which can be regular or irregu-

1 lar); (c) attributes (i.e. the state of cells; for
Cellular automata (CA) were first proposed in
instance, land use type) that evolve through time
1943 by Stanislav Ulam and John von Neu-
and over space; and (d) a set of specified rules
mann, while working on the Manhattan Project
governing the transition of cell states within
at Los Alamos (Ilachinski, 2001). Using rudi-
their neighbourhood. The broad aim of urban
mentary computing machines, Von Neumann
CA modelling is to capture the rules that deter-
speculated that cellular automata might be good
mine the way in which the state of a cell changes
analogies for self-replication, and Ulam pro-
with respect to what happens in its neighbour-
vided two-dimensional CA models that exhib-
hood and, collectively, how these changing
ited self-replicating generative properties
states generate meaningful patterns that repre-
(Dyson, 2012). It was not until the early 1970s sent possible paths the spatial system being
when John Conway invented the Game of Life simulated can take in the future.
board game that more serious efforts to apply Notable achievements have been made in
CA to real systems first emerged. Although CA advancing CA models to simulate urban sys-
can be applied to any system of objects that can tems since the early efforts of Tobler (1979)
be formally replicated, its initial application was (Santé et al., 2010; Li and Gong, 2016). These
to systems whose elements could be arranged on include the shift from arbitrary and fixed cell
a regular two-dimensional lattice. Tobler (1975, grid representation to irregular, flexible entity-
1979) pioneered this work in the geographic based representations (O’Sullivan, 2000;
systems domain, relating this to image process- Bithell and Macmillan, 2007; Pinto and
ing on the one hand and cartographic transfor- Antunes, 2010); the extension from a rigid
mations on the other. Parallel developments topologically-based neighbourhood definition
from remote sensing (where pixel arrays are the to a flexible semantic definition adapted to each
analogue), from fractal geometries, and from entity being represented (Moreno et al., 2009;
raster-based geographic information systems Van Vliet et al., 2009); the use of better quality
supported the effort in broadening the range of datasets for CA model calibration (Pontius and
applications to ecological and urban and Petrova, 2010); new calibration techniques
regional systems. These applications began to ranging from simple statistical and probabilistic
expand greatly some two decades after Con- methods to more sophisticated computational
way’s first demonstration of the Game of Life intelligence techniques including neural net-
(Batty et al., 1997). works, deep learning, machine learning, and
Over the past four decades, the study of urban heuristic optimisation (Li and Yeh, 2002; Feng
systems has been dramatically transformed by et al., 2011; Feng and Liu, 2013); and the
the emergence and application of CA models ongoing efforts making urban CA models avail-
designed to simulate urban land use change able as software, including the SLEUTH model
from a bottom-up perspective. The fundamental (Clarke et al., 1997; Silva and Clarke, 2005;
elements of urban CA models are: (a) individual Rafiee et al., 2009; Chaudhuri and Clarke,
spatial units (i.e. cells) defined by their location 2013; Rienow and Goetzke, 2015), the
(i.e. cell space); (b) geometry (i.e. shape of the CA_MARKOV model (Shirley and Battaglia,
Liu et al. 5

2008; Václavı́k and Rogan, 2009; Adhikari and rules where the rules are invariant through time,
Southworth, 2012), iCity (Stevens et al., 2007), while ABMs are founded on agents acting
Metronamica (Stanilov and Batty, 2011; White within the cellular landscape, interacting purpo-
et al., 2015), and the more recently developed sively with one another and with the environ-
FLUS-CA model by Liu et al. (2017). ment defined by cellular space. Agents thus
Yet, contemporary practice in urban CA have the potential to change their own beha-
modelling continues to be limited by its persis- viours as they interact in the cellular space.
tent over-simplification of urban processes that Given the somewhat diverse practices in the
are both multidimensional and complex (Tor- development and application of urban CA mod-
rens and O’Sullivan, 2001; Salvati and Serra, els due to the lack of a holistic understanding of
2016). While models (in general) are abstrac- the multi-dimensional urban change processes
tions and thus simplifications of reality, most as well as the complex human decision beha-
urban CA models focus on simulating the viours, there is a pressing need for the CA mod-
spatio-temporal processes of urban expansion. elling community to coalesce around a series of
Few attempts to date have been made to capture research themes through which targeted prog-
the wider chaotic dynamics of the urban system ress can be achieved. The aim of this paper is to
that cover a broader spectrum of urban change address this need by summarising these contem-
processes, including urban regeneration, densi- porary issues and challenges, and then charting
fication, gentrification, inner-city decline, poly- a future research agenda towards which we can
centric formation, de-urbanisation, and urban orientate our collective effort in urban CA
shrinkage, to name but a few. Current urban modelling.
CA models are also limited in simulating the
influences of physical and economic factors,
and often overlook the summative impact of
II Contemporary issues in urban
human decision-making behavioural factors on CA modelling
urban development. This shortcoming may be A large number of urban models have been
due to the inability of CA models to represent developed for different policy fields at various
entities at the finest disaggregate levels, such as levels of spatial and temporal resolution (Spie-
individual decision behaviours that drive the kermann and Wegener, 2018), with the broad
evolution of social systems (O’Sullivan, aim of capturing the dynamics of space, time,
2002). Here, we argue that there is a need for and human choice in relation to urban change.
CA models to embrace a wide variety of urban According to King and Kraemer (1993), a
change processes that acknowledge the bottom- model should play at least three key roles in
up processes that are associated with fractal pat- a policy context: (1) to clarify the issues in a
terns and dynamics, which taken together offer debate, such as issues pertaining to the interac-
the capacity to model more realistically highly tions and conflicts between different urban
complex urban systems (Batty, 2007, 2013). We activities and land uses; (2) to enforce a disci-
also consider that the integration of CA with pline of analysis and discourse among
other individual-based models such as the stakeholders; and (3) to provide suggestive
agent-based modelling (ABM) provides unique feedback and advice primarily in the form of
opportunities for urban CA modellers to incor- what not to do – since the politics of any prac-
porate the underlying human decision factors tical application often conflicts with what a
that drive urban change. Here, CA is considered model suggests. By considering these three
as a passive system that provides a cellular objectives alongside the abilities of existing
space which evolves under different transition urban models, we identify the following four
6 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

key issues in the contemporary literature of shrinkage has also been observed in some cities
urban CA modelling. These include: in China, Japan, and South Africa (Rieniets,
2009; Long and Wu, 2016).
 the restrictions of CA modelling to urban From recent reviews of CA-based urban
expansion rather than the multi- modelling (Aburas et al., 2016; Musa et al.,
dimensional processes of urban change, 2017), it is evident that most existing urban
such as urban regeneration, densification models focus on simulating urban expansion
and gentrification, in-fill development, and sprawl (Liu, 2008, 2012; Liu et al., 2013;
sprawl, as well as urban shrinkage and Sakieh et al., 2015; Pérez-Molina et al., 2017),
vertical urban growth; whereas studies of other types of urban transfor-
 the lack of factors representing individual mation such as gentrification, regeneration, and
human decision behaviours and their col- urban shrinkage have been rather limited.
lective implications for urban change; Recent CA modelling concerned with the
 the minimal effort in drawing on emer- process of urban regeneration involves the
gent sources of ‘big data’ to calibrate and application of ABMs that employ cellular repre-
validate CA models and to capture the sentations and complex model calibration rou-
role of human actors and their impact tines. For instance, Jordan et al. (2014)
on urban dynamics; and developed an agent-based model to simulate
 the absence of theories in CA modelling residential mobility and assess the impact of
that comprehensively explain urban urban regeneration policy on the housing choice
change mechanisms and dynamics. behaviours for a residential community in the
We discuss each of these in turn. United Kingdom. Another application by Zheng
et al. (2015) simulated land use change in an
urban renewal district in Hong Kong by com-
1 The restrictions of CA modelling to urban bining the conversion of land use and its effects
at the small area level (CLUE-S) model with a
expansion rather than the multi- Markov prediction model. Their work demon-
dimensional processes of urban change strates the utility of the modelling framework as
Following the processes of urbanisation and a policy tool for scenario analysis of urban
suburbanisation which came to dominate urban renewal, but lacked the capacity for capturing
growth in the post-war years, one extreme and the entire life-cycle of urban regeneration from
diametrically opposed trend – urban shrinkage – land evacuation to redevelopment.
has more recently emerged. This trend is char- Urban gentrification, as a process that is usu-
acterised by low fertility rates, outmigration of ally accompanied by urban regeneration, has
young families, declining productivity and the also gained attention in the CA modelling com-
lack of a skilled workforce (Martinez-Fernan- munity. O’Sullivan (2000, 2002) simulated
dez et al., 2012). These exist primarily in the urban gentrification at the micro level by apply-
older industrial regions of Europe (Northern ing an irregular graph-based CA architecture,
England, Scotland’s Clydeside, Lorraine, and drawing on the principle of proximal space and
the Rhine-Ruhr region), in large parts of the rent gap theory in residential property markets.
post-socialist countries in eastern Europe Following on from this, Diappi and Bolchi
(Großmann et al., 2008; Haase et al., 2016), and (2006) investigated the gentrification process
in north-eastern United States rustbelt cities by applying an urban spatial model of gentrifi-
such as Buffalo, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh cation also based on rent gap theory (Smith,
(Wiechmann and Pallagst, 2012). Recent 1987). Their model included behavioural rules
Liu et al. 7

for each type of agent such as homeowners, housing supply and the specific demands of the
landlords, tenants, and developers, with non- individual agents, both of which are key issues
linear interactions between agents at the local that should be considered. As such, there is a
level which can then produce different config- pressing need to develop models that address
urations of the system at the macro level. Simi- the question of how socio-spatial land use
larly, Torrens and Nara (2007) developed a change dynamics contribute to urban shrinkage.
hybrid cellular and agent-based automata model Urban development is a process that involves
that allowed for the representation of co- changes in urban form in both the horizontal and
interactions among fixed and mobile entities vertical geometric dimensions. Since the 1950s,
in urban settings as well as across multiple spa- planners have commonly perceived that vertical
tial scales. While this hybrid approach is useful growth in the form of tall buildings increases
in representing human behaviours in complex urban density and is desirable in eliminating
adaptive urban systems, it could also benefit urban sprawl, increasing housing affordability,
from considering more top-down factors such reducing energy costs for transportation, and
as urban planning and zoning, social biases, and distributing resources in a more compact way
cultural factors in the form of traditional cus- (Goetz, 2013). Therefore, vertical urban growth
toms and behaviours shared by certain ethnic represents one of the most important aspects of
communities. ‘smart growth’ and ‘sustainable development’,
Beyond urban expansion, some scholars have which further transforms the morphology and
also modified the strict CA model by adding functioning of cities (Palme and Ramı́rez,
constraints and processes that enable the simu- 2013). For example, the development of high-
lation of urban shrinkage (Santé et al., 2010; rise buildings has also been considered as a
Schwarz et al., 2010). For instance, Haase symbol of advancement, wealth, and efficiency,
et al. (2010) developed an agent-based model which resonates particularly with the politics in
that computes spatially explicit household pat- developing countries where the transformation
terns, housing demand, and residential vacan- of cities is primarily concerned with a large
cies. This model was applied to simulate urban population base (Palme and Ramı́rez, 2013).
shrinkage in Leipzig, Germany. An updated Vertical urban growth is also reflected in build-
version of a joint system dynamics (SD)-CA ings with various functions including commer-
model and an ABM was developed by Haase cial, residential, and industrial land uses (Lin
et al. (2012) using an integrated dataset of land et al., 2014). Some scholars also report the neg-
cover and cadastral data, with specific indica- ative effects of vertical urban growth; for exam-
tors of urban shrinkage including population ple, the densification of urban surfaces can
decline, change in household structure, housing decrease urban efficiency (Jaksch et al., 2016),
costs, proximity of growing and declining increase pollution (Aristodemou et al., 2018),
neighbourhoods, decline in land use density accelerate urban heat island effects (Santa-
through the expansion of brownfields and the mouris et al., 2015), amplify road traffic noise
emergence of unintended green spaces, and the (Tang and Wang, 2007), and adversely affect
concomitant consumption of land for new resident habits and lifestyles. In fact, there is
development. The integration of different mod- no longer widespread agreement that the
elling approaches enabled the inclusion of data increased compactness of vertical urban growth
on demographic, socioeconomic, housing, and reduces either urban sprawl or the use of energy
governance features of urban shrinkage. How- in cities.
ever, these models capture neither decision- However, despite the divergent views on ver-
making processes nor the relationships between tical urban growth and its impact on urban form,
8 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

it is only in recent years that CA models of study, Lin et al. (2014) developed a 3D CA
vertical urban growth have emerged (Lin model that adopts a linguistic approach to simu-
et al., 2014; Koziatek and Dragićević, 2017), late building distribution patterns across space
though 3D CA models have for some years and time. This model combines a series of vari-
already been applied in other fields. Despite the ables such as population density, building
fact that CA can be easily extended to incorpo- height, and accessibility to transportation nodes.
rate 3D growth, most simulations have only It provides a modelling framework that captures
dealt with two-dimensional space, with the vertical urban growth patterns across space
exception of early ad hoc examples such as from the city centre through the fringe, periph-
those developed by Batty and Longley (1994), ery, and hinterland. More recently, Koziatek
Semboloni (2000), and Semboloni et al. (2004), and Dragićević (2017) developed the 3D iCity
who generated fractal growth in 3D when to model vertical urban development in the
exploring the space-filling properties of urban Canadian city of Surrey. To further develop
regions but did not pursue the simulations fur- applications of this type of 3D urban CA model,
ther. However, models that better account for we need to confront a series of challenges which
simulating the dynamics of spatio-temporal pro- include: (1) insufficient data to parameterise the
cesses and patterns associated with vertical model at the initial stage of model operation; (2)
urban growth need to be further developed. This the inability to validate the results over the
limitation is not just confined to CA models; all simulation period; and, (3) the inaccuracies in
types of urban simulation models focus exclu- simulating buildings with heterogeneous
sively on simulating horizontal expansion heights using representations based on varying
(Schwarz et al., 2010), despite the global trend neighbourhood cells (Lin et al., 2014; Koziatek
of increasing urban density through high-rise and Dragićević, 2017).
living. For instance, in CA-based urban models,
the state of an ‘urban’ cell is typically consid- 2 The lack of factors representing individual
ered as the final state that will not change
regardless of any further development on the
human decision behaviours and their
cell through multi-functional development collective implications for urban change
(such as high-rise buildings that have multiple Compared to natural or agricultural landscapes,
functions including retail and residential use), urban systems are strongly influenced by both
densification, or vertical urban growth. Further- human and environmental factors. In the con-
more, transportation and interactions between text of the urban environment, this can be inter-
cells are usually confined to two dimensions, preted as a concern for the degree of harmony
despite there being significant interaction between city residents and their everyday urban
effects in the third dimension. The advancement surroundings (Pacione, 1990). Land use
of LiDAR and building information models changes are the consequence of various drivers
(BIM) representing physical and functional that include the economy, technology, and
characteristics of places and the vertical mixed human behaviours and decisions (Agarwal
use of multi-level buildings has begun to fulfil et al., 2002). Among these drivers, people’s
an analytical need in urban CA modelling behaviours and decisions such as the housing
(Batty, 2000). Links between 3D representation choices of residents and investors, investment
and CA are being explored using generative decisions by land developers, and urban plan-
grammars such as those embodied in ERSI’s ning regulations and design have played an
CityEngine software (Koziatek and Dragićević, overriding role. Haase and Schwarz (2009) pro-
2017). As a practical example and a pioneer vide a general but comprehensive overview of
Liu et al. 9

the major components of an urban system, con- Nevertheless, the existing literature reveals a
sisting of three components collected through somewhat simplified capacity to model com-
four types of relationships: (1) the impact of the plexity in human decision-making using more
human sphere on land use; (2) feedback of land or less sophisticated measurements or concep-
use on the human sphere; (3) the impact of land tualisations of stochasticity (De Almeida et al.,
use on the environment (including ecosystems); 2003; Feng et al., 2016). These models are yet to
and (4) feedback of the environment on the capture the fundamental role of humans and
human sphere (Haase and Schwarz, 2009). The their interactions within the built environment
principal driving force for urban change is which shapes our cities, and there is no unique
the way in which the human sphere and the approach to represent an individual’s decision
pressure it exerts on urban land use can have behaviours and how collectively such individ-
environmental consequences, which can in turn ual decision behaviours impact on the change in
affect future human decisions and behaviours. urban form. The critical role of human beha-
Since cities are places where people deliber- viours in urban models has been generally over-
ately come together to interact, our understand- looked for two main reasons: (1) the challenges
ing of the evolution of cities must be enriched of developing realistic operational models to
by studies of networks, interactions, connec- incorporate the impact of decision behaviours
tions, and transactions between humans and the and other drivers of urban transformation
environment, ranging from individual, local, (Elliott and Kiel, 2002), and (2) the difficulty
and regional, to global scales (Batty, 2013). of even observing, but also collecting, verify-
In the process of coupling human and envi- ing, and validating data reflecting an individu-
ronmental systems with urban modelling, al’s decision behaviours as dynamic contextual
understanding how humans make decisions is parameters (Crooks et al., 2008). Subsequently,
of paramount importance (Gimblett, 2002; An, CA models rarely have had the capacity to
2012). Human decisions and subsequent incorporate the most comprehensive drivers of
actions change the structure and function of human behaviours with respect to land use
many environmental systems, which in turn change (Agarwal et al., 2002). The emergent
influence human decisions and actions. To sources of ‘big data’ in various forms at the
assess the extent to which current urban CA individual level could shed new light on how
models have captured the human–environmen- urban modellers might tackle this fundamental
tal dynamics, Table 1 presents a selection of issue in urban CA models, but this will require
urban CA models that considered (or not) dif- new forms of data concerning decision pro-
ferent levels of human-decision complexity cesses which currently barely exist. Moreover,
categorised by Agarwal et al. (2002), as illu- the lack of effort in using such data in current
strated in Figure 1. CA modelling practice needs to be addressed.
Table 1 shows that some CA models, partic-
ularly those in more recent studies, have com-
prehensively considered human–environment 3 The minimal effort in drawing on
interactions in the modelling process. Further- emergent sources of ‘big data’ to calibrate
more, the integration of CA and ABM would and validate CA models and to capture the
allow the decision behaviours of various
‘agents’ to be incorporated and simulated in the
role of human actors and their impact on
cellular space in order to understand the emer- urban change dynamics
gent spatial patterns through time (Batty, 2009; A persistent challenge in urban CA modelling
Waddell, 2002; Jjumba and Dragićević, 2012). concerns the fitting of urban CA models to data.
10 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

Table 1. The levels of modelling human-decision complexity in urban CA models, adapted from Agarwal
et al. (2002: 6).
Level complexity Model components Examples
1 No human decision-making (only Land use (e.g. urban or non- Rafiee et al., 2009; Van Vliet
biophysical variables) urban, roads, different land et al., 2009; Feng et al., 2011;
use types) Liao et al., 2016; Liu and Feng,
Environment (e.g. topography) 2016.
2 Human decision-making Human sphere (e.g. demand Verburg and Overmars, 2007;
assumed to be related rules, population, economy, He et al., 2008; Lin et al., 2014.
deterministically to selected planning, accessibility via
human variables (such as transportation network)
population size, change or Land use (e.g. suitability rules,
density) land use functions)
3 Human decision-making seen Human sphere (e.g. population, Jantz et al., 2010; Haase et al.
as a probability function household, jobs, employment) 2012; Fuglsang et al., 2013;
depending on socioeconomic Land use (e.g. single-family Kamusoko and Gamba, 2015;
and/or biophysical variables residential, multi-family Rienow and Goetzke, 2015;
without feedback from the residential, commercial, Sakieh et al., 2015; Berberoğlu
environment to the choice industrial, transportation, et al., 2016; Tian et al., 2016.
function public)
Environment (e.g. undeveloped
4 Human decision-making seen Human sphere (e.g. urban Dabbaghian et al., 2010.
as a probability function growth, policy simulation and
depending on socioeconomic evaluation)
and/or biophysical variables Environment (e.g. habitat change
with feedback from the and habitat fragmentation)
environment to the choice
5 One type of agent whose Human sphere (e.g. initial capital, Torrens and Nara, 2007; Jordan
decisions are modelled overtly lending amount) et al., 2014; Wahyudi et al.,
with regard to choices made Environment (e.g. distance to 2019a.
about variables that affect CBD/toll road)
other processes and Land use (e.g. land cover/values)
outcomes Interaction: developer-
environment relation (e.g. land
find, assess, and decide)
6 Multiple types of agents whose Human sphere (e.g. multiple O’Sullivan, 2002; Semboloni
decisions are modelled overtly agents, socioeconomic et al. 2004; Diappi and Bolchi,
with regard to choices made change) 2006; Liu et al., 2013; Liu et al.,
about variables that affect Environment (e.g. climate 2017; Wahyudi et al., 2019b.
other processes and change)
outcomes Land use (e.g. historical land use
Interactions between variables
via system dynamics and ABMs
Liu et al. 11

by the type of rules that need to be defined for

such models, and this relies more on theory
than real world applications. The actual pro-
cesses of urban development need to be ana-
lysed, after which rules based on these actual
processes need to be devised and validated
with respect to what the data are saying about
urban development. This is a critical subject to
broach and requires a systematic review in
itself so that we might make progress on model
validation and calibration. Verification, which
is usually defined as ensuring that the model
code is functioning correctly, is also becoming
a more significant part of the process of model
Figure 1. Three dimensions of modelling human- development as more models with different
decision complexity in urban CA models with model
components, revised from Agarwal et al. (2002: 7).
software requirements and diverse data struc-
tures come to characterise ever more compli-
cated CA models.
This is usually referred to as model calibration Historically, research on urban land use
and validation. Model calibration typically change has primarily relied on remotely sensed
involves determining the parameter values imagery and aggregated census data or data
which specify the model’s rules to particular from small-scale surveys. Over the past
applications, while validation involves testing decades, however, rapid global change in the
a simulation model with a set of sample data digitisation of records, expansion of networks,
different from those applied to model calibra- and the computerisation of societies has cre-
tion and then evaluating the output, with the ated large quantities of data with both spatial
ultimate goal of producing accurate and cred- and temporal features relevant to urban forms
ible results. In fact, many applications are based and urban change dynamics (Glaeser et al.,
on rules that are plausible and appear to reflect 2018). With the globalisation of information
rational decision-making, but are rarely fitted and technologies, the world is becoming
and tested in any way (Crooks et al., 2008; increasingly connected with virtual, per-
An, 2012). The rules can be inferred from vari- ceived, and real spaces. Computation and
ables that define various attributes of cells and analytics driven by the so called ‘big data’,
neighbourhoods, and then are matched against defined in terms of its large volume, have
outcomes using various data mining and multi- become essential to tackle fundamental urban
variate methods. However, these rules tend to issues (Chen et al., 2012; Batty, 2018). Com-
be arbitrary unless they are consistently exam- puters have been embedded into almost every
ined and pruned from the list of causes that conceivable type of objects, and the rise of the
determine how urban development occurs. Internet of Things (IoTs) is changing how
Many new methods of multivariate analysis humanity interacts with itself and with the
involving neural nets and related decision- environment that we have built (Hammi
making/data-mining techniques can be devel- et al., 2017). Accordingly, data in cities is
oped, but there are only a small number of being generated, recorded, and stored in
applications so far. However, currently, the unprecedented quantities from sources rang-
calibration of urban CA models is dominated ing from parking meters to smart-card-based
12 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

devices, from crowdsourced application users  bottom-up data collected by individual

to hot-line callers, and from participatory mobile/computer users;
mapping applications to activities involving  intermediate data aggregated and created
citizen science. Big data from diverse real- by compiling primary source data; and
time streaming offer information that tradi-  top-down data released by government,
tional censuses and survey data cannot public organisations, and the private
provide. For example, social-media sites such sector.
as Facebook can track user locations to reflect
the formation and dissolution of networks in Collectively, these data are not only archived in
real time, and cell phone companies can map volumes and across different formats, but are
the movements of their customers, which are also dynamic and continuously generated and
contrasted with the limited information updated, with significant differences in quality,
gleaned from traditional data collection. The coverage, accuracy, and timeliness. Data acqui-
emerging sources of big data offer modellers sition requires a comprehensive understanding
the opportunity to capture and reconstruct the of their sources and structures, and more impor-
spatial movements and decision behaviours of tantly, a clear mind for managing the appropri-
individuals, making it possible to develop ‘big ate information from the vast ocean of data for
CA’ models, that is, CA models at a fine spa- research purposes.
tial scale that incorporate individual human The considerable value of urban big data is
decisions, their interactions with each other demonstrated when it can be linked and fused
and with the built environment in which they with other data sources, though this in itself is a
reside, as well as the way these human- challenge, that is, how to manipulate models
environment interactions would collectively that contain big data. It is critical to realise that
reveal the spatial and temporal dynamics of the promise of big data is equally poised with
cities. Meanwhile, there also exist some emer- numerous difficulties across many dimensions
ging concerns as a consequence of the grow- (Dong and Srivastava, 2013). Big data manipu-
ing size and complexity of urban big data. lation involves multiple stages – from data
These pose a suite of daunting challenges for extraction, filtering, cleaning, formatting,
urban scholars with regard to the substantial re-structuring, and integrating – before being
investment in time and technical abilities ready for analysis. This procedure is usually
needed to ensure that such data deliver the time-consuming and costly, requiring suitable
required information, while also considering computational facilities (e.g. software, inter-
the computational expense of employing such face, and storage) and computer skills (e.g. data
data across a variety of spatial and temporal mining, programming and statistical analysis)
scales. (Labrinidis and Jagadish, 2012). In particular,
The first challenge lies in the nature of urban big data that can be used for urban modelling
big data. The agglomeration of disparate big are usually geospatially explicit, which
data sources spreads across a city as a digital requires geographic thinking, methods, and
skin woven by the ‘IoTs’, communication net- spatial analytical and visualisation skills.
work, monitoring individuals, organisations, Furthermore, data privacy is another key issue
and governments (Rabari and Storper, 2014). since a large body of big data are user-
Among these, three major big data sources are generated via social media, fostering citizen
thought to be valuable to urban sciences engagement in urban activities but also expos-
(Arribas-Bel, 2014). These include: ing personal information with the potential for
Liu et al. 13

use across unappropriated purposes if without mathematical or logical models, with computers
protection (Perera et al., 2015). acting as the laboratory in which the simulation
When data are ready for analysis, the chal- of reality takes place (Haase et al., 2012). Given
lenge becomes how to organise existing data in a good theory, an urban model would be con-
meaningful ways to allow modelling and com- structed, validated, and then used as a vehicle
parison of hidden patterns and relationships for refining the theory through ‘what if’ style
among dynamic urban systems. Data-driven experiments and sensitivity testing (Batty,
urban modelling, particularly where the data 1976; Crooks et al., 2008). However, the overt
tend to be big, is considerably more sophisti- role of theory has faded in many contexts as
cated than the simpler skills we used in the past urban models embed theory within themselves
for locating, identifying, analysing, and citing (Crooks et al., 2008); that is, theory is often
data (Wu et al., 2014). What needs to be primar- derived as the model is constructed. For exam-
ily kept in mind is the purpose of modelling, ple, UrbanSim as a simulation platform for sup-
rather than adapting studies to data that are porting planning and analysis of urban
available. An opportunistic way of conducting development has been developed by adopting
data-driven research may lead to interesting a micro-simulation strategy that directly repre-
observations, but often bypasses ideas not sents the choices of households, businesses,
meaningful to tackling real-world issues developers, and governments (representing pol-
(Hashem et al., 2015). Past studies have icy inputs) in the real estate market in a way that
revealed how big data can help to improve the is ‘behaviourally natural and intuitive’ and can
planning of smart cities in at least four respects be understood by non-technical stakeholders
(Lim et al., 2018): preventive administration (Waddell, 2011: 217). Because models come
(e.g. civil complaint and crime prevention), to control all of the inputs and parameters, most
operational management (e.g. trash collection social systems cannot be represented in the form
and traffic control), network development (e.g. of a theory that guarantees any measure of clo-
bus service scheduling and Wi-Fi hotspot opti- sure. Earlier generations of urban models have
misation), and information diffusion (e.g. pollu- demonstrated the extent to which they can be
tion monitoring and intelligent navigation). validated in terms of the goodness-of-fit of the
Thus, changing city operations and improving model to an existing system, but the difficulties
the lives of city residents should be the ultimate and failures in model validation are features that
goal of using big data in urban modelling, where exist for both the theory involved and data from
urban research should combine both academic the observed reality (Crooks et al., 2008).
rigor and practical knowledge. A large number of urban models have been
developed over the last half century, and most
4 The absence of theories in CA modelling can generally be classified into two categories:
top-down aggregate models or bottom-up disag-
that comprehensively explain urban change gregate models (Tan et al., 2014). Top-down
mechanism and dynamics models, such as economic equilibrium models,
Contemporary sciences usually invoke theory are often constructed by breaking down a sys-
that enables scientific predictions to be com- tem to gain insight into its compositional sub-
pared with reality, with respect to the variations systems in a reverse engineering fashion; such a
in the phenomena of interest across time and modelling approach is typically based on tradi-
space (Batty, 2009). To deal with the complex- tional macroeconomic theories and is unable to
ity of such realities, theories are translated into a deal with micro-level decision-making or with
form that enables them to be represented as small-scale social and environmental problems
14 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

(Itami, 1994). On the other hand, the bottom-up reflected in the equilibrating micro-economics
modelling approach is formulated by piecing of the individual and the firm. This theory pro-
together sub-systems or its components to for- vides important insights into residential develop-
mulate more complex systems; this modelling ment, and there is clear potential for invoking
approach has become more dominant in the such theory in any CA or ABM that captures
field of urban modelling with the ongoing human behaviours. In short, the scope of urban
development of algorithms to represent the models and theory is now considerably wider
dynamics of urban systems. CA models, as one than in the past, and urban CA models must
of the most popular bottom-up approaches, can respond to this increasing complexity by expli-
capture changes in urban morphology through citly embracing the most appropriate theories
simple and flexible transition rules (Santé et al., pertaining to economic and social decision-
2010; Feng and Liu, 2016). However, CA mod- making. This is a major challenge given that
els inevitably have the common weakness of all it requires theory that deals not only with the
bottom-up models: modellers have done little to static structure of the space but also its tem-
link their models to urban theories which exist poral dynamics, though this has been slow in
at a more aggregate scale (Torrens and O’Sulli- progressing over the recent decades.
van, 2001). They have also faced difficulties in Developing urban models based on explicit
incorporating human decision behaviours theory has two benefits for modellers. First, it
(Haase et al., 2010; Arsanjani et al., 2013) and simplifies the process of identifying driving fac-
in capturing the macro-scale social and eco- tors – physical/environment, institutional, or
nomic driving forces of urban change (Han human decision behaviour factors – on urban
et al., 2009). change dynamics, particularly with regard to
The theoretical orientations of many CA and modelling the complexity of human decision-
ABMs remain implicit and hidden, often covered making behaviours. Second, the theory contri-
by ad hoc assumptions about modelling struc- butes to stakeholders’ involvement with respect
ture, process, and software interfacing (Crooks to an in-depth understanding of causes and feed-
et al., 2008). Moreover, their processes, although backs of changes in human behaviours. Such
explicit in these models, are almost invisible with model applications could well be used to cumu-
respect to observation and data. In many cases, latively modify human behaviours (Davis et al.,
the development of an urban CA model is only an 2015). This benefit is critical when stakeholders
additional application of some simple structures need to encourage city residents to behave in a
that are adjusted for a local context (Couclelis, certain way. A good example is the positive
2002). In the increasingly diverse array of CA influence of transit-oriented development that
modelling applications, such models are consid- increases the amount of residential, business,
ered generic; they can be applied and fitted to and leisure space within walking distance of
data and processes in any particular field, subject public transport, thereby enhancing accessibil-
to use for particular purposes, and hence largely ity and promoting healthy community. It is thus
independent of theory and practice (Batty, 2007). necessary that urban modellers pay more atten-
Although a theory is not necessarily required to tion to develop models in accordance with the-
guide this kind of urban modelling, many facets ories of human behaviour. On the other hand,
of theorising and thinking should be brought to some stakeholders such as politicians may also
bear on model construction, and to understand prefer a ‘black box’ approach, whereby a result
the mechanisms of urban change dynamics. For is generated from a model that fully explores a
instance, location theory, which has long been theory. In this case, CA models engaging Arti-
used in the study of urban spatial structure, is ficial Neural Networks (ANNs) as a machine
Liu et al. 15

learning approach, for example, would appear First, it is critical that models incorporate
more appropriate (Li and Yeh, 2002). various types of drivers and constraints associ-
ated with urban transformation so that these can
be applied across multiple metropolitan con-
III Towards a future research texts. By doing so, complex transition rules
agenda need to be considered to determine how,
Responding to current challenges in urban CA when, and to what extent a given land parcel
modelling, we now map out four interrelated might be developed through time. For exam-
thematic areas that we argue require concerted ple, when modelling urban regeneration and
attention by the urban CA modelling commu- gentrification, one often needs to change the
nity. These are: (1) to build models that com- order in which the transition rule sets are
prehensively capture the multi-dimensional implemented so that the various effects of
processes of urban change, including urban regeneration and gentrification can be incor-
regeneration, densification and gentrification, porated over time. We argue that urban
in-fill development, as well as urban shrinkage growth and decline as simulated in CA models
and vertical urban growth; (2) to establish is not symmetric; the way the transition rules
models that incorporate individual human are implemented differs for modelling growth
decision behaviours into the CA analytic and modelling decline.
framework; (3) to draw on emergent sources Second, the selection of parameters should
of big data to calibrate and validate urban CA consider qualitative factors such as land owner-
models and to capture the role of human actors ship and land lease, land use density change, and
and their impact on urban change dynamics; land parcel shape by adjusting the CA model’s
and (4) to strengthen theory-based CA models parameter settings. For instance, the choice of
that comprehensively explain urban change the neighbourhood type and size, which has sig-
mechanisms and dynamics. nificant impact on the global behaviour of a CA
model, can be adjusted contingent on varying
perceptions of the relative merits of other neigh-
1 Modelling multi-dimensional processes bourhoods in the wider urban system.
of urban change Third, 3D urban modelling needs to be
As discussed in the previous sections, few urban enhanced, especially for modelling vertical
CA models can simulate multiple urban forms growth. To this end, LiDAR datasets are a pro-
and processes. Although some of these gaps are mising source of information for 3D urban mod-
being addressed to a certain extent by a number elling, but collecting and processing these
of researchers, such as O’Sullivan (2002), Dia- datasets is both time consuming and costly.
ppi and Bolchi (2006), and Haase et al. (2010, Land use attributes at the parcel level are being
2012), the challenges faced by developers of collected slowly by various national mapping
urban CA models producing single urban form agencies, but policymakers should provide
outputs lie in how to combine the multiple back- more facilities for universities and the private
ground processes to produce a range of urban sector to collect and process the data so that it
forms and phenomena – from urban regenera- can be used for urban modelling – without the
tion, gentrification, densification, vertical need for intensive pre-processing. As a result,
growth, to urban shrinkage. In order to over- creating a platform for data sharing can provide
come the weaknesses and limitations in current new opportunities for urban modellers to model
scholarship, future research needs to consider in 3D. Scholars also need to develop more com-
the following. plex transition rules for 3D modelling; to
16 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

achieve this, close collaboration between pro- in ‘Metronamica’ (Research Institute for
grammers and urban modellers is critical. Knowledge Systems, 2013) and the more recent
‘GeoDynamiX’ (Flemish Research and Tech-
nology Organisation, 2018), but these tend to
2 Incorporating human decision behaviours reflect a loose coupling across different spatial
into the CA modelling framework scales, and further work remains to be done.
The integration of CA with other types of mod- The development of urban models that can
els has been suggested by various scholars capture human decision behaviours and their
(Hewitt et al., 2014; Musa et al., 2017). This interactions with the built environment requires
integration has only been partially addressed micro-scale spatial and social survey data,
through participatory modelling by obtaining which can be furnished in part by the use of
feedback from stakeholders to calibrate the public participatory GIS mapping (McCall,
CA model and enhance its performance (Hewitt 2003; Aburas et al., 2016) which incorporates
et al., 2014). To close this gap, ABMs are an the knowledge of stakeholders – residents, land
unparalleled tool for modelling human deci- developers, and urban planners – who are key
sions. However, the main challenges of ABMs drivers in the urban transformation process. The
arise from their complexity in implementing emergent sources of big data from government,
and designing the real-world rules for the rele- social media, citizen science, and other
vant agents, as noted earlier. Often, these rule location-based services and devices can also
sets are generated using plausible hypotheses serve as excellent input for urban modellers to
but are never tested due to lack of observational understand and model urban change dynamics.
data (Wahyudi et al., 2019a). The CA-ABM
hybrid approach needs to consider top-down
(as well as bottom-up) concepts to address 3 Drawing on emergent sources of big data
issues such as urban planning and zoning, trans- to calibrate and validate urban CA models
portation, social biases, and cultural factors,
which may all be reflected in micro-scale sur-
and capture the role of human actors and
vey data or other primary data sources (Torrens their impact on urban change dynamics
and Nara, 2007). The emergence of open and new data available
Moreover, both CA and ABM have limited from various sources has presented significant
geographic functionalities when considered in opportunities for research in the urban sciences.
isolation (Torrens and Benenson, 2005). In con- Entering into the new era of big data, ever-
trast, the integration of CA and ABM offers a increasing quantities at near real time will ulti-
powerful spatial approach to modelling com- mately change the ways in which human agents
plex geographic systems that are affected by interact with each other and with the urban
physical and human factors at multiple scales space they occupy and transform; these pose
ranging from the individual to the metropolitan new challenges to urban modellers and
region, as tested by Batty (2007) and Torrens researchers (Batty, 2018), and much effort
and Benenson (2005). An integrated CA-ABM should be devoted to conquer the aforemen-
model would provide unique opportunities for tioned big data challenges. Considering that
urban modellers to address various types of these challenges are interrelated since informa-
urban transformation with regard to human tion creation, data collection, manipulation,
decisions and preferences. The integration with analysis, and modelling are interdependent
other types of models to develop extended suites activities, we propose the following four
of urban models has been attempted particularly considerations for future work of modelling
Liu et al. 17

human-environmental interactions and urban contributors as well as the beneficiaries by the

change dynamics. creation of useful contents from big data. Urban
The first consideration is to be problem- modelling serves as a platform absolving infor-
oriented and to clarify the purpose of urban mation from these participants and optimising
modelling in order to identify the requirements solutions to benefit them (Dong et al., 2015).
of data, analytic system, and other elements Bearing these four considerations in mind,
involving in the modelling process (Lim et al., we have the potential to study, test, and refine
2018). This direction should guide us through ideas and theories pertaining to diverse urban
the whole procedure from data acquisition to problems at various spatial and temporal scales,
building models. and to open up a richer context for advancing
Second, more advanced computing para- urban modelling, and eventually pave the way
digms and methods need to be developed to for the systematic implementation of new tech-
retrieve, store, manipulate, integrate, and ana- nologies in the computational urban sciences.
lyse such large data volumes across multiple
sources. In particular, interdisciplinary 4 Strengthening theory-based CA models
approaches combined with complex spatio-
temporal analysis and models are needed for
that comprehensively explain urban change
transformative innovation and effective and mechanisms and dynamics
timely solutions to urban problems (Croitoru Choosing relevant theory should be the most
et al., 2013). These methods should fuse the important consideration even though this can
bottom-up user-contributed information to be a challenging task for modellers, especially
more traditional top-down data sources so that given the large number of theories, many of
we can move in between short-term snapshots which have similar or overlapping constructs.
and long-term planning to address real world Model developers may draw upon specific the-
issues (Crooks et al., 2016). ories either at the beginning of the design pro-
Third, the quality and integrity of user- cess or after conducting preliminary research to
generated data should be controlled and indicate which theories are likely to be most
improved by paying more attention to the secu- relevant. CA models can accommodate urban
rity of the virtual environment (Perera et al., morphology and land use theory by defining
2015). The privacy of information providers appropriate transition rules, model structures,
should be protected and enforced by strict laws and relevant parameters. However, while con-
and regulations – from the time data are cap- textual or environmental variables are relatively
tured in mobile or computer terminals to the straightforward to consider (Wu and Webster,
point at which data are securely extracted and 2000), it is far less likely that we can develop
stored. Only by doing so can IoT solutions gain CA models based on full theories of human
users’ confidence and in turn provide trusted behaviours since they require an in-depth under-
data (Hammi et al., 2017). standing of the causes and feedbacks of changes
The fourth consideration is to promote data in such behaviours (Davis et al., 2015).
sharing and minimize conflicts between data- There is a need for methods that can better
related stakeholders, including citizens, visitors, represent the effects of human behaviours on the
local governments, and commercial companies urban development process. Related methods
(Lim et al., 2018). The art of using big data for for extracting appropriate rule sets have been
modelling urban dynamics lies in effective employed by De Almeida et al. (2003) and Feng
matchmaking among the concerns of all et al. (2016), but much remains to be done to
urban activity participants who are the data incorporate various decision models commonly
18 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

used in ABM, including micro-economic mod- decision behaviours; (3) drawing on emergent
els, space theory-based models, psychosocial sources of big data to calibrate and validate
and cognitive models, institution-based models, urban CA models and to capture the role of
experience- or preference-based decision mod- human actors and their impact on urban change
els (rules of thumb), participatory agent-based dynamics; and (4) strengthening theory-based
models, empirical- or heuristic-based models, CA models that comprehensively explain
and evolutionary programming methods (An, urban change mechanisms and dynamics.
2012). Some machine learning models such as We suggest that the continued growth in CA
ANNs have also been developed (see, for exam- modelling is in part contingent on tackling these
ple, Li and Yeh, 2002), but these models need to four challenges in order to remain at the van-
avoid the many traps of autocorrelation and guard of urban modelling. In tandem with pro-
multi-collinearity, along with a host of ad hoc gressing these four themes is the need to
pattern-matching features that are essentially develop, implement, and train urban planners
spurious in terms of the way spatial systems and policymakers in the use of CA-based model
function and evolve. Furthermore, CA models outputs. This is indeed most important to ensur-
based on human behaviour theory need to incor- ing that urban CA modelling moves from an
porate the probability-of-occurrence with the approach that is arguably the purview of a rela-
conversion cost, neighbourhood conditions, and tively select academic community to one that
competition among the different agents (Liu has a place in mainstream policy and practice.
et al., 2017; Wahyudi et al., 2019b). The inter- The first component of setting urban CA mod-
active coupling of the top-down system elling on this path towards mainstream use is the
dynamic demands and the bottom-up CA development of user-friendly tools that are
approach would likely enhance the model’s embedded within familiar computing environ-
capability for long-term stochastic simulation, ments, of which the iCity model (Stevens et al.,
reflecting the real city comprised of chaotic 2007) is an excellent example in this regard.
human behaviours. To sum up, the current global interest in sus-
tainable urban development has highlighted the
need to deepen our understanding of the pro-
IV Conclusion cesses that underpin urban transformations –
This article acknowledges the fundamental and land use and urban models here play a vital
transformations which have been brought to role. However, there persists a major void
urban modelling via the bottom-up perspective between the real features of our urban systems
through cellular automata models. Despite and the relevant representativeness of these fea-
notable achievements in this field over a num- tures with the current array of urban CA models.
ber of decades, we argue that there remain at The purpose of this study has been to chart these
least four pressing issues faced by CA model- deficits and to map out a future research agenda
lers in contemporary urban modelling for both urban CA models and the CA model-
practices. We draw out these issues into a dis- ling community. To this end, we encourage
cussion mapping out four interrelated thematic scholars to concentrate their efforts on develop-
areas that require concerted attention by the ing multi-dimensional, dynamic, and vector-
urban CA modelling community, which based models to simulate the holistic processes
include: (1) building models that comprehen- of urban change. We also highlight the need to
sively capture the multi-dimensional processes better capture the role of human behaviours and
of urban change; (2) establishing urban CA decisions by drawing on theories that can facil-
models that incorporate individual human itate more rigorously grounded modelling
Liu et al. 19

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24 Progress in Human Geography 45(1)

Verburg PH and Overmars KP (2007) Dynamic simulation Queensland, Australia. She is a Quantitative
of land-use change trajectories with the Clue-S model. Human Geographer with research focus on cities
In: Koomen E, Stillwell J, Bakema A and Henk JS (eds) and urban analytics, spatial modelling and geo-
Modelling Land-Use Change: Progress and Applica- simulation, and the application of GIS in spatial
tions. Dordrecht: Springer, 321–337. planning, policy analysis and spatially integrated
Waddell P (2002) UrbanSim: Modeling urban develop- social geographical studies. She convenes the Spa-
ment for land use, transportation, and environmental tio-Temporal Analytics Research Laboratory
planning. Journal of the American Planning Associa- (STAR Lab) at UQ and is the co-editor of the Jour-
tion 68(3): 297–314. nal of Spatial Science.
Waddell P (2011) Integrated land use and transportation
planning and modeling: Addressing challenges in Michael Batty is Bartlett Professor of Planning at
research and practice. Transport Reviews 31(2): the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Univer-
209–229. sity College London, UK. His research work
Wahyudi A, Liu Y and Corcoran J (2019a) Simulating the involves the development of computer models of
impact of developers’ capital possession on urban cities and regions, and he has published many books
development across a megacity: An agent-based and articles in this area. His books Cities and Com-
approach. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analy- plexity (MIT Press, 2005) and The New Science of
tics and City Science. DOI: Cities (MIT Press, 2013) both won the Alonso Prize
2399808319875983. of the Regional Science Association in 2010, and
Wahyudi A, Liu Y and Corcoran J (2019b) Generating 2017. His most recent book is Inventing Future Cit-
different urban land configurations based on heteroge- ies (MIT Press, 2018). He is editor of the journal
neous decisions of private land developers: An agent- Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and
based approach in a developing country context. ISPRS City Science.
International Journal of GeoInformation 8: 229. DOI:
10.3390/ijgi8050229. Siqin Wang holds a PhD in Human Geography
White R, Engelen G and Uljee I (2015) Modeling Cities within the School of Earth and Environmental
and Regions as Complex Systems: From Theory to Sciences at The University of Queensland, Australia.
Planning Applications. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Her research interests focus on urban geography,
Wiechmann T and Pallagst KM (2012) Urban shrinkage in migration, 3D visualisation, spatial analysis and urban
Germany and the USA: A comparison of transforma- modelling. Her publications cover topics including
tion patterns and local strategies. International Journal migration and residential mobility, residential path-
of Urban and Regional Research 36(2): 261–280. ways, big data application in transport planning,
Wu F and Webster CJ (2000) Simulating artificial cities in neighbour complaints, and ageing issues in the inter-
a GIS environment: urban growth under alternative disciplinary field of urban geography and sociology.
regulation regimes. International Journal of Geogra-
phical Information Science 14(7): 625–648. Jonathan Corcoran is Professor in Human Geo-
Wu X, Zhu X, Wu GQ and Ding W (2014) Data mining graphy within the School of Earth and Environ-
with big data. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and mental Sciences at The University of Queensland,
Data Engineering 26(1): 97–107. Australia, and the director of the Queensland Cen-
Zheng HW, Shen GQ, Wang H and Hong J (2015) Simu- tre for Population Research. His research interests
lating land use change in urban renewal areas: A case lie in the fields of population geography, spatial
study in Hong Kong. Habitat International 46: 23–34. science and regional science. His publications
cover topics including human mobility and
migration, human capital, and social problems,
Author biographies
each of which has a focus on quantitative meth-
Yan Liu is Associate Professor in Geographical ods. He is the co-editor of Australian Population
Information Science within the School of Earth and Studies and Secretary of the Applied Geography
Environmental Sciences at The University of Commission.

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